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Kristina Keepsake is pregnant with #4


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Those poor babies. Y'know, it pisses me right the hell off when I see people like this apparently able to conceive easily when so many awesome parents I know couldn't. It's actually one of the things that convinces me if there is a god, zie was just a creator and not all that involved in day to day happenings.

You and me both. :( I know a couple who can afford one (or more) kids, and can't ever have kids. Ever. She will never bear a child. And then they tried to adopt and that bit them in the face... *sigh* Pisses me off actually!

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Oh, and Kristina, speaking of 'wild teen's, go pick any serial killer at random and go and see whether his parents "talked" to him or "popped" him.

I think that this one is out of line. While it is statitistically more likely that they were spaknked, some of these people had very good parents and just totally messed up minds.

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I don't need an army of Jewish children wandering the western suburbs.

I do. I can just see them now, in baggy urban gear, kippot askew, tzitzit hanging over their low-slung jeans, carrying boomboxes blasting The Klezmatics.

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Have you guys seen her latest comments?

Yep. She's on a a major defensive streak. I definitely thing a nerve has been hit. If she truly 'didn't care' what others think, she wouldn't spend so much time trying to defend her choices and her husband.

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Kristina - now that you've *finally*admitted your kids are on medicaid, I'm going to go ahead and assume YOU are also on medicaid through your pregnancies. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

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I believe my comments to her touched a nerve, especially when I called her out on her hypocrisy of people abusing the system because they are lying or lazy.

I don't think she understands what she looks like to the right...a woman who keeps popping out babies so she can stay on aid and not work.

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And, that delete finger got itchy.

Love how fundies can throw their ugliness out there but if they get called on it they run and hide.

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And, that delete finger got itchy.

Love how fundies can throw their ugliness out there but if they get called on it they run and hide.

Wow, you're not kidding! The entire whiny entry is gone, not just the comments. Awww, Treemom, you scared her away! Ooh! Does this mean we can put her on the "fundies who flounced" thread?

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Guest Anonymous

Duh, no, summary please.

I missed it too. I don't suppose anyone got a screenshot or still has the tab open?

Also, called the medicaid thing on page 2. I will not be having my Nikes for dinner.

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The summary was: Josh is an AMAZING man who would do anything for her. He works his butt of at an $11/hr job and drives 70 miles each way for it. Her parents moved in because they are broke and not just to help with the kids. She is on Medicaid but that's what it's there for and she doesn't have to defend that to anyone. She can't work even if she wanted to because daycare would be too expensive. They are doing just fine, thankyouverymuch. She apologizes for being cranky and hopes we have a blessed day.

It breaks my heart that they are relying on Josh's $11/hr job and she's not working and they are popping out one or more kids every year. And that she doesn't see how hypocritical they are in their many OMG OBAMA SOCIALISM ELIMINATE PUBLIC WELFARE rants.

Never mind, that last part doesn't break my heart, in infuriates me. What do these people think? Romney is magically going to create an economy where uneducated and unskilled people suddenly start making a wage that will enable them to support their families and buy health insurance and be entirely self-sufficient with just a wave of his hand? That all these big corporations Romney supports will develop a heart and start paying their employees double or triple what they do now for no reason other than the goodness of their heart, and if by some miracle that did happen, it wouldn't just be immediately lost in inflation? For the life of me I cannot understand these people and how blind they are. They are going to be screwed if Romney gets in, and they don't see it. It is infuriating in how non-sensical and illogical it is, and that if they have their way, they are going to take a ton of people down with them.

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I do. I can just see them now, in baggy urban gear, kippot askew, tzitzit hanging over their low-slung jeans, carrying boomboxes blasting The Klezmatics.

*affects a Chicago accent * "hey hey! Dis is Kosher-p! I'm hanging here in da bayit with my shicksas..."

That being said, at least the ass HAS a job. Right? Unlike some of these "the lord will provide". That doesn excuse him though. Ugh. I would not even THINK of having kids making less than 25k a year! Unless I lived in a disgustingly cheap area. And even THEN!

