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The Trouble With the Women’s Vote


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What makes you think I'm transphobic? I don't care if she had a sex change operation or not. I'm just calling her out on her hypocrisy.

Implying that transwomen would oppose women's rights based on the sex assigned to them at birth is pretty shitty of you.

edited for: phrasing

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It always amazes me there are women who think so little of their own gender. This type of self-hate can't be normal. What made this women think she's an inferior human who needs to be protected against the big, evil world? I mean, even if she believes women should have a provider yadda yadda, that doesn't mean she can't protect herself and fight for her own interests.

Furthermore, why do fundie women believe their interests would be looked after if they become helpless and voiceless? It certainly doesn't help the Afghani women under Taliban rule. They were not better off because they were placed under virtual house arrest and forced to live as invisible citizens. It doesn't help the females in Saudi Arabia where women have the privileges of children and the responsibilities of adults. How are those policies better for Saudi women who are equally voiceless in their country? Why does anyone believe that society is better off living off the good will of others? What stops a husband from beating his wife or locking her up if he decides it's for her own good? If all it took to solve poverty was helpless people begging on the road, then there would be no poverty. Somehow, we still have hungry people. Why would making women helpless mean they are better provided for then?

I think it all comes down to the basis of their belief system. They live at the mercy and goodwill of their god. God either blesses them or "challenges" them through good fortune or tragedies. I will go as far to say that in this system the man's voice is diminished to biblical legalism, and the women/children are nearly devoid of voice.

Also, They believe in a celestial caste system where there always has to be someone a peg down. So it goes God-Men-Children-Women.

I agree though....why would want to silence your own voice, much less your daughter's? I wonder how often these women suffer from Stockholm Syndrome, because I can't fine any reasonable explanation otherwise.

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Why do these women hate themselves so much?

I think it's just the simple fact that most of them have been raised to believe women are inferior to men and not capable of thinking logically. Other than that, they seem to think quite highly of themselves.

As for Ann Coulter, I find her detestable, however she is not transsexual and even if she were, it's completely irrelevant to the fact that she's detestable.

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Let me off at the next planet, please

Take me with you! :pray:

I think it's just the simple fact that most of them have been raised to believe women are inferior to men and not capable of thinking logically.


On some of these fundie blogs the women fundies are saying "women can't think the way men can therefore they should not be in charge/be able to vote/and so on." Another argument I hear is that women's periods will get in the way of logical thinking and reasoning. :roll:

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I would rather that my little female namesakes grow up in a world where they did not have the right to vote, but were treated with dignity and respect, were addressed as “ma’amâ€, had doors held for them, and wherein men stood up when they entered the room. I would rather they be courted properly and then marry men who would never, ever leave them, and would consider it their sacred duty and honor to protect and provide for their wives and their children because he LOVED them. Oh, HELL yes. I’ll give up my vote in exchange for that any day of the week and twice on Sunday. Why wouldn’t you?

She can vote AND be treated with respect and dignity. It isn't an either or choice.

I wish that fundies would get over their magical thinking about courtship. Courting does not guarentee that either spouses will be faithful or nonabusive. And just because two people remain married does not mean that they still love or even like one another.

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I think it's just the simple fact that most of them have been raised to believe women are inferior to men and not capable of thinking logically. Other than that, they seem to think quite highly of themselves.

I agree, and I think it's amazing the suicide rate among these women isn't higher.

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She can vote AND be treated with respect and dignity. It isn't an either or choice.

I wish that fundies would get over their magical thinking about courtship. Courting does not guarentee that either spouses will be faithful or nonabusive. And just because two people remain married does not mean that they still love or even like one another.

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I agree though....why would want to silence your own voice, much less your daughter's?

There seems to be a lot of blathering about how women have this moral authority. That authority is useless without actual power to enact change. Yet they seem to think it would just all be like they want it.

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There seems to be a lot of blathering about how women have this moral authority. That authority is useless without actual power to enact change. Yet they seem to think it would just all be like they want it.

Please, please do not let them know that women can have moral authority in their families and legal rights. :pray: I do not believe even idiots like her should be disenfranchised for the good of society, but I am perfectly cool with their voluntary withdrawal from the voting pool. Though now that I think of it, do these women ever walk the walk and just not vote?

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Though now that I think of it, do these women ever walk the walk and just not vote?

I think their justification is that the godless women vote, so they vote with their husbands to preserve the "household vote".

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