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Can I echo this MYOB on childbearing article?


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When I see someone I know who has obviously lost weight, I'm torn between wanting to compliment them, and refraining, because it implies that I thought they were overweight before. Also, they may some illness that is causing the weight loss, and it's unwelcome.

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When I see someone I know who has obviously lost weight, I'm torn between wanting to compliment them, and refraining, because it implies that I thought they were overweight before. Also, they may some illness that is causing the weight loss, and it's unwelcome.

That too. I should have added that "you've lost weight" is also tragically inappropriate when the person has been struggling with a severe eating disorder (a friend of ours received a number of compliments when she was in fact close to death from anorexia), has cancer, or has any other serious illness. Again, these things are not always public knowledge, so avoid saying anything.

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That too. I should have added that "you've lost weight" is also tragically inappropriate when the person has been struggling with a severe eating disorder (a friend of ours received a number of compliments when she was in fact close to death from anorexia), has cancer, or has any other serious illness. Again, these things are not always public knowledge, so avoid saying anything.

I think comments about any changes in someone's body size are inappropriate. Not all weight loss is welcomed, and not all weight gain is intended. And we have to wade through so much body shaming in this culture as it is that we don't need people concern trolling us to our faces.

About the pregnancy/family size MYOB, as a Catholic I see this all the time. Because Catholic couples are supposed to be open to life and only avoid getting pregnant if there are grave reasons, the default assumption with some Catholics is that couples with no or one or two kids either has fertility problems or is using birth control. They conveniently forget the plethora of very legitimate, very serious reasons Catholics have for avoiding a pregnancy.

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One of the things that gripes me is when people assume that you're not happy having kids of a single gender. When my youngest was about a month old, someone asked me if we were going to "try for a boy." :roll: That's right, my life is incomplete if I don't have a boy. :roll:

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