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The Deal with Michal


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I don't understand the deal with Michal and Fundies. From what I gather, it was a case of unrequited love. She disliked the fact that David danced and became barren. She helped David escape after he passed Saul's challenge of collecting 100 foreskins. Saul thought he would be killed, but he brought 200 foreskins. I think she was just flawed.

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I think the most messed up thing about this is the idea of someone asking for a whole bag of dicks.

This is where I think Christianity doesn't have much to do with people of our era and it's so freaking obvious

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I think the answer is that Protestants, especially fundementalists, like to use names from the Hebrew Bible but there really aren't that many named female characters in there. This isn't a problem if you have 1-4 kids but if you're quiverfull you'll run out of OT girls' name pretty quickly, so you have to branch out by using place names and names of really obscure characters. Michal is probably okay because David was a man after God's own heart and if asking for 200 foreskins was wrong, God probably would have said so.

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Don't fundies frown upon the name "Michal"? That was Michael Bates' original name before Gil and Kelly (Jo) studied up on Michal and decided they didn't want their child named after such a person. Why? Fear of the daughter being barren?

So many fucked up stories in the OT. But, honestly, there's plenty of weird shit in the NT, too.

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Michal is despised David for dancing. He did it as an expression of praise to the Lord but all she focused on was how other women saw him in a state of undress. Basically, she was really jealous. My best guess on the lesson taught here is either that we should not judge other's expressions of praise to God or the evils of jealousy. But that's all I got. It doesn't really make sense to me.

I was Michal one year at a Harvest Festival (fundie version of Halloween). The guy I was crushing on was coming as David and I wasn't so keen on being Bathsheba. I've actually always liked the name. I probably wouldn't name a daughter that, though, because I have a name that can be masculine (though rarely here in the US) and I hated having a "boy's name" all the years we lived in Europe so I wouldn't do that to a daughter.

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The lesson I got on Michal, as a fundie, was pretty straightforward: she criticized her husband and got cursed for it. Much easier than explaining how Abigail's attitude toward HER husband was also totally sinful but she somehow got away with it.

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Michal is despised David for dancing. He did it as an expression of praise to the Lord but all she focused on was how other women saw him in a state of undress. Basically, she was really jealous. My best guess on the lesson taught here is either that we should not judge other's expressions of praise to God or the evils of jealousy. But that's all I got. It doesn't really make sense to me.

Plus maybe the fact she is one of few or the only woman in the Bible who actually loved her husband. David never returned that love.

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