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THIS is why fundies scare me


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Hey, I was thinking. Would anyone like to create a parody-blog of Generationcedar with me? It bothers me that there are people who take her dangerous and crazy ideas seriously. Not that I think a parody-blog would reach her followers and make them see how out of touch with reality she is... but maybe it could make someone think differently.

I don't have time to participate, but I would LOVE to read this. :lol:

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Apparently she became very defensive in the comments.

"I’m closing the comments to this post because of the idiotic responses I keep getting about “not feeding my family enoughâ€. I appreciate your perspectives and all, but I do not appreciate your assumptions and misconstruing of reality. Nor do I appreciate your interference into what you think is enough for my family without any idea of appetites and other food we eat.

Perhaps it never occurred to you who have rudely offered your opinions about how little I love my children, chicken casserole made with 2 chicken breasts isn’t all we ate that day (it’s as if you assume that). Salad is also healthy and in fact, some people eat an occasional meal of only salad. And what if we were vegetarians? You don’t see my little people’s plates when I have served them a small helping of a dish and they leave food on their plates. You didn’t see the apples and bananas they had for afternoon snacks, the nuts and cheese for later in the evening.

And the irony! Most children eat pop tarts for breakfast, off to school to eat some kind of fake food for lunch, chips, candy bars and cokes for snacks, then on game days stop for a burger or hotdog for supper. If their moms works, they likely eat out several more times during the week and/or eat boxed, preservative-laden, unnutritious food most of the rest of the week. Add to that they sit under fluorescent lighting all day, without the proper amounts of Vitamin D or exercise. Mine is not the blog you need to be sharing health concerns for my children.

There are some things worthy of discussion, especially as I invite that on this blog.

My love for my children based on a recipe is not one of them."

Right. Anyway, the parody-blog is now created.

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Apparently she became very defensive in the comments.

Right. Anyway, the parody-blog is now created.

Link please :mrgreen: I can't wait. There needs to be a smiley of rubbing hands together gleefully.

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Madness. I too look forward to the parody blog.

Small and Smaller don't have a mum. Here's their daily diet:

Morning: Big bowl of cereal and milk.

Midday: School/nursery lunch which is proportionate to their sizes and ages.

Evening: They really like spaghetti bolognaise, so they get that a lot. They like garlic bread too, which they both tried at nursery, Small likes broccoli and Smaller likes brussel sprouts.

Sweetie: They get sweeties every weekend, They are allowed to pick one thing each. Sometimes someone might bring them "special treats". Their dad takes them and they're allowed a bit at a time.

Their dad earns the same as me and that's fuck all to keep yourself on, let alone kids.

I honestly think that fundies think the secular world is utterly evil in every possible way. Everyone's stuffing their kids with as much calories as they can hold because they're lazy and wicked (unlike themselves) and filled with horribleness. (Although strangely the rather overstuffed people in the pulpits are exempt).

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Here you go: http://generationdinosaur.blogspot.com

I couldn't come up with anything clever in the title description. I wanted something that sounded similar to: "Renewing vision, embracing home and sowing seeds of the next generation".

Smelly the prophet is the blog author's name because a) Kelly has stated that she is a prophet b) Smelly because it rhymes with Kelly c) Smelly also refers to Kelly's holier than thou-attitude. Wherever she is, she must be better than other people. When her family didn't have a home, she mentioned that at least she isn't smelly like a homeless person.

She mentioned "the Swedes"-thing in her comments about character.

Edit to add. Don't expect too much. :oops: I have never written a parody-anything before.

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My heart breaks for children who, through poverty, ignorance or religious fanaticism, go to bed hungry. When my husband was laid off for a period of time some years ago, I shopped the sales, couponed, warehoused, taught myself different recipes and cooking styles, added a lot of vegitarian meals and did without other things to make sure they had enough food. I cannot imagine the pain of looking at a hungry child in your own home.

These people lack empathy. I doubt she feels any sort of pain, let alone notices her children's hunger.

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Apparently she became very defensive in the comments.

AH the classic. I've been caught. I will just respond with more of my judgemental uninformed opinion. Because that will make me look better.

Nope. It just makes her look as ignorant as she really is.

My child has actually never had a pop-tart. Yes, I do work. No I cook from locally sourced fresh ingredients. ALL day is 5hrs 45 mins of my child's day of which 1hr 30 minutes is spent outside. GAME DAY :lol: Yes, my child plays three organised sports ZE Horrors. Devil's stuff that you know.


I have never fed my kid gruel ..sorry casserole. IF I was that short of money I would be selling my laptop.

