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Duggars by the Dozen 36: The Drought Has Ended with Jessa's Announcement

Coconut Flan

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Yes, the older girls mentioned accidentally grabbing some champagne at a publicity event at one point, and they didn't like it. I can't imagine any of them would drink willingly, though virgin cocktails are pure sugar and therefore freaking delicious, so they've probably had one of those at one point. Jeremy is not strictly anti-alcohol. so if any Duggar girl has willingly consumed a glass of wine, my money's on Jinger (though I still find it unlikely). I've never had wine at church (I have a mild sulphite intolerance) but what I find unusual is fundie's sheer rejection of the scripture on that point. Like, they are so literal with so many points of the bible, but they just insist that the literal words that are in the bible concerning some of Jesus's most famous miracles are just.... wrong? They don't even go through the effort of explaining that water wasn't safe to drink then, but it is now, or that it was a celebratory and special drink in that culture. There are tons of reasons to justify not drinking alcohol now, while still accepting that they drank it in the Bible, but they just.... don't. So fucking lazy and hypocritical. Grape juice. :confusion-scratchheadyellow:

On that note, I'm drinking a Jack Rose right now - 2 oz apple brandy, 1 oz lime juice, and .5 oz homemade grenadine (the store bought stuff is just sugar and red dye, I don't really like it). It tastes like an adult juice box. Definitely recommend it to the cocktail drinkers of FJ.

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Both Jim Bob and Michelle had relatives who were hard-core alcoholics. Michelle’s father actually had to go into foster care because his widowed mother was too drunk to care for him. When I heard them speak last year, they said that’s why there’s no alcohol in their home.

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My go to "it     doesn't taste like alcohol" drink is a Long Island Iced Tea. Yummy!

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1 hour ago, QuiverFullofBooks said:

Both Jim Bob and Michelle had relatives who were hard-core alcoholics. Michelle’s father actually had to go into foster care because his widowed mother was too drunk to care for him. When I heard them speak last year, they said that’s why there’s no alcohol in their home.

This I can understand. My dad is an alcoholic and I had no interest in alcohol until I went to college as a result. I did drink on occasion, but it was definitely something I was pretty cautious about. Now I only have one glass of wine* on special occasions, but that’s mostly because I’ve had panic attacks triggered by alcohol. I need to be functional and healthy in order to care for my daughter. 

*If I even drink that much. I’m very much a lightweight when it comes to booze. 

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I completely understand caution with alcohol when there’s a family history of alcoholism. I have family members with drug and alcohol problems on both sides. I’m definitely more mindful of my own consumption because of it. 

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20 minutes ago, VelociRapture said:

T*If I even drink that much. I’m very much a lightweight when it comes to booze. 

Pleased to meetcha. I'm a lightweight, too. I also remember every stupid thing I say or do under the unfluence. Because of that, I drink very sparingly when I do drink, and I only drink in the company of my immediate family or very close friends.

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No alcohol here. None. Mr. Xtian had a problem with alcohol and therefore no longer imbibes. I've always been a "take it or leave it" sort of person. If we go out to dinner, I may have a drink, but I stop at one and switch to soda. Has nothing to do with religion, everything to do with previous alcohol problems. I also come from a long line of genetic alcoholics and prefer to not follow in their footsteps. 

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Ive watched family members deal with alcohol issues, and I've had patients that I had to watch while they detoxed, and watching both of those things, I honestly have no desire to drink.  I've watched people come off some crazy stuff in my time, but watching an older man who admitted to drinking large amounts to function daily dry up was by far the worst, and the hugest cautionary tail.

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I'd be surprised if a few of the Duggars aren't pregnant now.  If someone was carrying multiples I could understand there being secrecy.  I think it would breathe new life into the show for at least a season or two...unless (maybe) if it was Anna.

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I had this dream that they announce as a group but their due dates are all staggered - a birth in each month from June through December.   Kendra, Jessa, Lauren, Joy, Jill, Anna,Abbie with twins.  Ratings gold!  Guaranteed to come back for another year for sure.  

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On the drinking, Josh is the only one I see having gone out to try it on his own on purpose. He ignores the no adultery rules, I can see him sneaking a beer easily.


I also have an odd feeling no one is pregnant, but maybe that is just me being hopeful. I feel like if any one is its too early to announce, but I get a feeling we might not hear any thing till spring or summer. Or again this is me being hopeful. I want this group to have as few kids as possible, so gaps are a good thing.

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13 hours ago, SassyPants said:

JC, do the Duggars have no concept of moderation??????

Not to defend JB & M but I know several people who don't keep alcohol in their homes for this very reason, and two of them are atheists. While have no issue with the indulgence of an adult beverage now and again, but alcohol is not needed in any form to have a happy fulfilling life.  Alcohol has far more chance to do harm than good and in a family with a history of addiction I get just avoiding it all together to avoid following down familiar paths.  No one starts drinking casually plans to be come an alcoholic. 

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My grandparents were functioning alcoholics.They held jobs,but they drank daily.

My father never said much about how it affected him.But he told me of a time when they gave him beer.He was three.They got a three year old drunk.

We had neighbors that were alcoholics.They lost jobs because of drinking,would buy Christmas gifts,then turn around and pawn their children's gifts.They fought constantly.They got evicted constantly.Mr Melon did not understand why they did not just stop drinking.But it got to the point when S ( who was great when she was sober) would call,I could hear over the phone,if she was drinking or not( if she was drunk..she'd slur her speech)..she'd beg me to come over...I just did not want to be around her while she was drunk...because usually,she wanted to bitch and moan,argue or cry in her beer.

