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The Baby Seewald Name, Date, Etc guesses - MERGED


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If you've ventured into this thread then chances are high that you've already seen that Jesus decided to open Jessa's womb for a blessing. The other thread was really busy, so I decided to start this one to keep track of the various polls we have going:


Artdecades, ViolaSebastian, Fascinated, SheWhoMustNotBeNamed, Dandruff


Arrowoftruth, Fundiebunny, Velocirapture, Firiel, bekkah, sadiZ, tulip, iknowright, kak, Angelic83


amers, LongDogMom, bekkah, Gobbles nst

Girl Name Guesses

Pearl: Velocirapture

Selah: bekkah

Sarah: bekkah, Fundiebunny

Blessa: iknowright nst

Raychelle: amers

Shauna/Shawna: jerkit

Paress: Arrowoftruth

Paris: sadiZ

Boy Name Guesses

Benjermin Jr.: ViolaSebastian

Jerusalem: Fascinated, nst

Pawl: amers

Wade Benjamin: Dandruff

Roman: sadiZ

Birth Date

October 15: Gobbles

November 15 - nst

Whenever Jessa (I mean, "NST") decides to go into labor: Velocirapture


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I don't care as long as she doesn't name Seewald spawn #1 Amanda Michelle...that is what I named my now 32 year old baby girl.

Birthdate? I say no to 10/12, 10/14 and 10/30. That's my granddaughter and daughter's birthdays and my anniversary. I refuse to have the day I commemorate an already shitty marriage made shittier by a Duggar/Seewald spawn's arrival.

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Oops, I posted my name predictions in the original thread. I think she'll be early if she's a part of the Duggar dog-and-pony campaign tour throughout autumn. She just may will herself into Braxton-Hicks to escape the bus. I guess she'll be on bed rest before Halloween.

Girl: Genesis Florentine

Boy: Calvin Benjamin

AH MAN, I was so stoked to think of Calvin, and you beat me to it. ;) ;)

As much as a Halloween birth would make me so happy. :twisted: I think she'll go all the way to November 11. Don't know why, the 11th day of the 11th month seems easy to remember. And it's Remembrance Day. Not that the Duggars really care but I just wanted to point that out!

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I was just happy that no mainlline duggar has a june birthday but now i have seen that two little ms share a june birthday damn xD

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Someone stole my name guess of Gideon, then my guess didn't even make the list, LOL! :lol:

My guess was boy, named Gideon or Tobias.

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Someone stole my name guess of Gideon, then my guess didn't even make the list, LOL! :lol:

My guess was boy, named Gideon or Tobias.

Every time I hear the name Tobias, I immediately think of Tobias Funke from Arrested Development.

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There's no way Jessa is sharing her birthday. She will pop out a 7 pound girl, called Elizabeth (Bessie) on the 27th cot after a six hour labour. All nice and perfect by her birthday for the People cover.

Poor baby Bessie.

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My guess is twins, 10/31 by homebirth (complete with Praise Him! instead of Holy-Fuck-That-Hurts!), attended by a pregnant Jilly Muffin with IDD in a sling. Boy/Girl named Roman and Paris. :D

ETA: I see going back through the last list now, that Sadiz said the same! lol Darn it, I always forget my log in info and couldn't add it from my kindle last night.

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A girl born on 10/31. Daddy will post a long Instagram about how she is an angel born on "satan's day". :eyeroll:

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Someone stole my name guess of Gideon, then my guess didn't even make the list, LOL! :lol:

My guess was boy, named Gideon or Tobias.

Sorry, JH, I wasn't stealing your guess, I was saying it was a good guess, not that it was my choice. Obviously unclearly.

As I said, I'm going for girl.

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Okay I'm putting my bet down for twins! Two girls because we all know jessa likes to be different and no one in th family has had twin girls yet. I don't know about the names yet I'll have to think about that.

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After lurking for ages, I'm finally going to join in the fun!

My guess is it's going to be triplets, girls, born September 22 and they'll be named Precious, Sweet and Season...

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Wow. . . I leave for a few hours and things explode. This will teach me that sleep is for the weak. :lol:

Below is the updated list in all it's glory! If you don't see your guesses on here it's either because a) I missed you in all the posts I had to look through or b) you didn't put down a concrete guess (for instance, just putting down several names or saying something that ends in -aden).

