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Bates 25: Moving The Kids Out of the House

Coconut Flan

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35 minutes ago, singsingsing said:

So I did tarot card readings over in the Duggar forum for all the Duggars, and someone asked me to do the same for the Bateses. Here's the first batch! I'm going to copy and paste the same disclaimer I used over there:

Disclaimer: this is for entertainment purposes only. Whether you believe in psychic powers, tarot, messages from the universe, or anything remotely metaphysical, take it all with a gigantic grain of salt (and obviously if you don't remotely believe in any of it you know it's all just for fun). If you are spooked or made uncomfortable or are simply annoyed by such things, I will not take offence to you skipping this post, and have put all the readings behind spoilers.

I did each couple or individual separately. For each one, I shuffled the deck, asked, "What does the future have in store for ___________ ?" and did a simple celtic cross spread. These were the readings:

Gil and Kelly:

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Kelly's role as a maternal, nurturing, loyal, but submissive wife and mother is at the centre of their relationship. Gil and Kelly are dealing with some unfounded accusations and/or rebellion. They are stuck dwelling on the past and ruminating over things, not wanting to let go. They've had a lot to worry about, but there's hope on the horizon. A stubbornness, difficulty communicating, or perhaps unwilling isolation of some sort is being put behind them now.

They have selfishness and financial greed in the future, possibly driven by Kelly, or inflicted on them by another woman (and this may be Whitney - see the next reading for details on that). Gil and Kelly may not be very honest. They fear change and aren't great at dealing with stuff emotionally. There's a possible abuse of power happening here. 

Paradoxically, their household is defined by reliability, pragmatism, work ethic and honour, a willingness and desire to help others and probably travel, and this may represent one specific person. This would be a youngish man with a good head for or interest in business, with the qualities described above. (I admit my mind went straight to Lawson.)

Gil and Kelly are fearful of opposition coming at them from all sides and of having to compromise to keep everyone happy. They are probably trying to figure out how to keep the peace without sacrificing anything themselves, but this will not be possible and will only lead to greater damage. 

Their future is positive. They will be strong enough to get through the hard times and their relationship will stand firm. They will probably be a rock for their family as the future unfolds. This could also indicate that they will stand firm in their convictions.

Zach and Whitney:

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The 'unfair accusations and/or rebellion' that Gil and Kelly are dealing with may be coming from Zach and Whit, or else they may be experiencing it or caught up in it as well. They're having to wait, be patient, to trust that things will turn out right and that they/others will get what they deserve in due course. There is something secret or hidden here that they do not want revealed.

This greedy/money-loving woman is at the root of their relationship and possibly represents Whitney herself, or maybe even Kelly's opinion of her. Zach and Whitney are coming to the close of a time full of new beginnings, personal growth, exciting creation, very probably including a pregnancy, but they may have overdone it in some way or been too optimistic. They're about to be struck by indecision, and if they stay frozen, unable to make a choice and move forward, they will have to deal with a big setback. They are trying to make things happen, empower themselves and start something significant.

Zach is probably the leader in their relationship, the head of the household. He's strong, energetic, and also witty and charming, but maybe a bit impatient or with a mild temper. 

Their hopes are all wrapped up in the beginning of something - either they're waiting for news or the green light to begin a project. This may relate somehow to one of Zach's younger brothers or his son. (IF there's a pregnancy on their horizon this may indicate they're having a boy.) They will get their good news. Their labours will be rewarded and they will enjoy material success and comfort.

Michael and Brandon:

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Michael and Brandon are leaving something behind, perhaps literally. They will almost certainly be moving soon, maybe crossing a body of water. They'll be leaving to escape from something, or they're being pushed out. There is definitely a move in their future but there is negativity surrounding it. There's been a miscommunication, or someone has said something wrong, and there are bad feelings due to this. One of Michael's brothers may be involved in the move. Despite the negativity this is actually going to turn out to be a positive move for them.

These two have a tendency to sentimentalize the past and be overly nostalgic, perhaps unwilling to leave their younger/better days behind and embrace the future. They may have received some good news in the not too distant past, or completed some sort of education or training. They're going to handle what life throws at them with tact and grace. They have good self-control. Their relationship will probably be a source of harmony for them. 

They're carrying a heavy load and have a tendency to take on more than they can handle and get weighed down. There is a lot of negativity among those close to them - pessimism, dwelling on regret, anger. There has possibly been the breakdown of a relationship in their close circle.

Their biggest fear is financial insecurity and debt. But their marriage will be successful, stable, and prosperous. They will be happy together, financially stable, and basically all signs point to domestic bliss!

Erin and Chad:

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I'm going to tell you right now, this is one of the strangest readings I've done. I feel like there's a lot going on beneath the surface that I can't quite get at.

Erin is at the centre of their relationship. She is strong, independent and willing to go after what she wants. Intelligent, clever and goal-oriented. But she may also be harbouring some private sorrow and she has experienced losses. 

Erin and Chad have been dealing with some stuff that they would probably interpret as 'evil forces'. This could be seen in a couple of different ways. It may be that they have dealt with an issue related somehow to addiction or vice that is being overcome or has been overcome. But it may also be, especially considering their fundamentalist religious views, that they quite literally feel they have come under spiritual attack - that Satan has tried to bring them down, but they have prevailed, he has been overcome or defeated.

They may feel somewhat overwhelmed by the world or as though they've been too open or too social, and are now seeking to withdraw and focus on themselves. They have made some mistakes or poor decisions and experienced misfortune, but they are getting help and can see the light at the end of the tunnel. There's been grief and sadness due to the end of a relationship (perhaps a friendship) but it will pass. Unfortunately they're going to be dealing with an amoral, dishonest woman in the future - or this could be interpreted as them coming into conflict with Erin's mother, Kelly. It could also mean there's going to be some subversion of the ideal fundie woman's role.

There are very negative forces at work here and Erin and Chad will have to guard against hatred and abuse of power. There is definitely conflict and maybe a power struggle among those closest to them. They will have to wait it out, bite their tongues, and trust that it will come out right in the end. 

They are probably hoping to have more babies but may also be a bit worried about having too many or taking too many risks. 

What surprised me is that the Paines' future is defined by a woman who does not seem to be Erin herself. This is a strong (maybe headstrong) woman who goes for what she wants but is respectful and generous, creative. If you read what I had for the Duggars, her personality would be similar to Josiah's wife Lauren (though very doubtful that this is Lauren herself). This is a woman dedicated to getting what she wants, but not really in a bad way. She's not a bad person and there's no indication here of dishonesty or manipulation on her part.

There is a lot of indication of a great deal of competing female energy here, or conflict between different women. I would almost be tempted to say, looking at all the cards together, that Chad has some issues with infidelity. But this is a very ambiguous spread and it can be interpreted in different ways. It could be that it's looking far into the hazy future, and this woman may even represent one of Erin and Chad's daughters.


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Lawson is dealing with some bad press. There's been a humiliation, or perhaps someone who doesn't have much good to say about him bringing him down. It looks like Lawson may also have been the victim of a failed courtship or relationship and it's either happening right now or else it's still affecting him. It may be that a goal he had has failed, or he's missed out on an opportunity due to a pessimistic attitude.

