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Political Memes, Comics, and other Shenanigans, Part 22


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6 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:


I laughed... then my smile dropped when I realised that it's actually true and it's happening right now.

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"Trumptober Surprise"


Political prognosticators, you know…geeks, are always on the lookout during every presidential election for the October surprise. Basically, the idea is that one campaign has some real juicy dirt they’re holding close to their vest that they’re planning to release in mid to late October very close to the election. And when they release it, they’re all like, “Gotcha, motherfucker!!! Nobody’s gonna vote for you now, you sick bastard!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!” And sometimes, it actually works out that way.

Sometimes, the so-called October surprise comes from news outlets, though they rarely hold onto something for timing. Usually, a news outlet releases news when they have it and they feel their reporting is as complete as it’s going to get. In October 2016, The New York Times released a story that Donald Trump hadn’t paid taxes in 18 years. How effective was that story? Well, Trump won. Illegally, but he still won.

October surprises go way back and are often deliberate. In October 1840, President Martin Van Buren had prosecutors, members of his own party, charge Whigs (remember those guys?) for paying Pennsylvanians to travel to New York and fraudulently vote multiple times in the state’s 1838 elections (which is what Trump tells his people to do now). They timed the charges for mid-October and even though the Whigs were guilty, the public felt it was a dirty trick by the Democrats and they ousted Van Buren.

In October 1880, The New York Times published a letter supposedly written by the Republican nominee, James Garfield, where he endorsed Chinese immigration and employers buying their labor. As it turned out, he didn’t write the letter but it nearly cost him the election.

In October 1920 (This one’s good), Democrats released information that Warren Harding had “Negro” blood and Republicans released information that as Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Franklin D. Roosevelt (who was the veep nominee) authorized an investigation into homosexuality in the Navy and in order for investigators to find out if it was true (this is where it gets good), for them to engage in homosexual acts (that probably wasn’t dancing to “In The Navy”). The accusations were that FDR had allowed 83 seamen (get it? Semen? I’m a Beavis) convicted of “unnatural acts” to return to duty. Harding won. Apparently in 1920, homophobia might have been slightly stronger than racism.

In 1964, an FBI agent leaked to the GOP they were investigating an aide to Lyndon Johnson for visiting a Washington YMCA where he was engaging in gay behavior (man, this country has a long history of hating gays). During the investigation, the FBI even set up peepholes which sounds less like investigating and closer to participating. The aide was arrested for doing “gay stuff.” But, there were other October surprises. China tested their first atomic bomb and the Soviets ousted Premier Nikita Khrushchev. With such international concerns, the public decided to stay the course with Johnson as Goldwater was scarier than gay bath houses.

In October 1968, LBJ, trying to help Hubert Humphrey, announced an end to bombings in Vietnam and the start of peace talks. Richard Nixon, who truly was a Tricky Dick, contacted the South Vietnamese through back channels and convinced them not to participate in any peace talks until he was president. Three days before the election, South Vietnam announced they were withdrawing from the peace talks. Nixon won. Another interesting part of this is that LBJ heard of this and had the RBI wiretap the Nixon campaign. Donald Trump claims Obama spied on his campaign, which is bullshit, but LBJ literally spied on the Nixon campaign.

In October 1972, Nixon still hadn’t ended the Vietnam war and there were no peace talks. But, he had Henry Kissinger rush from Paris (where talks were supposed to be held) to Washington where he conducted a huge press conference, days before the election, and announced “peace is at hand” despite there not being any actual peace talks at the time. Peace was nowhere near “at hand” and the war lasted two and a half more years. Tricky Dick won.

In October 1980, Iran announced they were not releasing U.S. hostage until after the election. Jimmy Carter lost after refusing an October surprise of rescuing the hostages after an earlier attempt failed. Iran released the hostages literally while Ronald Reagan was being sworn in. To this day, there are still accusations the Reagan campaign somehow convinced Iran to delay releasing the hostages though no evidence has ever turned up. But still, it’s fishy as hell. Republicans framed it as Iran being so afraid of Reagan, they released the hostages right as he became president. The truth of the matter and what was truly obvious: Iran really just wanted to fuck Jimmy Carter. Afraid of Reagan? My ass! They became illegal arms customers of his.

In October 1992, four days before the election between President George H. W. Bush, Ross Perot, and Bill Clinton, the Independent Prosecutor indicted former Reagan Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger for lying about his involvement in the Iran-Contra scandal. I doubt it had any effect, but Clinton won. The lousy economy and “no new taxes” is probably what killed Bush’s reelection.

