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Romantic History's Sarah Jane Leaves Husband Part 2

Coconut Flan

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Russell if you are reading this.....gay folks come from straight parents! Russell is so full of it.......what IF his daughter is gay, nothing he can do about it except to disown her. I think Russell don't have any confidence or security about himself, who he is and just sprew out bible stuff that didn't relate to anything about gay lifestyle. Times are changing!

And another question to Russ, how does gay lifestyle affect you, as a man, your job, or your lifestyle???????? NONE!

Let's rainbow his house/apartment. Or colorful clothes....watch him steam. :lol: Get over it and love thy neighbor, regardless what their sexual preferences are.

Child endangerment my butt! Its all about choices, nothing more and nothing less.

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Wow I cannot imagine why he comes off so poorly in a custody battle for either daughter :rolleyes

I sincerely hope Sara Jane is done with men in general for a long time. She hasn't exactly picked any winners in this game.

Perhaps you should try picking a woman, Sara Jane. You've done much better picking protective and loyal friends and a woman would certainly cause both men's heads to explode enough you might get some peace for awhile.

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Wow. He really had a break in sanity with that posting. Maybe he protests too much. Maybe he's just an ignorant git. At this point, one is as likely as the other. There is something not right about that boy.

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Oh good lord. He is now having a public tantrum with a woman he claims to have had a relationship with while she says they never had one.

The more he posts, the worse he appears. He is really a sad sack. What the hell was Sara thinking?

My 12 year old nephew is more intelligent and mature than he is. It actually breaks my heart to know that not only does such a creature exist in supposed adulthood, but he has reproduced.

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Oh good lord. He is now having a public tantrum with a woman he claims to have had a relationship with while she says they never had one.

The more he posts, the worse he appears. He is really a sad sack. What the hell was Sara thinking?

My 12 year old nephew is more intelligent and mature than he is. It actually breaks my heart to know that not only does such a creature exist in supposed adulthood, but he has reproduced.

Twice now. It's pretty amazing to think about, but I suppose everyone gets lonely.

These public tantrums are doing him no good whatsoever. He just keeps making himself look even worse, and the hole he's dug is pretty deep already...

As a PP mentioned, I hope SJ takes a LONG break from men to reevaluate her previous choices. She has plenty of kids to focus on.

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He is really losing his shit. I didn't know he had this much venom, and vitriol inside. He doen't seem to be able to reflect on his own actions, and likes to call out everyone else, which is so ironic.

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I have read Russell's venomous posts between yesterday and today. Oh my gosh, he is a hot mess. I can only imagine what he says to his daughter about her mother, or anyone he doesn't like, such as gay people. If either of the mothers of his children have any sense, they have screen shot/cut/paste whatever, the two threads filled with anger, hatred and foulness towards those who actually love and support him, and sent this material straight to their respective attorneys. This is what this man is capable of, this is who he really is, simmering beneath his holier than thou, put upon, martyred surface. And he claimed not to be drinking, so this is the real deal.

If he has a shred of sense or dignity left within himself, he will delete these threads and apologize to the multitude of friends and family he has insulted.

How on earth will he explain this to his daughter? One day she will be old enough to go through this material, perhaps her mother one day will deliberately show it to her and want her to know who he really is. If she is as vindictive as he claims, then she certainly will. He handed it to her on a silver platter. He just proved it to the world, and has thus given permission to anyone to save this and use it against him later down the line. Doesn't make it right, but I guarantee you it's going to happen and when it does, it's his own fault.

We reap what we sow, God sees all and does not need anyone pointing out the sins of another. And by the way, that whole 'gluttony' road Russell went down? Just...wow. A person with a weight problem isn't necessarily a glutton. A glutton can be thin. Gluttony does not only involve food, it is the covetous taking more than one's fair share of anything and that edges right into helping himself to someone else's wife. I can only imagine the multitude of family and friends he has hurt with his comments about his true feelings on gluttony and weight.

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If I remember right a while back, Russell HAS said some awful things to his daughter about her mother and other people he has associated, including SJ. He has been verbally and mentally abusive to everyone close to him, including his daughter. So it is not the first rodeo with him and FB.

Yep, he does have mental issues....bipolar is one of those. Or Narcissist at its finest! He is very angry, a very angry, frustrated man that uses God's word and twist it to protect him and his out bursts. To me, that is not a very Christian like of him or portraying a good example of a Christian.

Sad, isn't it? But nothing new about his erratic behavior.

