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Political Memes, Comics, and other Shenanigans, Part 33


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On 6/18/2021 at 9:58 AM, GreyhoundFan said:


Meep Meep!

8 minutes ago, smittykins said:

Meep Meep!

(I posted that before seeing the previous cartoon. ?)

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"Biden's Communion"


On Friday, U.S. Catholics advanced a measure to deny communion to politicians who support abortion rights.

In case you’re not a Catholic, a really bad Catholic, or just someone who doesn’t know much about what other religions do, communion is a ceremony of the breaking and eating of bread which symbolizes Christ’s body and drinking wine to symbolize his blood. When you actually think about it, it’s kinda weird. Eating flesh and drinking blood? Even the Church of Satan doesn’t do that. But then again, Christianity does believe a zombie Jesus rose from the grave.

Anyway, The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops moved forward this measure with 73 percent of votes in favor from their membership. While they say this isn’t about one guy, it is. It’s about President Joe Biden, the nation’s second Catholic president. While a president (sic) such as Donald Trump is a member of a religious faith, he wasn’t the first president to use it just as a political prop. Joe Biden, like Jimmy Carter, is deeply religious. He actually believes in what he says and is a practicing Catholic. Unlike Trump, he actually goes to church.

Now, the Catholics want to punish one of their own by denying him communion. President Biden, not wanting to get into a war with the Church, said it’s a “personal thing.” But, this move will fail. The Catholics in the capital say they will not deny communion to the president of the United States of America. Seriously, if the president wants a cracker, you give him a cracker.

Besides, his dog just died. What sort of assholes want to deny him his religious beliefs the same day his dog dies? Catholic assholes, that’s who. All dogs go to Heaven.

Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco, the home diocese of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who is a Catholic Democrat, said bishops would not be taken seriously if they did not create the communion document. He said, “Our credibility is on the line. The eyes of the whole country are on us right now.”

Really? Your credibility is on the line? Then why didn’t you denounce former Attorney General William Barr and deny him communion for believing in the death penalty? Oh, that’s right. The Catholic Church is against the death penalty. They were also against the Trump administration’s hardline stance in immigration and deportations, going so far to call them racist. But, where are the denouncements of pro-death Republican Catholics?

This is also an organization that hid sexual abuse by priests of young children for decades. Not years, not months…decades. And they’re still hiding it.

If anything, this reinforces the argument that churches in this country need to pay taxes. Fundamentalists literally campaigned for Donald Trump, with many believing he was sent by God (and Trump even retweeted that he was the “second coming”), and casts Democrats as “demoncrats.” Now, the Catholic Church wants to play politics and go after the president and other Democrats, while ignoring Republican Catholics who support the death penalty and baby jails?

Congressman Ted Lieu, who is also Catholic, pointed out that the Catholic Church is hypocritical. And while a majority of Bishops want to punish Biden for his stance on abortion, the majority of American Catholics are pro-choice. Even Pope Francis has come out against this move.

Aren’t you supposed to let sinners into your church? Even if Biden isn’t a good Catholic, shouldn’t you still want him, the President of the United States, in your house to worship? Isn’t denying him communion an attempt to ostracize him from your faith?

And about abortion: Being pro-choice is not being pro-abortion, just like being pro-life isn’t actually pro-life. How can you claim you’re pro-life while supporting the death penalty? Oh, yeah. Hypocrites.

This is why I’m not religious. I was born Catholic and partly raised in that faith as well as Baptist. Now, I’m a non-practicing agnostic. I say I’m agnostic because full-fledged atheists have made a religion out of atheism when I thought half the point of it was not having meetings and getting to sleep late on Sundays. Also, atheists love trying to convert people to atheism. I have no interest in converting people.

I respect your faith but I don’t have a lot of respect for organized religion. If you want your religious beliefs respected, maybe you should start by respecting others’ religious beliefs. Leave President Biden alone. Don’t mess with his communion. What would Jesus do?

Now, time for a pop quiz: If you truly believe Donald Trump, Mr.-Pussy-Grabber-Two-Corinthians, who had five kids with three different women, three divorces (I can see the future on this shit), and over 25 accusations of sexual assault, was sent by God….Quick! Tell me what church he belongs to.

Creative note: I was afraid this might be too subtle, but Laura, one of my copy editors, told me it was as subtle as a “pie in the face.”


