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Maxwell 49: Recipes from Those Who Can't Cook

Coconut Flan

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RE - Britney in the last thread (my last post because I hate when things go OT and truthfully, I could go on about Britney for days because I've made an idol out of her). 


Literally all I'm saying that her denial doesn't mean her case is over and trying to clarify any misunderstandings about her case. It's not my job to convince you to care about the facts of the case rather than reducing her to simply an abused woman. However, there actually are people who know the details much better than I do and there's so many resources online if you want to get to know the case better because her fanbase has been combing through publicly available records, informing themselves, interviewing anyone they can, to try to do anything to help her. She is the most exploited woman in American culture, and the facts of her life and her case DO matter. She has an informed, passionate, and supportive fanbase that will help her fight her fight. The truth is her case is complex, and reflects the failures and design faults of the conservatorship system at large & toxic Hollywood environments, but that doesn't mean it's not worth learning about and seeing the circumstances that led to this.

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Britney Spears is very similar in age to both me and Sarah Maxwell. I can’t help but think that Britney is living similarly to Sarah Maxwell and many other fundie SAHDs. 

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1 hour ago, JermajestyDuggar said:

Britney Spears is very similar in age to both me and Sarah Maxwell. I can’t help but think that Britney is living similarly to Sarah Maxwell and many other fundie SAHDs. 

Interesting perspective. 

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I was thinking about the stir fry (late to the party- I know) and I came to a realization. I am totally fine that they eat this and it is also fine that maybe sometimes their dinners are fairly bland. Everyone has nights like this and it is normal. What gets me is that this is the recipe they choose to post, and they don't post a huge amount of recipes. So this stir fry is one of their "best of the best."

Now I can't completely judge as I haven't tried it. Perhaps as someone said the onion gives it flavor. However, I am not entirely sure...

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Ok, this was probably already mentioned, but I just read the recipe & figured out the reason for 3 cups of onions: liquid. 

That's also the reason for pressing the melange repeatedly. Squeeze out dem joosies.  (Sorry, been looking at way too many animal anthropomorphisms.)

Amuses me that Teri never thought to make her own vegetable stock.  But then I love soups - heck, I love to eat! - and learning how to cook is a favorite pastime. 

Some might call it, even … an idol ?? ?

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A nice post up for Fourth of July. I like that Steve is again saying that they are lucky not to experience persecution and are free to worship as they choose.

Although if the world is " lost and dying" , it's because of climate change. It has nothing to do with whether people are Christian or not.

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I don’t really get how they know the world is lost and dying considering they stay so ignorant to it. How the heck do they know?

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Teri could just chuck all those vegetables into an instantpot with a splash of broth, and have them cooked to near extinction in 10-15 minutes, no smooshing needed, and some of the nutrients remaining. I love vegetables and we probably eat a greater variety of them than most of our vegetarian/vegan friends, but that is an utterly joyless concoction. Never mind that our bodies require some fat, and there are plenty of healthful options in that category. Steve just seems to have trouble with moderation, so abstinence is his only avenue. That is a spiritual weakness and he needs to pray about it.

To contribute to the cross-forum thread drift, I am trying to think of any food that I simply cannot eat. There are things that will never find their way into my kitchen, such as manufactured foods, e.g., Cool-Whip and margerine. My spouse cannot eat lima beans due to a traumatic incident that took place ~ 70 years ago, and there were things the kids couldn't stomach when they were little so they didn't appear on our table without an alternative, but, assuming it's safe (no room temperature mayonaise-based salads, please), I will eat anything that is put in front of me.

Disclaimer: that last statement has not been fully tested because no one has ever served me dog or cat. But I have eaten horsemeat and various kinds of insects.

ETA:  for those of us who thought that seemed like a lot of onions relative to the rest of the ingredients, this is what the internet has to say:


A recent study has shown that an important compound found in onion, quercetin, helps lower cholesterol in rodents fed a high-fat diet. Onion may have a role in preventing inflammation and hardening of arteries, which may be beneficial to people with high cholesterol.

It stands to reason that the moderation-challenged Stevehova would insist on eating vast quantities of onions at every meal, rather than, say, other cholesterol-lowering foods such as peppers, especially chiles, shitake mushrooms, garlic, and avocados.