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Projecting and assuming poor parenting by others that she does NOT have actual knowledge of does NOT excuse poor parenting and improper education.

I don't think anyone assumed her children ate nothing else for dinner. I think that is precisely what people assumed that this was ONE meal....and it was severely lacking, as are the others she posted about feeding them at OTHER meals.

Clearly she's not vegetarian or she wouldn't have fed them CHICKEN in the first place. Don't insult vegetarians, very rarely do they not have a STRONG education on nutrition to ensure that they provide complete and adequate nutrition for growing children. They would absolutely grasp that a salad requires protien and caloric boasts if it is supposed to be a full meal. Hummus, falafel or something else from the legume family would be a more than sufficient addition they would likely add to boast the nutrition of a vegeterian salad meal.....not two lousy chicken breasts for 11 people.

I tell my children we all make mistakes but it is the ability to admit you are wrong, apologize for your mistake and try to do better that matters. Clearly, Kelly lacks that basic moral component when her response to being called on lousy parenting is to get angry instead of acknowledging that there is NO WAY you can justify that or the meal she used the leftover for as adequate nutrition.

FTR, my little ones often leave dinner with food on their plate. They also come back later for more food because they got DISTRACTED and forgot to finish eating. Leaving food on the plate is simply a young child developmental behavior, thus why they do better to graze instead of have formalized meals--a need Kelly denies her children with firmly planned meals and snacks and a locked pantry.

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If she's so worried about stretching her budet, why not buy a whole chicken instead of chicken breasts? It's definitely a lot cheaper and there is more to go around. Also, like everyone else pointed out, vegetables "on occassion" is NOT healthy. Frozen vegetables are pretty freaking cheap and it would be even cheaper to grow her own and then freeze them. What a messed up psychotic bitch.

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Most children eat pop tarts for breakfast, off to school to eat some kind of fake food for lunch, chips, candy bars and cokes for snacks, then on game days stop for a burger or hotdog for supper. If their moms works, they likely eat out several more times during the week and/or eat boxed, preservative-laden, unnutritious food most of the rest of the week. Add to that they sit under fluorescent lighting all day, without the proper amounts of Vitamin D or exercise.

So Kelly puts the details of her poor meal out on her public blog. Possibly to get the adoration of her myriad fans. When people point out to her that it was an inadequate meal for her family she has a flip fit and spouts off with the quote above.

She tells the world in a public forum so we all know how lousy her family is eating. Conversely she knows that her family is eating better than everyone else because she is omniscient and not only aware of what everyone else is eating, she knows what kind of lighting they use.

We've got proof from her own virtual mouth that she feeds her family lousy meals. She manufactures proof about the everyone else to make herself feel better. Sounds like most fundies to me! Lyin' liars who lie.

I'm a working mom with a passel of kids. I come home to a hot home cooked meal every single night because Mr. Mice could cook Kelly under the table.

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Pop Tarts? Ewwww. My kids have never had Pop Tarts in their lives. They aren't filling enough for breakfast and they aren't special enough for dessert.

It really is classic, or should we say predictable? "Your own words on your own blog reveal that you made a lousy dinner for your kids." "WELL, MY SUPREME MENTAL ABILITIES REVEAL THAT YOU FEED YOURS JUNK EVERY DAY! AND I KNOW WHAT LIGHTING YOU USE!"

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AH the classic. I've been caught. I will just respond with more of my judgemental uninformed opinion. Because that will make me look better.

Nope. It just makes her look as ignorant as she really is.

My child has actually never had a pop-tart. Yes, I do work. No I cook from locally sourced fresh ingredients. ALL day is 5hrs 45 mins of my child's day of which 1hr 30 minutes is spent outside. GAME DAY :lol: Yes, my child plays three organised sports ZE Horrors. Devil's stuff that you know.


I have never fed my kid gruel ..sorry casserole. IF I was that short of money I would be selling my laptop.

Ok, Kelly, let's get this straight:

You angrily respond to criticism that was based on YOUR OWN DESCRIPTION of dinner at your house by saying that your critics don't know everything about your children, the rest of their meals and their appetites - and then go on to offer a blanket criticism of the parents of "most children" based on stereotypes that you pull out of your ass.

Pot, meet kettle.

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Apparently she became very defensive in the comments.

Right. Anyway, the parody-blog is now created.

Tossing out assumptions about public school children and working mothers to deflect criticism??? WTF. I worked my kids took left overs from home for lunch. We didn't have the money for fast food and such so I used a crockpot and cooked on the weekends to get us through the week. I'm sure other working outside the home moms do the same... :shock:

ETA: Kelly really stepped in it with this one.