Lawson is basically a good guy. He has been generous and trustworthy, and this has been or will be rewarded. Debts have been repaid and he has come into money. He's definitely received some kind of reward or recognition. He may have bought property or otherwise established something new. On the flip side, he may now be entering a period of shallowness and recklessness where he will shirk responsibilities and focus on what he wants to the detriment of others. He's dealing with regret, cynicism, and disillusionment, most likely related to this broken relationship, but he will get over it.

Those close to him have experienced financial misfortune, or this is the context in which he relates to them. He fears change, but resisting it will be absolutely pointless, because major changes are inevitably coming for him. He's going to have to be careful that he doesn't misplace his trust in people who may be working against him in the future.


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Religious concerns are affecting Nathan deeply. He takes his religion seriously and appreciates order and structure. He may be changing his goals to more spiritual pursuits, and may want to go into ministry in a leadership position. He will have to go on a journey, maybe overseas. The changes he's making and/or the journey he's taking may involve him choosing to end a romantic relationship. 

Nathan has been dogged by indecision, resistance to change and a misguided attempt to fight the inevitable. There has been resolved or unfulfilled passion in his past which has led to frustration and jealousy, quite possibly stemming from a negative relationship with a woman. He's putting that behind him now. But unfortunately this experience has made him cynical and jaded, and he will be bitter about it going forward.

He may have some problems with his temper or picking fights and this tends to bring out the worst in him and others. There has been spiritual attack, temptation, vice, or bad habits overcome by one or more people close to him (again, this does not represent Nathan himself, but close family members or friends).

He fears being trapped in a state of depression and regret. Nathan is apparently destined to achieve little in life. He doesn't have Lawson's wit or work ethic, and his pettiness will injure his prospects as well.

Alyssa and John:

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Alyssa and John have a very strong and happy marriage. Their domestic sphere and family life is their world and they find great joy and contentment in their marriage and children. They have religious obstacles to face. They may be breaking with some traditions or subverting norms, or it may be that a weak religious understanding paired with intolerance is causing problems for them. It's possible that they are planning on sharing some bad news with someone and this is weighing on them.

The foundation of the issues they're having is the need to let go of the past and look ahead to the future with hope. Again, feelings of sadness, regret or bitterness are being put behind them and they are looking with hope to the future. The problem is that they may be chasing a pipe dream, pursuing something better at the expense of what is already good. There may be an ill-advised move or trip in their future. There are very strong indications that they're starting to pursue dreams that may not be realistic, and if so they will end up dissatisfied. There are just too many possibilities. 

They probably feel judged by those closest to them. There is a fear of a coming crisis, maybe brought on by a domineering, merciless male figure who will try to control them. They are definitely heading for opposition and conflict, and will have to choose their battles. They won't be able to please everyone and may have to make sacrifices to keep the peace.

Tori and Bobby:

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Tori is probably the brains of this operation. She has good intuition and instincts and is also pretty dedicated to her religion. Tori and Bobby's biggest obstacle right now is their pregnancy and upcoming birth of their first child. This doesn't mean that there is anything wrong, just that this is their main challenge, which seems natural.

There's a concern for justice here, wanting to do what's right and for everyone to get what they deserve. But there is an issue at the heart of their lives stemming from the tyranny of an oppressive man in authority (are you seeing a pattern here?). Tori has probably been greatly influenced by her mother and had a close relationship with her in the past and this may be lessening now.

There is a risk for Tori and Bobby in the future of apathy and carelessness. They may be unwise when it comes to money. A lot of the people close to them act like martyrs. Tori and Bobby hope that fate (God?) will bless them and treat them well. They are basically hoping for good luck. They are going to have to really watch themselves, as there is a lot of potential here for stupid/ignorant choices leading to a great deal of misery. They need to appreciate what they have and not risk it.


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Trace is either courting someone now or will be very soon. But there may be some unfaithfulness or negative passions involved that will present an obstacle to the relationship (there's also a slight possibility here that Tori for some reason disapproves and is interfering). It looks like this relationship is going to be successful, but there may be a little disillusionment, or it's slightly tainted in some way. It's possible that there is a lack of temperance - perhaps some less than chaste behaviour, or conflict and rivalry at work here, but nothing too terribly serious.

Trace has definitely been focused on wanting to get married and have a family, but he's been too optimistic and overly enthusiastic. He's in for some relationship drama, for sure, and it will be an emotionally trying experience. He's suspicious and distrustful now and this may be for good reason. The people close to him have also been blindly optimistic to the point of foolishness.

Trace wants to move on from his old ways and seek deeper spiritual fulfillment, prioritizing that over material or worldly things. There may be travel in his future, or this could simply indicate him wanting to move on.

He's going to end up married to a woman who is practical, sensible, financially responsible, mature, funny, and warm. It's possible she'll be older than him or that they may both be older when they marry, or this could just indicate that she's very mature for her age.

Carlin and Evan:

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lol. You guys are going to love this one...

There has been injustice or prejudice at work here. A lack of action and perhaps an unconcern for potential risks or downfalls, or a withdrawal from society, is getting in their way. Their goal is VERY clearly and obviously: MARRIAGE. So basically, to put it delicately, these two are super hot for each other. They can't wait to get married and have tons of sweet, sweet fellowship. And they will probably have lots of babies. Marriage and probably a pregnancy are coming soon.

Carlin and Evan have put a loss or defeat behind them. But they do have adversity ahead and will have to be strong to face it head on. Evan might be a bit unreliable, loving money/prosperity but unwilling to work for it. There may be a broken relationship among their family or close friends, or it may be that their loved ones are worried that their relationship will fail.

There is a fear of excess, perhaps worry about fame going to their heads, overindulgence with destructive consequences (to be clear, this is indicating that Carlin and Evan may be self-aware enough to have some concern about this for themselves). They will have relationship problems. There will be infidelity, or yearning for more/wandering eyes, and feelings of being taken for granted.

Josie and Kelton:

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At the heart of Josie and Kelton's relationship is moderation and temperance. But they seem to be coming up against some conflict. They're currently not fully satisfied and are looking to get what they believe they deserve. Kelton has a lot of energy and the ability to inspire others, and will probably be taking on a new project or getting some good news soon.

There was a willingness to stick with something and slowly and surely work toward a goal, no matter how long it took or what the cost, and to do so honourably. This probably involved travel. It seems this has now been achieved.

It looks like Josie and Kelton are going to get whatever it is they think they deserve. But they may have a bad attitude - they may be dealing with deception, a willingness to abuse power to get what they want. Things are very bleak in their close circle. Someone may be dealing with depression, illness or injury and they can't really do much to help.

They're hoping for a child (or children) but worried about being overly optimistic. They may have to deal with the influence of an unscrupulous, immoral woman in their future, but alternately this could indicate conflict with the norms expected of a fundie wife and mother, and/or conflict directly with Kelly (and given the context in a few of the other readings, I'd say this is the more likely interpretation. Kelly will having to watch her relationship with some of her daughters, because it seems like it may be on thin ice).

Next post will be Katie through Jeb!

I did :)

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1 hour ago, singsingsing said:

So I did tarot card readings over in the Duggar forum for all the Duggars, and someone asked me to do the same for the Bateses. Here's the first batch! I'm going to copy and paste the same disclaimer I used over there:

Disclaimer: this is for entertainment purposes only. Whether you believe in psychic powers, tarot, messages from the universe, or anything remotely metaphysical, take it all with a gigantic grain of salt (and obviously if you don't remotely believe in any of it you know it's all just for fun). If you are spooked or made uncomfortable or are simply annoyed by such things, I will not take offence to you skipping this post, and have put all the readings behind spoilers.

