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CT School shooting


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Aaaaaaand more fuckery on my fb newsfeed this morning. First there was someone saying that anyone who believes gun control is a solution is "an idiot. Point blank." (person also went there with the drugs are illegal and people still get them bs) and then a relative posted a video of Fuckabee's little speech with the caption "So True" underneath it. Nevermind that tighter restrictions on gun ownership (for example, not allowing guns in a home with a mentally unstable person) could have prevented this tragedy. And of course lets not forget that God allowed innocent children to be slaughtered b/c of prayer not being allowed in school (even though it is, it just can't be forced). :angry-banghead: :angry-banghead: :angry-banghead:

Please overlook the many grammatical errors that I am sure are in this post. I am too tired and irritated with people to bother with it today, and it is only 9:30. Sigh.

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I wonder also how much the excess media coverage affects or motivates the people that carry out mass murders. I'm not saying that watching tv, or even playing video games, drove him to do this, but I'm wondering if there were any ideas he got or even final motivation from watching the news about others in Colorado or Oregon or Wisconsin.

And speaking of media, I too am tired of all the misinformation that's disseminated especially right after the incidents occur. It's so irresponsible and it seems that it's easier to apologize for it later than to bother actually confirming the facts before spewing them out.

I have wondered myself if media coverage of other mass shootings is a motivating factor. I just don't know.

Also, I was telling my daughter the same thing about the media, if they do not have the facts straight then don't report nothing. It is easier to say we have nothing new to report at this time than to have to recount everything later.

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I have not read the entire thread. But, I need to get something off my chest.

Quit trying to tie a political statement to this tragedy. This did not happen because of politics! This happened because a man was emotionally disturbed and angry at the world.

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I just "unfriended" a bunch of people on my FB account because I can't bear the crap.

We told our five year old about the tragedy last night - she goes to a k-8 school and SOMEONE was going to talk about it. She was scared, at first, but then remembered that they do "intruder drills" at school, where the teacher locks the door and pulls the shade and they all get under their desks and stay very quiet for five minutes. Plus, she knows there's security guards, and she came to the conclusion on her own that these kids didn't have security guards at their school. She also decided that the reason the man killed all those people was because there was a ring that made him evil. Okay, maybe we've been telling her too many Tolkien bedtime stories.

On the one hand, my kid's school is prepared - it's a Chicago Public School, they have fire drills, evacuation (bomb threat) drills, and intruder drills, the school is locked down unless it's entry or dismissal time, and there's security guards at every entrance. This is SOP for this city, even if the school is in a wealthy area (this one is, as it's a magnet school). That makes me feel like she's safe, or at least as safe as she can be. On the other hand, how sad is it that my five year old goes through intruder drills so that she'll know what to do if someone comes to her school with a gun and starts shooting? What does that say about us, as a society?

What's currently pissing me off is the fact that Lanza apparently had a developmental disorder, like Asbergers, and I'm hearing people claim that the disorder made him do it. Uh, no, douchebag, autism-spectrum disorders DON'T mean violence. They might have meltdowns from too much stimulation, but that's because they feel TOO MUCH, not that they feel nothing. Idiots.

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Thankfully, most of my fb friends are of like mind with me. One of them posted this today, and i thought it was a great post:

Home →

Replying to my pro-gun friends

Dear friends who can't tolerate anyone bringing up gun control: You're not going to intimidate me with your !!!!s, ????s, WORDS IN ALL CAPS, namecalling, and threats to unfriend. I am going to speak my mind regardless of your protestations...


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Mother Jones has an article showing some choice gun ads throughout the years.


Gives you an illuminating glimpse of the mindset of people who will never give up their weapons, and also into the minds of the lobbyists and business interests who will never back down from their money-making-over-all mandate. The one with the little girl playing with the revolver in bed with her doll next to her, proclaiming how safe the guns are, is particularly charming.

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I have not read the entire thread. But, I need to get something off my chest.

Quit trying to tie a political statement to this tragedy. This did not happen because of politics! This happened because a man was emotionally disturbed and angry at the world.

