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Nie.Nie seems to be having a breakdown


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I'd be really interested in seeing links to the blog posts/interviews that refer to Christian leaving Stephanie behind, please. The only thing I have found is that Arizona news report that reads like bad fiction. The only Oprah website story that I have found says that he helped her out and rolled her on the ground to put out the flames. Would love to read more on this.

I don't remember where I have read it, but as far as I remember, Christian first got out of the plane to rescue himself and then Stephanie had to get out by herself.

I don't blame him - unless you are trained to walk into a crash site or fire (like firefighters are), your first reaction in a panic situation would probably be to run to safety.

I found this article:

http://www.azcentral.com/news/articles/ ... 20609.html

Stephanie and her family worked with the author on the article.

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I feel sorry for him, in some way. He made a wrong decision - or went with his gut instinct - in a split second when he couldn't really think anything through, and now anytime he looks in the mirror he sees the man who left his wife to die; and anybody else who sees him sees it, too. Must be awful.

Their families seem to be very close-knit and helpful, though. I'm sure that's made it a lot easier for them.

I just don't judge that. I think it is easy for us to think what we would think in that situation, but the truth is we really only have an idea.

Of all the effed up Nelisen things I think acting in self preservation after a wreck when he was probably in shock or headed there isn't the be all and end all judge of someone.

I prefer to judge them for actions they make consiciously. Like being money and gift whores.

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Exactly. I'm going to give him a pass here. It's not like he was fine, jumped out and thought "hmm, nah not gonna save her" and skipped off. He was badly burned, injured, they said his palm was hanging off his hand. There's no way he was able to think rationally at that point. I know I wouldn't be able to.

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Guest Anonymous
Exactly. I'm going to give him a pass here. It's not like he was fine, jumped out and thought "hmm, nah not gonna save her" and skipped off. He was badly burned, injured, they said his palm was hanging off his hand. There's no way he was able to think rationally at that point. I know I wouldn't be able to.

I agree. I don't judge him for that, I feel I'd probably do the same thing. I mean, if it were my child in the plane I might possibly conjure some superhuman mommy powers and save them (at least, I very much hope that I could), but for my spouse, a grown adult with far more resources to save themselves and with a less primal protective instinct connecting me to him, I can totally empathize that Mr. Nielson's impulse to save himself to the benefit of their children was strong, especially considering that he believed her to be already lost.

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Exactly. I'm going to give him a pass here. It's not like he was fine, jumped out and thought "hmm, nah not gonna save her" and skipped off. He was badly burned, injured, they said his palm was hanging off his hand. There's no way he was able to think rationally at that point. I know I wouldn't be able to.

Agreed. I would like to think I would save my husband or he would save me first thing, but in that state you are not thinking. I would be thinking of my children as well. I doubt maybe people could physically allow their body to burn as much as they want to help their spouse still trapped. I am sure he lives with the guilt everyday.

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I also don't blame Christian. And if I were him and the plane had erupted in flames, I probably would have thought everyone else was dead anyways.

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Oh, I used to read that blog (I think...) but lost the link. It's the family on the East Coast, the dad is a bald doctor (called Mr G or something in the blog) and the whole family looks like they just walked out of a Antropologie commercial? They are friends of NieNie. Is that the same blog?

They look like they have a very comfortable life and I sort of thought that medical residents make waaaaay more in the US than here.

Here's the article in Salon, very spot-on:

http://www.salon.com/life/feature/2011/ ... rmon_blogs

Nope, different family!

For the blogger I follow, I know how much her husband makes because he's a resident at a state medical school's residency program. I was wrong, he's halfway through an oral/maxillofacial surgery fellowship. It's a 6 year program, 2 years of which are medical school classes to get an MD and are therefore unpaid. During the paid years they earn anywhere from $55-63K/year just like medical residents do.

They seem like very nice people, although their social lives very clearly revolve around their ward (a bit insular; Mormons are definitely a small minority in this area). I got to their blog in a roundabout way and since they live two towns over I bookmarked several years ago and I was fascinated at how they could live the lifestyle they do where they do and on substantially less household income than us! Then I realized they probably aren't and are either in debt up to their eyeballs or have very affluent parents to help out.

Then I read that Salon article and I didn't feel so weird for reading Mormon mommy blogs. :lol:

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