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Cat question!


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I am a pretty experienced cat mom, I've fostered kittens for my local rescue for a few years (GREAT experience, I encourage all who are able to try it!). I've been through some digestive problems, eye infections etc but for the most part, mine have enjoyed really good health. My oldest litter is now 5 months (where are all the adopters??) and very active, happy and healthy. BUT I have one male in this group that sneezes a lot. I've never had this before. He just sneezes and sneezes. It wakes him up from his many naps. It hasn't slowed him any. Any ideas? 

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Do you use any kind of air freshener, spray or plugins? My feline headship had the same problem. Turns out the plugins were the problem.

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Yeah turns out my fur niece Maggie has allergies so my sister and brother in law are trying to limit the different dusts, pollens, air freshners, etc that they have around the house to keep her allergies from acting up.


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No, we don't have any sort of artificial air fresheners. I have a child with level 3 autism and I am trying to create the most non toxic space for her that is humanly possible. I diffuse essential oils sometimes. And the only allergen I can think of is cat hair!!


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I'm not sure if it's safe for cats- so check with your vet first- but we've given our dogs Benadryl for allergies, you could see if that helps.

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This almost certainly doesn't help much but...

My dachshund sneezes all the time.  Antihistamines don't help so I just treat it like a cleaning issue: I just wipe up the doxie snot with paper towels.  

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Per my vet, essential oils can cause allergies in cats.

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Is he still sneezing? Are his eyes looking goopy or runny at all? My first thought was conjunctivitis. 

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My kitties sneeze...often. Vet says don't worry about it as long as they're not acting sick. Death and Destruction don't let a sneeze or three stop them from carrying out their plans to dominate their world (our home). 

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I have a sneezer, a goopy eye, and a recent flea allergy between my 3. All allergy related. Who knew a cat could be allergic to goldenrod? Vet approved for me, a small part of a Benadryl does help. Still consult your vet for dosage, but it's help with all mines special problems

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  • 1 month later...

Joining you a bit late, but here are my two cents on the sneezing issue: When we got our cat from the shelter two years ago, they informed us that she had been given some preventive shots, including one for something called "sneezing disease" (at least here in The Netherlands that's how they call it). Are you familiar with this disease and could it be possible that this what makes your cat sneeze?

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"Sneezing disease"...thanks to Google, here it is: http://www.vcahospitals.com/main/pet-health-information/article/animal-health/feline-calicivirus-infection/4132

There is a vaccination against it...I guess that's what the shelter gave your cat. 

Here's an article about kitty sneezing http://www.catchannel.com/experts/arnold_plotnick/why-is-my-cat-sneezing.aspx

My felines sneeze over the same things that make me sneeze...not a big deal. 

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one of my sneezing cats was diagnosed with an upper respiratory infection; we got a scrip for antibiotics and he recovered quickly.  

then  22 years ago (granted, practices may have changed since then), I had a cat who didn't sneeze a lot, but she chewed the skin on her back to the point that she was a mess of scabs and bald spots.  the vet (in 1994) told us she was literally allergic to herself.  he then gave her cortisone shots every six months. after the first one, she cleared up within a couple of weeks, and while we kept the shots going, she didn't have any relapses.  she belonged to my ex, and after we broke up he took her with him and I lost track of both of them, so I don't know how the cat did long-term. 

but perhaps your vet can see if your cat has any allergies.  I hope he gets better.

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15 hours ago, feministxtian said:

"Sneezing disease"...thanks to Google, here it is: http://www.vcahospitals.com/main/pet-health-information/article/animal-health/feline-calicivirus-infection/4132

There is a vaccination against it...I guess that's what the shelter gave your cat. 


Yes, that's probably it! :-)

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That vaccine is included with the distemper vaccine. My feline headship gets a booster every year.

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When I adopted my cat from the shelter there was another sneezy cat there. They said it had had cat flu, and that was why it was left with a sneeze. They weren't sure whether or not it would stop sneezing. 

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