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The War on Christmas has begun!!!


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Disclaimer: I self-identify as a Christian, who tries, and frequently fails, to follow the example of Jesus.

Paraphrased from something I liked that came across my FB this morning: Honey, if the color of a coffee cup defines Christmas for you, it's you who needs Jesus.

a witty response i saw to that meme: Jesus would never drink coffee out of a plain red cup! :coke: at least i hope he was being witty...

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I just don't get the controversy. What about red and green isn't adequately festive? Not like Starbucks has been some Hobby Lobby-esque religiously affiliated business in the past. 

I also don't see the issue with "happy holidays" considering there are a bunch of holidays this time of year: Thanksgiving, Christmas (different dates depending on your church), St. Nicholas Day, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, New Year's... chances are most people are celebrating at least 2 of those. That said, I'm also not offended if someone tells me "have a nice [holiday I don't celebrate]." They're just saying something pleasant, so why would I fault someone for that? 

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Ugh.  Every year the war on Christmas stars earlier and earlier.  Can't they at least wait until after thanksgiving to start persecuting the poor, poor Christians?

Yeah it would be nice if they wait until Thanksgiving is over...


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One of the stupidest things about this is that Starbucks has seasonal drinks, plus they have a "Christmas Blend" coffee available for purchase, and it actually says "Christmas" on it, not "Holiday Blend" which would really offend those nuts. :output_eeMbjt::grinch::special-snowflake2:

They do sell a Holiday Blend in a light blue package with generic winter images.  I used to see it at the Starbucks near my parents' house.  I heard a rumor that it is exactly the same as the Christmas Blend, but they only sell it in areas with large populations of Jews and other religious minorities.  But yea, all of the seasonal drinks are Christmas-y flavors.  Now that I think about it, a Sufganiyot flavor would be amazing.  A shot of cinnamon and raspberry?

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Yeah it would be nice if they wait until Thanksgiving is over...


I think that's partly why I like Thanksgiving the best: it's the poor, neglected (still major) holiday that no American industry, besides supermarkets, and maybe NCAA football, has figured out how to commercialize successfully. 

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What traditionally happens on my fb feed is that the secular people in my feed are the ones to go absolutely apeshit reminding everyone that JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON, while my religious wingnut relatives will either keep completely silent on the subject or post some really mild statement about it and then be done. I have no idea what is up with that.

I've got a non-religious neighbor (she said once she's more of a pantheist) who has one of those damn signs.  I don't understand it at all.

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The "War on Christmas" makes me apeshit crazy EVERY. DAMN. YEAR. We don't celebrate Christmas for one big reason...there is NOTHING in the bible about celebrating the day of Christ's birth. (not fundie but anyway...). I fail to understand the big deal over a holiday that was essentially stolen from the Romans (Saturnalia) and turned into some Christian "holiday". The best evidence shows that Jesus was born in the springtime, not the dead of winter.

My "bible-believing" friends get completely nuts when I bring this all up.


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this is yet another reason i'm such a grump over the holidays lol. i don't celebrate it (my holiday is yule), and while i certainly don't give a flying fuck if anyone else does, i can't stand the people who insist that there's a "war on christmas"...like, y'all do know there are other celebrated holidays around that time of year, yeah? what narcissistic arrogance to think theirs is the only one that matters. -.-

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I'm currently amused by FB. There are people self-righteously posting about how they are going to boycott Starbucks over the coffee cups. Then the people who are even more self-righteous respond saying that real Christians boycotted Starbucks a long time ago. 

The mall in Charlotte, NC putting up a Christmas glacier for Santa has sparked even more amusing FB fights because one group of people say that this is an attack on Christmas and then another group of people are saying that Santa is an attack on Christmas and the mall needs to put up a nativity scene. 


Why is Santa even there at the beginning of November?!  That's the real controversy here, people!!!!!11!!!11!!

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Oh the holiday shit gets earlier and earlier.  WHen I worked for a chain drugstore just out of HS (so I was 18) they had me stocking Christmas lights in July.  I questioned it and informed my boss that it was July and it was wrong to stock this (same store had me stocking notebooks the day after I graduated). 

Sadly, the 4 cases of those things sold within a week.



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I won't be saying Merry Christmas these holidays at work (and I work in the city so wish me luck). I refuse to ostracise people who don't celebrate Christmas. It's like if Americans got pissed off at Australia for not celebrating Halloween with trick or treating. 
My work has had Christmas decorations out since mid October and it's annoyed me since I saw them.
Christmas in my house has gotten smaller each year (mainly due to a lot of family dying or living interstate) and its ultra stressful for us so last year mum announced our holiday theme song as  "Happy Holidays, You Bastard" by Blink182. We sing it all November/December now. 

