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Learn from fundies? Household routines?


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Do it the fundie way. Have about 10 children and hope that half of them are girls. Beat them into submission, wait about 7-10 years, and then make them do all the cleaning.

You beat me to it.

I do a pretty reasonable clean once a week. My house is small, and only 3 people in it. I find the biggest battle when you have a small place is picking up - so many things everywhere that make it look untidy.

But yeah, the fundie way is to give all the work to your daughters. Or if you're the Duggars, invite the Bates family round. Wasn't it J-chelle who said that she loved having the Bateses come to visit because the house was so clean when they left?

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When I was home on maternity leave I was really good about doing a little bit every day but when I'm not home all day everything gets put off until I have a day off and then I rush around like a mad woman during my son's naps. Well I do laundry and dishes during the weke but pretty much everything else is delayed for the weekend. I wish I was better at doing stuff after my son went to bed but I just get on the computer or watch TV. And when I do have the energy to do something my husband does not and I prefer to clean at the same time.

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I do a little every day. I do mean a little too. For example, tonight I picked up the kitchen and cleaned the countertops. I also cleaned out one cupboard, as part of a week long plan to get the cupboards, drawers, and closets cleaned. Total time spent--about 30-45 minutes.

I usually devote about 1-2 hardcore hours a week which includes dusting, vacuuming, laundry, and cleaning both bathrooms. The rest of the weeks is just a bit of maintenance.

I fight with the bread of idleness, so I'll make deals with myself to get stuff done. List making helps too.

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I've done Flylady too, but the real secret is to declutter!!

So I used Flylady to go through one drawer and closet at a time, and downsize. It's so much easier to keep a clean house if there isn't so much crap to dust, stuff to move around to vacuum under, and have set logical places for everything, not just crammed in.

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Guest Anonymous

I hate housework, yet I am one of 5 people in the household and the only one home all day (other than the 2 y/o). Aside from my OCD hubby, I do okay with about 1/2 hour of housework a day. Pick the thing about your house that bugs you the most and work on that first. Otherwise it really is routine. Decide what you need to have done every day, every week etc and work towards it. Declutter - pull a box out, fill it, get rid of it. Repeat (don't let the boxes stack).

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I will also try the timer! Excited to see how that goes for me. Will try it right now with my job applicatino. :)

Being showered and dressed by 8 am sounds like a plan! I mean, when I stay home, what I do a lot of days due to thesis-writing, I only ever wear sweatpants. Cause it's comfy. And I'm not willing to change that;) BUT a nice top, hair in order, and basically looking like I'd be ready to go to work (minus the swears) could make a big difference .

Particulary since I'm a morning person and most productive in the early hours.

The 15 minutes timer- work your ass off- sounds GREAT. So I can trick myself into doing it, cause it's only 15 mintues! It's like nothing! So much time for fun left!


Haha, going great so far (not). It's 9:47 am, sitting here in my PJ's, didnt get the applications out yesterday, cause I got distracted. I'm way to easily distracted anyway. At least I managed to wash my hair already. :)

Decluttering I thnk IS a big help. That being said, I'll do some more and watch an episode of hoarders on the side maybe :D

(Particulary since we're moving in 2 weeks, this IS a great time to declutter!)

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I got myself in a little situation, God bless my mom thou we had guide lines a few bumpy patches but without help it would have taken a long time. I’m not a stick to a schedule for house work type don’t like it but, once a week vacuum and clean bathrooms kitchen is clean after dinner and washing done when ever. Since I live alone it’s easy to let things slide because it’s just you. I did have chore lists growing up, but couldn’t seem to use the same system when I moved out. I usually pick Friday due the main cleaning then, since the big clean up help it’s been much better because it’s not a heavy duty clean every time, I would not make a very good fundy wife and I’m OK with that.

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When I homeschooled, I used a plan called Large Family Logistics. It was on the internet, and yes the lady was a total fundie. However, it had a few benefits: she incorporated homeschooling into her routines, and she had schedules more fitting to a large family. I tried Flylady but it was frustrating for me... what she says takes ten minutes would take me all morning with a house full of small children. Also, I didn't like the way 'Born Organized' people were picked on. I actually am a naturally organized person, but I have a lot to handle tyvm. I don't think that makes me a condescending bitch. If anything, it's a talent.

Large Family Logistics seems to be off the internet now... the lady has a blog, but she doesn't have her old routines up. I stopped visiting her site years ago because of the fundie bs, but my daily schedule still resembles the program.