Well said.

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from that inquisitr link:

The State Police made the extraordinary decision to assign a trooper to each of the victim’s families to prevent unwelcome idiots from tormenting them and to protect their privacy.

I hope this is true. It will protect the families from some potential torment, but also (I would think), also protect them from kicking a Phelps in the fucking balls and getting sued for it.

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WBC's website got hacked by Anonymous in real-time while those reprehensible piece of shit were giving an interview. So much for God protecting your website, assholes.

The first two kids will be laid to rest - Noah, who is survived by his twin sister Arielle (who survived by being hidden in the bathroom), an older sister who also survived the attack, three younger siblings, and parents/extended family. Hane, are you absolutely certain Noah isn't your coworker's stepchild? If he is, please tell her I am so deeply sorry for their loss. He is a beautiful little boy gone far too soon from this world. The other is Jack Pinto.

I can't imagine being the religious officials in Newtown right now.

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I'm all for gun control, but first we need to start enforcing the gun control laws that are already on the books. And just HTF would having more guns helped in this situation?

ETA: clarification

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I wish I could block/unfriend my stupid ass coworkers too! One of them just said to me that Obama cried fake tears (whatever, I know this coworker is a big ol republican and doesn't like Obama) but then he proceeded to say that Obama bombs children in Afghanistan and likes to laugh about it. What the fuck! I'm guessing that's his way of saying.... Actually, I don't know what the fuck he was trying to say but I know he's one of those gun rights people so I'm just glad he didn't make some bullshit comment about how Obama is gonna take his rights away. The 2nd amendment gives you a right to bear arms, not a right to be an ASSHOLE! And even if Obama was crying fake tears, at least he pretended to be affected,unlike this motherfucker I have to see everyday. Aaaggghhh /rant over

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from that inquisitr link:

I hope this is true. It will protect the families from some potential torment, but also (I would think), also protect them from kicking a Phelps in the fucking balls and getting sued for it.

Fortunately, it IS true: my BIL the social worker told me about it when I visited with him Sunday afternoon. He also said that he and the other social workers organized in teams of three, consisting of a clinician, a cop, and a clergy member.

He told me that the New York Times got hold of a list of the "helpers," and he actually got a call from them. Per protocol, all he said was "No comment," and directed the caller to his chief.

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Fortunately, it IS true: my BIL the social worker told me about it when I visited with him Sunday afternoon. He also said that he and the other social workers organized in teams of three, consisting of a clinician, a cop, and a clergy member.

He told me that the New York Times got hold of a list of the "helpers," and he actually got a call from them. Per protocol, all he said was "No comment," and directed the caller to his chief.

The crazy friend of mine said it was to prevent them from talking to the media because it was a coverup.

I knew there was a more sane explanation behind it. Im going to go and tell her this now...

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ILoveJellyBeans, you should also let her know that all government agencies, public utility corporations (I work for an electric company in Connecticut), and large businesses have protocols in place for dealing with the press.

For instance, if I'd been approached by a reporter during Storm Sandy, I would have simply referred the reporter to our corporate communications chief. Believe me, you wouldn't have wanted some sleep-deprived wingnut (me) answering questions about my company's remediation efforts in the midst of a major disaster.

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I wish I could block/unfriend my stupid ass coworkers too! One of them just said to me that Obama cried fake tears (whatever, I know this coworker is a big ol republican and doesn't like Obama) but then he proceeded to say that Obama bombs children in Afghanistan and likes to laugh about it. What the fuck! I'm guessing that's his way of saying.... Actually, I don't know what the fuck he was trying to say but I know he's one of those gun rights people so I'm just glad he didn't make some bullshit comment about how Obama is gonna take his rights away. The 2nd amendment gives you a right to bear arms, not a right to be an ASSHOLE! And even if Obama was crying fake tears, at least he pretended to be affected,unlike this motherfucker I have to see everyday. Aaaggghhh /rant over

There are people on the far right who are against the war, then? This is news to me. Or maybe there's just a conspiracy theory according to which Obama makes there be "collateral damage" on purpose.