Once we know the SEX of this little blessing I will remove the incorrect name guesses, the SEX guesses, and the twin guesses as well. . . so we will be guessing for name and DOB.

P.S. I know its very early for all this guessing, but it seemed like people wanted to start guessing and no one cares enough about M4 to start a thread on that.

The Poor Unfortunate Baby Seewald Poll


Artdecades, ViolaSebastian, Fascinated, SheWhoMustNotBeNamed, Dandruff, lascuba, JHeathen, PegBundyOfFundies, artdecades, Walking Cat Bed, fabkiwi06, FearLyss, Rescinded and Mended, saguarosally, MayMay1123, morri, Rachel333, Mabel, AngelGirl8811, Chubbi, brigittesniper, Mrs. Figg, alwayscaffeinated, ncarmen, CorruptionInc.,


Arrowoftruth, Fundie Bunny, Velocirapture, Firiel, bekkah, sadiZ, tulip, iknowright, kak, Angelic83, SorenaJ, clueliss, busdrivingmom, Duggor, Londish, Quiverfull of cats, for_the_Kitties, Bugaboo, Four is Enough, SportsgalAnnie, DuggarsTheEndIsNear, OddlyAmused, RabbitKM, frugalitymom, katiekins, FundieFarmer, Maleficent, justmy2cents, HereticHick, Sydney Fox, nst, HeadshipRegent, Toomuchtimeonmyhands, lunaselene503, azombieatemyshoelace, ADoyle90815, Alexa, jingersrealmom, nonymouse, jilly_muffin_dilly, EdenGrace, Jessa's Side Eye, Tiny Bubbles, drivingmishcrazy, Cassielfsw, snarkykitty, Fluffypaws, Furbabies, Seven Severn, seasonsoflife, elsabee, GrandmaGuinn, cathgrl1, nastyhobbitses, HermioneSparrow, grandmadugger, theCR, 16strong, Keyleigh, kimberm, BrownieMomma, Daisy0322


amers, LongDogMom, bekkah, Gobbles, busdrivingmom, Walking Cat Bed, sadiZ, Tiny Bubbles, drivingmishcrazy, LogansMama, SPHASH, Selena, grandmadugger, luxfilia, paganhomeschooler, BrownieMomma, Daisy0322, manda b



