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The Country Handmaiden on chivalry


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The Country Whatever wrote,

and I want to ask her, "What is that skirted, long-haired helpmeet and mother-to-rival-the-Blessed-Virgin-Herself doing out in public without her headship? Huh? She actually purchased a heavy bag full of stuff by herself? HUH? Sounds like a hussy waiting to happen, missy! How dare you suggest such a thing occurs in your perfect, smug world?!"

Reminds me of when handicapped parking spots first began to be designated. I don't think people had thought to have handicapped hangtags on the rearview mirrors at the time. One man got yelled at for parking there - lucky for the self-righteous critic that the harangue didn't stress the heart patient into some kind of cardiac event!

Like debrand, I hold the door for anybody if I can. The Clunky Handmaiden would be amazed, I'm sure, at the number of toothless 20-somethings with Skoal in their hip pockets who say, "Thanks, ma'am," and then I glimpse them doing the same for a ratty-looking lady wearing shorts and a halter who is pleasantly surprised by the favor they pass along.

It's too late at night for me to visit the Cranky Handjobber. I'd probably brew up a half pot of coffee and go after the sycophants who complimented her on her wizzdumb.

Thank you, Mama J. It may be too late to go after the Cranky Handjobber *snickersnerk*, but I know I needed that. Prissy Miss Elizabeth is the trad-Catholic homeschooled Austen-worshipping SAHD that my parents tried to force me to be, but I turned out to be a Pickup Truck Girl instead. (Except with more frills. Maybe a 4-Door Hatchback Girl?) This 100-proof shot of sanity was just the thing to remind me of why I got out in the first place, so cheers! ^_^

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Here is what I posted in response to her comment to me. Let's see if she approves it:

If I did not know the gentleman and had not asked for assistance, I would be wary of accepting help with my bags or a walk home. You can't tell if someone has bad intentions, and some of these things could make you more vulnerable.

I never said that having someone open a door for me was disturbing to me. I am, however, disturbed by the notion that you are criticizing women who are strong, and also encouraging a mindset of judging others solely by first appearance.

Read Proverbs 31:17. How can you criticize a strong woman who works hard?

My post on the other forum was the same as my comment to you here. It was other posters who made those comments.

Yes, I do prefer to focus on courtesy and respect than "chivalry", because I believe that to be the more genuinely Biblical focus.

Read Luke 10:25-37 (the parable of the Good Samaritan). We are commanded to love our neighbor, and that means helping ANYONE who requires it (whether or not they are wearing a long dress or denim work clothes). The parable also teaches us not to judge people by their surface attributes - the Samaritans at the time were not considered to be good and respectable, but here it was a Samaritan who ended up acting in a Godly manner far more than the higher-up priest and Levite.

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Elsewhere, I notice that a post on Anne of Green Gables is followed by a post on not going to college.

It makes me wonder if she actually read the books instead of just watching the mini-series and drooling over the clothes. Anne studied to be a teacher, and then went on to get a university degree.

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The Creed Of A Chivalrous Maiden

The foundation of a chivalrous maiden is angelic elegance.

When a chivalrous maiden has the appearance of an angel you see radiance shinning from her face. When you look into her eyes, you see a whole other world. You see Heaven. Her angelic radiance even makes atheists believe in the existence of the after life.

A chivalrous maiden always has her eyes cast down. She knows her true worth. She knows she is inferior to men, but she also knows that man has a responsibility to protect her from evils. She seeks his permanent love, trust, and protection.

A chivalrous maiden is a consuming fire. Her soft, elegant, graceful, and fiery footsteps captivates everyone. All eyes are focused on her. But she takes no notice, nor has any desire to be the center of attention. She attracts him with humility. She wishes to be wholly empty so he can only fill her up with his love.

A chivalrous maiden watches all of her passions. She keeps them all in check. She does not want anything unbecoming of a lady. She wants to be perfect for him. She keeps herself untarnished, untouched, completely and wholly innocent.

A chivalrous maiden wears modest clothing. She preserves the dignity of herself as well as her family. One virgin, by her upstanding life, rebukes many with her mere presence. She is hated and persecuted. But in return, acknowledges her unworthiness and loves those who persecute her. Instead she goes farther. She forgives her persecutors.

A chivalrous maiden is always faithful. She is faithful unto death. For once she gives up her entire heart, she has no more love to give to anyone else. Who dare attempts to get in between her and the one she loves?