Edited by Black Aliss
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@Black Aliss, I recently bought a set of two All-Clad non-stick anodized skillets from Sur La Table.  You need o treat them differently your usual non-stick:  No non-stick spray and a little oil before cooking.  My husband always wipes most of the oil out and put his eggs into a cold pan.  Naturally his eggs stick a bit. At least he usually moved the pan to the back of the cooktop. He needs to understand that a tablespoon of oil is actually good for him.   

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13 hours ago, PennySycamore said:

@Black Aliss, I recently bought a set of two All-Clad non-stick anodized skillets from Sur La Table.  You need o treat them differently your usual non-stick:  No non-stick spray and a little oil before cooking.  My husband always wipes most of the oil out and put his eggs into a cold pan.  Naturally his eggs stick a bit. At least he usually moved the pan to the back of the cooktop. He needs to understand that a tablespoon of oil is actually good for him.   

At least your husband is getting some fat and lecithin from the eggs, unless he is one of the eggwhites-only people. Which I'm sure Steve is, if he eats any animal protein at all.

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Oh that "stir fry" does NOT sound good. 3 CUPS of onions??? I thought maybe it was a typo until I saw her picture. 

This would not be Steve approved, but I make a "stir fry" that, like Terri's is not authentic but I bet it tastes a heck of a lot better than what she does. And while I don't have a wok (I use a gigantic skillet), I also do not cook for an hour.

I usually start with a protein (ground beef or turkey I use this recipe - https://damndelicious.net/2013/07/07/korean-beef-bowl/; tofu I use this one https://minimalistbaker.com/tofu-that-tastes-good-stir-fry/; sometimes I just cook some chicken and use a bottle of store bought teriyaki or something like that.) There's usually some garlic and a little bit of onion in there (like a couple tablespoons, I'm sure onion fans would not consider it enough). Then I add a bunch of different veggies based on what is available/sounds good and cook it on high heat for a few minutes. I don't use all of these at once but common veggie picks are carrots, green beans, peas or snap peas, bell peppers, shredded cabbage (I cheat and buy 'cole slaw mix' which is already shredded for me), mushrooms, lentils/black beans, scrambled eggs, once I used thinly sliced Brussels sprouts which were actually super good, occasionally a handful of chopped kale (just not a veg I buy often since I don't like it raw), sometimes broccoli chopped small, sometimes water chestnuts (I love them, husband thinks they're just ok so I don't always add them). Sometimes a dash of Sriracha or sprinkle of sesame seeds on top. Serve with rice or I guess you could eat it without if you're low-carbing. 

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@bertnee,  I belong to a wok enthusiast FB group and many of my stir-fries are like yours: not an actual recipe that is in one of Grace Young's Chinese cookbooks, but what I call pot wok.  

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On 7/5/2021 at 11:29 PM, Black Aliss said:

Never mind that our bodies require some fat

This! Reducing fats usually improves your health, but avoiding them is even dangerous! It was popular in the 80's but it has been proved to be a bad idea. 

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I have been a vegetarian for decades and this "recipe" sounds awful for so many reasons.

Why does she avoid any kind of fat? It's okay to use a little bit of good quality vegetable oils like sunflower, olive or walnut oil. It's good for the omega 3 and 6 fats: https://www.health.harvard.edu/newsletter_article/no-need-to-avoid-healthy-omega-6-fats Also there are fat-soluble vitamins which need a little bit of fat to be absorbed. At least add some nuts and seeds.

So much onion and garlic! (Don't they fart all night?!) I like onions and garlic but it's just too much for such a small portion. Why doesn't she add herbs and spices instead? They have a huge garden, don't they? They could easily grow some fresh herbs. Rosemary is allegedly good for the heart.

Heating vegetables for one hour? All the vitamins will be dead after that procedure. Most vegetables don't need that long to be tender. Usually they have more taste and vitamins if you just cook them "al dente". 

There are no proteins in this meal. What about adding tofu, beans, lentils, chickpeas? There is a mnemonic rhyme for vegans: a grain, a green, a been.