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Rusty has really come off his hinges. He never dated that woman and I dont know where he got that from....Actually I know the woman in question and he would be fortunate to of had a lady like that...but of course she would not have anything to do with him...and maybe that is his problem. I saw on another post that most of the people have blocked or unfriended him...as one poster said block him and before long the will have no one to talk too..LOL. I also had a friend that he said she sinned due to gluttony and not to drag her into this I think this needs to be said just to show how emotionally unglued he is, she is over weight but as us gals all know its hard to lose weight and she just lost her husband just over a year ago (43). Very suddenly. He also posted a frame from the movie sixth sense where the little kid says I see dead people..to a post of a picture of her late husband.. I ask who does this...

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One day she will be old enough to go through this material, perhaps her mother one day will deliberately show it to her and want her to know who he really is. If she is as vindictive as he claims, then she certainly will. He handed it to her on a silver platter.

Silver platter or not, I guarantee you most of what he says about Lauren's mom is untrue. She would never in a million years hurt that little girl by deliberately saying negative things about her father. She won't talk bad about him and won't allow others to in front of Lauren either.

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Wow. I just finished reading that crap show of Russell's. I had second hand embarrassment just reading that mess.

If Russell is that nasty and vicious on an open forum to friends, family, and co-workers, I cannot imagine what he would be like behind closed doors towards his children or the mothers of his children. He flat out is an abusive bully.

Whatever little bit of sympathy I had for Russell has now flown out the window. There is no excuse for a grown adult to be acting in such a manner. I am repulsed by his behavior, and I cannot believe he posted that "Sixth Sense" picture in a thread of a woman grieving her husband. What a nasty, nasty price of work he is. Disgusting.

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Silver platter or not, I guarantee you most of what he says about Lauren's mom is untrue. She would never in a million years hurt that little girl by deliberately saying negative things about her father. She won't talk bad about him and won't allow others to in front of Lauren either.

Lauren's mom would not allow that at all from Russell. I would not blame her one bit if that is the reason for supervised visits!

She would not say bad things about her first kids by her first hubby who they have a good relationship with their father, and primary concern for her kids. she has too much at stake.

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Glad to know good things about Lauren's mom. All I know is what I've seen from his end, and there are two sides to every story, but the more I see what he's made of, he's the problem. She probably realized, like SJ very quickly (but not quickly enough to prevent bringing a child into the equation) that she'd gotten involved with someone who was not as he initially presented himself to be. Sadly I think that happens to a lot of people. I see he's now playing the poor pitiful me routine, not feeling good etc, and then when that didn't bring forth showers of sympathy, he tossed in a pat on the back for his workday to pump up his esteem. And of course only a couple of people responded to it. He's going to lose most of his friends the way he treats people.

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I find it sad that one of his relatives responded to point out he has LBGTQ relatives and he has disowned them.

It doesn't excuse SJ lying about the baby's paternity and leaving the state to keep him away from his daughter. Lauren't mother seems to clearly grasp that she needs to allow a relationship and mitigate the hate and crazy from her end. And I see no evidence Russell is better or worse than David, which is why I suggested SJ needs to be done with men in general for a long time.

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I saw this has resurfaced but it took so long for me to check it out because the last few times were disappointing. This has been one of my fave dramas here. One of the worst things about this is that I genuinely felt bad for Russ and regretted some of the horrible things I have said. I am so disgusted right now especially reading the comments by his buddy Codi. The amount of vicious hatred he displayed, and continued too shocks me. I know some unpleasant people but I don't know anyone like Russ and friends in real life. I feel so blessed.

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I find it sad that one of his relatives responded to point out he has LBGTQ relatives and he has disowned them.

It doesn't excuse SJ lying about the baby's paternity and leaving the state to keep him away from his daughter. Lauren't mother seems to clearly grasp that she needs to allow a relationship and mitigate the hate and crazy from her end. And I see no evidence Russell is better or worse than David, which is why I suggested SJ needs to be done with men in general for a long time.

It's not typical for David to remain quiet based on his track record. Although Russell seems out of the picture, I still don't think David would just sit back and not be demanding that he and SJ remarry or live together. (Control thing.) I'm still thinking something is up between the 2 of them.

And totally agree that SJ leaving the state was a horrible thing to do... even if I don't like Russell at all. Honestly, they are all pieces of work and seem to be lacking in good adult choices. Great, now 2 of them are spreading the crazy in other states!

Does Russell protest too much about his latest rant? He gambles, sleeps with married women (resulting in a child), treats his family and friends like garbage.... maybe all the women are finally disgusted and see thru his BS and the men were one step ahead and wouldn't give him the chance! HAHA

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Nothing of much interest to me has been going on, so I read this thread from the beginning (but not previous threads.)

Which of these three main characters identified as fundamentalists? Do any of them still consider themselves fundie? Some of the behavior (lots of kids, sewing blog, disapproving of gays) sounds pretty fundie, but then some of the other behavior is definitely outside the fundie box.

How did these people get on FJ's radar?

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Nothing of much interest to me has been going on, so I read this thread from the beginning (but not previous threads.)

