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My brain hurts, v.33.0: Godly parents prevent "terrible 2s"


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My kid was born 'terrible' At just a few minutes old, she was deliberately knocking the oxygen mask off her face. She fought the nurses and doctors on shots, IVs, blood draws and whatever else they did to her in the NICU. Diaper changes were awful.

She also ruled the volunteers who came in to rock the NICU babies.

When I was finally able to go to the NICU to see her, the nurses said 'good luck with that one. She's feisty!"

She will be 9 soon ans still feisty! It scares me to think she would have to endure in a fundy home. :(

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My daughter just turned four a few weeks ago. Three was very difficult. Very. But that being said, I am happy I am blessed with a healthy, strong, intelligent, well-developing child.

I spent my Sunday morning at a church surrounded by crack houses, where 90% of the people live under the federal poverty line and half of those live at less than half the federal poverty line. We toured the free clinic and dental clinic my friend's mom (the pastor) has spearheaded, and saw just a glimmer of the amazing need and tragedy in a city just a few hours from mine. Attendance at the church is normally in the low teens, but the clinic still has to turn away some needing care, though they've made amazing strides in the last few years. It broke my heart, and made me realize just how lucky I am.

*Note, this was an ELCA Lutheran church, with a female pastor who donates her time, and lots of it. No fundies in attendance.

They have no idea how lucky they are to come from the socio-economic background they do. To complain about the things they complain about and ignore the amazing need in our world--it just makes my blood boil.

Here's a website to my friend's mom's church, if you care to take a look. http://www.pcvsoftware.net/christlutheran/

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"It's so easy to know it all when a little is all you know."

I'm getting into cross stich at the moment and i think this will make a lovely sampler! Do I have your permission, MamaJunebug, or is it copyrighted? ;)

On the whole two/three year old thing, I think it's nature's way of giving you a little taster of what it's like to have teenagers.

You have my permission and I only ask that you take me to a really nice dinner some time!

clarinetpower, i'm going to your friend's mom's church's website this very minute. God bless her work!!!!

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Blergh. I hate it when people say "If you only x, y, z, you will prevent the terrible twos/teenage rebellion/peer pressure" etc. That, right there, is what drew my mom into the fundie movement - the promise that if you follow the forumla to a T you will never have to deal with anything difficult in your life. And it's a total lie. Yeah, maybe you can whip your 2 year old into submission but ultimately you can't control how your kids are going to turn out. In fundie land there's a complete disregard for child development markers, and that ultimately ends up hurting kids.

My parents were promised utopia. They were promised that their children would never "rebel" or misbehave or whatever -and guess what, it didn't work. At all. Yes, I was a very tame teenager , but it stunted me in some ways. Once I figured out that I needed to establisth my own identity, separate from my parents, I was 19 years old, and that made for a couple of really ugly years.

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On the whole two/three year old thing, I think it's nature's way of giving you a little taster of what it's like to have teenagers.

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