It sounds more like an eating disorder than a healthy meal. I used to follow a blog written by a self-declared "nutritionist" with a bad case of orthorexia. She posted similar recipes.


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7 minutes ago, Austrian Atheist said:

So much onion and garlic! (Don't they fart all night?!) I like onions and garlic but it's just too much for such a small portion. Why doesn't she add herbs and spices instead? They have a huge garden, don't they? They could easily grow some fresh herbs. Rosemary is allegedly good for the heart.




Between the onions , garlic and those bean burritos they eat on Sundays, I'm kind of seeing why they live such an isolated life.  It might not be by choice! Whew!

I know they follow a diet from a book by a cardiologist (forgot the name).  Does he really recommend no oil whatsoever? 

And I agree, some herbs and spices could only help that recipe (if anything actually could).

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1 hour ago, Austrian Atheist said:

I have been a vegetarian for decades and this "recipe" sounds awful for so many reasons.

Why does she avoid any kind of fat? It's okay to use a little bit of good quality vegetable oils like sunflower, olive or walnut oil. It's good for the omega 3 and 6 fats: https://www.health.harvard.edu/newsletter_article/no-need-to-avoid-healthy-omega-6-fats Also there are fat-soluble vitamins which need a little bit of fat to be absorbed. At least add some nuts and seeds.

So much onion and garlic! (Don't they fart all night?!) I like onions and garlic but it's just too much for such a small portion. Why doesn't she add herbs and spices instead? They have a huge garden, don't they? They could easily grow some fresh herbs. Rosemary is allegedly good for the heart.

Heating vegetables for one hour? All the vitamins will be dead after that procedure. Most vegetables don't need that long to be tender. Usually they have more taste and vitamins if you just cook them "al dente". 

There are no proteins in this meal. What about adding tofu, beans, lentils, chickpeas? There is a mnemonic rhyme for vegans: a grain, a green, a been.

It sounds more like an eating disorder than a healthy meal. I used to follow a blog written by a self-declared "nutritionist" with a bad case of orthorexia. She posted similar recipes.


Well … she did take at least one college-level chemistry course. Maybe this is a stove-top  version of dropping banana peels in Steve’s path? 
JOKING PEOPLE JOKING! I neither believe nor allege that anybody is trying to off their spouse. 

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2 hours ago, Austrian Atheist said:

It sounds more like an eating disorder than a healthy meal. I used to follow a blog written by a self-declared "nutritionist" with a bad case of orthorexia. She posted similar recipes.

These are the people who eat a minimal snack of Pringles after hiking a 14er and dose out precisely two animal crackers per guest at a birthday.

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I just finished watching ALONE on Netflix which taught me that the human body cannot survive without fat. Some of the contestants were catching plentiful rabbits and squirrels (protein) and foraging moss and berries (fibers + vitamins), but apparently that's not enough to survive for 3 months. They were dying for even an ounce of fat to keep up their energy levels. (Fat sources in the Arctic were fish and fatty mammals like porcupines).

I can't imagine Steve and Teri's energy levels under their new diet. If every simple chore seemed like a mountain before, now it must feel like the Everest. 

Edited by usedbicycle
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18 minutes ago, usedbicycle said:

I just finished watching ALONE on Netflix which taught me that the human body cannot survive without fat. Some of the contestants were catching plentiful rabbits and squirrels (protein) and foraging moss and berries (fibers + vitamins), but apparently that's not enough to survive for 3 months. They were dying for even an ounce of fat to keep up their energy levels. (Fat sources in the Arctic were fish and fatty mammals like porcupines).

I can't imagine Steve and Teri's energy levels under their new diet. If every simple chore seemed like a mountain before, now it must feel like the Everest. 

Teri always looks like she could use a good nap (or winter long hibernation). She just doesn’t look healthy-

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When I said "pot wok? in my post above, I meant wok luck.  

Dr. Pritiken was famous for being essentially no-fat.  Dr. Neal Barnard seems to be no-fat as well.  I've got one of his cookbooks and I'm not sure that he even uses many nuts or seeds either.  (I think I made a broccoli soup from that cookbook once and, while it was not horrid, it would have been better with some cheese or some nuts or something.)  I did meet a vegan registered dietician once who was not a fan of extracted oils, but he did feel that you needed to eat lots of nuts and seeds.  