My sons all tried alcohol.Especially once they turned 21.One might have a drink or two,the other two don't drink.The reason?See the third paragraph.When the neighbors lived next to us,my children saw and I think it affected them both,,,they were 8,6..and 4 at the time.

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1 hour ago, allthegoodnamesrgone said:

Not to defend JB & M but I know several people who don't keep alcohol in their homes for this very reason, and two of them are atheists. While have no issue with the indulgence of an adult beverage now and again, but alcohol is not needed in any form to have a happy fulfilling life.  Alcohol has far more chance to do harm than good and in a family with a history of addiction I get just avoiding it all together to avoid following down familiar paths.  No one starts drinking casually plans to be come an alcoholic. 

I so agree with  you on this.  If you have a family history of alcoholism and make the decision to not have alcohol in your home because of it, I think that decision should be respected.  I do consume alcohol, but I find it really interesting how much NOT drinking alcohol, or having it in your home is considered an anomaly.   

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I'm just waiting to see if we can get through Christmas and get to January 3rd with no announcements. Jinger announced her pregnancy on January 3rd, 2018. January 3rd, 2019 will make one full year with no Duggar pregnancy announcements. 

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1 hour ago, allthegoodnamesrgone said:

Not to defend JB & M but I know several people who don't keep alcohol in their homes for this very reason, and two of them are atheists. While have no issue with the indulgence of an adult beverage now and again, but alcohol is not needed in any form to have a happy fulfilling life.  Alcohol has far more chance to do harm than good and in a family with a history of addiction I get just avoiding it all together to avoid following down familiar paths.  No one starts drinking casually plans to be come an alcoholic. 

I was speaking on everything. The Duggars seemingly have no idea of the concept of moderation-

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I don’t drink alcohol. At all. It tastes horrible (all of it) and drunk people are extremely annoying to be around, and I wouldn’t want to be annoying, because I have to be around me. And my friend works as a social worker for people who are alcoholics and can tell stories of how it completely ruined their lives. 

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I think alcohol is pretty fun. I always buy a bottle of wine if we have dinner guests, and my husband loves making fancy cocktails. We are totally pro alcohol.


That said, I wouldn't be surprised, given the direction new research is taking, if we all think of alcohol like cigarettes in a few decades. Something you would be crazy to willingly put in your body.

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I have no opposition to drinking except that one bottle of decently priced wine is the equivalent of 5 or 6 boxes of Mac and cheese bites. I’m on a budget and really like fried food, so priorities

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My mother was a functional alcoholic until serious health issues forced her and my father to shut that shit down. I grew up seeing how nasty it could make someone. 

I do choose to drink and I enjoy it, but also take care to not become dependent on it to cope with life. If I am overly stressed I refuse to drink to soothe my emotions. I very much enjoy it, but I try to maintain the attitude if I never have it again, I’ll be just fine. 

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I can definitely see why so many people choose not to imbibe alcohol. There's a million reasons not to, especially with that genetic factor. With the Duggar's genetic propensity towards alcoholism. it makes it even more unlikely that they would choose to consume it. Their religious beliefs just compound that, so I think it's really kind of pointless to speculate on who has tried what - they have a million reasons not to. I just wish they'd admit that, whatever they choose to put in their bodies, it was freaking wine in the Bible.

Also, second cocktail of the weekend: I don't have a name for it, but it's 2 oz bourbon, 1 oz lemon, and 1 oz cranberry-apple-cinnamon syrup. Very festive for this holiday season. I treat cocktails like cooking, I like to experiment with flavors and textures - but only have a couple, total, on weekends. If someone has an addictive personality or past issues, it makes perfect sense to abstain. My issue with the Duggars (and this is an assumption based on past personal experiences with fundies) is that they don't see this in-between - you either abstain entirely, or you're a raging alcoholic. There's a ton of gray area, which I myself fall into, so their black and white mentality is just... inaccurate. And a little insulting.

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When Mr Kool was hospitalized due to stroke there was an older man in the room suffering from wet brain.  I had heard about this but never saw it before.  It is a god awful thing to see, especially after the Nurse told me there is absolutely no recovery.  (Wet brain happens when you drink so much brain cells are destroyed in massive amounts). Actually every time you have a drink brain cells die but in moderation it’s not that bad.    Oh well, all things have a price.  Damnit!

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I've been legally able to drink in my country for about 6 months and admittedly in that time I've been drunk a few times, only hung over once though. In the New Year I'm only going to drink Friday and Saturday (maybe thursday if I go to the doggy happy hour at my local pet friendly bar) as part of trying to be a bit healthier. I'm doing the same with coke (which I don't drink much of anyway). I certainly like alcohol, but I don't see it as a necessity to a good time or anything, and it's far more important for me to take care of my body as I have enough to contend with anyway and have a physically demanding job.

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On 12/21/2018 at 9:16 PM, BachelorToTheRapture said:

I agree, but I could see Ben, jessa, Jeremy, and jinger doing non alcoholic beer or a virgin margarita night.

Virgin margaritas I could see for sure, especially with JinJer's love of Mexican food. Near beer not so much. I feel like beer is an acquired taste, and if somebody wasn't ever exposed to beer, they wouldn't be interested in near beer. Besides, most near beer is awful. The only person I know who drinks near beer is a non-drinking alcoholic who wants to enjoy a cold one in the summer without the booze.

I love the combination of lager and pizza or Indian, or Mexican food.

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