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Lori Alexander agrees: End women's sufferage!

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You'll never guess where I found a comment from Lori Alexander of Always Learning.

Sarah's Daughter has a post advocating for the repeal of the 19th amendment: sarahsdaughterblog.blogspot.com/2013/06/end-womens-suffrage.html#comment-form. It was written by her husband, a conservative ex-military man.

Don't start with a liberal, that will get you no where. If you are married, convince your wife. Convince a conservative woman. If you have Christian based conservative beliefs, it is quite easy to support taking the voting rights away from women.

He quotes Vox Day, a conservative MRA blogger

In: Why don't women have to vote, Vox Day writes:

1. There is no evidence that women voting has been a positive development in any nation in the world. Should someone like to submit some for once, I'd be happy to examine it. I find it telling that no supporter of women's suffrage has yet been able to respond with anything but naked and unsupportable assertions.

2. There is no correlation between voting and the defense of life, liberty and property rights. The two countries which top the Heritage Foundation's Index of Economic Freedom, Hong Kong and Singapore, have severe restrictions on voting and political representation. In Hong Kong, only one-third of the legislative council is elected. In Singapore, voting is considered a privilege, not a right. Meanwhile, voting is permitted and even required in most of the countries that make up the bottom ten, including Cuba and Zimbabwe.

3. History shows that the women's vote is inextricably tied to a substantive loss of individual freedom. 4. The opponents of women's suffrage have been proven correct with regards to their predictions of a) increased divorce, b) increased abortion, c) sexual promiscuity, d) increased paganism.

He quotes a few other experts and a study before concluding husbands should convince their wives not to vote:

If you convince one woman that she should support ending women's suffrage and arm her with knowledge, imagine the consequences. She will raise daughters with the same thought pattern. In the meantime, they should vote strictly as their husbands vote or their fathers if not married.

How do I know this is effective? I convinced SD (Sarah's Daughter) that women shouldn't vote several years ago. It took some time (years). However, now she is a champion of the cause and is raising daughters with the same thinking. That really pisses off feminists. Winning the war takes time, invest the time.

Guess who agrees with him? Lori Alexander. In the comments section she writes:

Lori AlexanderJune 15, 2013 at 3:57 PM

I completely agree although I don't think I would have the nerve to ever write about it. Clinton and Obama would not have won if women voted. Men vote more pro-life than women. Clinton and Obama were not raised by fathers, thus seem to think more with their emotions and act based upon what is right for the moment. Bush and Romney had strong fathers and think more with their reason and see the whole picture. I would not mind at all if women weren't allowed to vote anymore...

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Okay, sure. Lets take away a woman's right to vote. And then lets watch the riots that ensue. It would be sheer madness.

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If she doesn't want to vote, she's free to stay home - in the US there is no requirement for mandatory voting.

So please, Lori - sit your ass home and skip voting if you want. Makes my own vote (which I am not about to give up for anything!) count more!

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Yes indeedy. I fully support silly little fundie women not voting. Let them stay home and wonder why that liberal woman was elected president in 2016. Geez eedjits, you are cutting your political clout in half. Not to mention stunting emotional and physical development...Maxwells, Arndts and Duggars as an example. Meanwhile, us evil heathens have well nourished and educated kids that manage to work, go to college, and run their lives at age 20.

This is why lower deductive reasoning is so fun to watch in the fundie/ mra class. Its like watching a bunch of cavemen try to use fire and setting themselves ablaze.

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Speechless here. Do people really think that way? What do you think they'd say if they knew my husband and I have only agreed once on a presidential vote in 30 years of marriage, and that I never miss a chance to cast my vote, thus canceling his out?

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Gilead: Coming Soon to a Republic Near You!

Hopefully, they wouldn't get very far with this tripe. I, for one, would be out protesting vehemently in the streets.

And this is rich:

a) increased divorce, b) increased abortion, c) sexual promiscuity, d) increased paganism

So, if women want control over their bodies, sexual decisions, and religion (or lack thereof), that's just The End of Civilization as We Know It?

FFS, where do these people come from?

Oh, and Lori Alexander is a Monster.

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I have a feeling that many folks, male and female, in the far right of the GOP agree with this. Their agenda seems to be aimed at taking away every rights women have.

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Actually, there's plenty of evidence that greater female political participation (higher voter turnout, higher % of women in political positions) correlates strongly with lots of positive socioeconomic indicators, ranging from higher literacy rates and lower infant mortality rates to higher GDP per capita and greater telcom penetration - pick anything you like about living in a first world country, and that variable will correlate with greater female political participation in ANY reputable dataset (for those who like to play with numbers, data.worldbank.org & undata.org have these). The problem with his argument is that it doesn't withstand any logical critique (surprise surprise!) because the concepts he's claiming to measure are actually best measured by the variables that would tear apart his argument in any statistical model. "Life" can be measured through HDI figures, which are clearly higher for countries with greater female political participation (hereafter FPP). For "liberty", take any index of democratization. For "property rights", take any applicable World Bank figure, or just look at corruption indices. All of these will correlate positively with FPP.

I need to start a blog on this shit :/

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You know, Lori doesn't have the sense god gave a goose.

Please Lori, spread the word. Encourage all of your little feeble minded friends (like Sunshine Mary) not to vote. All of you, sit home and just send your husbands out. It will make it that much easier for the right wing nutters to be defeated next election.

I am so disgusted by this women. She literally drips with self loathing.

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Lori AlexanderJune 15, 2013 at 3:57 PM

I completely agree although I don't think I would have the nerve to ever write about it. Clinton and Obama would not have won if women voted. Men vote more pro-life than women. Clinton and Obama were not raised by fathers, thus seem to think more with their emotions and act based upon what is right for the moment. Bush and Romney had strong fathers and think more with their reason and see the whole picture. I would not mind at all if women weren't allowed to vote anymore...