If anyone wants to share their daily routines, I would be interested in hearing them. It seems like I take a little from every cleaning program I try and get a little more efficient over time. Which is good, because between school and work I have at least ten hours a day to do outside of housekeeping and parenting.

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I'm not sure how some fundies can seem to spend ALL day cleaning. I work full time and go to grad school at night, have a toddler, we cook all meals at home, cloth diaper, etc. and somehow I still don't spend more than an hour a day on housework. It's usually much less. Our home is in a condition where drop-in visitors wouldn't be a problem, although it's not magazine-perfect. I like having a clean/uncluttered environment, especially with a toddler who gets into everything.

This. THere are some days when I have my moments. Like "Gah, I just organized the toy shelf. Can't you be satisfied to let it stay nice for 5 freaking minutes???" but that's hardly a rational expectation, so I suck it up and don't actually say it. And I make my poor children pick up the legos that they fling all over the universe. :lol: Two of my kids also do the supper dishes.

But other than that, I do it all and it really doesn't seem like a huge burden or a full-time job. Honestly I think if we were comparing, I'd say dh works harder than me, and I don't resent his abscense on the house-cleaning crew. The only time I start getting overwhelmed is if I let the state of the house cross a nebulous border from "lived in" to "really messy". Then it's hard to think about where to start and how I'm going to do it all. But if I keep up a minimum on a daily basis, then it stays reasonably nice and I only need to do a 10 minute "sweep" of the house before company comes, if I want it really nice.

The things I do daily that seem to help me:

Doing dishes after each meal--it's just a few, so just a few minutes required

Making beds and picking up dirty clothes

Keeping the laundry chugging through, and putting it away as soon as possible

A few times a week (usually daily but sometimes every other day) grabbing a rag and a spray bottle of cleaner and quickly wiping down the sink and toilet--I keep those things handy to me, but out of the reach of the children, so that I really can grab them and get it done quickly while I'm already there.

Doing at least one quick run-through of the house focused just on picking stuff up and putting it away. Doesn't take long if I stay focused on that task alone.

All in all, not a whole lot of time out of my day, but it keeps the house in decent shape. If things start to get grubby looking *then* I commit myself to a little more time to spruce things up. Maybe once a week. The bathroom gets done on an as needed basis. Essential areas get the quick-clean frequently, and then every once in a while I feel the urge to bleach-bomb it, so I do.

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I think part of it is that they over-clean. Like the Maxwell's with their kitchen cabinet polishing. It's just unnecessary.

I keep a clean and uncluttered house. Every morning and evening the kids and I do a quick pick-up. I have the house divided into seven sections and everyday I deep clean one of them. My kids each have a chore that they do everyday (one loads the dishes, one unloads, etc) and that keeps the house clean enough. One of my biggest challenges is laundry, but I have started doing it every day and thus it never builds up.

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This is a great thread. I've been thinking about implementing some sort of chore-chart/pack system for my kids but I REFUSE to give any money to those assholes.

Does anyone have experience with the Maxwell chore packs? What are they? Can they not be easily reproduced for $5 at OfficeMax?

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This is a great thread. I've been thinking about implementing some sort of chore-chart/pack system for my kids but I REFUSE to give any money to those assholes.

Does anyone have experience with the Maxwell chore packs? What are they? Can they not be easily reproduced for $5 at OfficeMax?

Make a list of the chores your kids need to do. Write the words on index cards, or draw picture if you give chores to kids who can't read yet. Hopefully your kids are smart enough to handle the card just being displayed somewhere without needing them to be physically attached to them, but if they really need that constant reminder, punch a hole in each card, string some yarn through it, and hang it around their neck like a necklace.

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I think the chore packs would annoy the bejeezus out of my kids. I keep a list for each one on the refrigerator of things they need to do every day, broken down into Before School/After School/Before Bed. My 4 yo might benefit from a chore pack because she forgets to check the list, but it would be dangerous combined with her tree climbing habit.

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annalena, my brother likes this chore list - for perspective, he shares a 1-br apartment with his girlfriend, and they don't have any kids or pets.

http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/chicago ... ays-131142

Oscar, that is super helpful! Thank you!

Has anyone else got this weird thing? My room is an absolute nightmare. It is filled with rubbish and it needs a deep clean, it is horrible. I can never seem to bring myself to even start to tidy. But my desk at work and my office drawers and shelves in my work area are immaculate. It upsets me if they are not.

Do others have that too, or in reverse?

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I used to have it in reverse. My office was a mess, but I turned into Suzy Homemaker at home. Coworkers who came to my house were always shocked.