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ILoveJellyBeans, you should also let her know that all government agencies, public utility corporations (I work for an electric company in Connecticut), and large businesses have protocols in place for dealing with the press.

For instance, if I'd been approached by a reporter during Storm Sandy, I would have simply referred the reporter to our corporate communications chief. Believe me, you wouldn't have wanted some sleep-deprived wingnut (me) answering questions about my company's remediation efforts in the midst of a major disaster.

Yes this (though I'm sure you would have handled them with customary grace!)

A place I used to work got caught up in a scandal once (loooong time ago now). I, a junior 'crat, had the job of answering the phones.

"Hello, I'm from [newspaper] I'd like to talk to you about..."

"Sir, I can give you the number of the comms team. They will know much more than me about the incident."

"But I'd like the inside track from someone who works there. We're parked outside by the way. You could just nip out and see us, no one would ever know and there would be something in it for you..."


I did not take them up on their tempting offer.

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The first two kids will be laid to rest - Noah, who is survived by his twin sister Arielle (who survived by being hidden in the bathroom), an older sister who also survived the attack, three younger siblings, and parents/extended family. Hane, are you absolutely certain Noah isn't your coworker's stepchild? If he is, please tell her I am so deeply sorry for their loss. He is a beautiful little boy gone far too soon from this world. The other is Jack Pinto.

I can't imagine being the religious officials in Newtown right now.

I'm assuming that her stepchildren have the same surname as their father, a name not on the list of the victims, so that's why I've been assuming they're safe. I won't be into the office till tomorrow, but I just sent an email to one of my teammates to see whether she's learned anything.

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What's currently pissing me off is the fact that Lanza apparently had a developmental disorder, like Asbergers, and I'm hearing people claim that the disorder made him do it. Uh, no, douchebag, autism-spectrum disorders DON'T mean violence. They might have meltdowns from too much stimulation, but that's because they feel TOO MUCH, not that they feel nothing. Idiots.

I agree. But I have to wonder, if Mom started homeschooling she would have come across the cray cray we discuss right off and as a prepper she might have found common cause with the fundie whack-a-moles. That could have caused her to start adopting some of their discipline methods as well as bringing the ebil public skool message home.

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Today I'm going out shopping for something special for my grandson and my nephew, and find myself dreading the jolly shoppers and merry holiday displays. This whole tragedy hits so very, very close to home. I'm finding it hard to go on Facebook, because holiday cheer is starting to crowd out the expressions of grief and concern. This is what I posted on Saturday:

This morning, I spent time with Everett, who is five years old and in kindergarten. He has a deck of cards with pictures and facts about dozens of different wild animals, and we invented a game in which we decided which of the animals could be found in various US national parks.

In Everett's living room are a little Christmas tree, a manger set, stockings hung on the mantel, plastic toy animals,

and, on the wall, one of his latest pictures: a smiling Santa in his sleigh, driving his reindeer, the words "MOM" and "DAD" written over their heads. On another picture he wrote the caption, "I love mommy with all my heart."

Everett has a happy little family. I am sitting here grieving for all the families, no more than an hour away from here, who have been devastated by unimaginable violence, for whom Christmas stockings and menorahs and carefully stashed holiday gifts are nothing more than a cruel reminder of what no longer is.

I am praying for their families, and for the heroic teachers and staff, some of whom sacrificed their lives for babies like my Everett, and for the kind and compassionate helpers, like my brother-in-law John, who came to their aid.

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There are people on the far right who are against the war, then? This is news to me. Or maybe there's just a conspiracy theory according to which Obama makes there be "collateral damage" on purpose.

I don't know if he's against the war. I think in this case the coworker is so anti-obama that he just pulls comments out of his ass to try and make Obama sound bad.

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Minerva, you put it brilliantly.

I would say, I like guns (sorry) but that doesn't stop me being in favour of their controlled usage. Taking a gun into a primary school? You're a fucking idiot, whether you are teacher or parent or just a gunman, nothing about this will end well, will it.