I did each couple or individual separately. For each one, I shuffled the deck, asked, "What does the future have in store for ___________ ?" and did a simple celtic cross spread. These were the readings:

Gil and Kelly:

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Zach and Whitney:

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Michael and Brandon:

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Erin and Chad:

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Alyssa and John:

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Tori and Bobby:

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Carlin and Evan:

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Josie and Kelton:

  Reveal hidden contents

Next post will be Katie through Jeb!

This is so fun!  Thank you for doing this!  (off to search and find what you did for the Duggars)

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So I did tarot card readings over in the Duggar forum for all the Duggars, and someone asked me to do the same for the Bateses. Here's the first batch! I'm going to copy and paste the same disclaimer I used over there:
Disclaimer: this is for entertainment purposes only. Whether you believe in psychic powers, tarot, messages from the universe, or anything remotely metaphysical, take it all with a gigantic grain of salt (and obviously if you don't remotely believe in any of it you know it's all just for fun). If you are spooked or made uncomfortable or are simply annoyed by such things, I will not take offence to you skipping this post, and have put all the readings behind spoilers.
I did each couple or individual separately. For each one, I shuffled the deck, asked, "What does the future have in store for ___________ ?" and did a simple celtic cross spread. These were the readings:
Gil and Kelly:
Spoiler Kelly's role as a maternal, nurturing, loyal, but submissive wife and mother is at the centre of their relationship. Gil and Kelly are dealing with some unfounded accusations and/or rebellion. They are stuck dwelling on the past and ruminating over things, not wanting to let go. They've had a lot to worry about, but there's hope on the horizon. A stubbornness, difficulty communicating, or perhaps unwilling isolation of some sort is being put behind them now.
They have selfishness and financial greed in the future, possibly driven by Kelly, or inflicted on them by another woman (and this may be Whitney - see the next reading for details on that). Gil and Kelly may not be very honest. They fear change and aren't great at dealing with stuff emotionally. There's a possible abuse of power happening here. 
Paradoxically, their household is defined by reliability, pragmatism, work ethic and honour, a willingness and desire to help others and probably travel, and this may represent one specific person. This would be a youngish man with a good head for or interest in business, with the qualities described above. (I admit my mind went straight to Lawson.)
Gil and Kelly are fearful of opposition coming at them from all sides and of having to compromise to keep everyone happy. They are probably trying to figure out how to keep the peace without sacrificing anything themselves, but this will not be possible and will only lead to greater damage. 
Their future is positive. They will be strong enough to get through the hard times and their relationship will stand firm. They will probably be a rock for their family as the future unfolds. This could also indicate that they will stand firm in their convictions.
Zach and Whitney:
Spoiler The 'unfair accusations and/or rebellion' that Gil and Kelly are dealing with may be coming from Zach and Whit, or else they may be experiencing it or caught up in it as well. They're having to wait, be patient, to trust that things will turn out right and that they/others will get what they deserve in due course. There is something secret or hidden here that they do not want revealed.
This greedy/money-loving woman is at the root of their relationship and possibly represents Whitney herself, or maybe even Kelly's opinion of her. Zach and Whitney are coming to the close of a time full of new beginnings, personal growth, exciting creation, very probably including a pregnancy, but they may have overdone it in some way or been too optimistic. They're about to be struck by indecision, and if they stay frozen, unable to make a choice and move forward, they will have to deal with a big setback. They are trying to make things happen, empower themselves and start something significant.
Zach is probably the leader in their relationship, the head of the household. He's strong, energetic, and also witty and charming, but maybe a bit impatient or with a mild temper. 
Their hopes are all wrapped up in the beginning of something - either they're waiting for news or the green light to begin a project. This may relate somehow to one of Zach's younger brothers or his son. (IF there's a pregnancy on their horizon this may indicate they're having a boy.) They will get their good news. Their labours will be rewarded and they will enjoy material success and comfort.
Michael and Brandon:
Spoiler Michael and Brandon are leaving something behind, perhaps literally. They will almost certainly be moving soon, maybe crossing a body of water. They'll be leaving to escape from something, or they're being pushed out. There is definitely a move in their future but there is negativity surrounding it. There's been a miscommunication, or someone has said something wrong, and there are bad feelings due to this. One of Michael's brothers may be involved in the move. Despite the negativity this is actually going to turn out to be a positive move for them.
These two have a tendency to sentimentalize the past and be overly nostalgic, perhaps unwilling to leave their younger/better days behind and embrace the future. They may have received some good news in the not too distant past, or completed some sort of education or training. They're going to handle what life throws at them with tact and grace. They have good self-control. Their relationship will probably be a source of harmony for them. 
They're carrying a heavy load and have a tendency to take on more than they can handle and get weighed down. There is a lot of negativity among those close to them - pessimism, dwelling on regret, anger. There has possibly been the breakdown of a relationship in their close circle.
Their biggest fear is financial insecurity and debt. But their marriage will be successful, stable, and prosperous. They will be happy together, financially stable, and basically all signs point to domestic bliss!
Erin and Chad:
Spoiler I'm going to tell you right now, this is one of the strangest readings I've done. I feel like there's a lot going on beneath the surface that I can't quite get at.
Erin is at the centre of their relationship. She is strong, independent and willing to go after what she wants. Intelligent, clever and goal-oriented. But she may also be harbouring some private sorrow and she has experienced losses. 
Erin and Chad have been dealing with some stuff that they would probably interpret as 'evil forces'. This could be seen in a couple of different ways. It may be that they have dealt with an issue related somehow to addiction or vice that is being overcome or has been overcome. But it may also be, especially considering their fundamentalist religious views, that they quite literally feel they have come under spiritual attack - that Satan has tried to bring them down, but they have prevailed, he has been overcome or defeated.
They may feel somewhat overwhelmed by the world or as though they've been too open or too social, and are now seeking to withdraw and focus on themselves. They have made some mistakes or poor decisions and experienced misfortune, but they are getting help and can see the light at the end of the tunnel. There's been grief and sadness due to the end of a relationship (perhaps a friendship) but it will pass. Unfortunately they're going to be dealing with an amoral, dishonest woman in the future - or this could be interpreted as them coming into conflict with Erin's mother, Kelly. It could also mean there's going to be some subversion of the ideal fundie woman's role.
There are very negative forces at work here and Erin and Chad will have to guard against hatred and abuse of power. There is definitely conflict and maybe a power struggle among those closest to them. They will have to wait it out, bite their tongues, and trust that it will come out right in the end. 
They are probably hoping to have more babies but may also be a bit worried about having too many or taking too many risks. 
What surprised me is that the Paines' future is defined by a woman who does not seem to be Erin herself. This is a strong (maybe headstrong) woman who goes for what she wants but is respectful and generous, creative. If you read what I had for the Duggars, her personality would be similar to Josiah's wife Lauren (though very doubtful that this is Lauren herself). This is a woman dedicated to getting what she wants, but not really in a bad way. She's not a bad person and there's no indication here of dishonesty or manipulation on her part.
There is a lot of indication of a great deal of competing female energy here, or conflict between different women. I would almost be tempted to say, looking at all the cards together, that Chad has some issues with infidelity. But this is a very ambiguous spread and it can be interpreted in different ways. It could be that it's looking far into the hazy future, and this woman may even represent one of Erin and Chad's daughters.
