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Created to be HIS - Desires for her new baby girl (gag me)


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Yesterday my husband and I went to have our gender-reveal ultrasound and were shocked to find that our little one is....a....


For some reason, we were both thinking "boy" so when my doctor said, "I do believe you have a little girl in there, Mrs. Lee," my heart momentarily stopped.

"A girl?? A baby girl? A little darling to love on, squeeze, and dress up?"

Oh yes. :)

Since that moment, I have thought about so much, but my thoughts go beyond ribbons, ruffled dresses, baby dolls, and the color pink. I've taken a good look around and I am well aware of the little girls around me. Sadly, most little girls these days are not....little. They are just mini-Marilyn Monroe's. Growing up, I played with dolls until I was twelve or thirteen. I didn't give much thought to boys at all until then. I wasn't preoccupied with my looks. I was a child, not a wanna-be-pin-up-girl. These days, little girls are carrying around iPhones, iPads, texting all the time, wearing loads of makeup, and dancing seductively to Britney Spears. I want the extreme opposite for my baby girl. My prayer for her - right now - is that she will not resemble Paris Hilton, Honey Booboo, Betty White, Hilary Clinton, or any other well-known "example" of girlhood and womanhood. I would rather her emulate Queen Easter, Ruth, Amy Carmichael, Sabina Wurmbrand, and Leslie Ludy. I would rather she have character and inner strength. I pray she will fall in love with Jesus at an early age and make Him the lover of her heart. I pray she will be servant-hearted and kind. I pray she will be pure, set-apart, and passionate for the truth. I want so much for her and, yes, I am aware that I have an enormous responsibility to TEACH her - by word and example - what a lady of the Lord should be. So please pray for me. And pray for her.

It's important for us to pray for our children - even before they are born. Especially given the horrifying statistics around us. We ought to pray for our sons to rise up and champion the cause of Christ, be protectors of purity and righteousness, and seek to be...well, MEN. Strong. Mighty. Noble. And likewise we ought to pray for our daughters to embrace their calling as women; to love the Lord; to be gentle, wise, kind, and beautiful on the inside more than on the outside. I encourage you to begin praying for your children today if you haven't already. They need it. The world needs it too.

So what did we decided to name our little sweetheart girl? I am thrilled to announce that her name will be:

Selah Elizabeth

The name Selah (pronounced "SAY-lah") means: Pause; Rest; Reflect on the goodness of the LORD.

Elizabeth, which is my middle name, means: Consecrated and vowed to God.

Please join us in prayer that she will rise up and fulfill her beautiful name.

Psalm 45:13

"The king's daughter is all glorious within: her clothing is of wrought gold."

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I am so behind on my fundies. I checked out their photos and their wedding OY VAY! THey are definately not Jewish but had a shofar blown at the ceremony (which is not a Jewish Wedding thing... so weird even if it was a Yid wedding) and what looks like a Chuppah?! WTF??????

I will never cease to be amazed by the weird things fundies do....

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All of this is the oral opposit of what I would want for a daughter, except for the part about not wanting her to be like Paris Hilton.

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I can see where fundies wouldn't like Hillary, but what the hell's their problem with Betty White?? I hope to get around as well as her when I'm in my 90s, and I can't think of anything scandalous about her.

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I can see where fundies wouldn't like Hillary, but what the hell's their problem with Betty White?? I hope to get around as well as her when I'm in my 90s, and I can't think of anything scandalous about her.

She makes a lot of sex jokes. She made a joke about doing William Shatner. To them she's probably a loud mouthed and brash old woman who should just go shut and bake cookies or die (as she can no longer bear children and is therefore useless).

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She makes a lot of sex jokes. She made a joke about doing William Shatner. To them she's probably a loud mouthed and brash old woman who should just go shut and bake cookies or die (as she can no longer bear children and is therefore useless).

Betty and Alan never had any human children, but she loves pets. She's a feisty broad who is entitled to all accolades and honors. I do hope when I'm in my 90's I am as sharp as she is.

And who the hell is Easter? Is that supposed to be Esther?

