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I wanted to be Michelle Duggar...


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I just wanted to introduce myself. My husband and I were ready to buy in to the who Gothard ATI stuff and really start being a fudie. I honestly believe I worshiped Jim Bob and Michelle since their first special. I wanted to be just like Michelle. I took notes highlighted in the books etc. (sick I know).


Well, long story short I had a friend tell me to look more closely at the Duggars and gave me this website and the television without pity. She also gave me a few websites about Bill Gothard. About 2 months ago we decided not to send in the application for our children to ATI.


I was talking like her- jeez I just wanted to be like her. They seemed perfect and polished. I lived blindly. Sadly many people do. I talked to many people who support the Duggars and now am starting to see how even they are being fooled. I actually believed they paid for Josie and are still debt free (I do not believe that anymore) and that the children were loving their life and really were thankful to be in the family.


I wanted to meet the family but decided not to go to a book signing. They are just too fake to me now


The blinders are coming off (Thank God)


So if you don't mind me posting here I decided to join today.

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I wanted to get into ATI and attend their Journey to the Heart program since the Duggars life seemed so polished and happy, but like you when I took the blinders off what I saw was not pretty, but scary. It's scary to me how the Duggars since they are now on TLC can recruit more than ever for ATI and pass it off as a good "Christian" organization with "old fashioned values" and since most people haven't the faintest idea of what ATI life is truly like will want to sign on for it.

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I just wanted to introduce myself. My husband and I were ready to buy in to the who Gothard ATI stuff and really start being a fudie. I honestly believe I worshiped Jim Bob and Michelle since their first special. I wanted to be just like Michelle. I took notes highlighted in the books etc. (sick I know).

Well, long story short I had a friend tell me to look more closely at the Duggars and gave me this website and the television without pity. She also gave me a few websites about Bill Gothard. About 2 months ago we decided not to send in the application for our children to ATI.

I was talking like her- jeez I just wanted to be like her. They seemed perfect and polished. I lived blindly. Sadly many people do. I talked to many people who support the Duggars and now am starting to see how even they are being fooled. I actually believed they paid for Josie and are still debt free (I do not believe that anymore) and that the children were loving their life and really were thankful to be in the family.

I wanted to meet the family but decided not to go to a book signing. They are just too fake to me now

The blinders are coming off (Thank God)

So if you don't mind me posting here I decided to join today.

Welcome! I used to be really into them, too, before I knew what they actually believe. I certainly don't hate (or even dislike) them, but I've since become pretty disenchanted. They support organizations that have caused a lot of people harm, and they're still actively promoting organizations like IBLP and Vision Forum. I'm glad you didn't end up joining ATI. I think you dodged a bullet with that. ;)

Anyway, another thing I dislike about the Duggars is that they're getting quite rich from their "ministry," and I really can't stand when people sell Christianity like it's a product. Not only that, but they're selling Happy, Shiny Christianity, where everyone is happy and positive all the time -- or else! -- and if you're not and you don't keep sweet, then you must not have faith, or you must not be submissive enough. To me, that seems like such a twisted, unrealistic version of Christianity. I think they probably have good intentions, but yeah, I'm not a fan of what they promote.

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I wanted to get into ATI and attend their Journey to the Heart program since the Duggars life seemed so polished and happy, but like you when I took the blinders off what I saw was not pretty, but scary. It's scary to me how the Duggars since they are now on TLC can recruit more than ever for ATI and pass it off as a good "Christian" organization with "old fashioned values" and since most people haven't the faintest idea of what ATI life is truly like will want to sign on for it.

Ahhh I did the Jim Sammons Financial Freedom Seminar and was going to go to the Basic Seminar with my husband. What all went on at Journey of the Heart? How old do you have to be for that? I assumed that was for teens so I never looked into it.

I should have known with the Financial freedom seminar- if anyone ever gets the book it is some scary stuff. Fudiefun- we could be great friends :)

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You're very welcome to join us here! I think we all buy into some perfected image at one point or another and believe it to attainable, only to find out the realities when we probe deeper. We all have our crap, and it becomes more and more apparent that the Duggars and other fundie royalty have it too.