Spoiler Lawson is dealing with some bad press. There's been a humiliation, or perhaps someone who doesn't have much good to say about him bringing him down. It looks like Lawson may also have been the victim of a failed courtship or relationship and it's either happening right now or else it's still affecting him. It may be that a goal he had has failed, or he's missed out on an opportunity due to a pessimistic attitude.
Lawson is basically a good guy. He has been generous and trustworthy, and this has been or will be rewarded. Debts have been repaid and he has come into money. He's definitely received some kind of reward or recognition. He may have bought property or otherwise established something new. On the flip side, he may now be entering a period of shallowness and recklessness where he will shirk responsibilities and focus on what he wants to the detriment of others. He's dealing with regret, cynicism, and disillusionment, most likely related to this broken relationship, but he will get over it.
Those close to him have experienced financial misfortune, or this is the context in which he relates to them. He fears change, but resisting it will be absolutely pointless, because major changes are inevitably coming for him. He's going to have to be careful that he doesn't misplace his trust in people who may be working against him in the future.
Spoiler Religious concerns are affecting Nathan deeply. He takes his religion seriously and appreciates order and structure. He may be changing his goals to more spiritual pursuits, and may want to go into ministry in a leadership position. He will have to go on a journey, maybe overseas. The changes he's making and/or the journey he's taking may involve him choosing to end a romantic relationship. 
Nathan has been dogged by indecision, resistance to change and a misguided attempt to fight the inevitable. There has been resolved or unfulfilled passion in his past which has led to frustration and jealousy, quite possibly stemming from a negative relationship with a woman. He's putting that behind him now. But unfortunately this experience has made him cynical and jaded, and he will be bitter about it going forward.
He may have some problems with his temper or picking fights and this tends to bring out the worst in him and others. There has been spiritual attack, temptation, vice, or bad habits overcome by one or more people close to him (again, this does not represent Nathan himself, but close family members or friends).
He fears being trapped in a state of depression and regret. Nathan is apparently destined to achieve little in life. He doesn't have Lawson's wit or work ethic, and his pettiness will injure his prospects as well.
Alyssa and John:
Spoiler Alyssa and John have a very strong and happy marriage. Their domestic sphere and family life is their world and they find great joy and contentment in their marriage and children. They have religious obstacles to face. They may be breaking with some traditions or subverting norms, or it may be that a weak religious understanding paired with intolerance is causing problems for them. It's possible that they are planning on sharing some bad news with someone and this is weighing on them.
The foundation of the issues they're having is the need to let go of the past and look ahead to the future with hope. Again, feelings of sadness, regret or bitterness are being put behind them and they are looking with hope to the future. The problem is that they may be chasing a pipe dream, pursuing something better at the expense of what is already good. There may be an ill-advised move or trip in their future. There are very strong indications that they're starting to pursue dreams that may not be realistic, and if so they will end up dissatisfied. There are just too many possibilities. 
They probably feel judged by those closest to them. There is a fear of a coming crisis, maybe brought on by a domineering, merciless male figure who will try to control them. They are definitely heading for opposition and conflict, and will have to choose their battles. They won't be able to please everyone and may have to make sacrifices to keep the peace.
Tori and Bobby:
Spoiler Tori is probably the brains of this operation. She has good intuition and instincts and is also pretty dedicated to her religion. Tori and Bobby's biggest obstacle right now is their pregnancy and upcoming birth of their first child. This doesn't mean that there is anything wrong, just that this is their main challenge, which seems natural.
There's a concern for justice here, wanting to do what's right and for everyone to get what they deserve. But there is an issue at the heart of their lives stemming from the tyranny of an oppressive man in authority (are you seeing a pattern here?). Tori has probably been greatly influenced by her mother and had a close relationship with her in the past and this may be lessening now.
There is a risk for Tori and Bobby in the future of apathy and carelessness. They may be unwise when it comes to money. A lot of the people close to them act like martyrs. Tori and Bobby hope that fate (God?) will bless them and treat them well. They are basically hoping for good luck. They are going to have to really watch themselves, as there is a lot of potential here for stupid/ignorant choices leading to a great deal of misery. They need to appreciate what they have and not risk it.
Spoiler Trace is either courting someone now or will be very soon. But there may be some unfaithfulness or negative passions involved that will present an obstacle to the relationship (there's also a slight possibility here that Tori for some reason disapproves and is interfering). It looks like this relationship is going to be successful, but there may be a little disillusionment, or it's slightly tainted in some way. It's possible that there is a lack of temperance - perhaps some less than chaste behaviour, or conflict and rivalry at work here, but nothing too terribly serious.
Trace has definitely been focused on wanting to get married and have a family, but he's been too optimistic and overly enthusiastic. He's in for some relationship drama, for sure, and it will be an emotionally trying experience. He's suspicious and distrustful now and this may be for good reason. The people close to him have also been blindly optimistic to the point of foolishness.
Trace wants to move on from his old ways and seek deeper spiritual fulfillment, prioritizing that over material or worldly things. There may be travel in his future, or this could simply indicate him wanting to move on.
He's going to end up married to a woman who is practical, sensible, financially responsible, mature, funny, and warm. It's possible she'll be older than him or that they may both be older when they marry, or this could just indicate that she's very mature for her age.
Carlin and Evan:
Spoiler lol. You guys are going to love this one...
There has been injustice or prejudice at work here. A lack of action and perhaps an unconcern for potential risks or downfalls, or a withdrawal from society, is getting in their way. Their goal is VERY clearly and obviously: MARRIAGE. So basically, to put it delicately, these two are super hot for each other. They can't wait to get married and have tons of sweet, sweet fellowship. And they will probably have lots of babies. Marriage and probably a pregnancy are coming soon.
Carlin and Evan have put a loss or defeat behind them. But they do have adversity ahead and will have to be strong to face it head on. Evan might be a bit unreliable, loving money/prosperity but unwilling to work for it. There may be a broken relationship among their family or close friends, or it may be that their loved ones are worried that their relationship will fail.
There is a fear of excess, perhaps worry about fame going to their heads, overindulgence with destructive consequences (to be clear, this is indicating that Carlin and Evan may be self-aware enough to have some concern about this for themselves). They will have relationship problems. There will be infidelity, or yearning for more/wandering eyes, and feelings of being taken for granted.
Josie and Kelton:
Spoiler At the heart of Josie and Kelton's relationship is moderation and temperance. But they seem to be coming up against some conflict. They're currently not fully satisfied and are looking to get what they believe they deserve. Kelton has a lot of energy and the ability to inspire others, and will probably be taking on a new project or getting some good news soon.
There was a willingness to stick with something and slowly and surely work toward a goal, no matter how long it took or what the cost, and to do so honourably. This probably involved travel. It seems this has now been achieved.
It looks like Josie and Kelton are going to get whatever it is they think they deserve. But they may have a bad attitude - they may be dealing with deception, a willingness to abuse power to get what they want. Things are very bleak in their close circle. Someone may be dealing with depression, illness or injury and they can't really do much to help.
