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Rick Perry’s Wife:Everyone Hates Him Because He Is Christian


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To speak personally, I don't hate Perry but I have this weird aversion to him that keeps me from reading or watching anything involving him. It's weird, because I just am bored by him. I have never seen his face or read a word that he said (that I know of) and I feel no need to. Michelle Bachmann and Mitt Romney are fun to make fun of. Is there anything interesting or laughable about him? Or should I just keep him off the radar?

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I think he's actually pretty misunderstood as a politician. He gets branded as super right wing, but that doesn't tell the whole story. On a lot of issues he's really pretty moderate, and the fact that he's a federalist makes him pretty safe as far as social issues go. I mean, sure he'd support a marriage amendment or pro-life amendment, but those things aren't going to happen.

His views on immigration and his original stance on gardisil make me like him more. He is my choice for GOP candidate, but I fear that he won't be able to recover from the bad debates. I really don't want Romney, and I don't believe that Cain really has a chance to win. Bachmann is crazy, and Newt is...Newt.

What his wife said is silly, and ill-advised. She's not really political though, and I think she might be speaking from emotion rather than logic.

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Um, excuse me, Mrs. Rick Perry, but NO. I am a Texan and have had almost eleven years of your husband's nonsense. I do not hate him because he is a Christian. I am a Christian. It would be very stupid to hate somebody for something I also claim. What he is NOT, is interested in politics that serve anyone but him. And that is the OPPOSITE of America's whole "by the people, FOR the people" thing. So is most of everyone currently running, but that is beside the point.

My sister will likely graduate with student debt and the need to move out of state (if your husband does NOT win the Presidency) or go immediately to grad school (if he does) to get a job as a teacher. That is only one of many reasons your husband has made Texas a less pleasant place in the past almost-eleven years.

True, it's cheaper to live here since we have no state income tax (one reason of many I haven't left yet, all of those reasons unrelated to your husband, though I suppose I can applaud him for not implementing one), and it's supposedly easier to start your own business (something I have heard but can not back up and haven't tried to find out). I like a lot about our state. Most of those things are liberal-cultural things you find in our big cities, like the one you currently live in. If I moved out of Texas because of your husband, I'd have to move to another state, likely one in which there is another equally dislikeable governor, without similar cultures that are comforting to me.

I've been telling myself for a long time "this too shall pass", but your husband keeps getting re-elected. While I have never lived in Houston, I've always lived very close, and have friends and relatives there. Between how they felt represented and the news reports and other information out there, I was so sure former Houston Mayor Bill White would have become our new governor last year, but somehow your husband managed to steamroll his way back in through incumbency. I doubt this is Texan's simply voting straight party tickets; we have a lot of Democrats in this state, and for all that the Religious Right keeps passing state laws that are offensive, the people themselves are fairly centrist. Again, this is a failing to uphold that "by the people, for the people" thing, one of, if not the most quotable line in the Gettysburg Address.

Your husband is not all full of bad ideas. I was disappointed he could never seem to get anyone on board with the Trans-Texas Corridor. Getting more passenger rail options in this state is something I could really get behind. It saddens me I can not get on Amtrak in Houston and go direct to Austin without stopping over in the middle of the night in San Antonio, and that I could not go from Houston to Dallas at all, not to mention all the smaller towns and cities in this state. Based on current fares, it's heaps cheaper than even an instate $69 flight on Southwest Airlines, and for all that Europeans like to railroad (pun not intended) over us for our public transportation issues, when cheap public transportation does not exist, it simply does not exist. My car isn't just a pollution factory, it's a necessary evil for me to get to work every day. The New Englanders and non-Americans who like to tell me how horrible I am for not taking the train or the subway have never explained where I and my fellow Texans are supposed to find or erect these lovely transportation options.

This however, is not a good reason to vote for your husband, as it's obvious, in three terms he couldn't get anyone else on board and eventually the discussion was tabled altogether.

I had heard about exorbitant prices on the property your family rents while the Governor's Mansion is being renovated, but no official numbers. The Wikipedia article about your husband links to an Austin-American Statesman article (a newspaper far more reliable than Wikipedia itself) says it's $10,000 a month. This is ridiculous. Even if your two children live at home (unlikely, since they are probably adults with privileges to getting good jobs) and you want a guest room (which I don't find unreasonable) a ridiculously nice four bedroom house should still run somewhere about 35% of that.

Please revisit this discussion after your husband starts acting a little more like Christ and gets in touch with financial reality in a time when many of his state's contemporaries are housing their adult children because they have to.

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Um, excuse me, Mrs. Rick Perry, but NO. I am a Texan and have had almost eleven years of your husband's nonsense. I do not hate him because he is a Christian. I am a Christian. It would be very stupid to hate somebody for something I also claim. What he is NOT, is interested in politics that serve anyone but him. And that is the OPPOSITE of America's whole "by the people, FOR the people" thing. So is most of everyone currently running, but that is beside the point.

My sister will likely graduate with student debt and the need to move out of state (if your husband does NOT win the Presidency) or go immediately to grad school (if he does) to get a job as a teacher. That is only one of many reasons your husband has made Texas a less pleasant place in the past almost-eleven years.