A chivalrous maiden falls in love with not the exterior of the man, but with his soul. Her soul slowly begins to bind with his soul. That is what she loves. This is what she must possess. She wants him completely. When she has fallen in love with him it is his presence, not his beauty, that captivates her.

A chivalrous maiden speaks little, but keeps silent. Her breath is taken away when she is in love. She simply delights to be in his presence. She can spend hours in silence, gazing with her whole heart at his soul. This is how she chastely binds himself to her. She does not need words to show love. Love speaks in silence. Love uses the heart, and a chivalrous woman knows that.

A chivalrous maiden is an overflowing fountain of unconditional love. She can never run out of her unconditional love. No matter the cost, no matter the pain, no matter the consequences. She is fearless of anything and everything for love only rules her.

She quoted this from somewhere, but did not credit it. This is back from March.

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She quoted this from somewhere, but did not credit it. This is back from March.

I just threw up my breakfast. Why do women buy into this bullshit? Seriously. Why does any woman with half a functioning brain think that becoming nothing more than a simpering idiot is the way to happiness and fulfillment. What a waste.

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She quoted this from somewhere, but did not credit it. This is back from March.

This post is filled with self glorification and spiritual wanking with streusel topping of contradictions. A maiden so beautiful that you see heaven when you look into her eyes, but she keeps her eyes down so that it isn't possible. She inspires other with her fire, but keeps her passions in check at all times. Everyone loves her (even atheists who realize the error of their ways) but she is hated and persecuted.

CH obviously aspires to be (and believes she is the manifestation of) a chivalrous maiden.

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Good God.

Someone needs to explain the parable of the talents to that young-for-her-age Miss. (Matthew 25:14-30; Luke 19:12-28)

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She quoted this from somewhere, but did not credit it. This is back from March.

This is scary stuff.

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Bolding mine:

She quoted this from somewhere, but did not credit it. This is back from March.


SERIOUSLY? Not only does it flat-out contradict itself with regards to the nature of love, and invoke a double standard for beauty and physical attractiveness, but it expressly states (instead of the usual veiled allusions) that women are INFERIOR to men?

I can't... that's just...


brb, rampaging through Tokyo

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The New Testament says that women and men are of equal worth in the sight of god. I just can't remember what the verse is that states this.

Christian fundamentalists do NOT read their bible. I really believe that they get their ideas about their faith from one another and not their own sacred text.

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Galatians 3:28 comes to mind. "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus"

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I think that men in fundi land are quite intimidated with women. They are the special ones who can actually sustain the life of another organism. Men cant do that; so, power comes from making women their slaves.

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Barely got through the entire post. I *love* how she makes it seem like women are at fault for being able to do things for themselves without needing a man's help. Just because a man suddenly walks within 30ft of you doesn't mean that you instantly have to turn into a fragile, helpless flower incapable of doing anything for yourself.

The generalization about not calling a woman in jeans a lady irked me too.

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Feminism is about the right to choose your path in life. I support both men and women taking FMLA after the baby is born. If the man is better at tending the children and taking are of house work then he should be allowed to stay home while the wife works. We should be looking at each family on a case by case situation.

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The Creed Of A Chivalrous Maiden

The foundation of a chivalrous maiden is angelic elegance. Shouldn't the foundation be more, you know, an inner character quality?When a chivalrous maiden has the appearance of an angel you see radiance shinning (Like nails on a chalkboard. Doesn't she read?) from her face. When you look into her eyes, you see a whole other world. You see Heaven. Her angelic radiance even makes atheists believe in the existence of the after life.

A chivalrous maiden always has her eyes cast down. She knows her true worth. She knows she is inferior to men, (WHAT. THE. FUCK. I keep asking the FSM for more eloquence than those three words, but damn! Damn! Damn! She admit's it fully! She outright states her blatant sexism! And the 'eyes cast down' bit, what is that about? Delicate maidens should keep their eyes on the ground as what, deference to biological penis-havers, or because her inferiority makes her not have the right to look men in the face without permission?) but she also knows that man has a responsibility to protect her from evils. She seeks his permanent love, trust, and protection.

A chivalrous maiden is a consuming fire. Her soft, elegant, graceful, and fiery footsteps (Fiery footsteps. Methinks maybe she need's to invest in some of that anti-fungal stuff?) captivates everyone. All eyes are focused on her. But she takes no notice, nor has any desire to be the center of attention. She attracts him with humility. She wishes to be wholly empty so he can only fill her up with his love.

