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Joshley Madison Part 5 - Rehab and women and porn - oh my!


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MY (legit and diagnosed) OCD tells me that the worst place to touch in a public restroom are the door handles on both the stalls and the exit door. Freshly washed hands are no match for the (literal) shit on that exit door handle. Best chance is to use your elbow or back on the wooden non-handle part of the door to open. Otherwise, I use a paper towel to cover it.

I also do not touch escalator rails, public stair rails, and most public door handles. When I sit in public chairs with arms on them, I do not touch the arms. Ive also been known to wipe down my own car door handles and steering wheels during peak flu season. I have a bottle of hand sanitizer as well as a pack of wipes in my vehicle, hanging bottle of hand sanitizer on the outside of my purse, a pack of wipes in my purse, and another pack in my wallet in case I dont carry my purse.

It's a mad, mad world out there, y'all. :ew:

ETA: I know it all sounds excessive and crazy. But I honestly get sick only once a year, if that. In fact, last year was the first year since elementary school that I actually got the flu (even had the nasal swab and everything -- THAT stuff sucks!). I am convinced I got it at my therapist's office so I had to stop going.... :whistle:

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I, _____________________________________, understand that I may be asked to visit the

local Department of Human Services office to evaluate my eligibility for food assistance. I

recognize that I am to do this so that I may offset the costs of my food while in the program

IMPORTANT* If you or any of your dependents have an active assistance case open in your

name in your home state (other than Illinois) you must inform the admissions coordinator with

whom you are working and disclose it on the application where asked. By signing below, you

agree to adhere to all of the aforementioned stipulations.

I have a question to anyone who is knowledgeable in this area. How can it be legal to use a client's food assistance, to offset the cost of the food, but then still charge them $7,500.00, for the program? Maybe I am just misunderstanding, and they are not charging people, the full amount, if they are getting assistance.

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That is exactly what strippers do (at least at in my friend's club). Each stripper is responsible for wiping down the pole before her turn and they keep a pack of wet wipes near the side of the stage for this purpose. She actually is in trouble if she doesn't do it (strip clubs have to abide by health regulations too!).

I was really shocked when my friend told me this; kind of a mood killer right? But it's still a business, and there's lots of weird unsexy regulation stuff they have to do. For instance, men can put money on stage but they cannot tuck the money into the woman's costume/g-string. No hard alcohol can be served. And no touching during lap dances.

ETA: I forgot my favorite rule of all: They have to bleep out any curse words in the songs. You know, to keep things family friendly.

There's a "dry" strip club here. It's weird. I know they don't serve alcohol because they cater to the 18-21 year olds, but it's still just creepy and weird. For some reason, watching fully nude high school drop outs (one of the dancers is a friend's daughter. no judgement on the education, more about the age) just isn't as sexy when you are completely sober and in a place straight out of 1986.

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It would be ironic if Smuggar were the first to leave the cult.

I imagine that they have to pick their rehabs carefully. I can see it hard to find psychologists who fully support cult beliefs .

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An important service reminder: people not washing hands and then touching stuff bunches of other people touch (who also don't wash hands) is not a new phenomena. It's not like this (literal) shit showed up for the first time right when they started swabbing for it. The big take away here is that a little bit of poop is probably not going to hurt you with caveats for immune compromised folk and blah blah. Washing hands and using the little cart wipes are good things. Going nuts with hand sanitizer makes you go... nuts.

Anyways, I'm done commenting on this, sorry for the grossity gross derail!

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Public water fountains! My grand daughter did a science project on water collected from various places: Walmart, School, local Park, Local grocery store and Kmart.....all water samples had fecal matter. Her hypothesis was that she couldn't tell if the water, spigot or filters were contaminated. Moral of this story....drink bottled water out in public!

I've never regretted drinking water out of fountains for all my years at school like I do right now :ew:

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An important service reminder: people not washing hands and then touching stuff bunches of other people touch (who also don't wash hands) is not a new phenomena. It's not like this (literal) shit showed up for the first time right when they started swabbing for it. The big take away here is that a little bit of poop is probably not going to hurt you with caveats for immune compromised folk and blah blah. Washing hands and using the little cart wipes are good things. Going nuts with hand sanitizer makes you go... nuts.