In the Blue Zones where people are most likely to live to 100,  the diets of those people do include some extracted/pressed oils, but also possibly a little meat, some fish, and dairy.  The Blue Zones are Sardinia off the coast of Italy, Ikaria off the cast of Greece, Okinawa, Nicoya, Costa Rica and Loma Linda, California.  Loma Linda is the only community where the lost of the residents are vegetarian as they are Seventh Day Adventists.  All of the other diets are pretty plant-forward though.  

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15 hours ago, Austrian Atheist said:

I have been a vegetarian for decades and this "recipe" sounds awful for so many reasons.

Why does she avoid any kind of fat? It's okay to use a little bit of good quality vegetable oils like sunflower, olive or walnut oil. It's good for the omega 3 and 6 fats: https://www.health.harvard.edu/newsletter_article/no-need-to-avoid-healthy-omega-6-fats Also there are fat-soluble vitamins which need a little bit of fat to be absorbed. At least add some nuts and seeds.

So much onion and garlic! (Don't they fart all night?!) I like onions and garlic but it's just too much for such a small portion. Why doesn't she add herbs and spices instead? They have a huge garden, don't they? They could easily grow some fresh herbs. Rosemary is allegedly good for the heart.

Heating vegetables for one hour? All the vitamins will be dead after that procedure. Most vegetables don't need that long to be tender. Usually they have more taste and vitamins if you just cook them "al dente". 

There are no proteins in this meal. What about adding tofu, beans, lentils, chickpeas? There is a mnemonic rhyme for vegans: a grain, a green, a been.

It sounds more like an eating disorder than a healthy meal. I used to follow a blog written by a self-declared "nutritionist" with a bad case of orthorexia. She posted similar recipes.


It's probably because of Steve's diet. Teri is probably overdoing it because of his heart condition. Knowing Teri the doctor told Steve what he needs to cut out and chose to cut it all out completely. Plus, Teri functions on a budget with Steve's approval. If it is something that Steve doesn't like or doesn't think would taste good then it doesn't go in the pan. Teri has been looking thinner in recent posts to me. I just hope that Steve's insistence that she follow his diet doesn't endanger her health. 

12 hours ago, usedbicycle said:

I just finished watching ALONE on Netflix which taught me that the human body cannot survive without fat. Some of the contestants were catching plentiful rabbits and squirrels (protein) and foraging moss and berries (fibers + vitamins), but apparently that's not enough to survive for 3 months. They were dying for even an ounce of fat to keep up their energy levels. (Fat sources in the Arctic were fish and fatty mammals like porcupines).

I can't imagine Steve and Teri's energy levels under their new diet. If every simple chore seemed like a mountain before, now it must feel like the Everest. 

I think in one blog post from a Colorado trip it was mentioned either by Sarah, Steve or Teri that they had to quit almost halfway through a hike because they (meaning Steve and Teri) couldn't handle the hike past a certain point. Now, I wonder if Steve and Teri are struggling because they are overdoing his vegan diet due to his health scare. The more they cut out the morel likely both are going to have a major scare. I just hope that the doctor catches on and convinces them to talk to a nutritionist. I really think that they are overdoing Steve's vegan diet at this point. 

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On 7/4/2021 at 10:42 PM, Bluebirdbluebell said:

A nice post up for Fourth of July. I like that Steve is again saying that they are lucky not to experience persecution and are free to worship as they choose.

Although if the world is " lost and dying" , it's because of climate change. It has nothing to do with whether people are Christian or not.

I  agree and want to add that I also dislike the words, "bless" and "blessed" so much. It is soooo overused and it always comes off as pretentious to me. Seriously,  he used a form of the work three times in what was a very short post.  

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It's a stupid complaint, but I'm annoyed the Maxwells haven't done a new blog post since Sunday's Independence Day post. I hope everything and everyone are okay. Assuming they're all right, I wish they would post more. I recommend the Maxwells develop a blog schedule, where they post on designated days and at designated times. 

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