They're hoping for a child (or children) but worried about being overly optimistic. They may have to deal with the influence of an unscrupulous, immoral woman in their future, but alternately this could indicate conflict with the norms expected of a fundie wife and mother, and/or conflict directly with Kelly (and given the context in a few of the other readings, I'd say this is the more likely interpretation. Kelly will having to watch her relationship with some of her daughters, because it seems like it may be on thin ice).
Next post will be Katie through Jeb!
Love love! This is so fun and detailed. I will have to find the duggar ones as well!
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5 minutes ago, sleepy_doggos said:
3 hours ago, singsingsing said:
So I did tarot card readings over in the Duggar forum for all the Duggars, and someone asked me to do the same for the Bateses. Here's the first batch! I'm going to copy and paste the same disclaimer I used over there:
Disclaimer: this is for entertainment purposes only. Whether you believe in psychic powers, tarot, messages from the universe, or anything remotely metaphysical, take it all with a gigantic grain of salt (and obviously if you don't remotely believe in any of it you know it's all just for fun). If you are spooked or made uncomfortable or are simply annoyed by such things, I will not take offence to you skipping this post, and have put all the readings behind spoilers.
I did each couple or individual separately. For each one, I shuffled the deck, asked, "What does the future have in store for ___________ ?" and did a simple celtic cross spread. These were the readings:
Gil and Kelly:
Spoiler Kelly's role as a maternal, nurturing, loyal, but submissive wife and mother is at the centre of their relationship. Gil and Kelly are dealing with some unfounded accusations and/or rebellion. They are stuck dwelling on the past and ruminating over things, not wanting to let go. They've had a lot to worry about, but there's hope on the horizon. A stubbornness, difficulty communicating, or perhaps unwilling isolation of some sort is being put behind them now.
They have selfishness and financial greed in the future, possibly driven by Kelly, or inflicted on them by another woman (and this may be Whitney - see the next reading for details on that). Gil and Kelly may not be very honest. They fear change and aren't great at dealing with stuff emotionally. There's a possible abuse of power happening here. 
Paradoxically, their household is defined by reliability, pragmatism, work ethic and honour, a willingness and desire to help others and probably travel, and this may represent one specific person. This would be a youngish man with a good head for or interest in business, with the qualities described above. (I admit my mind went straight to Lawson.)
Gil and Kelly are fearful of opposition coming at them from all sides and of having to compromise to keep everyone happy. They are probably trying to figure out how to keep the peace without sacrificing anything themselves, but this will not be possible and will only lead to greater damage. 
Their future is positive. They will be strong enough to get through the hard times and their relationship will stand firm. They will probably be a rock for their family as the future unfolds. This could also indicate that they will stand firm in their convictions.
Zach and Whitney:
Spoiler The 'unfair accusations and/or rebellion' that Gil and Kelly are dealing with may be coming from Zach and Whit, or else they may be experiencing it or caught up in it as well. They're having to wait, be patient, to trust that things will turn out right and that they/others will get what they deserve in due course. There is something secret or hidden here that they do not want revealed.
This greedy/money-loving woman is at the root of their relationship and possibly represents Whitney herself, or maybe even Kelly's opinion of her. Zach and Whitney are coming to the close of a time full of new beginnings, personal growth, exciting creation, very probably including a pregnancy, but they may have overdone it in some way or been too optimistic. They're about to be struck by indecision, and if they stay frozen, unable to make a choice and move forward, they will have to deal with a big setback. They are trying to make things happen, empower themselves and start something significant.
Zach is probably the leader in their relationship, the head of the household. He's strong, energetic, and also witty and charming, but maybe a bit impatient or with a mild temper. 
Their hopes are all wrapped up in the beginning of something - either they're waiting for news or the green light to begin a project. This may relate somehow to one of Zach's younger brothers or his son. (IF there's a pregnancy on their horizon this may indicate they're having a boy.) They will get their good news. Their labours will be rewarded and they will enjoy material success and comfort.
Michael and Brandon:
Spoiler Michael and Brandon are leaving something behind, perhaps literally. They will almost certainly be moving soon, maybe crossing a body of water. They'll be leaving to escape from something, or they're being pushed out. There is definitely a move in their future but there is negativity surrounding it. There's been a miscommunication, or someone has said something wrong, and there are bad feelings due to this. One of Michael's brothers may be involved in the move. Despite the negativity this is actually going to turn out to be a positive move for them.
These two have a tendency to sentimentalize the past and be overly nostalgic, perhaps unwilling to leave their younger/better days behind and embrace the future. They may have received some good news in the not too distant past, or completed some sort of education or training. They're going to handle what life throws at them with tact and grace. They have good self-control. Their relationship will probably be a source of harmony for them. 
They're carrying a heavy load and have a tendency to take on more than they can handle and get weighed down. There is a lot of negativity among those close to them - pessimism, dwelling on regret, anger. There has possibly been the breakdown of a relationship in their close circle.
Their biggest fear is financial insecurity and debt. But their marriage will be successful, stable, and prosperous. They will be happy together, financially stable, and basically all signs point to domestic bliss!
Erin and Chad:
Spoiler I'm going to tell you right now, this is one of the strangest readings I've done. I feel like there's a lot going on beneath the surface that I can't quite get at.
Erin is at the centre of their relationship. She is strong, independent and willing to go after what she wants. Intelligent, clever and goal-oriented. But she may also be harbouring some private sorrow and she has experienced losses. 
Erin and Chad have been dealing with some stuff that they would probably interpret as 'evil forces'. This could be seen in a couple of different ways. It may be that they have dealt with an issue related somehow to addiction or vice that is being overcome or has been overcome. But it may also be, especially considering their fundamentalist religious views, that they quite literally feel they have come under spiritual attack - that Satan has tried to bring them down, but they have prevailed, he has been overcome or defeated.
They may feel somewhat overwhelmed by the world or as though they've been too open or too social, and are now seeking to withdraw and focus on themselves. They have made some mistakes or poor decisions and experienced misfortune, but they are getting help and can see the light at the end of the tunnel. There's been grief and sadness due to the end of a relationship (perhaps a friendship) but it will pass. Unfortunately they're going to be dealing with an amoral, dishonest woman in the future - or this could be interpreted as them coming into conflict with Erin's mother, Kelly. It could also mean there's going to be some subversion of the ideal fundie woman's role.
There are very negative forces at work here and Erin and Chad will have to guard against hatred and abuse of power. There is definitely conflict and maybe a power struggle among those closest to them. They will have to wait it out, bite their tongues, and trust that it will come out right in the end. 
They are probably hoping to have more babies but may also be a bit worried about having too many or taking too many risks. 
What surprised me is that the Paines' future is defined by a woman who does not seem to be Erin herself. This is a strong (maybe headstrong) woman who goes for what she wants but is respectful and generous, creative. If you read what I had for the Duggars, her personality would be similar to Josiah's wife Lauren (though very doubtful that this is Lauren herself). This is a woman dedicated to getting what she wants, but not really in a bad way. She's not a bad person and there's no indication here of dishonesty or manipulation on her part.
There is a lot of indication of a great deal of competing female energy here, or conflict between different women. I would almost be tempted to say, looking at all the cards together, that Chad has some issues with infidelity. But this is a very ambiguous spread and it can be interpreted in different ways. It could be that it's looking far into the hazy future, and this woman may even represent one of Erin and Chad's daughters.
