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Teacher resigned over Trans kids and what to call them.


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So if the student's name was Susan, but the teacher thought she looked like an Alice, would said teacher quit?

My kid's middle school has a gay/straight alliance club and among the many clubs at her soon to be high school are 

  • Diverse Voices
  • Fired Up for Equality
  • Queer Rights Club

There is also a club Kazoo. Yea, go figure.

My husband has been wanting to move out of state ever since we married, but no, I'm not leaving this state or even this county until my kid is done with public school.

Just so the  TDs don't get their panties in a wad, there are also clubs for young republicans.  

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A very long time ago, when I was in high school, we had a teacher who WOULD NOT use nicknames and would only call students by their legal names. So Josephs were always Joseph and not Joe. Catherines were always Catherine and not Kate. And that's when we found out the very athletic, very large football player was really named Lindsey- he was always called Butch by everyone ever. But this 70+ year old tiny teacher would not stand for nicknames- "Young man, Lindsey is a fine name and you will answer to it in my classroom." Also "If your parents wanted me to call you Kate, they should have saved us all some aggravation and named you Kate." You would be called by your legal name, no matter what and it was your parent's fault if you did not like your name. She was a very effective teacher, but had certain quirks that would not budge.

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15 minutes ago, keen23 said:

A very long time ago, when I was in high school, we had a teacher who WOULD NOT use nicknames and would only call students by their legal names. So Josephs were always Joseph and not Joe. Catherines were always Catherine and not Kate. And that's when we found out the very athletic, very large football player was really named Lindsey- he was always called Butch by everyone ever. But this 70+ year old tiny teacher would not stand for nicknames- "Young man, Lindsey is a fine name and you will answer to it in my classroom." Also "If your parents wanted me to call you Kate, they should have saved us all some aggravation and named you Kate." You would be called by your legal name, no matter what and it was your parent's fault if you did not like your name. She was a very effective teacher, but had certain quirks that would not budge.

I worked with someone who called the kids by their full names in reverse. So Bethany Allen was called "Allen Bethany". Apparently, because that's how they were on the class lists. 

She had a lot of issues. She wore a boot with a broken heel to school all winter. And once wore an enormous apron she found at a thrift store as a skirt and bragged about it. 

She also once told me that teaching was weird because "there are eyes" and "do you ever think about all the eyes?" because you look out in the room and "you just see the eyes". 

You'll all be shocked to know she did not last a full year in the classroom; she literally just stopped coming to school one day in April. Didn't call in and was never heard from again. Her mother was finally reached because she was the emergency contact; she came and picked up her stuff. 

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9 minutes ago, louisa05 said:

I worked with someone who called the kids by their full names in reverse. So Bethany Allen was called "Allen Bethany". Apparently, because that's how they were on the class lists. 

Okay, now I have Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy running through my head.  Dent, Arthur Dent 

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37 minutes ago, keen23 said:

But this 70+ year old tiny teacher would not stand for nicknames- "Young man, Lindsey is a fine name and you will answer to it in my classroom." Also "If your parents wanted me to call you Kate, they should have saved us all some aggravation and named you Kate." You would be called by your legal name, no matter what and it was your parent's fault if you did not like your name. 

(my bold)

To the bit I bolded, that's why people like my sister-in-law have a nickname as their legal name. Because that was the only name her parents wanted her called, not the formal name it comes from, and definitely not the other nickname that comes from that formal name.

Isn't that the reason the actress Ginnifer Goodwin legally changed her name from Jennifer to Ginnifer? Because she preferred the way her family pronounced it, and changing the spelling was the only way to get other people to pronounce it that way? 

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3 hours ago, WhatWouldJohnCrichtonDo? said:

To the bit I bolded, that's why people like my sister-in-law have a nickname as their legal name. Because that was the only name her parents wanted her called, not the formal name it comes from, and definitely not the other nickname that comes from that formal name.

My husband was named after his grandfather.  His grandmother had a similar feminine version of the same name. From the time Mr. OneKid was little, he want by a nick name taken from this initials. It just got to confusing with three people answering to the same name. 

When filling out forms I've had to start over because I have used his nick name instead of his legal name.

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Both my husband and I have struggled to get people to pronounce our non English names correctly. All of my children have struggled with this as well. Some people, even with many reminders don't or can't pronounce our names. I have worked with someone for 8 years and she still doesn't say my name right.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I read this while I was on vacation. I was in Hawaii, hopped up on pina coladas. I saw that he was from my home state, and my first reaction was "yeah, figures", because he is from Indiana.

At the end of the day, my only response is "Fuck him". While I'm not overly educated about everything transgender, I am a decent enough human being, to let a child, live their life. I wish, in this current day and age, that every single American citizen, has to take a class on the fucking amendments. First of all, the shit is archaic, and was written for the 1700's, but that isn't really the point.

The Constitution was written, because the US, wanted to separate itself from the UK. Oooh, the second amendment is the whole "right to bear arms". That makes a hell of a lot of sense, back in 1776,  when the British Army, was storming your fucking fields, raping your women, and lord knows what else. Also, back then, people had muskets, not AK-47's. It took some time, skill, and patience, to load your fucking musket, to defend your home and family.

The first amendment, is all about "free speech". The amendment means free speech about the government, NOT every Tom, Dick, or Harry, that crosses your path. The first amendment is there, so we are legally protected, to walk up to Donald Trump, and call him an orange douchnozzle to his face. It's NOT there, so we can call everyday people, whatever slur we want to.

These same assholes, that scream, that it's their "constitutional right", to run around the streets with military grade weapons, while screaming whatever slur they see fit, manage to skip the fucking PREAMBLE, of the constitution, that when I last looked, guaranteed, "Life, Liberty, AND the pursuit of happiness", to every citizen of America. It never ceases to amaze me, that these idiots, seemingly "forget" the whole preamble to the constitution. Plus, if my memory serves me correctly, there is a HUGE spiel in the constitution (or amendments idk), about the separation of church and state. It's been at least 2 decades since I took US history, but I seem to recall, that a bunch of Brits, took off from the UK, because they didn't like the monarchy, dictating what they could do with their religion. So, they put the whole church and state thing in there, so folks could worship how they see fit, without involvement from the government. Like I said, I haven't read US History since....1993, so....whatever. 

So, in other words, fuck this guy. His "freedom of speech" is null and void, because the first amendment protects citizens, from legal penalties, for speaking out about the government. It isn't there, so you can call whoever you want, whatever you want. It's just there so we can call Trump a flaming pile of Cheeto turd, and not get prosecuted. 

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