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I have a personal policy of not publishing cartoons about a holiday the day of that holiday. Take Groundhog Day as an example (even though it’s a fake holiday). It kinda annoys me when I see cartoonists posting those on social media the day of. Why does it annoy me? Because when they do that, they’re just working for Facebook. Very few news clients will run that cartoon after the holiday. And the thing is, most cartoonists have been around long enough to know that. It’s one of those things that drives me crazy that doesn’t affect me.

But I made an exception for Juneteenth. Why does Juneteenth get a cartoon on Juneteenth and not days before? Because Juneteenth is the issue. We’re going to be talking about it next week, at least for a few days. Republicans are politicizing it and making it divisive. Also, it’s new. It literally became a holiday just this week. So, my rule gets pushed aside today. Also, I reserve the right to break my rules, like my policy against cliff cartoons which I allow myself to break just once a year (most cartoonists draw about 20 cliff cartoons each year. Don’t have a cartoon idea? Just draw your subject going over a cliff. Voila).

There’s another reason this cartoon is being published the day of the holiday, but I can’t tell you what it is.

I’m glad Juneteenth (and not JuneTEETH, like the headline in my former paper, The Free Lance-Star, published) is a holiday. But maybe the holiday doesn’t have teeth. It is a good thing to celebrate black independence, but does black America have actual independence?

Every aspect of our society is racist. The police system is racist. The court systems are racist. The education system is racist. Business is racist. Housing is racist. Hollywood is racist. And our political system is racist. Right now, Republicans all over the country are trying to make voting harder for black Americans. That’s what Republicans do, take things away from people that they, Republicans, have….like voting and healthcare.

Republicans tried again for the UMPTEENTH time to repeal Obamacare. And once again, they failed. The Supreme Court, even stacked with Trump’s goons, threw it out. Will they try again? Yes! Will they come up with a replacement for Obamacare? Hell no. Why? Because Republicans lie and they’re much better at destroying than creating.

Even the foundation (not to be confused with “Build Me Up, Buttercup,” by The Foundations) of all their arguments for changing voting laws, is total bullshit. Have you noticed that 90 percent of the time Republicans talk about all the changes they’re enacting for voting laws, they only talk about the requirement for Voter IDs? They act like none of the other shit is happening.

You know, the shit like not mailing absentee ballot APPLICATIONS unless they’re requested, limiting hours and days to drop off ballots at drop boxes, hiding drop boxes, making it legal for legislatures to overrule local election boards, making it illegal to hand bottles of water to voters in line…evil fucked up shit like that. And when you bring up any of that, they try to ignore it and turn the focus back on voter IDs. Sometimes they even give you the deer-in-headlights look, like they don’t know what you’re talking about. “Bottles of water what?……but everyone wants voter IDs.”

But here’s the thing, kids: Even that’s bullshit. There is virtually no voter fraud in this nation. “Virtually” means yeah, you have one asshole here and another idiot over there…but you don’t have enough to change the results of an election. I mean, usually you don’t. The last time there was enough voter or election fraud to change the outcome of an election, it was committed by Republicans for a congressional seat in North Carolina. The last time there was enough fraud to redo an election, it was because of Republicans. Virtually no black voters were involved.

Do you know what did NOT stop that voter fraud in North Carolina? Voter IDs.

But people voting while saying they’re someone who they’re not, isn’t happening. Usually, or all the time, when someone’s voting and he doesn’t don’t have an ID and he says his name is Ken Adams, that person will actually be Ken Adams. Why did I pick the that name? Because Ken Adams was the fake name used by Joey Tribbiani in Friends…and if women had asked to see his ID, he’d be in trouble.

Republicans are solving problems that don’t exist. In doing so, they’re creating problems. And yes, limiting access to voting is a problem.

Republicans should be in total unity with Democrats in making voting easier in this nation…for everyone. Everybody in this nation should have access to mail-in voting, whether they’re black, white, yellow, red, purple, or making up fake names to pick up women in Greenwich Village. It should be as easy as fucking possible for everyone to vote.

And yes, there should be a national holiday to vote.

The only reason to oppose such measures is because you know nobody will vote for you. And they probably won’t vote for you because you’re doing evil shit like voting against Juneteenth and making it harder for black voters to vote.

Happy Juneteenth, America.


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