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And the irony! Most children eat pop tarts for breakfast, off to school to eat some kind of fake food for lunch, chips, candy bars and cokes for snacks, then on game days stop for a burger or hotdog for supper. If their moms works, they likely eat out several more times during the week and/or eat boxed, preservative-laden, unnutritious food most of the rest of the week. Add to that they sit under fluorescent lighting all day, without the proper amounts of Vitamin D or exercise. Mine is not the blog you need to be sharing health concerns for my children.

Most? For crying out loud. Citation needed.

Kelly, Kelly, Kelly-- will you stop making assumptions about us heathens already? I did not like pop tarts as a child. I have never liked them. I do buy a box when my mom is coming to visit, because she enjoys them and I want to be a good host.

And yes, my mom worked. Still does, in fact. My father, who worked fewer hours, was the primary cook, and a good bit of what he made was from scratch-- some things very well (chow mein, split pea soup, seriously good meat loaf, a riff on torta di patate), some things not-so-well (underspiced goulash, and stuffed zucchini that could have been used as a doorstop). Most of what he made fell somewhere in between. He would resent the insinuation that men are incapable of preparing nourishing food (as would my brother and The Partner). Oh, and vegetables were not a sometimes food. I may prefer the fresh vegetables I eat now to the mostly frozen ones I ate as a kid, but I recognize that the frozen ones were perfectly acceptable, and a reasonable concession to (1) a short growing season and (2) food costs.

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From Kelly:

And the irony! Most children eat pop tarts for breakfast, off to school to eat some kind of fake food for lunch, chips, candy bars and cokes for snacks, then on game days stop for a burger or hotdog for supper. If their moms works, they likely eat out several more times during the week and/or eat boxed, preservative-laden, unnutritious food most of the rest of the week. Add to that they sit under fluorescent lighting all day, without the proper amounts of Vitamin D or exercise. Mine is not the blog you need to be sharing health concerns for my children.

There are some things worthy of discussion, especially as I invite that on this blog.

My love for my children based on a recipe is not one of them."

We're not basing it on the recipe, Kelly.

We're basing it on the fact that you boast about locking food up. That you boast about threatening your kids to give them the third-world experience. That you continually act as if you are better than everyone in the whole world. That you deny your children the chance to grow, to experience, and to be children. That you let your daughter prove her lack of knowledge and your lack of schooling her on the internet. That you mooch off other people and condemn those who accept government aid.

We're basing it on the fact that you pretty much are a horrible person. It shows.

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I have on occassion, on vacation or some other HUGE treat, served my children pop tarts. When I was a little kid, I used to visit my grandparents every summer for several weeks. It was the one time we knew we could eat what we liked and would not be hungry. They would love on us, feed us, get us ready for the next school year with clothes, shoes, supplies. They took us on field trips, amusement parks. Basically, each set of grandparents would cram a lifetime of normal childhood into their week with us. My favorite grandfather would buy chocolate mint ice cream, chocolate covered cherries, and pop tarts for treats. Sometimes, I buy them as a rare treat to pass onto my chidren the love of grandparents who helped me survive the horrors of a childhood much like what Kelly describes. Not going to appologize about that.

Funny thing, I took an outside job for the first time in years this last fall. My going to work did NOT decrease the caliber of the food we feed them. It just means that DH makes dinner when I am working. Shock and horror, a FATHER of nine knows how to cook and feed his children healthy, adequate, from-scratch meals. Tonight, he made white chicken chili for everyone. We used 3lb of chicken meat and 3 cups of northern white beans. No one will go to bed hungry here, but I am hoping to have enough leftovers for lunch tomorrow!

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Her response kills me. She essentially saying, "anyone who criticizes me is a working, pop-tart feeding ebil mother."

First, the criticism I read wasn't based on one meal; much of the criticism was based on multiple frightening behaviors all of which were from her own admission. Second, her response lashes out in typical fundie style by shouting, "how dare you criticize me!" Question for the fundies: isn't this what you want? You all want everything de-regulated and unchecked? Don't you want to be left alone to do your "thing"? Free from gubbament involvement?

Guess what? You put your shit out there and the internet responded, unregulated and unchecked.

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Hey, at least the mom feeding her kids Pop Tarts, school lunch, and box dinner is giving them enough calories. ;)

Where do some of these bloggers get their ideas about how other families live? I know it can't be from TV, since so many of them find it evil. I make my kids' lunches every day, and make sure they have whole grains, enough protein and calcium, plus fruits and veggies. I make dinner, from scratch, 95 percent of the time. Meals out are an occasional treat. I even get up early to make my kids a hot breakfast before school. It would never occur to me to demonize other families and assume that they feed their kids crap from a can most of the time.

