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3 Trump: Parables, Politics, Panic


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53 minutes ago, JenniferJuniper said:

Lindbergh baby?   Yep, Obama took him.  Its a known fact. .

Lizzie Borden's parents?  Some have said Obama was visiting their neighbors that day.  Do I know this for sure?  No, but many people are saying this.

Zodiac killer?  Looks like his handwriting on those notes to the cops. Just sayin', just sayin'.

It would all be hilarious if the future of the republic wasn't on the line.  Even if Clinton wins this year, what is 2020 going to bring?

No, you're wrong. Bill Clinton took the Lindbergh baby. Obama was still in Africa at the time -- he hadn't snuck into the US illegally yet.

And it's a well-known fact that Hillary was Lizzie Borden's BFF. She gave Lizzie ax lessons.

I agree that it would be funny if it didn't indicate a scary future. The wackos won't wait until 2020. They will start trying to remove Hillary from office as soon as the polls close on election day.

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Oh, I'm sure there will be at least one lawsuit questioning the "legitimacy" of a Clinton win, even if she wins by a landslide.  It's not like Trump and his Followers actually believe facts.  

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Speaking of Trump's supporters not believing facts, I saw this on Facebook today:



An NBC poll that polls actual people on the Internet has Donald Trump winning by a huge margin, currently 50% to Hillary's 19% with over 62,000 votes taken. So why does this poll contradict what all the other polls being produced are saying?


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42 minutes ago, RoseWilder said:

Wow, the comments section of that article is a cesspool of stupidity. 

Is there a word for "makes me question the future of humanity" and "unintentional comedy gold"?

Exhibit A:

[Name Redacted]

"I only Care about Nov. 20th. These polls are stupid and don't count for crap."

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13 minutes ago, Hera said:

Is there a word for "makes me question the future of humanity" and "unintentional comedy gold"?

Exhibit A:

[Name Redacted]

"I only Care about Nov. 20th. These polls are stupid and don't count for crap."

I bet when that person shows up to vote on the 20th and realizes the election already happened, he/she is going to be shouting all over their Facebook page that the election is rigged. 

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2 minutes ago, RoseWilder said:

I bet when that person shows up to vote on the 20th and realizes the election already happened, he/she is going to be shouting all over their Facebook page that the election is rigged. 

Well, of course! The entire country conspired to deprive them of their right to vote Trump by telling them the wrong day to do so. Ebil liberals did it again!!1!!1!!!


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7 hours ago, Howl said:

I'm amazed at the ability of the ex and current paid Trump loyalists (Corey Lewandowski and Paul Manafort) to stay on message with the shit hitting the fan hourly.  These guys are absolutely robotic.  Of course, they've been called to the front lines so often I'm sure it is now part of their DNA. 


They don't even compare to the hilarity of Trump's spokesperson, Katrina Pierson. I live for reactions of the tv journalists who give her a platform to spin his foolishness. "But Donald Trump wasn't there!" 


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So now we have at least 75 of the GOP, still collecting signatures and the number could go higher than 75, signing a letter and will send to the RNC saying all funding should cease towards Trump because he is reckless and his Presidental bid will be lost in a landslide. They are saying the RNC should only back house and senate candidates and tell Trump to get lost. Of course the Trump campaign is claiming these people are not actual republicans and never were. :pb_rollseyes:

Holy hell....we have like 88 more days of this, people. Trump cannot focus on anything else except himself and what people think about him. We barely know anything about his policies because he is too busy getting into Twitter arguments with just about everyone on the planet. 

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And of course Trump's buddy Sean Hannity was too busy slobbering over Cheeto Benito (sorry for that mental image) to bother doing some fact checking on this story;



“The Trump campaign has confirmed to Hannity.com that Mr. Trump did indeed send his plane to make two trips from North Carolina to Miami, Florida to transport over 200 Gulf War Marines back home.” — quote in article titled “200 Stranded Marines Needed A Plane Ride Home, Here’s How Donald Trump Responded,” Sean Hannity Show website, May 19, 2016

It seemed like such a sweet story — Donald Trump sending his personal plane down to Camp Lejeune, N.C., when 200 Marines were stranded after fighting in the 1991 Persian Gulf War. At least that is the story that Sean Hannity of Fox News has touted on his website for several months.

Despite the rumors on base, it’s clear that Trump had nothing to do with the dispatch of the jet to the troops stranded at Camp Lejeune. The aircraft that ferried the troops was part of the Trump Shuttle fleet, at a time when Trump barely had control over the airline and was frantically trying to negotiate deals with bankers to prevent the collapse of his business empire.