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Isn't it a bit wierd to announce the baby's name before she's born? I certainly don't know anyone who's done that. It doesn't give her much flexibility if she just doesn't look like a Selah after all. :roll:

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I do sort of agree with not wanting to have a daughter (imaginary, as i do not have or want kids right now) who is obsessed with make up and boyfriends by the age of about 10, and there are some outfits aimed at little girls that I would not want to put my possible future child in. I also think the child beauty pageants are creepy. I do think that kids should be kids and not have to worry about stuff like wearing expensive clothing, make up and having the latest accessories, or whether boys are interested in them til they are at least teenagers. I also think Paris Hilton is a bad role model.

But I also dont want to have a daughter who doesnt bother learning because she wants to be a stay at home mom of 15 children, and wants to stay at home until she is married and not have a job. I dont want my daughter to feel that a loving relationship involves being completely submissive and doing everything her husband tells her to. I dont want her to feel that she has no choice in life, just to stay at home and have as many babies as possible. I dont want her to choose a religion at an early age just because she is too young to understand what it means, Id like to give any future kid of mine a good education about all world religions and things like evolution, and let them make their own decision.

I think fundies are just as bad a role model as Paris Hilton.

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I hope she grows up to be as smart and powerful as Hilary Clinton, as witty as Betty White, as wordly as Paris Hilton (just to fuck with her Mother) and moves a long way away.

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Oh no!! She posted a sonogram photo!!! Now she's defrauded the men of the internet with her womb!!! !!!!!!111!!!!!

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Betty and Alan never had any human children, but she loves pets. She's a feisty broad who is entitled to all accolades and honors. I do hope when I'm in my 90's I am as sharp as she is.

Must be the no kids and lack of headship then (it's been a while since Alan died, as I recall). Compared to most of the other people on that list, she's not so scandalous, but she's definitely not the fundie dream girl. :)

My son loves her ever since we watched her birthday party on television, and I wouldn't mind being her when I grow up.

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If I had a daughter, I'd rather her follow Hillary Clinton's example than that of Leslie Ludy.

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Can't say I wish the fundie lifestyle on the poor little thing I'd much rather her be like Hillary and Betty, can't say I'd wish being a Brittney or Paris on any kid. I do however like the name they picked out for her Selah is pretty, and by fundie standards not that far out there. I really wanted to use Elizabeth as a middle name for one of my girls but ended up with Corinna, Grace, Cheyenne and Anne instead. So the name isn't as bad as a fundie ex-friend of mine who named her poor baby girl Myhealin Journey, by the way said kid tried to commit suicide at 8, so at least this kid won't be trying to slit her wrists before she even hits double digits.

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Yeah, I don't want my daughter growing up to be like Paris HIlton, but I also don't want her to be anything like Leslie Ludy either. Of all those people, I would hope my daughter has the intelligence and drive of Hillary Clinton and the wit, humor and compassion of Betty White.

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In many ways, so many fundies are black-and-white thinkers. This or that, no in between. Good or evil. But I think for some, that is the draw: easy answers.

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Isn't it a bit wierd to announce the baby's name before she's born? I certainly don't know anyone who's done that. It doesn't give her much flexibility if she just doesn't look like a Selah after all. :roll:

Most of my friends name their kid and call them that name before birth. "What are you going to name it" is a pretty common question at the parks. We had our babies' names picked out long before their birth but didn't announce until the birth itself because we didn't want to hear other peoples opinions. To stave off the questions we came up with fake names; my daughter was Aethelthryth Brunhilde and my son Fecundity Algorithm. You'd be amazed how many believed us.

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I have not heard of this Leslie Ludy. Another Botkinette-wannabe?

I just looked her up, and she runs a magazine called "Set Apart Girl". Very snarkworthy.

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Ehhh... Leslie Ludy. She's not someone I would want my daughter to emulate. Josh Harris talks about meeting her and her husband in I Kissed Dating Goodbye; they are the authors of multiple books on marriage. The Ludy's were one of the first couples to promote no kissing (maybe even no handholding... I forget) before marriage. Their prattle made me want to barf.

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I have a baby girl and as much as I deeply wanted a girl child, I worry about her growing up in a world that still hates and denigrates women.

My hopes and dreams for her are so very different than this woman's - I want her to be strong and tough and smart and independent and just a little bit saucy (just realised that might mean different things in different places- I mean it as bossy/mouthy) as well as gentle and kind and empathic.

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