All these fundies who are into the courtship thing, I gotta be honest it creeps me the fuck out. For some reason it reminds me of the Chris Hansen "to catch a predator " for some reason.

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People who are too lazy to go out and get a job abuse the system, but people like them are the reason it exists. Under educated and under employed fanatics who choose to pop out a new kid every year that the system was created to support, apparently.

But remember, if you're lazy, you're abusing it.

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The summary was: Josh is an AMAZING man who would do anything for her. He works his butt of at an $11/hr job and drives 70 miles each way for it. Her parents moved in because they are broke and not just to help with the kids. She is on Medicaid but that's what it's there for and she doesn't have to defend that to anyone. She can't work even if she wanted to because daycare would be too expensive. They are doing just fine, thankyouverymuch. She apologizes for being cranky and hopes we have a blessed day.

It breaks my heart that they are relying on Josh's $11/hr job and she's not working and they are popping out one or more kids every year. And that she doesn't see how hypocritical they are in their many OMG OBAMA SOCIALISM ELIMINATE PUBLIC WELFARE rants.

Never mind, that last part doesn't break my heart, in infuriates me. What do these people think? Romney is magically going to create an economy where uneducated and unskilled people suddenly start making a wage that will enable them to support their families and buy health insurance and be entirely self-sufficient with just a wave of his hand? That all these big corporations Romney supports will develop a heart and start paying their employees double or triple what they do now for no reason other than the goodness of their heart, and if by some miracle that did happen, it wouldn't just be immediately lost in inflation? For the life of me I cannot understand these people and how blind they are. They are going to be screwed if Romney gets in, and they don't see it. It is infuriating in how non-sensical and illogical it is, and that if they have their way, they are going to take a ton of people down with them.

I'm glad they have medicaid and SNAP and WIC and perhaps even an Obama phone, and Obama internetz. If Romney is elected I can't wait to see her react to having her benefits cut.

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The summary was: Josh is an AMAZING man who would do anything for her. He works his butt of at an $11/hr job and drives 70 miles each way for it. Her parents moved in because they are broke and not just to help with the kids. She is on Medicaid but that's what it's there for and she doesn't have to defend that to anyone. She can't work even if she wanted to because daycare would be too expensive. They are doing just fine, thankyouverymuch. She apologizes for being cranky and hopes we have a blessed day.

It breaks my heart that they are relying on Josh's $11/hr job and she's not working and they are popping out one or more kids every year. And that she doesn't see how hypocritical they are in their many OMG OBAMA SOCIALISM ELIMINATE PUBLIC WELFARE rants.

Never mind, that last part doesn't break my heart, in infuriates me. What do these people think? Romney is magically going to create an economy where uneducated and unskilled people suddenly start making a wage that will enable them to support their families and buy health insurance and be entirely self-sufficient with just a wave of his hand? That all these big corporations Romney supports will develop a heart and start paying their employees double or triple what they do now for no reason other than the goodness of their heart, and if by some miracle that did happen, it wouldn't just be immediately lost in inflation? For the life of me I cannot understand these people and how blind they are. They are going to be screwed if Romney gets in, and they don't see it. It is infuriating in how non-sensical and illogical it is, and that if they have their way, they are going to take a ton of people down with them.

Have you watched the debates? Because Romney does not need a plan he KNOWS how to do these things. He is not going to use a magical wand because he believes in God (cue someone I think on K's profile saying that at least Romney said he believed in God - because you know saying it must be true).

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Its sad that she believes she has to keep on having babies, but her husband does not have a job that pays enough to raise all of these kids.

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Treemom, if you relpied on her public page and she responded back, you should have an email notification of exactly what she said... depending on your facebook settings. I would love to see what she said verbatim.

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The summary was: Josh is an AMAZING man who would do anything for her. He works his butt of at an $11/hr job and drives 70 miles each way for it. Her parents moved in because they are broke and not just to help with the kids. She is on Medicaid but that's what it's there for and she doesn't have to defend that to anyone. She can't work even if she wanted to because daycare would be too expensive. They are doing just fine, thankyouverymuch. She apologizes for being cranky and hopes we have a blessed day.