Spoiler Lawson is dealing with some bad press. There's been a humiliation, or perhaps someone who doesn't have much good to say about him bringing him down. It looks like Lawson may also have been the victim of a failed courtship or relationship and it's either happening right now or else it's still affecting him. It may be that a goal he had has failed, or he's missed out on an opportunity due to a pessimistic attitude.
Lawson is basically a good guy. He has been generous and trustworthy, and this has been or will be rewarded. Debts have been repaid and he has come into money. He's definitely received some kind of reward or recognition. He may have bought property or otherwise established something new. On the flip side, he may now be entering a period of shallowness and recklessness where he will shirk responsibilities and focus on what he wants to the detriment of others. He's dealing with regret, cynicism, and disillusionment, most likely related to this broken relationship, but he will get over it.
Those close to him have experienced financial misfortune, or this is the context in which he relates to them. He fears change, but resisting it will be absolutely pointless, because major changes are inevitably coming for him. He's going to have to be careful that he doesn't misplace his trust in people who may be working against him in the future.
Spoiler Religious concerns are affecting Nathan deeply. He takes his religion seriously and appreciates order and structure. He may be changing his goals to more spiritual pursuits, and may want to go into ministry in a leadership position. He will have to go on a journey, maybe overseas. The changes he's making and/or the journey he's taking may involve him choosing to end a romantic relationship. 
Nathan has been dogged by indecision, resistance to change and a misguided attempt to fight the inevitable. There has been resolved or unfulfilled passion in his past which has led to frustration and jealousy, quite possibly stemming from a negative relationship with a woman. He's putting that behind him now. But unfortunately this experience has made him cynical and jaded, and he will be bitter about it going forward.
He may have some problems with his temper or picking fights and this tends to bring out the worst in him and others. There has been spiritual attack, temptation, vice, or bad habits overcome by one or more people close to him (again, this does not represent Nathan himself, but close family members or friends).
He fears being trapped in a state of depression and regret. Nathan is apparently destined to achieve little in life. He doesn't have Lawson's wit or work ethic, and his pettiness will injure his prospects as well.
Alyssa and John:
Spoiler Alyssa and John have a very strong and happy marriage. Their domestic sphere and family life is their world and they find great joy and contentment in their marriage and children. They have religious obstacles to face. They may be breaking with some traditions or subverting norms, or it may be that a weak religious understanding paired with intolerance is causing problems for them. It's possible that they are planning on sharing some bad news with someone and this is weighing on them.
The foundation of the issues they're having is the need to let go of the past and look ahead to the future with hope. Again, feelings of sadness, regret or bitterness are being put behind them and they are looking with hope to the future. The problem is that they may be chasing a pipe dream, pursuing something better at the expense of what is already good. There may be an ill-advised move or trip in their future. There are very strong indications that they're starting to pursue dreams that may not be realistic, and if so they will end up dissatisfied. There are just too many possibilities. 
They probably feel judged by those closest to them. There is a fear of a coming crisis, maybe brought on by a domineering, merciless male figure who will try to control them. They are definitely heading for opposition and conflict, and will have to choose their battles. They won't be able to please everyone and may have to make sacrifices to keep the peace.
Tori and Bobby:
Spoiler Tori is probably the brains of this operation. She has good intuition and instincts and is also pretty dedicated to her religion. Tori and Bobby's biggest obstacle right now is their pregnancy and upcoming birth of their first child. This doesn't mean that there is anything wrong, just that this is their main challenge, which seems natural.
There's a concern for justice here, wanting to do what's right and for everyone to get what they deserve. But there is an issue at the heart of their lives stemming from the tyranny of an oppressive man in authority (are you seeing a pattern here?). Tori has probably been greatly influenced by her mother and had a close relationship with her in the past and this may be lessening now.
There is a risk for Tori and Bobby in the future of apathy and carelessness. They may be unwise when it comes to money. A lot of the people close to them act like martyrs. Tori and Bobby hope that fate (God?) will bless them and treat them well. They are basically hoping for good luck. They are going to have to really watch themselves, as there is a lot of potential here for stupid/ignorant choices leading to a great deal of misery. They need to appreciate what they have and not risk it.
Spoiler Trace is either courting someone now or will be very soon. But there may be some unfaithfulness or negative passions involved that will present an obstacle to the relationship (there's also a slight possibility here that Tori for some reason disapproves and is interfering). It looks like this relationship is going to be successful, but there may be a little disillusionment, or it's slightly tainted in some way. It's possible that there is a lack of temperance - perhaps some less than chaste behaviour, or conflict and rivalry at work here, but nothing too terribly serious.
Trace has definitely been focused on wanting to get married and have a family, but he's been too optimistic and overly enthusiastic. He's in for some relationship drama, for sure, and it will be an emotionally trying experience. He's suspicious and distrustful now and this may be for good reason. The people close to him have also been blindly optimistic to the point of foolishness.
Trace wants to move on from his old ways and seek deeper spiritual fulfillment, prioritizing that over material or worldly things. There may be travel in his future, or this could simply indicate him wanting to move on.
He's going to end up married to a woman who is practical, sensible, financially responsible, mature, funny, and warm. It's possible she'll be older than him or that they may both be older when they marry, or this could just indicate that she's very mature for her age.
Carlin and Evan:
Spoiler lol. You guys are going to love this one...
There has been injustice or prejudice at work here. A lack of action and perhaps an unconcern for potential risks or downfalls, or a withdrawal from society, is getting in their way. Their goal is VERY clearly and obviously: MARRIAGE. So basically, to put it delicately, these two are super hot for each other. They can't wait to get married and have tons of sweet, sweet fellowship. And they will probably have lots of babies. Marriage and probably a pregnancy are coming soon.
Carlin and Evan have put a loss or defeat behind them. But they do have adversity ahead and will have to be strong to face it head on. Evan might be a bit unreliable, loving money/prosperity but unwilling to work for it. There may be a broken relationship among their family or close friends, or it may be that their loved ones are worried that their relationship will fail.
There is a fear of excess, perhaps worry about fame going to their heads, overindulgence with destructive consequences (to be clear, this is indicating that Carlin and Evan may be self-aware enough to have some concern about this for themselves). They will have relationship problems. There will be infidelity, or yearning for more/wandering eyes, and feelings of being taken for granted.
Josie and Kelton:
Spoiler At the heart of Josie and Kelton's relationship is moderation and temperance. But they seem to be coming up against some conflict. They're currently not fully satisfied and are looking to get what they believe they deserve. Kelton has a lot of energy and the ability to inspire others, and will probably be taking on a new project or getting some good news soon.
There was a willingness to stick with something and slowly and surely work toward a goal, no matter how long it took or what the cost, and to do so honourably. This probably involved travel. It seems this has now been achieved.
It looks like Josie and Kelton are going to get whatever it is they think they deserve. But they may have a bad attitude - they may be dealing with deception, a willingness to abuse power to get what they want. Things are very bleak in their close circle. Someone may be dealing with depression, illness or injury and they can't really do much to help.
They're hoping for a child (or children) but worried about being overly optimistic. They may have to deal with the influence of an unscrupulous, immoral woman in their future, but alternately this could indicate conflict with the norms expected of a fundie wife and mother, and/or conflict directly with Kelly (and given the context in a few of the other readings, I'd say this is the more likely interpretation. Kelly will having to watch her relationship with some of her daughters, because it seems like it may be on thin ice).
Next post will be Katie through Jeb!