Oh, and I do buy Pop Tarts, but not for the kids. I hide them wayyyyyy up in the top of the pantry so I can have one when junk food cravings hit.

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I love how she assumes that all working mothers are super busy, yet lazy women who can't be assed/don't have the time to make a meal after their long day of work... maybe she should meet my mother, who worked all day during the week, and then came home and cooked a nice meal for my dad and I. We never went out to eat on weekdays because, strangely enough, working (to buy enough food for us to eat, oh snap) is kind of tiring and Mom and Dad never felt like going out somewhere on top of that. True, there were canned veggies, and the occasional boxed side dish (I still love potatoes au gratin from a box, don't judge me), but most of it was pretty healthy, and definitely more filling/healthy then chicken puree on rice. She seems so very out of touch with how 'normal' (for a given value of normal, of course) live their lives.

Maybe, because of how these fundie mom-blogger glorify being a full time mom, cooking super home cooked meals and being as thrifty as possible, they find it hard to accept that normal people are doing the same thing, all the time, and ALSO working? Like, they seem to seriously overestimate the time it takes to clean a home and cook a meal, possibly because they're so in love with the idea of slaving away at it day after day so they can gloat about how awesome they are (when in reality, they are not really any more or less awesome then any other mother out there).

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Maybe, because of how these fundie mom-blogger glorify being a full time mom, cooking super home cooked meals and being as thrifty as possible, they find it hard to accept that normal people are doing the same thing, all the time, and ALSO working? Like, they seem to seriously overestimate the time it takes to clean a home and cook a meal, possibly because they're so in love with the idea of slaving away at it day after day so they can gloat about how awesome they are (when in reality, they are not really any more or less awesome then any other mother out there).

This. It's the same with the stay at home daughters (gag), everything they do is SO amazing and they would never want to have jobs or go to college because when would they have time to clean the bathroom or perfect their tater tot casserole?

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Here you go: http://generationdinosaur.blogspot.com

I couldn't come up with anything clever in the title description. I wanted something that sounded similar to: "Renewing vision, embracing home and sowing seeds of the next generation".

Smelly the prophet is the blog author's name because a) Kelly has stated that she is a prophet b) Smelly because it rhymes with Kelly c) Smelly also refers to Kelly's holier than thou-attitude. Wherever she is, she must be better than other people. When her family didn't have a home, she mentioned that at least she isn't smelly like a homeless person.

She mentioned "the Swedes"-thing in her comments about character.

Edit to add. Don't expect too much. :oops: I have never written a parody-anything before.

I loved the "Swedes have no character" entry.

Kelly has to demonize everyone else because the only possible way anyone would think what she is doing is good is if it is compared to some hyperbolic claims about everyone else. Of course to reflection on her actions and understand the nutritional deficiencies in what she feeds her kids, Kelly would need a real education, a willingness to think about things, the humility to be wrong and at least some basic knowledge of nutrition. I don't think that is going to happen. :cry:

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Very much looking forward to the parody.

My kids go to evil public school.

They are allowed one packaged treat like a cereal bar of some sort in their lunch box. They must have fresh fruit or vegetables for their classes daily fruit break. They also get a chicken and salad sandwich, a yoghurt or piece of cheese, and another piece of fruit in their lunch boxes. Their school canteen works on a "traffic light" system, where foods are labeled green (healthy, every day food, low in sugar and fat), orange (ok for a treat, but not all the time) and red (high in fats or sugars, little nutritional value). The canteen is only allowed to serve red choices twice a term, and orange choices are limited.

They have cereal or pancakes or toast plus a piece of fruit for breakfast, a snack after school,which is often a low fat ice cream in summer, 2 minute noodles or Mac and cheese in winter.

Then they have a home cooked dinner that involves a lot more ingredients than Kelly's pureed chicken casserole.

I would venture that my kid's diet is pretty typical of kids around here. Not perfect, but not full of processed crap and takeaway, and with adequate calories.

And when we get takeout it tends to be sushi or Thai or a good pizza from the local pizza shop, not happy meals (although they do get them very occasionally).

It may surprise Kelly to know that most people aren't so black and white -'it's not a choice between starving your kids or feeding the unlimited processed crap. And the public schools here are very proactive about healthy eating, to the extent that some parents complain cause they want to be able to send more junk in the lunchbox and the school won't allow it.

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