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The Trouble With the Women’s Vote


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Trynn, please not throw your right to vote into the trash so easily. If you don't like the 2 main tickets, vote for a third party, even if by eenee-meenee-minee-mo. Democracy is an audience participation sport. Universal suffrage was a nasty, uphill fight. Don't give anyone the right to say that people are disinterested in voting. Sorry, as you can tell, I have very strong opinions on voting hygiene. It's not personal.

As for the idiot that thinks the 19th amendment was the equivalent of sighting the first horseman of the apocalypse, by all means don't vote, and tell your friends not to vote. Stay under your headships like a child under its parents, because you are obviously not mature enough to vote or decide anything more complicated than whether to serve broccoli or green beans with tonight's roast. Actually, don't even decide that. Consult you headships first. They will provide.

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Terry responded to this comment.

Men left their wives in droves before 1920. They stood up when women entered the room, but beat their wives in private. They held the doors open for them,but abused them and condescended to them and married them for their money (since men controlled a wife’s fortune). Many, many women were beaten to death by their husbands before and after 1920.

It’s so nonsensical I won’t justify it with a response. Good day.

How on Earth is it nonsensical? This is a damn fact

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Here's a thought:

Terry, just stay home on election day. That's one less person in line. The rest of us can now get in and out of our voting place faster. Problem solved!

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Terry responded to this comment.

Men left their wives in droves before 1920. They stood up when women entered the room, but beat their wives in private. They held the doors open for them,but abused them and condescended to them and married them for their money (since men controlled a wife’s fortune). Many, many women were beaten to death by their husbands before and after 1920.

It’s so nonsensical I won’t justify it with a response. Good day.

How on Earth is it nonsensical? This is a damn fact

It's nonsensical because she has never accepted the liberal's lies that life was difficult for women in any way before they got the vote. La la la! I can't hear you! Women having their own rights is baaaad! And it makes men hate them!

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I think with fundies, sense and nonsense are the opposite. Anything that makes them think or contradicts their argument is nonsense and from the devil.

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Men left their wives in droves before 1920. They stood up when women entered the room, but beat their wives in private. They held the doors open for them,but abused them and condescended to them and married them for their money (since men controlled a wife’s fortune). Many, many women were beaten to death by their husbands before and after 1920.

Terri: It’s so nonsensical I won’t justify it with a response. Good day.

Translation: don't expose me to reality

As for the idiot that thinks the 19th amendment was the equivalent of sighting the first horseman of the apocalypse, by all means don't vote, and tell your friends not to vote. Stay under your headships like a child under its parents, because you are obviously not mature enough to vote or decide anything more complicated than whether to serve broccoli or green beans with tonight's roast. Actually, don't even decide that. Consult you headships first. They will provide.

I love this.

For my part, I’d rather the vote be reserved for net taxpayers, business owners, property owners, those who are serving or have served in the military, and married or widowed heads of households. In other words, those with skin in the game regardless of gender. Singling out women as a group to bestow the vote on was an error in my opinion.

I would point out that in her system, my liberal little self still gets to vote. Of course, in her reality, women wouldn't be in the military.

Also, I love how apparently single/divorced heads of household don't exist/get a vote. Only not.

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While she's exercising her right not to vote, I'll be exercising my right to vote. Some fundie women may like to shut their brains off and run on autopilot in their marriage, but I find life to be more enjoyable when I actually use my brain, challenge my beliefs, and educate myself.


I just don't understand women like her at all. I doubt very much that if the 19th amendment hadn't passed that women would be allowed to feely express their ideas in political venues, yet she has no problem trying to cram her agenda down the rest of our throats. I'll be glad when election season is over and some of the more extreme crazies go and crawl back into their holes.

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Guest Anonymous
Didn't Ann Coulter once say women should not be allowed to vote? Wouldn't surprise me considering she used to be a man.

She use to be a man? Wow I never knew that!

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I hope that Terry and all her fundie friends exercise their right NOT to vote while I exercise my right TO vote. That way I don't have to cancel her out.

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I don't need a man to stand up when I enter the room, I need a man to stand up when my rights are being oppressed.