Sean Hannity needs to prominently correct this article. The Trump campaign, meanwhile, earns Four Pinocchios for confirming a story that is easily debunked.


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And now, Trump's saying that, despite correcting anyone who tried to suggest he wasn't being literal with his "Obama and Hillary founded ISIS" nonsense, he was being "sarcastic" and the media and others (who just unfairly keep repeating his exact words) just don't understand a joke when they hear one. They didn't "get it" when he said Russia should hack Hillary; they didn't "get it" when he said someone should assassinate Hillary and/or her USSC picks; and they just don't "get it" now. 

Here's a tip, Donald. If everyone doesn't "get it", it's not them, it's you. And also, we "get" your dog whistles to the uneducated, frothing at the mouth lunatics who follow you quite clearly. We're just not willing to go along with it and let you play your game. 



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I'm not clear on why Trump and his camp think that using the whole "I was joking" defense makes this okay. Saying he was joking still makes him look like a lunatic because even if he was joking (he wasn't, but let's just say for the sake of argument he was joking) it still makes him look unhinged because sane, rational, mature people know that there are some subjects you don't ever joke about. Sane, decent human beings don't joke about people getting assassinated or about people founding terrorist groups. 

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12 hours ago, Hera said:

Is there a word for "makes me question the future of humanity" and "unintentional comedy gold"?

It's worth noting that, given the long history of human foibles, this word was not needed until now.  

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#ManyPeopleAreSaying Donald Trump doesn't know the meaning of sarcasm.  I don't know myself, he might, but you know, many people are saying he is ridiculous with all his excuses.

He's terrible.  Just terrible.  He needs to quit.

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1 hour ago, RoseWilder said:

I'm not clear on why Trump and his camp think that using the whole "I was joking" defense makes this okay. Saying he was joking still makes him look like a lunatic because even if he was joking (he wasn't, but let's just say for the sake of argument he was joking) it still makes him look unhinged because sane, rational, mature people know that there are some subjects you don't ever joke about. Sane, decent human beings don't joke about people getting assassinated or about people founding terrorist groups. 

It certainly doesn't bolster any confidence in his judgment or ability to govern.  Imagine. If Trumpster Fire Extraordinaire wins, the U.S. can be the first nation in ever to ignite a war due to something shockingly stupid its leader says and then claim "I was only kidding! Can't you people take a joke?"  

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So now Cheeto Benito wants to try Americans at Gitmo.



Donald Trump once again threw legality into the wind, suggesting that Americans could be tried at Guantánamo Bay if he’s president. As the Miami Herald points out, that’s against current U.S. law.

Trump told the Herald on Thursday that it “would be fine” for military tribunals at the infamous detention center to prosecute U.S. citizens suspected of terrorism.

“I know that they want to try them in our regular court systems, and I don’t like that at all,” the GOP presidential nominee said.

Trump’s lack of concern for U.S. laws is well documented. He has suggested he might pull the U.S. from NAFTA and said that’d he “open libel laws” to make it easier to sue journalists. The GOP nominee also may have broken multiple federal election laws.


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And now he thinks that, polls notwithstanding, the only way he can  lose PA is if Hillary cheats. Because math is for losers. Apparently. 


Sarcasm aside, this idiot, likely intentionally, is winding up a gun-worshiping segment of the population into a frothing frenzy of hate, rage and resentment come Jan. 21. It scares me.

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38 minutes ago, Hera said:

And now he thinks that, polls notwithstanding, the only way he can  lose PA is if Hillary cheats. Because math is for losers. Apparently. 


Sarcasm aside, this idiot, likely intentionally, is winding up a gun-worshiping segment of the population into a frothing frenzy of hate, rage and resentment come Jan. 21. It scares me.

So let's see, depending on what poll you look at, he's between 10 and 13 points behind Clinton in Pennsylvania. But yeah, clearly Clinton can't win the state without cheating. A Trump loss in that state couldn't possibly be because he has offended 70% of the country.

Well I guess now we see the talking points the far-right-Trump-enablers are going to be using all over Facebook for the next 4-8 years.

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I'm extra ragey over this because that's my hometown there in Pennsylvania. I want to urp over the number of idiot FB acquaintances who went. Stupid son of a bitch. Yeah, Pennsylvania is gonna go Republican unless CHEATING.

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At his first rally of the day, Trump put his dislike of the media in harsher terms than usual -- calling journalists "the lowest form of life."

