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THIS is why fundies scare me


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Don't pregnant women need to eat an extra 500 calories to nourish their babies? A 110 calorie meal is not going to cut it.

I think she put the chicken in the blender to spare herself having to cut one breast into . Servings. Ouch.

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I've been thinking about this, and totally agree the 'girls eat like birds' thing is absolute bollocks. A growing child is a growing child. I know some kids can be picky little grazers, and that is fine, but FIVE? Five kids under the age of six, and not one has a healthy age-appropriate appetite?


It has been really fun and challenging to see how far I could stretch everything.

That is just mean. New ways to undermine your children's health- what a fun adventure?

This annoys me. I'm not exactly rolling in it, but my absolute first priority is to make sure my child gets a healthy diet, because i do honestly believe that good health is something you can't put a price on, and it starts in childhood.

I just can't imagine how little food those kids must get. Someone please make a replica casserole, just in case we're reading it wrong, and 'chicken' is actually 'ostrich'

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It has been really fun and challenging to see how far I could stretch everything.

That is just mean. New ways to undermine your children's health- what a fun adventure?

She is mean. It was also very immature and mean to threaten them this way: "You reminded me…they are never hungry between meals, only starving. To which I give them the third-world country story and threaten to make it real." (See generationcedar.com/main/2012/08/put-your-kitchen-on-a-budget.html)

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Parents needing to hide/secure food is one thing. I've known mothers in real life who have locked food up. One was because she was a control freak and wanted to spend her money how she saw fit. The other didn't want the children to eat all of something she needed for meals, but ALWAYS supplied her kids with food. My parents hid food from us, but didn't lock it up.

The thing that gets me is that they brag about how awesomely disciplined and better than us normal people their kids are, but I will tell you something: my mother has never locked the fridge to ensure we didn't eat the food. Maybe she has left a note on the fridge warning us that ingredient X is destined to be dinner, so don't eat THAT, but not locked us out.

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The thing that gets me is that they brag about how awesomely disciplined and better than us normal people their kids are, but I will tell you something: my mother has never locked the fridge to ensure we didn't eat the food. Maybe she has left a note on the fridge warning us that ingredient X is destined to be dinner, so don't eat THAT, but not locked us out.

This. My mom would tell us what we could snack on and what we were not to touch, and we stuck with it. And we don't have any food issues as adults. My niece's father had his food controlled as a child and still will gorge on sweets at times.

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My objection isn't the protein but the calories. When I was a kid, my father's meatloaf was probably close to half onion / oatmeal / bread crumbs. It was tasty and filling, and restaurant meatloaf tasted weird to me on the occasions I tried it (because comparatively, it was overly meaty and lacking in spice). I don't see enough "stretcher" in the meal she described, though, to fill up 11 people. She has commented about her daughters "eating like birds." To me, that means she knows her kids aren't getting enough food and she's being defensive.

Didn't she also say there was something like 4 mushrooms in that meal for 11 people, along with the "wilted" celery? So it doesn't sound like they are getting enough veggies either. I mean I don't know if she's talking about large mushrooms (I would hope) but even still, that's like less than half a friggin mushroom per person! She didn't list the quantities of rice, but if they eat like that regularly, I don't see how those poor kids can be getting adequate calories. :(

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If they are deciplined (abused) for complaining then of course they don't say how they feel. They are not allowed.

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Not defending Kelly, but for an argument to hold any weight you need to be honest. She said they had a salad with this measly little pureed chicken & rice meal.

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I've been thinking about this, and totally agree the 'girls eat like birds' thing is absolute bollocks. A growing child is a growing child. I know some kids can be picky little grazers, and that is fine, but FIVE? Five kids under the age of six, and not one has a healthy age-appropriate appetite?


It has been really fun and challenging to see how far I could stretch everything.

That is just mean. New ways to undermine your children's health- what a fun adventure?

This annoys me. I'm not exactly rolling in it, but my absolute first priority is to make sure my child gets a healthy diet, because i do honestly believe that good health is something you can't put a price on, and it starts in childhood.

I just can't imagine how little food those kids must get. Someone please make a replica casserole, just in case we're reading it wrong, and 'chicken' is actually 'ostrich'

When I was broke, I did treat "shopping in the cupboards" as if it were a sparkling adventure. I understand that approach: it seemed better than fear or despair. But I did not have dependents.

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Not defending Kelly, but for an argument to hold any weight you need to be honest. She said they had a salad with this measly little pureed chicken & rice meal.

Given how nutritionally sparse the chicken and rice monstrosity was, I'm going to guess the salad probably isn't much better.

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What are meth brows? I can't find any useful information via Google.