True, it's cheaper to live here since we have no state income tax (one reason of many I haven't left yet, all of those reasons unrelated to your husband, though I suppose I can applaud him for not implementing one), and it's supposedly easier to start your own business (something I have heard but can not back up and haven't tried to find out). I like a lot about our state. Most of those things are liberal-cultural things you find in our big cities, like the one you currently live in. If I moved out of Texas because of your husband, I'd have to move to another state, likely one in which there is another equally dislikeable governor, without similar cultures that are comforting to me.

I've been telling myself for a long time "this too shall pass", but your husband keeps getting re-elected. While I have never lived in Houston, I've always lived very close, and have friends and relatives there. Between how they felt represented and the news reports and other information out there, I was so sure former Houston Mayor Bill White would have become our new governor last year, but somehow your husband managed to steamroll his way back in through incumbency. I doubt this is Texan's simply voting straight party tickets; we have a lot of Democrats in this state, and for all that the Religious Right keeps passing state laws that are offensive, the people themselves are fairly centrist. Again, this is a failing to uphold that "by the people, for the people" thing, one of, if not the most quotable line in the Gettysburg Address.

Your husband is not all full of bad ideas. I was disappointed he could never seem to get anyone on board with the Trans-Texas Corridor. Getting more passenger rail options in this state is something I could really get behind. It saddens me I can not get on Amtrak in Houston and go direct to Austin without stopping over in the middle of the night in San Antonio, and that I could not go from Houston to Dallas at all, not to mention all the smaller towns and cities in this state. Based on current fares, it's heaps cheaper than even an instate $69 flight on Southwest Airlines, and for all that Europeans like to railroad (pun not intended) over us for our public transportation issues, when cheap public transportation does not exist, it simply does not exist. My car isn't just a pollution factory, it's a necessary evil for me to get to work every day. The New Englanders and non-Americans who like to tell me how horrible I am for not taking the train or the subway have never explained where I and my fellow Texans are supposed to find or erect these lovely transportation options.

This however, is not a good reason to vote for your husband, as it's obvious, in three terms he couldn't get anyone else on board and eventually the discussion was tabled altogether.

I had heard about exorbitant prices on the property your family rents while the Governor's Mansion is being renovated, but no official numbers. The Wikipedia article about your husband links to an Austin-American Statesman article (a newspaper far more reliable than Wikipedia itself) says it's $10,000 a month. This is ridiculous. Even if your two children live at home (unlikely, since they are probably adults with privileges to getting good jobs) and you want a guest room (which I don't find unreasonable) a ridiculously nice four bedroom house should still run somewhere about 35% of that.

Please revisit this discussion after your husband starts acting a little more like Christ and gets in touch with financial reality in a time when many of his state's contemporaries are housing their adult children because they have to.

I hate Perry because he is pandering to the ultra right-wing, anti-intellectual, biblical literalism forces. I hate him for appointing people so narrow-minded their ears touch in the back to positions where they get to make decisions about school text-books that rewrite history. I hate him for living large on the taxpayers' dime while so many of us struggle and our school districts are having to lay off personnel. I hate him for spearheading a "Day of Prayer" here in Houston and making it apparent that it was really all about

Judeo-Christian folk thus using his office to violate the separation of church and state (our very cool mayor said he and his are always welcome to visit the city and spend their money here). I am sure if I worked on it I could come up with a half dozen more reasons I hate him.

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I hate Perry because he is pandering to the ultra right-wing, anti-intellectual, biblical literalism forces. I hate him for appointing people so narrow-minded their ears touch in the back to positions where they get to make decisions about school text-books that rewrite history. I hate him for living large on the taxpayers' dime while so many of us struggle and our school districts are having to lay off personnel. I hate him for spearheading a "Day of Prayer" here in Houston and making it apparent that it was really all about

Judeo-Christian folk thus using his office to violate the separation of church and state (our very cool mayor said he and his are always welcome to visit the city and spend their money here). I am sure if I worked on it I could come up with a half dozen more reasons I hate him.

Yes, I agree completely. (And you are right, your new mayor is very cool.)

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"We are being brutalized by our opponents, and our own party. So much of that is, I think they look at him, because of his faith. He is the only true conservative"

This statement makes no sense, she's just looking to blame someone.

I hate him and will never vote for him because he's a dominionist and

Anti choice

Anti science

Anti equality for LGBT

Anti pretty much most things I'm strongly pro. Another thing that bugs me about him is, his voice is almost identical to GWB's. I don't want that voice back in the white house.

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No sweetie. People don't like your husband because he is a wanker.

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I think Perry is disliked for other reasons. I have relatives in Texas who don't like him for certain reasons. I think Perry's wife is pissed that about the recent textbook/evolution fight that he lost recently.

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I don't like him because he's an asshole :lol:

And this:

What his wife said is silly, and ill-advised.

Saw Perry on the Today Show responding to the clip of his wife's "Wah-wah-persecution" bit, and he pretty much refused to answer the question of whether he really felt persecuted by the media. I think he's trying to minimize it at this point. And while ill-advised, I do think there is a certain segment of the population for whom the "persecuted Christians!!" bit is like a dog whistle.

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I agree with those that said they dislike Perry because he's an asshole. Which one can pretty much be whether they're a christian or not, so it has nothing to do with christianity, per se.

I do find it offensive and disgusting that he is pandering to the religious right and has ties to that all that Seven Mountains/dominionist shit. Because that should scare everyone.

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