I'd personally be wary of any organization that claims to offer the way, especially for a price. As others have pointed out, the Duggars and others (like the Botkin sisters) are really all advertisement. It's very much product-oriented.

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Ahhh I did the Jim Sammons Financial Freedom Seminar and was going to go to the Basic Seminar with my husband. What all went on at Journey of the Heart? How old do you have to be for that? I assumed that was for teens so I never looked into it.

I should have known with the Financial freedom seminar- if anyone ever gets the book it is some scary stuff. Fudiefun- we could be great friends :)


Journey to the Heart is basically an intense week or two week long course where the Duggars sent Jana, Jessa, Jinger, and Jill. If you look at the schedule it's intense bible study and getting you to admit your sins ala brainwashing out in the Michigan woods. Those types of camps or programs are in no way healthy. I attended a college Christian retreat which consisted of 3 hour prayer and bible study sessions and by the end of the day I was so broken down and drained that I was willing to admit to almost anything.

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Oooh, what does it teach? I've always been curious about it!

Well I could tell you lots but first off- If you go on Amazon and search men's manual vol. 2 it is the whole corse in that book and you save 100 bucks- unless you really want to listen to Jim Sammons but I felt like except for some personal stories her just read that book. Here are the disks though

what the chapter is about is in bold

Disc 1:

•Learn what it really means to be financially free. If we think we can get rich by our own efforts, we will become the victims of our own schemes, while success is not where I am at, but where I could have been if I followed His ways. This message is just the beginning of the powerful series that are contained in the Financial Freedom seminar. Jim Sammons reveals his life testimony in this practical message of how he overcame the insurmountable anxiety and stress that resulted from falling into debt. He realized that all along he was searching in all the wrong places to solve his financial problems, while trying to follow the world’s way. Jim Sammons gives personal examples of how he became "rich" from applying God's principles rather than becoming disillusioned from the world's idea on how to "solve your debt, and get rich quick."

•Know God’s four purposes for money. "We need to be committed to understanding God's purposes for money before we can expect Him to provide the money for us." In this second session, Jim Sammons talks about the Four Purposes of money, and how often we misunderstand God's true plan in blessing us through our finances, either through providing much, or even taking away. We need to learn how to obey first, and understand why God let it happen, later. Whatever God chooses to give or take away, we need to be content in knowing that God is in control, otherwise, we will miss out on God's ideal for our lives.

Disc 2:

•Identify and reject false financial concepts. "If I think, act, and look successful, will I then become successful? Is becoming the president of my own business the ultimate financial goal?" These are often a few of the many questions that are filtering through our minds every day, and are answered clearly in this session. The world's concept of success today is anything but the truth compared to God's vision of success in our lives and for eternity. We need to be certain that our concepts are based on God's and not the world's, and God will encourage us to take a stand for His truth when faced with financial temptations. In this message, Jim Sammons covers these concepts along with many other Biblical truths of how to become the servant of all in a world that worships those whom are among the top of the corporate chain. God’s purpose is not the job we have but the message we develop while becoming a living translation of God’s Word.

•Recognize God’s reproofs for the wrong ways to riches. "It was understanding this principle that became the turning point in my life!" This quote by Jim Sammons sums up the imperative significance of this message. God's ways are not our ways, and His thoughts are not our thoughts and if we violate God's ways, it will affect those around us as well. In this message, Jim Sammons speaks on how man's ways are totally opposing to God's ways that He has laid out for our life. If we choose to follow our path rather than God's, it is the way to not only our destruction, but also to destruction in our marriages, relationships with others, our finances, and our health. This message will encourage you in ways that cannot be explained!

Disc 3:

•Choose to serve God rather than money. "Whether or not we have money does not determine who we are serving, but rather who we are serving is determined by how we make decisions regarding money." Am I serving money rather than God? Am I content with everything that I have right now? Many times, we expect money to do for us what only God can do. In this session, Jim Sammons gives many examples from his personal life as well as his business life on how true financial freedom comes from dedicating all possessions to God, and how real Sacrifice can only take place in our hearts. Choose this day whom you will serve!