Yeah, the unreliability of breastfeeding as birth control is why I said that getting pregnant soon after having a baby doesn't require planning so much as lack of planning - unless you're one of those fortunate (very) rare women who can't get pregnant while breastfeeding very much. I've only met two women like that though compared to a multitude of others who did get pregnant while nursing a fair amount still (myself included).

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Meth brows refers to an old photo that Kelly used to have posed on her blog in which it appeared she had shaved/plucked off her eyebrows and then pencilled them on. I was speculating that perhaps she hadn't removed them but that they were sparse due to malnutrition. The photo in question does not appear to be on her blog anymore. I presume the board used to refer to them as meth brows because meth users frequently pick at their skin/hair and remove their eyebrows in this process.

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I have so enjoyed everyone's observations here. You all have such good things to say, i.e. the Fundie Mommy Wars, etc., and the fact that it made no sense that she fed them blenderized muck when she had food in the freezer. I think she is the kind of fundie Mom to ration food and portion size and all that, but I also think she was definitely doing a Mommy War bit where she was showing off what she could make out of the scraps in the freezer to use stuff up. Can be fun to do once in awhile and promotes less waste and all as someone mentioned, but she needs to do this when half her family is off for a homeschool get together and there aren't so many mouths to feed. That is, if she ever lets half her brood out of sight and out from under Mommy's control. She is soooooooo positively annoying and one of those fundies that I just cannot stand.

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Kelly needs to read 1 Timothy 5:8

But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.

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Hey, I was thinking. Would anyone like to create a parody-blog of Generationcedar with me? It bothers me that there are people who take her dangerous and crazy ideas seriously. Not that I think a parody-blog would reach her followers and make them see how out of touch with reality she is... but maybe it could make someone think differently.

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Those of you who have shared your own stories of growing up hungry/food rationed or of adopting children who were previously in situations of starvation/food rationing have really touched me. I didn't realize that food rationing was so common in fundie families for "godly reasons'. I love to cook and providing my children with wholesome, well-prepared meals was one of my joys.

My heart breaks for children who, through poverty, ignorance or religious fanaticism, go to bed hungry. When my husband was laid off for a period of time some years ago, I shopped the sales, couponed, warehoused, taught myself different recipes and cooking styles, added a lot of vegitarian meals and did without other things to make sure they had enough food. I cannot imagine the pain of looking at a hungry child in your own home.

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Given how nutritionally sparse the chicken and rice monstrosity was, I'm going to guess the salad probably isn't much better.

This. As a vegan who loves and creates all manner of delicious, filling, tasty, beautiful, and elaborate salads, I'm constantly amazed at how crappy and limited most of the salads served in restaurants or made by non-veg people usually are. Iceberg and glugs of ranch dressing do not a salad make. :shock:

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Hungry kids are a very real fact of life in the US. I always have a wide variety of healthy snacks in my classroom for any kid to grab when needed or wanted. I have to assume that a lot of my students are hungry, and since they are older teens, they are often too proud to ask, so I leave the food out for anyone. This costs me more than I can really afford right now, but there is no way to just target the ones who NEED. Besides, I don't want any hungry kids in my room, even if they just got up too late for breakfast or forgot their lunch.

Before I started working at this school, I just sort of intellectually knew this; not the same as the full on realization and horror. I wish I could do more. Even so, I know I'm still naive and sheltered.

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Hungry kids are a very real fact of life in the US. I always have a wide variety of healthy snacks in my classroom for any kid to grab when needed or wanted. I have to assume that a lot of my students are hungry, and since they are older teens, they are often too proud to ask, so I leave the food out for anyone. This costs me more than I can really afford right now, but there is no way to just target the ones who NEED. Besides, I don't want any hungry kids in my room, even if they just got up too late for breakfast or forgot their lunch.

Before I started working at this school, I just sort of intellectually knew this; not the same as the full on realization and horror. I wish I could do more. Even so, I know I'm still naive and sheltered.

Count and I run a Federally Funded Healthcare Center and we had to start a food pantry to help our patients with food. We do not ask questions we just let them shop, majority of the food come from donations and a small grant that we recieve from a foundation. Food scarcely is a real problem. During the summer they get fresh vegetables from my garden which they all wait for, success of the program we help a young family they finally moved to get a better job and educational opportunities. Every month we get a check from them for $20 to repay us for the food that recieved from the pantry. They have paid us off, however 2 years later they are still sending us the check.

Kelly is an idoit

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This woman seems to see children as accessories to a godly life, and not as living organisms that require care and love. They're like plants to her - sparsely "water" them occasionally, just enough to keep them alive, and they remain as symbols of her virtue.

I have no children, and never wanted any, but honestly, so many of the stories that are followed here just make me want to rescue the children of these maniacs and give them ENOUGH FOOD (and warm clothes and hot baths and brush their hair, in some of the more extreme cases).

For people who claim that children are a blessing, they sure do treat their blessings with contempt.

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