In October 2000, Fox News (really?) released information days before the election that George W. Bush had been arrested in Maine for drunk driving way back in 1976. Karl Rove believes it cost Bush five states (it didn’t), the popular vote, and gave us the entire hanging chad Florida scandal which put the election into the hands of the Supreme Court.

In October 2004, Osama bin Laden released a new video telling us how much he hated George W. Bush which truly helped Bush win his reelection against John Kerry. It also helped that he was running against John Kerry. This sort of thing can’t happen for Donald Trump because the truly slimy people of the world are people he hugs.

In October 2008, the stock market’s fall accelerated and unemployment reached a 14-year high. The GOP held the White House and their candidate, John McCain, stumbled by not being able to recall how many houses he owned. Seriously. It also didn’t help John McCain that he was running against Barack Obama.

In 2012, a secretly-recorded tape of GOP nominee Mitt Romney talking to big money fat cats at a private event was released. In it, Romney chastised half of the nation by saying, “There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has responsibility to care for them.” After the election, even Romney admitted it sank any hope he had of winning. He told an interviewer, “There’s no question that hurt and did real damage to my campaign.” It also hurt that he was running against Barack Obama.

Rolling Stone (the magazine, not the band), claims the 2016 election had over two dozen October surprises. There were Trump’s taxes, the revelation he lost $916 million in 1995, New York state shut down his illegal charity, the Hollywood Access tape came out (“grab them by the pussy”), reports that Trump would barge into teenage beauty contestants’ dressing rooms to ogle them while they were naked, more allegations of Trump’s groping, release of a tape of Trump saying about a pre-teen, “I am going to be dating her in 10 years,” another tape of Trump telling a group of 14-year-old girls, “Just think, in a couple of years I’ll be dating you,” revelations of a direct communication link between the Trump campaign and the largest private Russian bank, more allegations of Trump’s groping, news the FBI was investigating a tip that Russia had been cultivating Trump for the presidency for years, and then a bunch of more accusations of Trump’s groping.

But what also came out was FBI Directory James Comey telling the public he was investigating Hillary Clinton’s emails, emails that belonged to Anthony Weiner, then conducting a second press conference saying there wouldn’t be any charges against Clinton. After being gaslighted by the Far Right for over two decades, all the public needed to hear was the FBI director say “Hillary” and “investigation” in the same sentence. Thank you, James motherfucker Comey. Basically, the gaslighting of Hillary Clinton outweighed the creepiness of a racist old conman who steals from charities telling pre-teens he’ll be dating them in the future. This country is fucked up.

This October, Donald Trump keeps going for the October surprise and he keeps failing. This week, The New York Post published a story about Hunter Biden’s emails between him and Ukraine. Of course, The New York Post is a shit tabloid so it’s nothing.

Donald Trump was hoping a huge reveal would come out from his corrupt Justice Department about Obama and Biden unmasking Michael Flynn during an FBI investigation. Trump, senators like Rand Paul, congressmen like Jim Jordan, and Fox News fucknuts have been telling us this is “treason.” This week, the Justice Department’s politically-motivated investigation into its own investigation landed with such a thud, that they didn’t even bother with a public report.

Now, Trump is getting desperate. His latest October surprise is that the raid Obama authorized that killed bin Laden didn’t kill bin Laden. No, it killed a body double. Donald Trump retweeted a conspiracy theory by Qanon despite saying last night at his train wreck of a town hall, that he doesn’t know anything about Qanon.

We have about 20 days until the election. Expect more “surprises,” especially as Trump’s polls get worse and he becomes more desperate. I expect them to resemble this cartoon.

If you think we’ve seen insane Trump now, wait until we get even closer to November 3. And for full-on crazy Trump, wait until after he loses.


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"Flock Together"


NBC’s Savannah Guthrie did a commendable job Thursday night pushing back on Donald Trump’s crazy. Most journalists who have come face-to-face with Donald Trump have failed to push back as much as Ms. Guthrie did. But to be fair, Donald Trump is hard to talk over and there’s usually more crazy than any one journalist can cover in one setting.

Let’s go over Donald Trump’s refusal to condemn Qanon, the insane cult that’s made up of racists and potential terrorists.