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I just don't get the controversy. What about red and green isn't adequately festive? Not like Starbucks has been some Hobby Lobby-esque religiously affiliated business in the past. 

I also don't see the issue with "happy holidays" considering there are a bunch of holidays this time of year: Thanksgiving, Christmas (different dates depending on your church), St. Nicholas Day, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, New Year's... chances are most people are celebrating at least 2 of those. That said, I'm also not offended if someone tells me "have a nice [holiday I don't celebrate]." They're just saying something pleasant, so why would I fault someone for that? 

You're never gonna become an internet sensation by acting like a mature adult. :kitty-wink:

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Oh the holiday shit gets earlier and earlier.  WHen I worked for a chain drugstore just out of HS (so I was 18) they had me stocking Christmas lights in July.  I questioned it and informed my boss that it was July and it was wrong to stock this (same store had me stocking notebooks the day after I graduated). 

Sadly, the 4 cases of those things sold within a week.



I worked at Wally World for a couple years in the 90s.  (And saw all types there, including plenty of fundies).  Back then the store actually closed for Thanksgiving and it was normally a 24 hour store.  I think the first year I was there they opened up for Black Friday around 5am and the second year it was at 4am and it was a big deal then.  I think now they just stay open throughout but I don't go near most stores on Black Friday and I can count on one hand the number of times I've been to Wal-Mart the past 12 years.

And I think the seasonal transitioned from lawn and garden to Christmas in about September both years I was there.

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I have something of the opposite of a war on Christmas - I live in a Buddhist country, and the shops are already full of Xmas decorations and miniature Santa outfits for the kids.Jingle Bells is on constant loop at the supermarket. By the end of the month the parking attendants at the shopping mall will all be in Santa gear, and the entry will be lined with giant candy sticks, reindeer, and Christmas trees. Local schools will have Carol concerts.None of which has the slightest relevance to Buddhism - but where I live, they happily celebrate every holiday they hear of - we have three different New Year Holidays - Jan 1st, Chinese New Year, and Songkhran, which is celebrated April 13th-15th - so everyone parties at everyone else's celebration!(When is Jewish New Year? I feel we need to know here....)

We celebrate everything -  the only cards you can buy say Happy Holidays - therefore completely interchangeable! (Can you tell I love my adopted country's attitude ?)

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Dear Christians,

Holidays are a lot like weddings. No one cares about it as much as you do and no one wants to hear you talk about it for months ahead of time. And once its over no on really cares anymore. All anyone cares about is that one actual day (and whether you're pregnant yet, but I digress.)

Christmas is one fucking day too. That means I only say it on that one fucking day. Every other fucking day will have me saying, "Happy Holidays." Unless one of those fucking days is another holiday in which case I will wish you a, "Happy <insert holiday here.>"

Except Hanukkah. I'll wish you a, "Happy Hanukkah," on every fucking one of those eight days.

And since I didn't get it out of my system yet: fuck, fuck, fuck, fuckity fuck! :pb_lol:

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And since Christmas crap is now out when it is, Happy Holidays more or less covers the whole blasted swatch from Halloween through New Year's.  (push me and I might make it stretch through Valentine's Day).  

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I fucking hate Christmas. As a child, I was molested more at Christmas because the pedophile was in the extended family and we gathered at Christmas. So, with the i fucking love Science Memes on Facebook, I would like to add I fucking hate Christmas. I was also a child who suffered from anxiety and used to cry myself to sleep, worrying about the people I loved, who were going to hell. They were people I loved, and were either NONCHRISTIAN, or the WRONG KIND OF CHRISTIAN. 

I fucking hate Christmas. I am living in Turkey, this year, and I am so happy there will be no Xmas in my life. I will likely work the 25th. woopdefucking do . 

Sorry if this is bitter. I am bitter. Cups can be red with farting unicorns, and it won't change anything for me, or the many people whose dysfunctional families gather at Christmas and create bitter memories. I am so happy I won't have Christmas this year. 

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Mild correction to my earlier post:

That should have been "Dear small minority of asshole Christians," not just "Dear Christians."


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With Gawds not Dead too coming out next year, April 1st to be precise,  be prepared for more BS. Penn and Teller should have done an episode of Bullshit on Christian persecution here in the USA, and shown REAL persecution over in the middle east. 

I hate Christians. I really do. I'm a Christian and I even make fun of my religion.  It's complete bs. I just watched the trailer for God's not dead 2. Gee how many times can god die? Why do Christians want to be oppressed so badly. I love the bible reloaded. Go check out their YouTube page. It's hilarious. 

From Faith Pennington's Facebook page:


not true but I do agree Christians need to stop complaining.  I wish Starbucks would accommodate Muslims or Jewish people.  Just so Christians can get passed off.

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