•Establish the tithe as a “weekly reminder.†Should I tithe if I am in debt? Am I robbing from God by not tithing? Does God care about my attitude when I tithe? If all that we have belongs to God, why then should we be negligent to tithe? In this message, Jim Sammons answers these pressing questions, and explains why by giving practical examples of his own life, and other's experiences that he has witnessed in the area of tithing. Tithing is experiencing God's presence and he which soweth bountifully, reapeth bountifully, God loves a cheerful giver!

Disc 4:

•Purpose to keep out of debt Sounds like the Duggars

"Violation of this principle has brought more destruction to relationships, marriages, and businesses, than any other principle I know of!" Jim Sammons reveals the destructive consequences of debt and how it causes us to fall into the trap of becoming a slave to the lender. Borrowing interferes with God's provision for us, and staying out of debt frees us to serve the Lord, rather than those whom we owe. This is an uplifting message and explains how spiritual leadership is not measured by what we have done, but by the direction we are moving for Christ. Listen to this message, and you will encounter practical ways to get out of debt, and stay out of debt!

•Learn to live within your income. In this session, Jim Sammons finishes up his message on how to "Purpose to Stay Out of Debt", as well as touching on the importance of learning how to live within your income. Contentment has to be learned and can often times be difficult to live out. Jim Sammons also explains how our standard of living should be built around contentment with our basic needs, and not our wants or luxuries. God's destiny for people is not centered on their earthly riches, but His eternal riches!

Disc 5:

•Develop sales resistance. Advertising is on fire in our world today, and is continuing to grow and bring profit to many businesses. Advertising can be used in a way that glorifies God or it can be used to tear His people down. In this message, Jim Sammons specifically discusses the often deceptive customs of advertising, and how it affects business decisions, our minds, and also how it creates discontentment in our hearts. If we allow ourselves to buy into many of these false advertisements, we are then allowing our minds to rationalize, and find reasons to excuse what our spirit knows it wrong. In this message, Jim Sammons gives practical ways on how to implement wise decisions when faced with such a materialistic world.

•Flee from the hidden traps of swindlers. Isn't that the Duggars? "Can you spot a swindler in the making?" As the Lord commands, we need to be wise as serpents, always ready to fight against any of the world's deception. In this message, Jim Sammons tackles the topic of the swindlers deception. A swindler can take advantage of our weaknesses as well as our violation of Christian principles. Jim Sammons gives examples of how we can detect and act against the lies before we are wrapped up in the deceptive web produced by the swindler. God wants us to learn how to flee from the hidden traps of swindlers, and the only protection against the swindler is a commitment to following Scriptural principles without compromises.

Disc 6:

•Learn how to get the best buy.

“He that is faithful in that which is least, is faithful also in much†Luke 16:10. This session is one that we should all hear because we are all guilty at one point of buying things that we do not absolutely need. In this message, Jim Sammons includes 15 different steps that are the key to wise buying and explains how a good buy is not paying more than is necessary for a product or a service. Often times we look at the product before we even consider looking at the price and this can lead to impulsive buying. In this message you will learn how to implement the numerous practical ways to avoid the common problem of unnecessary purchasing.

•Be committed to an effective accounting system. “A balance in everything means using what God has entrusted to us involves making wise investments. Our investments will witness for us, or against us.†In this hands on message Jim Sammons discusses in detail the importance of accountability in our finances. He explains why we should implement a wise record system, rather than a budget, and how to become accountable to Jesus in all areas of our life. This message gives encouragement and motivation to: establish character before men, confirm leadership in the family, how to give an account to God, motivates us to see what God has entrusted to us, and much more! God wants to build character in our life more than anything else!

Disc 7:

•Never lend to friends or co-sign for a loan. "Many friendships have been destroyed over well-intentioned loans, and by lending to your friend, you take his focus off of God and put it on yourself." Jim Sammons teaches how God never intended us to lend, or co-sign for loans. God wants us to give to our Christian brethren's need, but not to loan them money. By lending to your friend, you take his focus off of God and put it on yourself. If we loan to others we are then getting in the way of God's provision and plan for their future

•Develop the full potential of your home. “If we are faithful to teach God’s ways to our children God is faithful to arrange circumstances to reinforce his truths in the circumstances of their lives.†In this message, Jim Sammons voices the importance of a wife and mother and the influence she has in the home. He lists the different functions that God intended to be in your home and how to put these functions into practice such as: making your home a teaching center, hospitality center, ministry center, and many more! This message is an encouragement to mothers and exemplifies the influential role that she has in her family’s household.