Girl Name Guesses

Amelia: manda b

Grace London: Bugaboo

Austina Pearl: Velocirapture

Selah: bekkah, busdrivingmom

Sarah: bekkah, Fundie Bunny, SPHASH

Blessa Paris: iknowright

Raychelle: amers

Shauna/Shawna: jerkit

Paress: Arrowoftruth

Paris Lauren: sadiZ

Makiya: clueliss

Rebecca: busdrivingmom, HermioneSparrow

Bridget: SportsgalAnnie

Eden: DuggarsTheEndIsNear, EdenGrace, Selena

Sarah Faith: OddlyAmused

Rachel: tabitha2, azombieatemyshoelace

Roxy: RabbitKM

Paris: paganhomeschooler

Rebecca Lauren: SassyPants

Rebecca: Seven Severn

Bessa: Maleficent

Pearl: HereticHick

Amanda Michelle: Sydney Fox

Lupita Guinn: nst

Ruth Mary: Toomuchtimeonmyhands

Grace: lunaselene503

Guinn Michelle: Alexa

Peyton Mary: jingersrealmom

Penelope Michelle: nonymouse

Aubrey Grace: Jessa's Side Eye

Leah: Tiny Bubbles

Gracie: Fluffypaws

Faith: Tiny Bubbles

Catherine: drivingmishcrazy

Cora: drivingmishcrazy

Bethany: Furbabies

Bethany Eden: seasonsoflife

Guichelle: GrandmaGuinn

Venicia Guinn: cathgrl1

Leah-Rose Eden: nastyhobbitses

Tamar Michelle: grandmadugger

Eden Michelle: grandmadugger

Eden Fleur: luxfilia

Jessabel: 16strong

Genesis Florentine: Geechee Girl

Elizabeth “Bessieâ€: Keyleigh

Ruth: BrownieMomma

Esther: BrownieMomma

Precious: fraurosena

Sweet: fraurosena

Season: fraurosena

Boy Name Guesses

Benjermin Jr.: ViolaSebastian

Ben Jr.: CorruptionInc., manda b

Christian: Fascinated

Pawl: amers

Wade Benjamin: Dandruff

Roman Paul: sadiZ

Ezekiel James: Walking Cat Bed

Isaiah Michael: Walking Cat Bed

Roman Paul: sadiZ

Roman James: SheWhoMustNotBeNamed

Roman: paganhomeschooler

Gideon: kak

Binjermin: FearLyss

Christian Paris: Rescinded and Mended

Hussein Michael: saguarosally

Ronald Benjamin: morri

Charles: Rachel333

Elijah Benjamin: Chubbi, ncarmen

Aiden: tabitha2

Palestine: brigittesniper

Samuel: SPHASH, Mrs. Figg

Jackson: Selena

Alexander Benjamin: luxfilia

Calvin Benjamin: Geechee Girl

Calvin: Vivi_music

Undetermined SEX Guesses

BeJesUs: Pandora Spocks

Birth Date

September 11: luxfilia

September 22: fraurosena

October 5: grandmadugger

October 10: GrandmaGuinn

October 14: Tiny Bubbles

October 15: Gobbles

October 17: halcionne

October 19: elsabee

October 20: drivingmishcrazy, cathgrl1

October 23: PegBundyOfFundies

October 24: EdenGrace

October 25: LogansMama, manda b

October 27: Jessa's Side Eye, seasonsoflife, nastyhobbitses, Keyleigh

October 28: alwayscaffeinated, ncarmen

October 29: Bugaboo

October 30: Duggor, HereticHick, Alexa, Cassielfsw

October 31: SorenaJ, clueliss, jiggleromp, Quiverfull of cats, Four is Enough, frugalitymom, Rescinded and Mended, Maleficent, HeadshipRegent, Pandora Spocks, ADoyle90815, jingersrealmom, Seven Severn, Selena, CorruptionInc., paganhomeschooler, kimberm

November 1: SportsgalAnnie, Fascinated, MayMay1123, jilly_muffin_dilly, Furbabies

November 3: DuggarsTheEndIsNear, OddlyAmused, Walking Cat Bed, Rachel333

November 4: Londish, for_the_Kitties, Sydney Fox, 19 cats and counting, Mrs. Figg

November 5: sadiZ, Toomuchtimeonmyhands, AngelGirl8811, Ursula, brigittesniper, Fluffypaws

November 6: Fundie Bunny, SheWhoMustNotBeNamed, BrownieMomma

November 7: FearLyss, morri, nonymouse, theCR

November 8: Mabel, SPHASH, HermioneSparrow

November 10: saguarosally

November 11: tabitha2, RabbitKM, Vivi_music

November 12: 16strong

November 13: azombieatemyshoelace

November 15: lunaselene503

Whenever Jessa (I mean, "NST") decides to go into labor: Velocirapture

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My bets are on a girl. I think she'll be premature, but nowhere nearly as preemie as Josie. I'm calling 31 weeks August 29th. She'll be nameless for so long that we'll stop caring until they finally announce they've named her something completely ridiculous like Heistheway.

Put me down for Heistheway with the understanding that I'm calling all equally gag worthy sentence names.

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I say boy and he'll either be Bin Jr or Christian. Born on November 11 - Veteran's Day. So they can co-opt that and make it about aborted babies and not veterans.

I wonder if they will find out and announce the sex early, like the Smugs, or wait liken Jill.

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IIRC, Jessa was a 9 or 10 lb baby. HUGE. M would eat a Reeses pb cup everyday when she was pregnant with her. I think Jessa is having twins and they'll be big so she'll have a c-section early...which is where my Oct 25 guess came from.

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IIRC, Jessa was a 9 or 10 lb baby. HUGE. M would eat a Reeses pb cup everyday when she was pregnant with her. I think Jessa is having twins and they'll be big so she'll have a c-section early...which is where my Oct 25 guess came from.

That is also why I guess October 15th. Twins and thus born earlier. (Okay, I'm honest I love rituals and I guessed March 15th with Jill. I failed horribly. Maybe this time. And you guessed it, my birthday is on the 15th, but not October.)

Guessing a name only when the gender is announced. I was named after a math teachers daughter. Yeah, exactly! :o

My Mum was still in school when this lady was pregnant and she loved the name so much, that she decided right then to name me like that. My Dad had nothing to say. :mrgreen:

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