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What would YOU preach on the street corner?

O Latin

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I wouldn't stand on a corner to preach anything. To me, the main issue with street preaching is its interference in my life. Forcing views upon me whether I have any interest or not. Of course I can and do walk away, but it's there and I have to go out of my way to avoid, ignore, or whatever I choose. All because someone thinks his/her beliefs are more important than mine, or even more important than whatever I am doing when I have to pass by them.

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"You're doing okay! Keep going! Ask for help if you need it! You are good human being! You deserve respect!"

Aw, I like this. Mostly because our whole society (especially every media advertising machine) seems to revolve around telling us how we're not measuring up and what we need to do/buy to make ourselves acceptable. I like the thought of using the same promotional tricks to get people's attention and then tell them they're doing just fine and they don't need anything else to be good.

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Pro-unions, anti-homophobia, and anti-debt (Or pro-living-within-your-means if you prefer. Seen too many gen-X and gen-Y put themselves into debt because they want to same comfort level at 30 than their parents have at 60. It's not a crime for your sofa to be used, or for your baby to live the first couple years of her life in a rental apartment. That goes a bit with what Valso and Patsy were saying.)

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That Disney is the happiest place on earth, dogs are great and if good girls, like bad guys nice guys love psychotic girls. In addition I would include a message of anti-douchbaggery

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"Your job is not you and your fellow workers are not your enemies! Organise collectively and don't let the bosses grind you down! There's help if you need it, don't give up! It's not immigrants to blame if you lost your job, but capitalism itself! Come and talk to me and if I can't help you I will find someone who can."

A confused message, I'd hope to do a bit better :oops: but that would be the essence.

I'd come join you with a sign!

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I'd come join you with a sign!

I hope, a friendly one :) if so, let's start the movement!

There have been developments and we're starting to get better paid members turning on the poorer paid ones. I keep wanting to knock everyone's heads together and say "WTF! We're all in this together!"

And also many more people outside the union saying "The immigrants take all our jobs" and "I suppose I should feel lucky to have a job at all...even though my pension vanished ages ago, I've had to take a pay cut, and...." :( :( :(

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I'd preach nothing. While I would dearly love to tell people what to do and where to get off, I just don't think it is my place.

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I would have a cute/badass animal of the day. It would have to be a quiet corner that wouldn't stress the animals out though. I would have a little pen with frolicking baby wombats and a display with facts about wombats. People could ask questions and lucky passers-by could pet the animals.

Learning about nature AND seeing fluffy critters!

This goes along with my fantasy idea of starting a coffee shop/cafe/brewing company/yarn store/petting zoo. I feel like this would go over huge in Brooklyn, lol.

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