Disc 8:

•Choose a good name, whatever the cost. "A good name is often destroyed by small compromises, God waits on the other side of a compromise to do the supernatural." In this message, Jim Sammons shares from his heart the importance of a good name, and how he stood for truth in his own business and personal experiences. The foundation of a successful business is the reputation of the name behind it, and the most valuable asset we can have is a good name.

•Learn the principles of praying for money.If we ask anything according to His will, He will answer us! God loves to demonstrate His mighty power if we understand the secrets to praying for money! Do you know the principles of praying for money? In this dynamic message Jim Sammons answers every question concerning how we are to ask God for His provision in our lives, as well as providing personal testimonies from his own life, and how God blessed his requests.

Disc 9:

•Avoid business partnerships. God wants every man to be free to follow Scriptural direction in regard to business decisions. One of the obvious motivations of a business partnership is to get a greater return on your investments. God warns however, that a good name is more important than great wealth, and in forming a partnership, you become identified with the reputation of your partner. "The true character of a man is revealed in a partnership." In this message, Jim Sammons shares his personal business experiences and lists Biblical principles of why we should never get involved in any type of partnerships. God wants to bless us on our own, and when we sign into a partnership we cut off His opportunity to bless us richly.

•Identify and conquer slothfulness. Ummm Josh he is talking to you “The enemy of obedience is not the will for rebellion, but slothfulness and its crippling effects, because its subtle characteristics are usually not recognized.†This personally convicting chapter in the series of the Financial Freedom seminar, Jim Sammons tackles the destructive effects of slothfulness when we let it control our lives. "The sluggard is wiser in his own eyes than seven men that can render a reason" (Proverbs 26:16). Soon the little choices which are carefully reasoned away become a habit of life! Listen to this message and learn the principles of implementing diligence, self discipline, and productivity, we are against the race of time!

Disc 10:

•Listen to the cautions of your wife. "A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels." (Proverbs 1:5) Be alert to God's warnings through the spoken and unspoken cautions of your wife. When God designed the husband and wife to come together in one flesh, His purpose was for the wife to provide valuable assistance in the basic areas of the husband's life. In this session, Jim Sammons reveals a powerful and exciting testimony of how the Lord intervened in a situation once Jim acted upon his wife's counsel in a supernatural situation that saved a man's life!

•Prepare now for a lasting heritage.

This is the last session of the 20 series of messages contained in the Financial Freedom seminar by Jim Sammons. This is one of the most influential messages because Jim Sammons gives reasons why raising up the foundations of many Godly generations is so needed in the corrupt world that we live in today. "This chapter is so important for us to understand and internalize in our own lives, so that we can then be able to pass them on to our children."

I am very sorry this is so long- I felt you should get the quotes and "idea" of the chapters. Seriously know the Men's Manual is worth the 10 bucks if you want to know It just ticks me off that people like me bought the whole program and followed along in a book. Eventhough chapter 19 talks about wives as good he downgrades them alot throughout the book. I am reordering the book so i don't have it in front of me.

If you want to do a Christian financial class I recommend Dave Ramsey.-that was a great course and I learned a lot. I laughed on one of the last interviews the Duggars were on (Fox and Friends? The Duggars talked about Jim Sammons and they meantioned Dave Ramsey and the Duggars ignored it (or had no clue) again sorry long post

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•Develop sales resistance. Advertising is on fire in our world today, and is continuing to grow and bring profit to many businesses. Advertising can be used in a way that glorifies God or it can be used to tear His people down. In this message, Jim Sammons specifically discusses the often deceptive customs of advertising, and how it affects business decisions, our minds, and also how it creates discontentment in our hearts. If we allow ourselves to buy into many of these false advertisements, we are then allowing our minds to rationalize, and find reasons to excuse what our spirit knows it wrong. In this message, Jim Sammons gives practical ways on how to implement wise decisions when faced with such a materialistic world.