(This is both disturbing (erasure of individuality) and begging for a 'that's what she said' joke somwhere.) A chivalrous maiden watches all of her passions. She keeps them all in check. She does not want anything unbecoming of a lady. She wants to be perfect for him. She keeps herself untarnished, untouched, completely and wholly innocent.(Soo, I guess if you're not perfect, you're not a lady. Not perfectly godly, not perfectly mature, not perfectly infantilized...) A chivalrous maiden wears modest clothing. She preserves the dignity of herself as well as her family. One virgin, by her upstanding life, rebukes many with her mere presence. (If she brings shame on herself, she brings it on her family? What is this, Mulan's China? And what is with the 'one virgin' stuff? Something about that really squicks me out though I'm not sure what it is. Maybe the assumption that if she's a virgin she's 'all that' or maybe that she can't be 'all that' unless she's a virgin.)She is hated and persecuted. (Fundy persecution complex again. These people have no idea what persecution is, and they should be thanking their God every day for that. But no, they have to invent persecutions.)

But in return, acknowledges her unworthiness (unworthiness of what? Love? Male permission to take her eyes off the floor?) and loves those who persecute her. Instead she goes farther. She forgives her persecutors.

A chivalrous maiden is always faithful. She is faithful unto death. For once she gives up her entire heart, she has no more love to give to anyone else. (So, no kids for this girl huh? Since she's used up all her love on her headship.) Who dare attempts to get in between her and the one she loves?

A chivalrous maiden falls in love with not the exterior of the man, but with his soul. (Whereas she just has to look like an angel and be perfect.) Her soul slowly begins to bind with his soul. That is what she loves. This is what she must possess. She wants him completely. When she has fallen in love with him it is his presence, not his beauty, that captivates her.

A chivalrous maiden speaks little, but keeps silent. (Which is it? Does she speak little, or keep silent? How is she to praise her headship all day long if she's supposed to keep silent huh? It would make more sence if this sentence said 'she speaks little but makes her words count'. That at least would be grammatically correct.) Her breath is taken away when she is in love. She simply delights to be in his presence. She can spend hours in silence, gazing with her whole heart at his soul. (This sounds like a bad Jessica Simpson song.) This is how she chastely binds himself to her. She does not need words to show love. Love speaks in silence. Love uses the heart, and a chivalrous woman knows that. (Uh, I guess this girl never got the memo that no one can fall in love with someone by simply sitting in complete silence together.) A chivalrous maiden is an overflowing fountain of unconditional love. She can never run out of her unconditional love. No matter the cost, no matter the pain, no matter the consequences. She is fearless of anything and everything for love only rules her.

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The Country Whatever wrote,

and I want to ask her, "What is that skirted, long-haired helpmeet and mother-to-rival-the-Blessed-Virgin-Herself doing out in public without her headship? Huh? She actually purchased a heavy bag full of stuff by herself? HUH? Sounds like a hussy waiting to happen, missy! How dare you suggest such a thing occurs in your perfect, smug world?!"

Reminds me of when handicapped parking spots first began to be designated. I don't think people had thought to have handicapped hangtags on the rearview mirrors at the time. One man got yelled at for parking there - lucky for the self-righteous critic that the harangue didn't stress the heart patient into some kind of cardiac event!

Like debrand, I hold the door for anybody if I can. The Clunky Handmaiden would be amazed, I'm sure, at the number of toothless 20-somethings with Skoal in their hip pockets who say, "Thanks, ma'am," and then I glimpse them doing the same for a ratty-looking lady wearing shorts and a halter who is pleasantly surprised by the favor they pass along.

It's too late at night for me to visit the Cranky Handjobber. I'd probably brew up a half pot of coffee and go after the sycophants who complimented her on her wizzdumb.

I have a prejudice against people who park in the handicap spots without placards or license. Then again, I know people who are wheel chair bound. I have see the struggle to get their chair out of the evan without much help. If I saw smuggler park in a handicap spot, I might be forced back into his car. Most of those spaces are not made hummers, suv's or trucks..

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Indeed, online. They're generally converts from fundie sects and come off like they're more Catholic than the pope. But more modest, of course. They glom on to the writings and thinking of men like St. Josemaria Escriva, Padre Pio and Benedict XV and use what these and other Victorians said as a way to extend their evangelical/fundie worldview into 2012 Catholicism.