Which of these three main characters identified as fundamentalists? Do any of them still consider themselves fundie? Some of the behavior (lots of kids, sewing blog, disapproving of gays) sounds pretty fundie, but then some of the other behavior is definitely outside the fundie box.

How did these people get on FJ's radar?

Sarah Jane had/has a blog about her love of being a seamstress. She makes clothing for historical reenactments and events (amongst other things). At one time, she was a fan of Vision Forum, and that's how I originally found her (can't remember the deets). But that was years and years ago. I think she comes from a fundie or fundie-lite family.

David and Russ... Well, they both love to throw Scripture around when it's convenient for them, but I'd be shocked if either has been to church in years. There sure hasn't been any evidence of it on their Facebook pages.

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Nothing of much interest to me has been going on, so I read this thread from the beginning (but not previous threads.)

Which of these three main characters identified as fundamentalists? Do any of them still consider themselves fundie? Some of the behavior (lots of kids, sewing blog, disapproving of gays) sounds pretty fundie, but then some of the other behavior is definitely outside the fundie box.

How did these people get on FJ's radar?

Not 100% positive on which one is Fundie.

You have to remember, they were all CW/History reenactors so sewing is the normal thing around camps.

Most people of religion and faiths don't like gays but many of them tolerated it to a point but frown on the sex part.

As for the behavior part, I can only assume and have said it in the past posts.

I would not be surprised if SJ keeps in touch with David...after all, he is the father of her kids, rightfully so. He simply can not go live in OH until he finishes his probation or the court grant him to move. So far, he has been quiet so no news is good news.

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SJ and David were quiverful and homeschooling until she started having an affair with Russell and months later finally alleged David was abusive.

I believe her claim that David was abusive. It's pretty common for an affair partner who treats you kinder to be a catalyst to finally leave abuse. And David went bezerk.

Both David and Russell still subscribe to clobber them over the head type Christianity.

And I agree it's not like David at all to stay quiet. I think he's back with SJ and I think they are stringing Russell along just enough until they can establish legal paternity for David and lock Russell out of the picture, and I think Russell is bumbling fool enough that he'll let them do it.

But, I suspect once she can clear Russell out of her life, SJ will ditch David again because he'll serve his purpose. Having watched her play them both for fools for what? 2 years now, I think she is hand's down the smartest of this triangle, and I think at this point she's manipulating both of them for attention and to further her interests.

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Oh I think they're together too. Or working on it. They do have 5 kids to raise after all. I think they're n a 'honeymoon' phase if you will, and he's courting her again. Sarah has two Facebook accounts and on one she recently posted a photo of herself in a new corset. She and David flirtatiously comment back and forth about it in a 'wink wink nod nod' kind of way. She wants to get back into reenacting really badly. This took place about September 5th. I thought at first the photo dates might be from another year, but it seems if any photos or comments are from 2014 or earlier, then Facebook automatically notates them as such. These dates had no year, indicating they are this year.

Could be wrong about the timeline on that though, but I do think they're back together.

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I honestly can't say if they ARE back together, probably emotionally but not physically. After all, they both of kids so naturally, phone calls would not be surprising. They don't have a court order of no contact so why stop them from communicating about everything in general, their kids, how they are doing, job wise, etc. If they want to get back together, we can't stop them but hopefully they will grow up and be friendly before getting serious again, probably after David finishes his probation here in IL.

I agree with above poster that David was abusive. He got anger management and parenting courses as ordered by the court. That alone can drive any woman and their children crazy trying to get out of the vicious cycle....any woman who has been in domestic violence and domestic abuse would know and how it affects everyone. It has been evident since the beginning so its in the past. It's done, its over. I have not seen David personally since last year or this year so I think he is doing pretty good by some of the people he associated with and staying out of trouble. Like many of us, we didn't like what he did but its done, its over with, he served his jail sentence and he has to move on with his life, with the probation hanging over him, reminding him about his anger and impulsive thoughts he had on Russell when the attacks occurred. That is his battle and his own battle to deal with, no one else's. As long he is good, all is good with us on the personal face to face level.I don't have any beef with David, feeling is mutual since we bound to see each other at events from time to time.

If David and Russell want to sling it out, let them. SJ better not get involved with the penis fencing games they are about to get into and let them duke out their differences. Neither one of them are mud slinging each other on FB so I think the feeling is mutual. I don't see any evident of them doing so lately.

As for Russell, he can go suck on his pacifier. I don't give a flying freak if he is top five managers in the stores he works for since he got good selling tactics or people savvy methods....look how he attracts people and gets rid of them with his overzealous Christianity beliefs like a revolving door. I have no love for Russell at all. If any woman decided to date him, being involved with him, I hope to hell she knows whats she is getting into.

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