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I'm like that. My house is pretty cluttered now, but it was "as seen on Hoaders" messy a few years ago (could have had to do with working 2 full-time jobs at the time, or the ridiculous shopping habit but guilt at throwing anything "good" out). During the same time period, co-workers and clients would often remark how my office & car were so clean & super-organized. The reason they were so organized was because all the little systems and files were my way of forcing myself to keep things there neat and easy to find.

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We try to keep up with the basic everyday, like straightened the kitchen before we leave for work and then cleaning it (filling dishwasher, washing pots & pans, wiping counters & table, sweeping floor if necessary). I generally make the boys pick up their crap for the living room every night and try to pick up the stuff that accumulates in the foyer (backpacks, work shoes, etc.)

Other than that, it's been pretty much having to wait for the weekend, and the AustinDude and I share it pretty much, or sometimes he does a little more, but I pay bills and handle the finances. I've been doing the supermarket shopping on the way home from work on Friday nights, which is a big change because he did it for years and there were months at a time where I never set foot in a supermarket. But he mentioned something recently about being tired of it, so I offered to take it on and it's sort of fun (for right now). While I'm shopping, he cleans the bathrooms and separates the laundry. When I come home, he unloads the groceries and puts everything away and I start the laundry. I also change linens at this time.

On Saturday sometimes, we usually vacuum and dust and steam mop the kitchen at least, and sometimes the lower level, too. Our eldest is sleeping down there because he got into a beef with his bro and decided he didn't want to share room with him for awhile. We have three bedrooms and three boys, so two have to double up. Anyway, eldest is a born slob, so it's hard to keep that level acceptable. I can shut the door to the family room so I don't have to look at it when I'm doing laundry, which has always been my approach to kids with messy rooms. I would like it better if he was not taking up significant living space, but it doesn't bother me enough to make it an issue quite yet. They'll probably work it out anyway.

I try to take on one "deep-clean" job a weekend. Last weekend, I did the kitchen, and perhaps inspired by the Maxwells (lol), I washed (not polished - just a little Murphy's Oil Soap) the kitchen cabinets, cleaned the oven, wiped down the vinyl vertical blinds, cleaned out the fridge completely, polished the table and chairs, wiped out the inside of the dishwasher. . . just a bunch of stuff that doesn't get done on a daily or even weekly basis. My husband cleaned the living room carpet with the Bissell. Thank heavens for berber. He also took all the couch cushions off and vacuumed the whole couch (big sectional) thoroughly - and found a lot of stuff that we thought was lost - lol.

So in this way, we keep our heads above water. I'm not in a hurry for our boys to move out, but I won't miss their mess. Like I said, our eldest is a major slob, one twin is a slob sometimes, and one is much neater. However, they all contribute to the general mess, if only by the amount of dirt they track in.

This weekend, I really need to deep clean our bedroom, as that's where we tend to gather paperwork that we think we're going to be interested in later but rarely are.

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I'm digging my way out of a bout of moderate/severe depression. Drugs plus therapy.

Anyway, I decided to tackle a little task each day. This morning before work, I got up and made breakfast. Then, got the kids up and we ate breakfast together. Washed up the dishes. Got dressed and off on our merry way.

Tonight, the 3 of us are folding 3 loads of laundry while watching a movie.

That is all I can handle today, but I feel like I am getting back on track.

We tried deep cleaning this weekend, but I just couldn't do it. So, we did the 15 minute pick up.

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I'm digging my way out of a bout of moderate/severe depression. Drugs plus therapy.

Hey, me too, 1004srs. This thread inspired me to do most of my dishes. ;)

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Hey, me too, 1004srs. This thread inspired me to do most of my dishes. ;)

That's my problem, since I'm chronically depressed I never catch up and get depressed about it and say screw it.

I've been on my back for over two weeks due to injuries. It's just my husband, my dad and myself and the house exploded. People came over after I got out of hospital and cleaned for a few days and if exactly how it was. I don't understand.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So what I've realized over the last couple of days, ever since my boyfriend started working in a "real" fulltime job- what helps me tremendously to get my day started right is actually leaving the house and drive him to the train station at 730 am.

The whole getting dressed to shoes thing didnt really help, since when you've time, there are too many choices (beside, why would I wear shoes inside the house anyway?! Makes it all dirty again!) and dressing took at least half an hour to me.

But like this, my ever-low blood pressure rises a little bit, since I am forced to leave the house, drive, focus, walk up and down the stairs, am exposed to another temperature outside.

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