And yes, they can be absolutely insufferable.

I keep pointing to lily-maiden.blogspotdotcom, but she seems to have betaken herself to FaceBook. She lists the Duggars as favourites. Earlier in her blog she has commented, "I just love this beautiful family!"

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That's not a misspelling. The radiance isn't shining, it's shinning -- y'know, climbing up and down her face like a kid in a tree.

Some chivalrous maidens have radiance that rappels from their faces with ropes! :D

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The Chivalrous Maiden seems to be in a highly dysfunctional relationship, and may possibly have a personality disorder. I'm not joking or exaggerating.

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Not to mention the obligatory lessons from God:

And now, for the sad news.

Two little bunnies are now peacefully playing in the happy clover field.

This morning, when I went to check on them, two had actually climbed out of the nestbox. The nights have been chilly, and there are not many places to find warmth outside the nestbox, so they both died. I found them curled up in the corner of the maternity pen. :( I was very sad. One of them was a spotted one, and the other was the only broken fawn colored one of the litter. I had been so hoping for a broken fawn. And now he's gone.

But I really thank God for having this happen to me, because it very much teaches me how God can give us things, and take them away. Sometimes I feel that God gives me so much, and wonder when He will take something away. Now He has, but I am trying to accept it with all my heart.

I especially love the bolded bits (and by love, mean "hate with a burning passion").

Poor baby bunnies. So nice to know they were just a lesson.

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From her entry on SAHDs:


I am also hoping to volunteer at a shrine, or perhaps a Catholic charity that helps women in need. I don't know, maybe there is even a way to use the gift of sewing that my Lord gave me to help others. Maybe I could start a sewing marathon where all the finished clothing pieces are shipped to Africa to help the poor! Maybe I could even go to Africa myself to take them there! You have to think big. There are millions of opportunities if you just take the time look around at what you have available to you.

Is there a spot on the Fundy Drinking game for "moral imperialism?" How many micro-loans could she finance with the supplies for her "sewing marathon" and plane ticket to Africa? And is she aware that "Africa" is not just one big country?

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I did some more digging. Her younger brother is going to this boarding school:


I am incredibly suspicious of any school that claims it is staffed by "full-time volunteers." The volunteers come from the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property.


Again, I am incredibly suspicious of any group that takes its moral cues from the Crusades. Has anybody heard of this? It's reminding me of Waiting for the Apocalypse, when the author's brothers are sent to join some kind of shadow Catholic army.

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From her entry on SAHDs:


Is there a spot on the Fundy Drinking game for "moral imperialism?" How many micro-loans could she finance with the supplies for her "sewing marathon" and plane ticket to Africa? And is she aware that "Africa" is not just one big country?

The cultural sensitivity continues here:

http://thecountryhandmaiden.blogspot.ca ... oston.html

Scroll down for the cringe-worthy description of the Indians.

[Waves to Miss Elizabeth. Yes, I am snarking without apology on these posts, because I have zero tolerance for casual racism. I'm sure that you can't even see what wrong with your attitude, which is a whole problem in itself. "Indians" do not exist as half-dressed savages to be mocked or seen as a source of horror or fascination. Native Americans are people, who deserve dignity and respect like anyone else. In fact, that view of them as exotic savages was responsible for an appalling amount of cultural genocide, the results of which continue to harm their communities. Africa is a continent, not a country. It is not just a place filled with "the poor". You have no clue what women in Africa may actually need, and it doesn't really occur to you to try to find out, or consider that your Victorian dresses may not be the answer to their prayers. Maybe try reading through World Vision's guide to gift-giving, which at least explains how a donation to sponsor the purchase of practicals items such as goats and chickens encourages self-sufficiency. At some point, maybe you could do some dreaded math and realize that there is absolutely no purpose in you hand-delivering anything to Africa, since a donation of the price of a plane ticket could be used by a reputable aid agency to do some actual good. Of course, this would deprive you of the satisfaction of having the recipients express their undying gratitude for your precious gift. Is that what it's all about for you? Just like it's an unthinkable embarrassment for a man's offer of assistance to be met with a woman saying, "I'm fine, but thanks for offering".

Here's some reading on more respectful ways to give charity: http://judaism.about.com/od/beliefs/a/charity_nine.htm]

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