I was just wondering what Lori is a Fucking Monster's stance was on women voting.

Oh? You don't have the nerve to write about ending women's suffrage? You have no qualms about ordering women to beat their 2-year-olds, avoid vaccines, and stay with cheating husbands, but for some reason telling women to give up their right to vote crosses a line?

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3. History shows that the women's vote is inextricably tied to a substantive loss of individual freedom. 4. The opponents of women's suffrage have been proven correct with regards to their predictions of a) increased divorce, b) increased abortion, c) sexual promiscuity, d) increased paganism.


Sounds like INCREASED freedom to me!

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Huh? Who knew we were all forced to vote in this US? Also, I did not have any idea that my right to vote was a privilege or anything, because so many other people can't vote on anything their government says and does and I am not thankful at all for my rights here. Nope, not at all.

But, please, don't vote. Forget that ol' privilege of being able to have a say in who runs in your country. Those emotional women like you have nothing worthy to say anyway, am I right? They can't reason or use that thing called logic, which are things only men have in your world, so they can't possibly know the right thing to do and can't be afforded any say in their life or government they live under...of course, same argument was used to prevent freed slaves from voting as well, but maybe you think they should still be slaves. Nothing Lori the monster says shocks me anymore.

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Lori Alexander is such a bitch. The above comment quoted by Geo pisses me off.

Lori Alexander June 15, 2013 at 3:57 PM

I completely agree although I don't think I would have the nerve to ever write about it. Clinton and Obama would not have won if women voted. Men vote more pro-life than women. Clinton and Obama were not raised by fathers, thus seem to think more with their emotions and act based upon what is right for the moment. Bush and Romney had strong fathers and think more with their reason and see the whole picture. I would not mind at all if women weren't allowed to vote anymore...

Lori Alexander is a monster has thrown an asshole attitude before in regards to people who were raised without fathers. FUCK YOU LORI. I have issues with Clinton and Obama on certain subjects, but you know what Lori Monster they aren't major assholes like your precious Ken. I also bet Lori's sons are major misogynist assholes. Also Lori, many men who are pro-choice were raised by strong fathers. FUCK YOU LORI. I

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Add me to the list of people who don't mind Lori not voting.

3. History shows that the women's vote is inextricably tied to a substantive loss of individual freedom.

4. The opponents of women's suffrage have been proven correct with regards to their predictions of a) increased divorce, b) increased abortion, c) sexual promiscuity, d) increased paganism.

Nice little contradiction there.

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Actually, there's plenty of evidence that greater female political participation (higher voter turnout, higher % of women in political positions) correlates strongly with lots of positive socioeconomic indicators, ranging from higher literacy rates and lower infant mortality rates to higher GDP per capita and greater telcom penetration - pick anything you like about living in a first world country, and that variable will correlate with greater female political participation in ANY reputable dataset (for those who like to play with numbers, data.worldbank.org & undata.org have these). The problem with his argument is that it doesn't withstand any logical critique (surprise surprise!) because the concepts he's claiming to measure are actually best measured by the variables that would tear apart his argument in any statistical model. "Life" can be measured through HDI figures, which are clearly higher for countries with greater female political participation (hereafter FPP). For "liberty", take any index of democratization. For "property rights", take any applicable World Bank figure, or just look at corruption indices. All of these will correlate positively with FPP.

I need to start a blog on this shit :/

Maybe he doesn't consider higher literacy and telcom penetration positives. Much easier to keep the flock brainwashed without those.

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So the shining examples of how restricting voting increases liberty are two "states" that are actually political suvdivisions of China, w

here individual liberties are in fact severely limited, where abortions are common, and where Christianity is a minority religion. More proof that right wingers don't give a fuck about liberty for anyone other than themselves as would be dictators.

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(sorry for the shouty, but holy baby hitchens on a pogo stick, that's ridiculous.)

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Congratulations! You may just have found a way to arm a whole bunch of "liberal" women. I don't own guns, don't believe in most people's need to, but I would defend to the death my right and the right of my daughters to self-determination.

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(sorry for the shouty, but holy baby hitchens on a pogo stick, that's ridiculous.)

Holy baby hitchens...that is excellent, can I steal it? :dance:

Voting isn't about "cancelling out" anyway. In my youth, I had a boyfriend who was a Nat (supporter of the Scottish National Party). His whole family were Nats too, rabidly so in some cases. I voted for the Socialist Workers' Party. This caused a big argument. :lol:

The thing which was important was that we both voted and that we argued, if that makes sense. We argued politically. His argument wasn't "As a woman, you should vote for what I tell you to, and my vote [for a party which had a chance of getting in] cancels out your vote [for a party, which if I'm being honest, didn't have a snowball's chance in hell] anyway so you shouldn't do it". He made political arguments against my political arguments. Although we had a serious disagreement, at no point did he say "You don't get to vote, you have a fanny and a pair of tits which means you're too stupid to understand politics".

That's the kind of respect men show to each other, and if you're not being shown that respect as a female voter, you're not being respected at all. The arguments against you being allowed to vote, as a woman, are these:

1. You are more stupid than the thickest man ever known so you can't be trusted with the vote

2. Your female hormones will overwhelm you and you'll vote for any man who makes your panties wet, no matter their policies

3. You should vote the same as your husband if you have one or your father if you don't so your vote doesn't matter anyway [i love my dad very much, but seriously no].

If you find these arguments to be offensive towards any a female with a working brain, you would be correct. Even Lori is somewhat smarter than that, no?

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