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Terri of Breathing Grace can kiss my liberal, taxpaying, registered-to-vote flat ass.

I wonder what she would think if her right to spew this sort of bullshit were revoked.

Amen. Susan B. Anthony would be ashamed of her.

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Amen. Susan B. Anthony would be ashamed of her.

So would Alice Paul and other suffragists.

You go and read what these women endured in prison and it's horrifying. Some of the suffragists were force fed and others died. If I recall correctly Alice Paul was force fed raw eggs until she vomited.

I worked at a polling place one election and this elderly woman came in. A reporter asked her why she was voting and the woman responded with "My momma went through too much for me to throw away my vote!"

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Those women be sighing because people like Mitt Romney and his cronies are damn intent on taking shit back to the Victorian age...

Ann Romney probaly wouldn't know work if it bit her on the ass.

"Because a woman thinking? LOLCAN"THAVE THAT! Then our children might learn to think critically!"

"Because it's all their fault that things like public schooling and those ebil gays want marriage rights! And...what if they 'GASP' want the rights to their own bodies! Sillies, that's why every wommin needs a headship!'

1. I've been on my own most of my life and I grew up with a single mother. I don't need to be protected for shit, thank you.

2. Awww that's cute; Fundie woman said 'BALLS'

"Like that damn welfare"

Because I appreciate the fact that I can actually vote and have rights, you poor fucking excuse for a woman....

sorry if I sounded brutal...but this type of talk seriously gets me in a tizzy. I'll shut up now. :)

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I would give up my vote in a HEARTBEAT if it meant that right-ordered marriage, family and sexuality was restored to our culture.

What's stopping you, Terry dear? Go ahead, give up your vote. The grown-up ladies have things to do.

The whole post is such a fail, as others have pointed out. Never mind that my male spouse votes pro-LGBT, pro-choice before he votes his economic leanings. In fact, I feel like I keep tripping over men who are fiscally conservative, libertarian even, who WON'T vote Republican based on these issues alone.

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What's stopping you, Terry dear? Go ahead, give up your vote. The grown-up ladies have things to do.

The whole post is such a fail, as others have pointed out. Never mind that my male spouse votes pro-LGBT, pro-choice before he votes his economic leanings. In fact, I feel like I keep tripping over men who are fiscally conservative, libertarian even, who WON'T vote Republican based on these issues alone.

I want to know how my going to the polls is interfering with her right-ordered marriage, family, and sexuality. :confusion-scratchheadblue: I don't have a husband, so I cannot possible nullify his vote by voting opposite. She and her namesakes are free to have babies till their uteruses demand restraining orders. Leave the voting to the unnatural women like me.

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Didn't Ann Coulter once say women should not be allowed to vote? Wouldn't surprise me considering she used to be a man.


Teh Wimmenz are weak. They can give up their right to vote because they vote wrong. They also shouldnt be cops or soldiers because teh menz have to take care of them.

From my experience: women are great cops. Sure, in a fight with someone high on bathsalts theyre in a bit of trouble, but women tend to be more level headed and able to diffuse situations then teh manly menz.

edited for grammar fail

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It always amazes me there are women who think so little of their own gender. This type of self-hate can't be normal. What made this women think she's an inferior human who needs to be protected against the big, evil world? I mean, even if she believes women should have a provider yadda yadda, that doesn't mean she can't protect herself and fight for her own interests.

Furthermore, why do fundie women believe their interests would be looked after if they become helpless and voiceless? It certainly doesn't help the Afghani women under Taliban rule. They were not better off because they were placed under virtual house arrest and forced to live as invisible citizens. It doesn't help the females in Saudi Arabia where women have the privileges of children and the responsibilities of adults. How are those policies better for Saudi women who are equally voiceless in their country? Why does anyone believe that society is better off living off the good will of others? What stops a husband from beating his wife or locking her up if he decides it's for her own good? If all it took to solve poverty was helpless people begging on the road, then there would be no poverty. Somehow, we still have hungry people. Why would making women helpless mean they are better provided for then?

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