•Never lend to friends or co-sign for a loan. "Many friendships have been destroyed over well-intentioned loans, and by lending to your friend, you take his focus off of God and put it on yourself." Jim Sammons teaches how God never intended us to lend, or co-sign for loans. God wants us to give to our Christian brethren's need, but not to loan them money. By lending to your friend, you take his focus off of God and put it on yourself. If we loan to others we are then getting in the way of God's provision and plan for their future

•Develop the full potential of your home. “If we are faithful to teach God’s ways to our children God is faithful to arrange circumstances to reinforce his truths in the circumstances of their lives.†In this message, Jim Sammons voices the importance of a wife and mother and the influence she has in the home. He lists the different functions that God intended to be in your home and how to put these functions into practice such as: making your home a teaching center, hospitality center, ministry center, and many more! This message is an encouragement to mothers and exemplifies the influential role that she has in her family’s household.

•Choose a good name, whatever the cost. "A good name is often destroyed by small compromises, God waits on the other side of a compromise to do the supernatural." In this message, Jim Sammons shares from his heart the importance of a good name, and how he stood for truth in his own business and personal experiences. The foundation of a successful business is the reputation of the name behind it, and the most valuable asset we can have is a good name.

•Avoid business partnerships. God wants every man to be free to follow Scriptural direction in regard to business decisions. One of the obvious motivations of a business partnership is to get a greater return on your investments. God warns however, that a good name is more important than great wealth, and in forming a partnership, you become identified with the reputation of your partner. "The true character of a man is revealed in a partnership." In this message, Jim Sammons shares his personal business experiences and lists Biblical principles of why we should never get involved in any type of partnerships. God wants to bless us on our own, and when we sign into a partnership we cut off His opportunity to bless us richly.

•Prepare now for a lasting heritage.

This is the last session of the 20 series of messages contained in the Financial Freedom seminar by Jim Sammons. This is one of the most influential messages because Jim Sammons gives reasons why raising up the foundations of many Godly generations is so needed in the corrupt world that we live in today. "This chapter is so important for us to understand and internalize in our own lives, so that we can then be able to pass them on to our children."

Resist advertising? Maybe you shouldn't appear EVERYWHERE in the media holding you new $20 book and urge us to buy it EVERY CHANCE YOU GET. Also avoid shilling for Jim Sammons. I wonder how much cash it'd take to get JB to tattoo 'Financial Freedom Seminar' on his forehead?

Choose a good name? Hoe long did it take to come up with 'Duggar Towing', 10 seconds? What about (lack of) Integrity Motorcars? Yeah, God's really gonna look out for those businesses!

Don't lend to friends? So when the bates need $15k to maintain one of Kelly's pregnancies with progesterone they're shit outta luck? It seems like loaning money to people w/o interest is a VERY christian principle, if you truly can't give it away but still want to help.

Develop your home? ie. Make it a homechurch and use it as a tax shelter, morons!

Avoid partnerships? Josh is workin' for Daddy as are the other Duggar boys. They've either been given a business or are currently partnered.

The 'lasting heritage' part sounds like Dougie's 200 year plan of faithfulness. I'm sure it'll work about as well too.

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I just wanted to introduce myself. My husband and I were ready to buy in to the who Gothard ATI stuff and really start being a fudie. I honestly believe I worshiped Jim Bob and Michelle since their first special. I wanted to be just like Michelle. I took notes highlighted in the books etc. (sick I know).

Well, long story short I had a friend tell me to look more closely at the Duggars and gave me this website and the television without pity. She also gave me a few websites about Bill Gothard. About 2 months ago we decided not to send in the application for our children to ATI.

I was talking like her- jeez I just wanted to be like her. They seemed perfect and polished. I lived blindly. Sadly many people do. I talked to many people who support the Duggars and now am starting to see how even they are being fooled. I actually believed they paid for Josie and are still debt free (I do not believe that anymore) and that the children were loving their life and really were thankful to be in the family.

I wanted to meet the family but decided not to go to a book signing. They are just too fake to me now

The blinders are coming off (Thank God)

So if you don't mind me posting here I decided to join today.

