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One Eyed Student/Slap in face to God MERGE


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Oh, but that's all. Some of her classmates said God wanted her dead! What the actual fuck? This girl is a 3 time cancer survivor, lost one eye, and now has a mass on the remaining eye. This is bullying, and I hope school officials are intervening. This girl isn't a slap in the face to God, the so-called Christians bullying her are.

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You know what's a slap in the face to God?

Treating another person as you would hate to be treated.

Failing to love another as you love yourself.

Oppressing someone in distress.

Committing blasphemy by making those statements about God.

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You go girl She is quite the person She shows How Christians are supposed to act. The students that say such things show how wrong religion can be and how judgmental and hateful. They are the very people who chase people out of churches. Sad part is I bet they learned it from their parents. it’s sad they go through life thinking they are pleasing god only to show how hateful they are.

Seventeen-year-old Emily reportedly has just one eye and has suffered from cancer multiple times. Some of her so-called religious classmates are allegedly less than understanding of her condition, calling her “a slap in the face to God.â€

You go girl she is one very strong person and makes a far better of example of what a christian is supposed to be over what the christian students are. To even say what they do shows how little compassion and caring they show as Christians and drive more people away. Christians tend to be the worst way to get people over to their religion.

http://www.opposingviews.com/i/religion ... -face-god#

According to The Friendly Atheist blog, fellow students have told Emily that God wanted her to die, and that’s why her cancer has kept returning. Being the bigger person, she said in an interview with blogger Christina Stephens, “I won’t say anything. I’m not going to disrespect someone’s religion. It takes a lot of restraint but it’s only right.â€

As for her own beliefs? “I’m agnostic I guess,†said Emily. “I believe there’s something out there but idk what.â€

Emily, sometimes called Emma, reportedly got cancer of the retina as a child, which is how she lost her eye.

The teen apparently remains optimistic about her ability to deal with cancer yet again. On her Tumblr page, called “The One Eyed Wonder,†she posted a photo of herself in a gown and tiara. The caption reads, “Emma. 17. I’ve kicked cancer’s ass twice and I’m going for a third.â€

Emily also posted a photo wearing an eye patch. Part of the caption reads, “I’m so proud of myself. I have no depth perception and I’ve taught myself to play volleyball. I take so much pride in my team and all the hard work I put into it. No one truly understands how cancer [works] unless you yourself has it. You can’t imagine how I feel on a daily basis. Vomiting, weak, tired, groggy, grumpy, hormonal…every [expletive] day. 6 days out of 7, I’m sick. I push through though because I can’t let my team down.â€

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I didn't have cancer, but I can only see out of one eye and have no depth perception. It's awesome that Emily taught herself to play volleyball! I'm...not too good at the ball sports.

I was on the high school debate team with a kid who had lost an eye to retinoblastoma. He also liked to play video games and was kind of a nerd (um, like 99% of those of us who were on the debate team). He was a badass and never wore an eye patch or a prosthesis, so it was pretty apparent that something had happened to his eye. One time, a teacher told the class that "X is a good example of what happens to you when you play too many video games! Your EYES FALL OUT! HA HA HA!" and this poor kid said quietly, "I had cancer." Totally appalling.

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Kids are pretty awful. Especially at that age.

When I was 15, I was in a car/train accident that led to many orthopedic surgeries, learning to walk again, and many months on crutches. I went back to my Catholic high school when I was pretty mobile.

I had to get friends escort me from class to class and to walk in front of me and behind me on the stairs, because of the number of students who threatened to push me down the stairs so I'd be dead "the way God intended." Teachers did nothing. Administration did nothing.

It's like they don't understand how it works. If a TRAIN couldn't kill me, motherfucker, why do you think your sixteen year old preppy ass can accomplish it? Please, call me names - scarface and gimp and limpy and crippled or whatever you like. I imagine this girl feels the way I did: I looked death in the eyes and I am still here. You high school motherfuckers are just insects making buzzing noises.

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A friend of mine was accidentally shot in the leg, and I took her out for lunch after she was out of the hospital. She was on crutches and in a giant air boot. As we were walking out, a pair of teenage girls behind us were giggling. Finally one commented, "Hey, I love your boot." Luckily for her, shock kept me from reacting until they were gone. I have never been so furious, and it only cemented my opinion that teenagers are either great or some of the worst beings on earth.

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I guess there is something weird about the whole story. Someone stole thus girl's pics and created a fake internet id from them.

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I also went blind in one eye as a kid and gym class was a nightmare. Now I'm in medical school. Kids are cruel; I hope she doesn't lose hope from her experiences and realizes that the sky is the limit - if I can do it, so can she!

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I guess there is something weird about the whole story. Someone stole thus girl's pics and created a fake internet id from them.

I bet Razing Ruth is KICKING herself for not getting this one first!

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I'm an atheist as is my daughter. If I ever found out that she had teased or mocked someone for their disability or medical condition I would burst into tears and be depressed for days. I hope that the parents of these horrible children discover just what kind of unfeeling, thoughtless jerks they have raised and that it makes them question their parenting skills. Obviously something went very wrong.

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I lost a friend to rhabdomyosarcoma when we were teens. She had one of her eyes removed about a year before her death. We met in middle school, and my god, the bullying was almost as bad as her illness. They called her "the ugly whale" to her face, in front of teachers, and nothing happened. Then when the local news wanted to cover her story, they would tell the cameras they were her best friends. It was disgusting.

Why these little fucks could ever think picking on someone is okay - especially someone who has enough shit going on already, thank you very much - is beyond me. They deserve everything awful and nothing good that ever happens to them. Thank God that girl seems to have a lot of support.

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Wow, I know kids can be horribly cruel, but if have never personally heard of or witnessed a child being harassed for something like this ! Shameful.

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Kids can be cruel. I ended up going independent study for my last year of highschool and that was one reason.

Still trying to wrap my head around this story. :(

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Sounds like it was a Razing Ruth style scam, so don't get worked up about it.

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I think the other thread on this in QFoS outs this as a scammer who took a girl's real life story and changed it into a bullying situation.

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