Read more  

Love love! This is so fun and detailed. I will have to find the duggar ones as well!

starts there - she's awesome.  If this were reddit I'd gild her.

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@singsingsing you should put those posts in their own thread. So we could revisit them easier to find out if the cards were right. 

I am not believing in stuff like that but think it’s fun. Like horoscopes the prophecies are always open enough that they will come true at one point.


Added: just read your take on tarot in the Duggar thread and that is exactly how I view it too.

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@singsingsing thanks for sharing that! You know the first thing that came to mind reading Erin and Chad’s was their daughter, Brooklyn. Just seems so timely since there have been quite a few people mentioning how Erin seems to leave her out. Interesting stuff! 

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16 hours ago, TeaELSee said:

I’ve been saying this from day one!

I low key thought that a while ago because to me it was a little strange how much emphasis she put on Brooklyn wanting Chad and not being cuddly. Then of course the whole "I can't leave Carson!" thing happened.

Yeah, unless she starts treating Everly the same, Brooklyn is going to have serious middle child syndrome from her mother. 

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6 hours ago, just_ordinary said:

@singsingsing you should put those posts in their own thread. So we could revisit them easier to find out if the cards were right.

I'm going to post the second half here when I get home from work today, but I think this is a great idea. That way anyone who enjoys this can read or discuss it, without it bothering those who aren't into it. I'll just have to figure out where to create the thread, as I'd like to combine the Duggars and the Bateses.

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Aaaaand here's Part 2!



There's some financial worry here, possibly as a result of a poor investment. Katie also may be travelling soon, and again there's a possibility of crossing water. This presents as an obstacle for her, so it may be something she's not enjoying or looking forward to, or something that's necessary to achieve a goal.

Katie may feel like she's tired of moderation, simplicity and compromise and/or the rigidity of that fundamentalist framework she lives in and is looking to stir things up a bit. This could be a reaction to a male authority figure in her life, quite possibly her father. This influence isn't necessarily negative, she may just need to work through it in some way.

She's had some kind of financial gain, but it may have felt hollow or even tainted due to the way it came about. There is some indication that she feels she has triumphed unfairly, and the guilt of that will continue to weigh on her going forward. She may be dealing with a dispute with a friend - said friend is probably acting poorly. Someone close to her may be departing, possibly a young man who was not quite a great as he first seemed.

Katie is afraid of focusing on negative memories and being left with cynicism and regret. She'll have misfortune to deal with, quite possibly due to making some poor decisions in her future, but it will be of a temporary nature and she will get through it with help.



Jackson is taking some time to himself. This may mean recovery from an illness or injury. He could be having difficulty with someone due to a miscommunication which has led to bad feelings. He's not quite ready to grow up and wants to hold on to all the good things from his childhood. He has an idealistic picture of his family life and his love for his family and home greatly influences him. His older brother Zach in particular may have had a lot of influence on him. There is the possibility of another young man taking Zach's place now (or soon), or of Jackson growing more unlike Zach as he becomes his own man.

Jackson is competitive and ambitious. He definitely wants to be a patriarch, be in a position of power and authority. Again, there is a strong indication that he is very happy with his home life and may have rose coloured glasses when it comes to his family. He wants to lead, and he is willing to work with others to do so. But he is going to run into a lot of resistance as he pursues his goals.



There's injustice and prejudice at work here. Warden may be prone to trying to do things the easy way and being too easily distracted and bored, which prevents him from achieving goals. He basically just doesn't want to bother with things, doesn't want responsibilities or concerns.

There is a possible negative female influence in his life which could be causing some bitterness, or this woman could be very inflexible (i,e, not doing what he wants or not letting him do what he wants). This would be an older woman (not a girl his own age) and probably an authority figure to him.

There has been financial security in his life which has allowed him a lot of freedom to do what he wants. But there is this selfish, greedy woman coming in again who is going to be influencing things moving forward (again, this may somehow represent Whitney). 

The Bateses seem to be doing a heck of a lot of travelling, and Warden is no exception. There's the possibility of a journey over water for him as well. But even here it's more passive - he's waiting for the timing to be right, waiting for good things to come to him. 

Like Jackson, he is very happy and fulfilled with his family and home life. He's worried about upcoming travel - that it's happening for the wrong reasons or will involve trying to escape reality. But he can anticipate great things in his future. He's going to learn and grow a lot, gain understanding, and be able to help others. He may enter more into the world. He'll be able to share his own blessings with others.



Isaiah is another one who is taking more upon himself than he should be and he could be feeling weighed down by it all. It seems that moderation, balance, simplicity, etc. or his fundamentalist framework is presenting a challenge for him, but this looks like something he wants to achieve rather than avoid. He's having some difficulty being part of a team, though, and may want to assert his independence or work alone. He's had some bad luck, possibly due to poor decisions, or there may be some poor health affecting him. 

It seems he may be at risk of maturing from an unreliable or somewhat lazy or aimless boy to a ruthless or tyrannical man. Unlike Warden and Jackson, he's not super happy with his home life and may be chafing against tradition or rules. It looks like there's a big crisis brewing as relates to him and his household or close circle. He's worried about a miscommunication that may lead to a dispute.

There is religious subversion in his future. He may double down on his religion and promote ignorance and harsh beliefs and practices, or he may abandon it completely.



Addallee is dealing with some embarrassment. There may be information about her out there that she finds humiliating. Travel could also be involved here as well. She probably feels wronged and wants things set right. There has been some very significant change in her life and it's affecting everything. It may be that a project she found fulfilling is ending, or there's a possibility that a positive relationship with a boy (likely a brother) is drawing to a close - this would be in the sense of moving on or growing apart rather than a breakdown of the relationship.

It would seem Addie is entering a time where she'll be expected to take on more responsibility and work but she doesn't want to and is not ready. She's definitely in some kind of holding pattern right now. She's having to accept things she doesn't like for the present and just trust it will all work out.

She's coming up against problems or resistance in her household or close circle. She's hoping she'll be able to get through a dispute or conflict and is rather worried about people's anger and how she'll deal with it. But the future looks bright for her. Her goals will be achieved, hard work rewarded, and material comfort and security gained.



This one was quite dramatic! I was having a hard time grasping the cards as I was laying them out (in a 'are you serious?' kind of sense) and I had to lay out the whole spread so I could be sure of what I was seeing.

So Ellie is working hard right now learning new things and applying new skills. Now here's where I was thrown for a loop: there's a romantic relationship presenting an obstacle for her, and it's a positive relationship (at least for the people involved). There are a few possibilities here. This could represent the relationship of someone close to her that is negatively affecting her now. It could be that she's in a sort of puppy love situation with a boy and is being met with disapproval. Or this could be an indication that this spread is reading more into her future than her present, and I think this is the most likely scenario - you'll see why as I go on.

Ellie's hopes and goals may have something to do with her brother Zach OR a man somewhat like him. A resistance to inevitable change is underlying this entire situation. There's been some kind of hasty travel or message received. Ahead of her lies a happy and prosperous marriage and home life. But right now she feels insecure financially, or she could feel like a fraud in some way. She doesn't have the secure bedrock to pursue her own interests. People in her life are cynical and negative, but this will pass. 

