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Persecution of US Christians...looks like this


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Terrible, isn't it. Why, I sobbed for hours.

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Ack! That white font on black page is killing my eyes! As I skimmed down the page, I did catch the author asking, "how can this be legal?" Well, I'll tell ya -- Facebook is not governed by your theocratic principles. Pretty simple actually.

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In the United States, Christians are the majority so it is difficult to claim that they are being persecuted. Free speech means that people will probably say negative or hurtful things on internet communities. There is no way to protect only one group's free speech rights without protecting everyone's. The nature of free speech means that some people are going to say cruel or stupid things. Yes, the site "F^ck Jesus, Mary is a slut' sounds pretty offensive; however, unless they are advocating hurting Christians(or removing Christians' rights) the best course of action is to ignore them or make fun of them. Becoming outraged will just increase the notice that of that particular group.

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It can be legal because mocking a religion is not hate speech and Christians, as a privileged majority, do not qualify as a protected group.

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What he was actually complaining about was people reposting stuff he'd written and "liking" his group with names he disapproved of. Newsflash, that's Facebook - change your privacy settings or stop whinging.

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That isn't persecution. If you want to see real Christian persecution, move to North Korea or something, where Christianity is illegal and you can get killed for even owning a Bible.

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Persecution my ass, nothing but a bunch a spoiled, entitled assholes!

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This person is talking out of his/her ass. She/he should see some of the Facebook pages of my fundie relatives. They are full of anti-choice, anti- birth control, anti-Obama, etc. I may not like what they post, but I support their right to do so. Just like I have a right to pot pro-choice, pro-birth control, etc. Freedom of speech works both ways. And, all of our Facebook pages have remained up since we got on Facebook. If pages are getting deleted, their has to be another reason other than posting ultra-conservative, fundamentalist shit.

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I invented a new term for it born again asshoyness.

On the Snopes.com board, we call them pCms(pseudo-Christian morons).

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That isn't persecution. If you want to see real Christian persecution, move to North Korea or something, where Christianity is illegal and you can get killed for even owning a Bible.

This. Simply disagreeing with someone or calling them out on their asshatery is NOT persecution.

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This person is talking out of his/her ass. She/he should see some of the Facebook pages of my fundie relatives. They are full of anti-choice, anti- birth control, anti-Obama, etc. I may not like what they post, but I support their right to do so. Just like I have a right to pot pro-choice, pro-birth control, etc. Freedom of speech works both ways. And, all of our Facebook pages have remained up since we got on Facebook. If pages are getting deleted, their has to be another reason other than posting ultra-conservative, fundamentalist shit.

Best typo in while :dance:

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