"I tell you, the lowest," he said. "They are the lowest form of humanity."


Yeah that will help him in winning this race: alienating the news media. 



(CNN)The daughter of Ronald Reagan is citing her father's shooting as evidence that comments like Donald Trump's recent blast against Hillary Clinton have real-world consequences.

"To Donald Trump: I am the daughter of a man who was shot by someone who got his inspiration from a movie, someone who believed if he killed the President the actress from that movie would notice him," Patti Davis wrote in a Facebook post that went up late Wednesday night.


"Your glib and horrifying comment about 'Second Amendment people' was heard around the world," Davis continued. "It was heard by sane and decent people who shudder at your fondness for verbal violence. It was heard by your supporters, many of whom gleefully and angrily yell, 'Lock her up!' at your rallies. It was heard by the person sitting alone in a room, locked in his own dark fantasies, who sees unbridled violence as a way to make his mark in the world, and is just looking for ideas," Davis wrote. "Yes, Mr. Trump, words matter. But then you know that, which makes this all even more horrifying."

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We already knew about Trump, but it's so easy to forget.  William F. Buckley nailed it 16 years ago: 


Look for the narcissist. The most obvious target in today’s lineup is, of course, Donald Trump. When he looks at a glass, he is mesmerized by its reflection. If Donald Trump were shaped a little differently, he would compete for Miss America. But whatever the depths of self-enchantment, the demagogue has to say something [to voters]. So what does Trump say? That he is a successful businessman and that that is what America needs in the Oval Office. There is some plausibility in this, though not much. The greatest deeds of American Presidents — midwifing the new republic; freeing the slaves; harnessing the energies and vision needed to win the Cold War — had little to do with a bottom line.  HuffPo, The Father Of Modern Conservatism Accurately Assessed Donald Trump 16 Years Ago

Going way back, cartoonist Garry Trudeau's Doonesbury comic strip skewered Trump -- all the Trump that's here now, was there then: 

How ‘Doonesbury’ predicted Donald Trump’s presidential run 29 years ago

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16 hours ago, Hera said:

And now he thinks that, polls notwithstanding, the only way he can  lose PA is if Hillary cheats. Because math is for losers. Apparently. 


Sarcasm aside, this idiot, likely intentionally, is winding up a gun-worshiping segment of the population into a frothing frenzy of hate, rage and resentment come Jan. 21. It scares me.

And of course Cheeto Benito's mentor Pat Buchanan has picked up this line and is parroting it now...



No man did more to blaze the trail for anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim hysteria than Donald Trump’s spiritual fore-bearer, Patrick Buchanan. So it’s not too surprising that Buchanan is propped up in the Mean Folks Home somewhere, spraying MD 20/20 at the 12” screen of his Philco Safari, as he screams along with Trump.

Buchanan, citing Trump’s recent suggestion that the election could be “rigged,” said that if Hillary Clinton defeats Trump, “would that not suggest there is something fraudulent about American democracy, something rotten in the state?”

It might also suggest that Hillary got more votes than Trump. But that idea hasn’t entered Buchanan’s mind. Trump can only beaten by being cheated, and of course, you know what comes next.

The Czechs had their Prague Spring. The Tunisians and Egyptians their Arab Spring. When do we have our American Spring?


Much like Trump, Buchanan's problem is that he hasn't been told anywhere near enough to shut the fuck up in his lifetime.

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On 8/11/2016 at 9:00 PM, Hera said:

Is there a word for "makes me question the future of humanity" and "unintentional comedy gold"?

You know how language changes over time? In my eyes, " Trump" now has another definition that means the word you were searching for.

All this talk from the Trump supporters about the polls being wrong is giving me flashbacks of 2012.

Remember the unskewed polls guy who kept insisting that Romney was going to win? Remember how Karl Rove had a meltdown on FOX News on election night? Remember how Mrs. Romney had that big ol' victory bouffant and Mitt supposedly hadn't written a concession speech because he believed the nuttery that outlets like FOX were spewing 24/7?

I think that history is going to repeat itself this year, but the Trump supporters are going to bring their guns when things don't turn out as they thought they would. :pb_sad:



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On 8/11/2016 at 9:16 PM, RoseWilder said:

I bet when that person shows up to vote on the 20th and realizes the election already happened, he/she is going to be shouting all over their Facebook page that the election is rigged. 

[my bold]

For the sake of the down ticket, one could only hope they miss the actual election date.  Use that social media Trumpsters, spread the word, vote Nov. 20th!  

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