She fears calamity - she's worried about disaster striking. Her future could indicate ruthlessness, stepping on others to get what she wants - but in this context I think this is actually an upending of patriarchal authority. 

Looking at this spread I would say that she has almost a Romeo and Juliet scenario in her future, going against her father's wishes or her religion/community's expectations for the sake of love, probably at a fairly young age, but she will prevail and have a happy and successful marriage.



Callie's life is in large part defined by a corrupt, hot-headed and/or ungenerous man. She may feel unfairly criticized and have some tendency to rebel against the situation. She wants a happy home life but it's almost like she knows it can't be perfect and she more or less accepts that. She's experiencing the same issues as Addie, not wanting or being ready to take on more work or responsibilities. This could also indicate issues surrounding education or training.

A strong woman, quite possibly Erin, has been a big influence on her. I would say that she is transitioning to a time of taking her education more seriously, and she will probably see some positive achievement there. She feels out of harmony with her home life. There's a possibility she has a hard time accepting certain traditions and rules. There's dishonesty and distrust in her household. She's hoping for inspiration of some sort, clarity, solutions.

There is a positive romantic relationship in her future, but nothing about how it will pan out.



There's resistance to inevitable change here, and perhaps a lack of confidence. Major issues with judgement and being judged, perhaps judged and found wanting, are coming up. Judson may be feeling accused or punished. There's a very strong undercurrent of judgement and accusations. He may rebel against this if he perceives it to be unfair.

Despite this, he has a good foundation. The conditions of his life are good and this is a prosperous and productive time. But there's been a lot of sadness, possibly the ending of a friendship. He's going to end up looking back on the past with rose coloured glasses. 

Judson probably has a lot of energy and potential. He's creative and self-reliant. There's also the potential for many children in his future. There is trouble amongst those close to him, misfortune, or he may feel trapped within his household or community. He may have concerns about a young man who is irresponsible and has trouble controlling his anger, or he could be worried about becoming that young man himself. There's misfortune due to mistakes made, possibly illness or financial trouble in his future, but it's of a temporary nature - he'll have help getting through it and will make it through all right.



He's dealing with some negativity and not feeling good about it, trying to get out of it. Something in his life is cycling between good and bad and it's presenting difficulties for him. He may be trying to take on too much or feeling overwhelmed. He may also be having some conflict with Judson, or trying to be too much like him.

His mother has been a huge influence in his life. He may face a challenge in the future and freeze up, leading to a setback. He's not content with success and may be quite competitive or ambitious. Dullness and pettiness, and a lack of achievement, are problems within his household. He fears negative emotions, remorse and guilt. He may grow up to thrive on conflict and seek out confrontation. (Will Jeb turn out to be the lawyer or politician of the family?)

(I'm planning to consolidate the Duggar and Bates readings into a single thread - if anyone has any insight on where that thread should go, please speak up!)

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Hey friends, I've consolidated all the readings in a brand new thread over in No Holds Barred. I ended up choosing that forum because of the potentially controversial nature of the tarot stuff, and because it will be much easier for those who want to avoid it to do so, and those who want to have fun with it to knock themselves out. I've added a bunch more discussion/analysis in that thread, so head on over there if you're so inclined! :) 

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On 11/7/2018 at 7:04 AM, mstee said:

@singsingsing thanks for sharing that! You know the first thing that came to mind reading Erin and Chad’s was their daughter, Brooklyn. Just seems so timely since there have been quite a few people mentioning how Erin seems to leave her out. Interesting stuff! 

I had the same thought about Brooklyn!

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I have a feeling that because Brooklyn is more “difficult,” Erin had a harder time bonding with her. Carson was an easy baby and he was her first baby after many losses. She seemed to bond with him easily. Then comes Brooklyn who is very different from her brother. Erin may have expected another baby just like Carson and was disappointed. Chad seems to be pretty easy going so it would make sense that he’s able to get along with Brooklyn better. I feel bad for Brooklyn because she’s just being herself and it’s hard for Erin. 

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Even when Brooklyn was an infant, I remember Erin making a joke about how she's "always crying." Personally, I love Brooklyn's crabby expressions and her refusal to smile for the camera. 

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2 hours ago, Hisey said:

Even when Brooklyn was an infant, I remember Erin making a joke about how she's "always crying." Personally, I love Brooklyn's crabby expressions and her refusal to smile for the camera. 

Brooklyn is one of my favourite fundie babies. She is not old enough to realise she is refusing to "keep sweet", but that is basically what she is doing, and I love it. I keep she keeps being her cranky little self and refusing to be a human doll for the camera for many years to come. 

I wonder if Brooklyn will be like me and grow up to have a major case of Bitchy Resting Face. 

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3 hours ago, LawsonBatesEgo said:

Brooklyn is one of my favourite fundie babies. She is not old enough to realise she is refusing to "keep sweet", but that is basically what she is doing, and I love it. I keep she keeps being her cranky little self and refusing to be a human doll for the camera for many years to come. 

I wonder if Brooklyn will be like me and grow up to have a major case of Bitchy Resting Face. 

If training is hard enough, these *difficult* children become deeply fundie, probably more that their easy-going siblings.

We can't say for sure if Erin is going to break her children. But if she's open to it, Brook is the one who will suffer and be brainwashed to the roots. Carson, who is not only the favourite but also is naturally sweet, will be seen as no dangerous. So ironically he will have more opportunities to be himself or to break free than his sister.

Even in many secular families, children who do not fit family standars are going to face some kind of training or (what is even worse) their parents dissapointment. Definitely, we parents should learn to be content with our kids no matter how they are. 

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@singsingsing Thank you for the readings! I don’t really believe in that kind of thing but it has still been fun and interesting to read. And it will be very interesting to see how much you are right about!

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Tori had her baby on the 9th. We current have no Duggar or bates pregnant, that we know of ?? which family  will break this dry spell first ??

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4 hours ago, 19tacos&counting said:

Tori had her baby on the 9th. We current have no Duggar or bates pregnant, that we know of ?? which family  will break this dry spell first ??

I strongly believe Lauren will announce before Christmas.  

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My spreadsheet predicts Lauren and Jessa announcements by the end of this year, and Kendra, Whit, Alyssa, Jill, and possibly Josie in the first quarter of next year. 

Who knows with Jessa though. 

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My spreadsheet predicts Lauren and Jessa announcements by the end of this year, and Kendra, Whit, Alyssa, Jill, and possibly Josie in the first quarter of next year. 
Who knows with Jessa though. 
I keep reading Josie and thinking Josie Duggar, which makes me very confused.
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On 11/10/2018 at 7:32 PM, Hisey said:

Even when Brooklyn was an infant, I remember Erin making a joke about how she's "always crying." Personally, I love Brooklyn's crabby expressions and her refusal to smile for the camera. 

Whaat?! You mean babies cry?!!??? :shocked:

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19 hours ago, lumpentheologie said:

My spreadsheet predicts Lauren and Jessa announcements by the end of this year, and Kendra, Whit, Alyssa, Jill, and possibly Josie in the first quarter of next year. 

Who knows with Jessa though. 

You missed Carlin's honeymoon baby haha.

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