Taking a gun into a church, what the hell happens in your church that you need to bring a gun? I've been in church loads of times (every day in my younger years) and at no time was a gun necessary. There were some sermons that bored the living tits off you, but I think everyone could deal with that without semiauto fire. ;)

Taking a gun into a shopping centre (shopping mall for Americans) WHAT IS THIS I DON'T EVEN. No fucking clue why anyone would do this. I've spoken before about targeting and the ease thereof (it is about as easy as, well, fuck it, a thing which is not at all easy). You are going to hurt or kill bystanders if you open fire. That's happening, sorry.

We conclude from this "A gun has its place. It is not constantly on my person unless we're in a revolutionary situation."

There is so much more to taking out a gunman. That is why the police and soldiers spend hours and hours and hours in training.

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Yes this (though I'm sure you would have handled them with customary grace!)

A place I used to work got caught up in a scandal once (loooong time ago now). I, a junior 'crat, had the job of answering the phones.

"Hello, I'm from [newspaper] I'd like to talk to you about..."

"Sir, I can give you the number of the comms team. They will know much more than me about the incident."

"But I'd like the inside track from someone who works there. We're parked outside by the way. You could just nip out and see us, no one would ever know and there would be something in it for you..."


I did not take them up on their tempting offer.

The media - newspaper reporters - will stoop to anything. I ran a helpline once in a crisis situation. We had reporters all over us - pretending to be friends, pretending to be family, asking for leads for people they could interview/ talk to. Yes, they offered money too. They were complete shits. I've never liked reporters since.

One of them, getting no joy from me - I refused their rag an interview because I despised them - rang my parents and asked how they would react to the news that my (sibling who was involved in the crisis and was the reason I was running the helpline for other people's siblings/families) had been found dead in (country where the crisis was happening and from which no reliable news was coming.) At the time, all we knew was where (sibling involved in the crisis) had been six weeks previously, before the trouble started. We still didn't, ourselves, at that point, know whether sibling was alive or dead. (And we did not find out for another two weeks. For all we knew, sibling might have been dead, and they might have had the correct information.)

I am so glad if the families involved in this tragedy are being protected from this sort of hurt. Unless you've experienced the probing of reporters, their complete lack of sensitivity, their ruthlessness in pursuit of a story, their twisting of the truth, you really don't believe just HOW low they will stoop.

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The media - newspaper reporters - will stoop to anything. I ran a helpline once in a crisis situation. We had reporters all over us - pretending to be friends, pretending to be family, asking for leads for people they could interview/ talk to. Yes, they offered money too. They were complete shits. I've never liked reporters since.

One of them, getting no joy from me - I refused their rag an interview because I despised them - rang my parents and asked how they would react to the news that my (sibling who was involved in the crisis and was the reason I was running the helpline for other people's siblings/families) had been found dead in (country where the crisis was happening and from which no reliable news was coming.) At the time, all we knew was where (sibling involved in the crisis) had been six weeks previously, before the trouble started. We still didn't, ourselves, at that point, know whether sibling was alive or dead. (And we did not find out for another two weeks. For all we knew, sibling might have been dead, and they might have had the correct information.)

I am so glad if the families involved in this tragedy are being protected from this sort of hurt. Unless you've experienced the probing of reporters, their complete lack of sensitivity, their ruthlessness in pursuit of a story, their twisting of the truth, you really don't believe just HOW low they will stoop.

Wow, I had no idea reporters could be that horrible. I'd give them my brother's telemarketer treatment. Tell them you'll be right back, then leave the phone sitting there for 15 minutes. Or tell them you'll put the person they're looking for on and then leave the phone beside the snoring dog. I want to specify that I'd never do that to a telemarketer. Their jobs are hard enough already. But a skeezy reporter would get it.

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There's this awful thing going around FB ...a poem re-written from The Night before Christmas (I think it was) all about how those kids went dashing happily into heaven with Jesus. I couldn't believe it when I saw it.

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