Now my question is... did you also envy Michelle's style of hair too? ;)

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Welcome! As you most likely know that we all come from different backgrounds.... so watch the carpets, they are brandnew.

I too once was in thrall by the Duggars, sicko me was jealous in an odd way that Michelle could have so many healthy children. I used to dream of having a dozen or so, the more the merrier! But thanks to another family (who shall not be named or their 8 kids) I decided look around on the net. Low and behold I found out that the Duggars are a pack of lies and half truths. Shocked me to the core. You know the old saying,"familiarity breeds contempt" and the more I found out the more I was feeling contempt.

It is almost that they lied to you/me about how wonderful they are when they are who they are by the backs and very souls of their children. Not cool or very Christian.

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I just wanted to introduce myself. My husband and I were ready to buy in to the who Gothard ATI stuff and really start being a fudie. I honestly believe I worshiped Jim Bob and Michelle since their first special. I wanted to be just like Michelle. I took notes highlighted in the books etc. (sick I know).

Well, long story short I had a friend tell me to look more closely at the Duggars and gave me this website and the television without pity. She also gave me a few websites about Bill Gothard. About 2 months ago we decided not to send in the application for our children to ATI.

I was talking like her- jeez I just wanted to be like her. They seemed perfect and polished. I lived blindly. Sadly many people do. I talked to many people who support the Duggars and now am starting to see how even they are being fooled. I actually believed they paid for Josie and are still debt free (I do not believe that anymore) and that the children were loving their life and really were thankful to be in the family.

I wanted to meet the family but decided not to go to a book signing. They are just too fake to me now

The blinders are coming off (Thank God)

So if you don't mind me posting here I decided to join today.

And this is exactly how they suck you in. You had a lucky escape. They paint this lovely, perfect life where everybody is 'sing-song' happy and the world outside is the one messed up.

Anyway, welcome! Try not to shit on our new carpets - we'd like to keep that 'lovely new home feel' for a few weeks longer. But if you do have an accident, be warned we may hit you on the nose with a rolled up newspaper!

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I'm pretty new here myself but what I like best are the discussions. While things do seem to get heated at times - I love the debates and the exchange of ideas. Sometimes I am left scraping gunk off my shoes but mostly I am left with interesting things to think about.

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Yeah, I think we all wanted to be our gateway fundie here for a while. I know I wanted a pack of kids and to be oh so perfect... but it's all a sack of crap, as those of us who wanted to be our gateway fundie found out.

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Learn the principles of praying for money.If we ask anything according to His will, He will answer us! God loves to demonstrate His mighty power if we understand the secrets to praying for money! Do you know the principles of praying for money? In this dynamic message Jim Sammons answers every question concerning how we are to ask God for His provision in our lives, as well as providing personal testimonies from his own life, and how God blessed his requests.

Pray for money! Yeah! I love the scene in Bruce Almighty where he develops the email system for everyone's prayers. There aren't any wars, hungry children, hurricaines, tornados, or people in genuine need anywhere - God is sitting around waiting to answer your prayers about money!!

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I'll admit it, at one time, I was enthralled with the Duggars. From the time that I was a very young child, I wanted a large family and a farm. The Duggars amazed me. Luckily the sheen has come off.

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I have noticed on other sites outside of FJ, that there were many people who actually liked the Duggars at one point. But after watching the show for awhile and seeing how some things were off and then doing research online, they end up disliking them for different reasons. I have seen comments and posts on sites in which people tend to feel sorry for the older girls the most. People on twop, and other forums have noticed how Michelle isn't mother of the year.

The people who like the Duggars are usually people that are fundie or fundie lite or people that are naive about what goes on with fundies and QF families. I have communicated online and in real life with people who don't have deep knowledge of fundies.

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Not only that, but they're selling Happy, Shiny Christianity, where everyone is happy and positive all the time -- or else! -- and if you're not and you don't keep sweet, then you must not have faith, or you must not be submissive enough. To me, that seems like such a twisted, unrealistic version of Christianity. I think they probably have good intentions, but yeah, I'm not a fan of what they promote.

Okay, obviously I watch too many cartoons with my kids, but was that a nod to the Fairly Odd Parents?

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