Thank you for the summary, as I missed the comments as well.

I will say, if you are on Medicaid because your husband can't afford $100/week for insurance, you won't work, your husband is only making $11/hour, and you are planning to have a fourth child(and 5th, and 6th, and however many God wants to give them) in spite of all these things, then you are NOT doing just fine.

People like her really piss me off. You can bet she would look down her nose at me, a mom who works outside the home, and tell me I am sinning by not staying home. She thinks she is so superior to women like me. Yet I am not relying on state aid to support my kids and I am not having more that I can't afford. I am also not "popping" my babies and having my mom move in because I have more kids then I can take care of.

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The summary was: Josh is an AMAZING man who would do anything for her. He works his butt of at an $11/hr job and drives 70 miles each way for it. Her parents moved in because they are broke and not just to help with the kids. She is on Medicaid but that's what it's there for and she doesn't have to defend that to anyone. She can't work even if she wanted to because daycare would be too expensive. They are doing just fine, thankyouverymuch. She apologizes for being cranky and hopes we have a blessed day.

It breaks my heart that they are relying on Josh's $11/hr job and she's not working and they are popping out one or more kids every year. And that she doesn't see how hypocritical they are in their many OMG OBAMA SOCIALISM ELIMINATE PUBLIC WELFARE rants.

Never mind, that last part doesn't break my heart, in infuriates me. What do these people think? Romney is magically going to create an economy where uneducated and unskilled people suddenly start making a wage that will enable them to support their families and buy health insurance and be entirely self-sufficient with just a wave of his hand? That all these big corporations Romney supports will develop a heart and start paying their employees double or triple what they do now for no reason other than the goodness of their heart, and if by some miracle that did happen, it wouldn't just be immediately lost in inflation? For the life of me I cannot understand these people and how blind they are. They are going to be screwed if Romney gets in, and they don't see it. It is infuriating in how non-sensical and illogical it is, and that if they have their way, they are going to take a ton of people down with them.

Hmmm.... They live north of Macon and he drives 70 miles each way to work. Most likely, he drives into metro Atlanta to work. At $11/hour I'm sure that he's working for gas money.

So her parents moved in with them because the parents were broke or because Josh and Kristina were broke? If they were so poor, I wonder how her parents feel about her popping out another kid. Knowing that you can't support the three children you already have and then purposefully getting pregnant again seems downright negligent. If her parents live with her, I wonder if their income affects their TANIF benefits -- or if they just lie conveniently forgot to inform the government that they have two additional able bodied adults (with or without income) in their household.

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Sorry, the parents are broke. Or rather, "they need a place to live" which I am pretty sure is the same thing.

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Simple math -- because I suck at anything but simple math:

$11/hour x 40hours/week = $440

$440 gross income/week x 52weeks/year = $22,880.00

Dear Kristina,

Daycare would be too expensive for you to go to work? Really?

http://dfcs.dhs.georgia.gov/caps-program-overview. These programs that you and your husband constantly trash are there for people just like you. Get a freaking clue. Maybe you need publicly decry these programs because of your social circle, but come November, I'd think long and hard about voting for a candidate who thinks that you're a moocher and you will definately see a cut to your benefits. Don't want your children to go hungry? I would advise you to not vote for Romney -- or do -- you're just hurting yourself.

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She could also get a part time job on the weekends or whenever Josh doesn't work and they they would not even need daycare. Oh but wait, that would mean Josh would have to actually take care of his children.

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Damnit, I need to stop analyzing this! There are four adults and soon to be four children living in one house? Kristina's mother stays at home to care for her frail, perpetualy pregnant daughter and grandchildren. I really hope that Kristina's father has a job, cause trying to support four adults and four children on $11/hour when you're traveling 140 miles/day x 5times/week is just not do-able. If I were Josh, I'd be doing everything I could to get a contractor's job at the air force base in Warner Robins. It's a lot less of a commute and I'm sure the benefits would be better (HINT!)

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