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Lori Alexander asks why

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Lori's posting today. I do have a bit of sympathy for her health problems. But this posting did show her arrogance on certain things.

Why have I had to suffer so many years of pain?

Why did I get a brain tumor?

Why do I suffer with so many neck problems which led to

having my neck fused together?

Why was I so full of parasites and suffered from digestive problems

for so many years?

If I ask these questions, I must also ask ~

Why was I born in America and have never gone to bed hungry?

Why did I marry an amazing man who is a great provider,

husband, and father?

Why was I blessed with four healthy children that walk with Jesus?

Why do I get a beautiful home, comfy bed, and hot water?

I have never asked why I have suffered so much physically. I was more apt to ask, "Why not me?" I don't deserve anything but by God's amazing grace and abundant mercy, I have been blessed. I am learning to look above my circumstances and see my Savior and His many promises to me.

Note to Lori, some people in America do go to bed hungry and some people are homeless. Also I wouldn't put Ken in the category of being a great husband.

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What about people who have serious health issues, but also have an abusive husband who hits them, has barely enough food and is about to become homeless because their husband spent the rent money on drugs, and is unable to have children.

Yes, its great that Lori can feel blessed to have what she has even if her health isnt great, but some people have it worse.

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You know every time a read a post about Lori I have the same answer. STFU Lori!

But since that would only feed into her persecuted mindset I would say that the answer to your questions is that was the luck of the draw in your life. There are good times and bad times in everyone's life. A higher power and your devotion to them has nothing to do with what happens in your life.

Being born in America has nothing to do with not going hungry or being homeless. Take your head out of you ass & do some research into the number of people including children that go hungry. Look into how many veterans end up on the street because, after fighting for your right to spout shit, the VA doesn't have enough funding to help their PTSD. Find out how many people who have medical problems as bad or worse then yours end up declaring bankruptcy because in America some people decide it's more important to spend money campaigning so they can carry a gun but not spend the money to make sure people have health insurance. Take a hard and honest look at what goes on beyond your little circle of abuse and stupidity and then, only then, will I listen to what you have to say.

In the meantime, shut the fuck up Lori

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Why have I had to suffer so many years of pain?

Why did I get a brain tumor?

Why do I suffer with so many neck problems which led to

having my neck fused together?

Why was I so full of parasites and suffered from digestive problems

for so many years?

Should've drunk more kefir, Lori.


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Does she have munchausen's by any chance? I understand she's got health issues, but her incessant complaining and looking for attention, however vile, is kinda like a Munchausen diagosis.

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Why have I had to suffer so many years of pain?

Why did I get a brain tumor?

Why do I suffer with so many neck problems which led to

having my neck fused together?

Why was I so full of parasites and suffered from digestive problems

for so many years?

If I ask these questions, I must also ask ~

Why was I born in America and have never gone to bed hungry?

Why did I marry an amazing man who is a great provider,

husband, and father?

Why was I blessed with four healthy children that walk with Jesus?

Why do I get a beautiful home, comfy bed, and hot water?

I have never asked why I have suffered so much physically. I was more apt to ask, "Why not me?" I don't deserve anything but by God's amazing grace and abundant mercy, I have been blessed. I am learning to look above my circumstances and see my Savior and His many promises to me.

Note to Lori, some people in America do go to bed hungry and some people are homeless. Also I wouldn't put Ken in the category of being a great husband.

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Lori's posting today. I do have a bit of sympathy for her health problems. But this posting did show her arrogance on certain things.

Why does American politicans continue to shit away money to help healthcare but yet make damn sure there's plenty of laws so we can carry guns?

Why do people like yourself claim that you're a good Christian woman but yet you would be the first to deny those who are less fortunate any type of help?

I despise this woman, so, so, SO much....

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Why have I had to suffer so many years of pain?

Why did I get a brain tumor?

Why do I suffer with so many neck problems which led to

having my neck fused together?

Why was I so full of parasites and suffered from digestive problems

for so many years?

If I ask these questions, I must also ask ~

Why was I born in America and have never gone to bed hungry?

Why did I marry an amazing man who is a great provider,

husband, and father?

Why was I blessed with four healthy children that walk with Jesus?

Why do I get a beautiful home, comfy bed, and hot water?

I have never asked why I have suffered so much physically. I was more apt to ask, "Why not me?" I don't deserve anything but by God's amazing grace and abundant mercy, I have been blessed. I am learning to look above my circumstances and see my Savior and His many promises to me.

The arrogance is a bit hard to take. She was born in the developed world, and thinks not at all about those who live in poverty both globally and locally when she meditates on her own good fortune when balanced against the bad, And I call 'bullshit' on her never wondering why the hell she would have to put up with more crap than other people around her.

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Why have I had to suffer so many years of pain?

Why did I get a brain tumor?

Why do I suffer with so many neck problems which led to

having my neck fused together?

Why was I so full of parasites and suffered from digestive problems

for so many years?

I do have to ask, did the first "why" cause brain damage? Because if she did have a brain tumor, and had her spine fused, she should be thankful for modern medicine rather than attack it. And the last "why" that is listed above is just totally alternative woo.

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Does she have munchausen's by any chance? I understand she's got health issues, but her incessant complaining and looking for attention, however vile, is kinda like a Munchausen diagosis.

I thought the same thing when I read the list. That would explain why she has so little sympathy for other people with medical conditions - she thinks they're faking just like she is.

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I almost felt sorry for her reading the first half (I haven't read much of her, I'm sure it's a phase and it'll subside). Having chronic health problems sucks, particularly when they compound upon each other.

The rest? Oh no. This whole "I'm going to blame my problems on Satan and take all the damned credit for the good things in life- whether I had anything to do with them or not" mentality makes me sick.

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I'm surprised Lori hasn't got some off-the-wall theory for why she developed that brain tumour.

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Huh. That's giving her more credit than I would have done. Satan and/ or persecution would've been my totally uncreative, cover everything response.

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How long ago was this brain tumor? Does it explain her lack of cognitive ability?

I have been wondering about when the brain tumor happened. I have been looking at some of her older postings and she talked about the car accident that caused her neck damage happening the late 80s/early 90s. So far I haven't come across the postings where she talks more about the brain tumor. But I strongly suspect that Lori has never been the brightest bulb in the pack.

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I don't know who Lori is, but based on the number of threads about her, is it safe for me to assume that she's the Kath Younger of fundie bloggers? Maybe she should get her own sub-forum like Kath has on GOMI!

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Lori's posting today. I do have a bit of sympathy for her health problems. But this posting did show her arrogance on certain things.

Note to Lori, some people in America do go to bed hungry and some people are homeless. Also I wouldn't put Ken in the category of being a great husband.

I would be happy to trade all her physical problems for my younger son to be alive.

By her enumeration, she wants us to know how brave she is and how much she actually suffers, the fact that she is so grateful for all the things she mentions is just a pretext.

God I detest people talking/writing about their physical ailments.

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Hey Lori,

Why... Are you such a raging bitch?

Why... Do you hate women?

Why... Are you such a crybaby?

Why... Don't you kiss my ass!

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