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Christine O'donnel and sexual harassment claim.


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I used to write recaps about "Glee" and in one I mentioned Brittany's delivery is dryer than Christine O'Donnell's pussy.

But it kills me how the right complains how the media is so liberal when these conservative women are always showing up on the morning news, talk shows, one-on-one interview programs, etc. In the past couple of months I've seen Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham, Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Bristol Palin, Christine O'Donnell, Margaret Hoover (who?) and SE Cupp (once again, who?) get featured on these shows. But where are the more progressive, liberal, feminist women? Okay, Gloria Steinem was interviewed by the Early Show, and Rachel Maddow was a guest panelist on one of the Sunday morning political shows.

But where are the lesser known progressive, liberal, feminist women? Where are women like Amy Goodman, Jessica Valenti, Katha Pollitt, Melissa Harris-Perry, etc.? I never see them at all!

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The question about "lust in your heart" business is a reference to a comment that Jimmy Carter, while either president or when he was running for president, made in response to a question about his fidelity. Carter was trying to sincerely answer a question and the media had a field day with it. Piers was having some fun with Christine.

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The question about "lust in your heart" business is a reference to a comment that Jimmy Carter, while either president or when he was running for president, made in response to a question about his fidelity. Carter was trying to sincerely answer a question and the media had a field day with it. Piers was having some fun with Christine.

Really? Because Christine O'Donnell stated in an interview with MTV: It is not enough to be abstinent with other people, you also have to be be abstinent alone. The Bible says that lust in your heart is committing adultery, so you can't masturbate without lust.

And I'm thinking that she probably got that particular phrase from Matthew 5:28, where Jesus said, "But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart (KJV), not Jimmy Carter.

So while Jimmy Carter may have referred to the same verse, it hardly originated with him, and I'm fairly certain Morgan was referring to Christine's own words.

http://www.associatedcontent.com/articl ... f_duh.html


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Here's what Carter said in his interview with Playboy, lo those many years ago:

"Because I'm just human and I'm tempted and Christ set some almost impossible standards for us. The Bible says, "Thou shalt not commit adultery." Christ said, I tell you that anyone who looks on a woman with lust has in his heart already committed adultery. I've looked on a lot of women with lust. I've committed adultery in my heart many times.... This is something that God recognizes, that I will do and have done, and God forgives me for it. But that doesn't mean that I condemn someone who not only looks on a woman with lust but who leaves his wife and shacks up with somebody out of wedlock. Christ says, don't consider yourself better than someone else because one guy screws a whole bunch of women while the other guy is loyal to his wife. The guy who's loyal to his wife ought not to be condescending or proud because of the relative degree of sinfulness. "

I'm sure you are right, Austin, but that question made me think of Carter's response, which was really forthright for the times.

I'm no fan of Christine O'Donnell and I find her quite odd, as well as offensive.

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You're right - it is interesting in light of the times. And ironic, given that the interview was for Playboy :D

I think that Jimmy Carter was the first president in modern times who knew how to speak the language of evangelical voters, mostly because he was an evangelical (Baptist). I don't necessarily believe he was doing that in a cynical way (I couldn't say), but those words and that sort of language would cause an immediate kinship to form between him and an evangelical voter, as they have heard that very topic preached on pretty regularly, using similiar language. So in that light, I think it's a very interesting quote.

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