Anyways, I'm done commenting on this, sorry for the grossity gross derail!

I totally agree. I wish that I didn't feel the way I do. Its embarrassing for both me and anyone Im with. :(

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I, _____________________________________, understand that I may be asked to visit the

local Department of Human Services office to evaluate my eligibility for food assistance. I

recognize that I am to do this so that I may offset the costs of my food while in the program

IMPORTANT* If you or any of your dependents have an active assistance case open in your

name in your home state (other than Illinois) you must inform the admissions coordinator with

whom you are working and disclose it on the application where asked. By signing below, you

agree to adhere to all of the aforementioned stipulations.

I have a question to anyone who is knowledgeable in this area. How can it be legal to use a client's food assistance, to offset the cost of the food, but then still charge them $7,500.00, for the program? Maybe I am just misunderstanding, and they are not charging people, the full amount, if they are getting assistance.

On the one hand, $7,500 really isn't steep for a rehab program, at least comparatively to the ones friends have attended. If he's there for six months, that's only a bit over $1,000 for living expenses monthly, over which he has no control, so perhaps it is tight with utilities and transport and all of that nonsense. (I doubt it.)

Personally, I think $7,500 for a bullshit Jesus program where you then have to apply for state benefits for your own food sounds like a crock of horse shit to me.

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To the bolded: absolutely agree that if John David was Jane Davida, it would have been a completely different matter. And even allowing the girls their limited "approved" opportunities the various requirements such as wearing skirts would hinder being really effective at same "approved" occupation.

The first responder skirts were ridiculous. At least they don't mandate skirts for snow activities.

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I just read the last few pages of this thread while eating French onion soup. This was a very poor decision on my part.

I mis-read French onion soup as French onion poop. Maybe I need to take a break from this thread. Then again, I also misread a sidewalk sign in front of a candy shop earlier. "Stop and smell the caramel!" looked like "Stop and smell the cocaine!"

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An important service reminder: people not washing hands and then touching stuff bunches of other people touch (who also don't wash hands) is not a new phenomena. It's not like this (literal) shit showed up for the first time right when they started swabbing for it. The big take away here is that a little bit of poop is probably not going to hurt you with caveats for immune compromised folk and blah blah. Washing hands and using the little cart wipes are good things. Going nuts with hand sanitizer makes you go... nuts.

Anyways, I'm done commenting on this, sorry for the grossity gross derail!

THANK YOU! I work in a lab with highly infectious organisms so I'm religious about washing my hands, but seriously, the take home message that there's fecal bacteria everywhere should be that, hey! We're actually pretty hardy and it takes a lot to kill healthy folks. So relax with the damn purell and wiping every damn thing down. Let your immune system earn it's keep.

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I mis-read French onion soup as French onion poop. Maybe I need to take a break from this thread. Then again, I also misread a sidewalk sign in front of a candy shop earlier. "Stop and smell the caramel!" looked like "Stop and smell the cocaine!"

Freud would have a blast with you! :P

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On the one hand, $7,500 really isn't steep for a rehab program, at least comparatively to the ones friends have attended. If he's there for six months, that's only a bit over $1,000 for living expenses monthly, over which he has no control, so perhaps it is tight with utilities and transport and all of that nonsense. (I doubt it.)

Personally, I think $7,500 for a bullshit Jesus program where you then have to apply for state benefits for your own food sounds like a crock of horse shit to me.

Well, the whole program is a crock of horse shit. Why not go the extra mile to really make it shitty by using state funds to feed them?

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"Visitation is for close family, directors, and pastors only. This too is non-negotiable.

The student’s activity itinerary and visitor’s contact information shall be given to the Dean one

week prior to the visit. Married couples shall remain on-site overnight."

From the outline of the rehab centre.

Does this mean if Anna visits, she has to stay overnight? I'm very confused by the word shall.