Qanon is a cult that has sprouted up online. The followers believe in this guy named Q, who goes to their forums and tells them what’s really happening in our federal government. Q is supposed to be a deep state insider with connections. Without any evidence, Qanon followers believe this. And without any evidence, they believe the federal government is run by a cabal of Satanic worshipping cannibalistic pedophile Democrats…and Donald Trump is the savior who’s going to put an end to all of it. As ridiculous as all that sounds, they truly believe it. They go to his rallies with signs saying, “I’m Q.”

Qanon is where Pizzagate came from. Because of these insane conspiracy theories, a fucked up goober went to Washington, DC and shot into a pizza parlor. Why? Because Q said Hillary Clinton and other deep state Democrats were operating a child sex slave ring from within the parlor’s basement. There were no Democrats, no child slaves, no pedophilia, and not even a basement. There was only pizza and ping pongs. Seriously, the place has ping pong tables. It’s cool.

But, the gun fucker still shot into the place. Fortunately, no one was wounded. And to this day, Qanon followers still believe there’s a child sex slave operation going on inside the parlor’s basement run by Hillary Clinton.

And get this: All of this came from one of the emails leaked by Wikileaks to help the 2016 Trump campaign in which one Democrat wrote to another, “hey, let’s get a pizza sometime.”

The FBI believes Qanon poses a terrorism threat when it’s actually led to terrorism. The attack on Comet Ping Pong Pizza was terrorism. The Pittsburgh synagogue shooting that killed 11 people has connections to Qanon. A California bomb maker made references to Qanon, Pizzagate, and the New World Order. Many of the Q fuckers also believe the Deep State is full of lizard people. Seriously.

Kids, here’s a reminder: These people are terrorists, even if they’re white.

So, on Thursday night, when given an opportunity to call them out for their racism, crazy theories, or just that he doesn’t believe in their bullshit, Donald Trump refused. In fact, Donald Trump retweets their crazy shit.

Donald Trump’s most recent retweet of Q is that Navy Seals didn’t kill bin Laden but instead, got his body double. Donald Trump, the president (sic) of the United States retweets this shit despite having access to the best information in the world.

If Osama bin Laden was still alive, we’d all know it because Donald Trump would have set up a summit and a photo-op with him.

Donald Trump told Savannah Guthrie he couldn’t call them out because he wasn’t that familiar with them other than they like him and they don’t like pedophiles (which is living in Oppositeland). Then, he defended their fight against pedophilia.

Kids, spreading crazy conspiracy theories is NOT fighting pedophilia. Can someone name one pedophile stopped by Qanon followers? Instead, they believe champion against pedophilia is Mr. Pussy Grabber who’s been accused of rape and has admitted to barging into teenage beauty contestants’ dressing rooms and says about preteens, “Hey, I’ll be dating her in a few years.” Their savior is the guy who talks about dating his daughter.

Savannah told Trump who Qanon is. She told him about the deep state Democrats and the pedophile beliefs. He still refused to call them out. But in doing so, he also didn’t state that he DOES NOT believe Democrats are a bunch of cannibalistic Satanic pedophiles. Did anyone else besides myself catch that?

He couldn’t even give the fake defense of, “I don’t know if they actually believe that, but I can tell you I don’t.” Nope. He let it linger. And just like he gave the Proud Boys a call out, he gave Qanon one too. He refused to debunk their crazy shit.

While saying he doesn’t know who Qanon is, keep in mind, he’s retweeted them over 200 times. He knows who they are. Trump says it’s “someone’s opinion” and he’s just putting it out there. Kids, retweets are ALWAYS endorsements. He’s not retweeting “Antifa” or Black Lives Matter.

In fact, when asked about Qanon, he said he doesn’t know who they are but he knows all about Antifa and Black Lives Matter and their “burning down Democratic-run cities.” Here’s where Savannah missed one chance to push back and could have asked if he knows about Michigan terrorists who plot to kidnap Democratic governors. Do you know how many people Antifa and Black Lives Matter have killed? Zero. Do you know how many people Donald Trump supporters have killed? Go ask Kyle Rittenhouse.

Donald Trump isn’t just giving credibility to crazy conspiracy theorists and assorted Nazis. In his retweets, shout-outs, and denials, he’s recruiting terrorists.


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1 minute ago, GreyhoundFan said:


Sorry putin. You made him. You encouraged him. You get to keep him. maybe you could keep him around like a poorly trained house pet and give him a phone that's not actually connected to the internet so he could pretend post on Twitter all day long. Just put on Fox news and he'll be fine.

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