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No randoms while your Adam is sleeping, OK?!


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OMG, you guys!!!!!! I think I've found a BFF for Raquel!!!!!!! Squeeeeee!!!!

She loves Jesus, she's OK with being alone (really she is, honest, she is, and she keeps telling us that!), and she's cutting the Randoms out of her life because her Adam is still sleeping and she is saving herself for him.

Live Second, Pinky Promise and RealTalkKim for the win!!!

[bBvideo 560,340:ixnfrxfq]


And of course, one of the comments is:

Good info that everyone should hear. One suggestion out of love is modest dress. Your outfit is decent but your chest is extremely exposed. Don't be a stumbling block.

Can't win for losing, eh, Ashley?


[bBvideo 560,340:ixnfrxfq]


This is a new one on me -- apparently, making finger-guns and rotating them while singing El Jarabe Tapatio (aka The Mexican Hat Dance) is code for "having sex."

I think. :shrug:

She even uses the old "why buy the cow" line.

I'll give her this -- she's more honest about wanting to look pretty, and play with all of the girly-girl stuff, than Raquel.

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When she is talking about going on her "journey" I immediately thought journey to the heart, but she doesn't seem like the gothard type considering the fact that she went to college and seems to be able to make decisions on her own.

I didn't watch the whole video because she like, was like, super annoying (did I get enough likes in there?) but I don't hate her perspective. From what I watched, she came to this decision on her own after trying dating and clubbing and not liking it. She was allowed the opportunity to explore and decided that she would like courting. Is it for me? nah, but at least she had agency in the decision. Its not like the Duggar girls who only ever had one option.

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She and Raquel could never be BFF because no way Raquel could tolerate anyone else getting the spotlight. Raquel also only seems to have guy friends.

I couldn't watch all of the videos because she annoyed me. What was the point of the sippy cup at the beginning? Was that supposed to be cute?

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She reminded me of a Christian, purity-focused Laci Green.*

*I know Laci Green shares important messages, and I appreciate that fact. I just typically find her videos annoying as hell.

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My first thought was "Fair enough, it is kind of a dick move to sleep around behind your husband's back" but no. Of course it isn't something as sane as a warning against cheating. You cant cheat on someone who you aren't in a relationship with, that is crazy. Any of the random guys she dates could be the one....in fact, there isn't specifically a one. There isn't just one person who could be compatible with each person, there are loads of people who could be, and none of them will be perfect because they are human and nobodys perfect. You just have to pick flaws you can live with and accept like snoring or butt scratching, and reject ones that are a definite deal breaker like a criminal record a mile long, 15 kids with 15 different women, a whole host of "crazy" exes who hate him etc.

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Just some random thoughts. I know a lot about this organization. It follows the teachings of Heather Lindsey and the bible. It is a bible study group for young adult single women with a focus on dating and purity. The group does not promote courting. Actually lots of people within it do date. I think this girl just wanted to seem like a speshul snowflake by condemning it.I think that dating is perfectly fine and its a way to get to know someone. The key word is get to know someone. Don't tell a guy you just met that you're going to marry him (if I was a guy I would run) and no he probably does not know that you're going to be is wife based on seeing you the first time since the population is filled with lots of humans now. Also don't have him meet you parents right away, not everyone is that special or comfortable with that because it is a scary thing.

Another thing that I don't agree with is that you have to just live your life and wait for a guy to just waltz into it which they teach. They base this belief on the scripture that he who finds a wife finds a good thing but when you first see someone they are not your spouse. Theres nothing wrong with approaching a guy. After all God let you be in the same place as said guy, you have legs, eyes, and a voice. Guys get shy too and by the time they work up the courage to say hi you could be gone. If you're pretty or have resting bitch face you may not look approachable or like he has a chance of dating you.

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My first thought was "Fair enough, it is kind of a dick move to sleep around behind your husband's back" but no. Of course it isn't something as sane as a warning against cheating. You cant cheat on someone who you aren't in a relationship with, that is crazy. Any of the random guys she dates could be the one....in fact, there isn't specifically a one. There isn't just one person who could be compatible with each person, there are loads of people who could be, and none of them will be perfect because they are human and nobodys perfect. You just have to pick flaws you can live with and accept like snoring or butt scratching, and reject ones that are a definite deal breaker like a criminal record a mile long, 15 kids with 15 different women, a whole host of "crazy" exes who hate him etc.

*offers high five*

And figuring out what flaws you can deal with, and what flaws are deal-breakers, is a process. It's facilitated by dating. (I say this as a person who intensely dislikes dating and would prefer not to have to do it again.)

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That cup she has in the beginning of the first video looks like a bong. That is all.

Oh God, I thought the same thing! So glad to know I'm not the only one who thought that. :mrgreen:

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I didn't watch the whole video because she like, was like, super annoying (did I get enough likes in there?) but I don't hate her perspective. From what I watched, she came to this decision on her own after trying dating and clubbing and not liking it. She was allowed the opportunity to explore and decided that she would like courting. Is it for me? nah, but at least she had agency in the decision. Its not like the Duggar girls who only ever had one option.

Think I was too hard on her? Could be.

I guess I see her more as the type to become a first-generation over-doer, especially when it comes to waiting passively for "Adam" to come along.

She reminded me of Raquel and Lina, not so much of the fundie daughters whose restrictions come from their parents.

She and Raquel could never be BFF because no way Raquel could tolerate anyone else getting the spotlight. Raquel also only seems to have guy friends.

:lol: True that.

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