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From what I can see, RU claims their success rate is around 80%. This seems like a ridiculously high figure for an entity that deals with addiction. There is an old saying that goes "Statistics are like bikinis. What they reveal is suggestive but what they conceal is vital". I would need to know much more about how they determine such a high success rate before I would accept it. My guess is that Jim Bob would accept the figure without question (critical thinking, JB....it's a good thing) and is praying that Josh is not in the 20% who fail.

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THANK YOU! I work in a lab with highly infectious organisms so I'm religious about washing my hands, but seriously, the take home message that there's fecal bacteria everywhere should be that, hey! We're actually pretty hardy and it takes a lot to kill healthy folks. So relax with the damn purell and wiping every damn thing down. Let your immune system earn it's keep.

To this I would add, it's still a good idea to always wipe down your pole.

Off to go :brain-bleach:

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From what I can see, RU claims their success rate is around 80%. This seems like a ridiculously high figure for an entity that deals with addiction. There is an old saying that goes "Statistics are like bikinis. What they reveal is suggestive but what they conceal is vital". I would need to know much more about how they determine such a high success rate before I would accept it. My guess is that Jim Bob would accept the figure without question (critical thinking, JB....it's a good thing) and is praying that Josh is not in the 20% who fail.

It's probably IS 80%...for, maybe, 2 years after treatment. That's how people lie without lying.

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"Visitation is for close family, directors, and pastors only. This too is non-negotiable.

The student’s activity itinerary and visitor’s contact information shall be given to the Dean one

week prior to the visit. Married couples shall remain on-site overnight."

From the outline of the rehab centre.

Does this mean if Anna visits, she has to stay overnight? I'm very confused by the word shall.

I feel like this means he can't leave and go stay with her somewhere overnight, but that if she wants to stay with him she can.

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To this I would add, it's still a good idea to always wipe down your pole.

Off to go :brain-bleach:

Oh, GOD, yes! Please wipe down your poles, lovely pole dancers!
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Public water fountains! My grand daughter did a science project on water collected from various places: Walmart, School, local Park, Local grocery store and Kmart.....all water samples had fecal matter. Her hypothesis was that she couldn't tell if the water, spigot or filters were contaminated. Moral of this story....drink bottled water out in public!

How about people fill their own, reusuable bottles with tap water and carry them with them. That way you aren't looking for a water fountain, and you aren't drinking overpriced tap water in a disposable plastic container that was probably taken (the water, not the plastic) illegally from a drought state. Besides, a little contamination just helps the immune system.

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What would someone catch from a pole????

Gonorrhea. Apparently one of the previous users had an active infection and body fluids got on the pole. Pole was not cleaned between users and my friend got infected. Workers compensation actually paid her a settlement.

First of all, saying that sex workers invariably have STIs is, in my opinion, seriously irresponsible and misogynistic. I know several women who stripped/escorted their way through college. Some of them were more careful than others. Some of them got involved sexually with customers, and a few did catch an STI, but others did not, just like some of the general population gets infected, while others do not. A lot has to do with condom use, but, that said, condoms don't protect against all STIs, but some of it seemed to be chance/bad luck. One lady I knew who pole danced, but was not having sex with customers (or anyone at all) caught an STI from the pole. This lead to certain STIs being classified as an occupational hazard for pole dancers - at least in my province.
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She says they did it again a second time when she was performing at a cabaret in Colmar, Pennsylvania. Maybe she couldn’t resist the $1,500, or maybe she’s just a glutton for punishment.

HAHAHAHA. The good old Creekside Cabaret! I live a couple of miles from there, and used to work in the building next to it. It's in an industrial park, across from the local sewage plant, in a building that used to be a heavy-equipment rental business. Very far from upscale. Wonder what ol' Josh was doing in my neighborhood?

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"Visitation is for close family, directors, and pastors only. This too is non-negotiable.

The student’s activity itinerary and visitor’s contact information shall be given to the Dean one

week prior to the visit. Married couples shall remain on-site overnight."

From the outline of the rehab centre.

Does this mean if Anna visits, she has to stay overnight? I'm very confused by the word shall.

What does 'director' mean in this context? I'm pretty sure it doesn't mean if you're say the director of marketing, or director of finance somewhere you can just walk in and visit people randomly. Or does it? :shifty-kitty:

Seriously though, anyone know to what they're referring?

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