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Oh wow... how did we miss this one! Awesome "Titanic" pics!


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For me, a previously unknown fundie royal family. 700 people at the wedding, Braddock and isaac botkin as groomsmen, LOL Dougie (manly arsenal) and Mr Brown, patriarchs, in attendance, Robotkinettes playing the harp, and lots of money evident. Mrs Brown, of the fierce, unfundie hair, was the "wedding director" . The 2 quivers are cute, but baby predators are often cute when young.

Nicely observed, librul.

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Nicely observed, librul.

I'm truly fascinated that we've never seen these people before. They're clearly very connected.

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For me, a previously unknown fundie royal family. 700 people at the wedding, Braddock and isaac botkin as groomsmen, LOL Dougie (manly arsenal) and Mr Brown, patriarchs, in attendance, Robotkinettes playing the harp, and lots of money evident. Mrs Brown, of the fierce, unfundie hair, was the "wedding director" . The 2 quivers are cute, but baby predators are often cute when young.

And 19 flower girls !!!!!!!!!!!!!!eleventy11!!!!!!!!!!!! Why does anyone need 19 flower girls? :o That is ridiculous.

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I think these events are somewhat tacky... it could be the ultra religious component where it doesn't belong. But, I'm one of the weirdos who would, if I had the money, buy a ticket if there was ever a real recreation of the Titanic. I was one of the school kids who got to watch a live stream of Robert Ballard going to the TItanic site. THis might not seem of note but this was about 20 years ago pre-internet!

I'd love to dress up and pretend it was another era. Not that we can ever really capture the essence of another time, especially since the past 100 years have seen such a turn around in customs. And who are we kidding, 100 years ago my family were barely surviving in some shtetl or ghetto. My great grandpa was a shoemaker and my great grandmother was her older sister's slave and married my great grandpa at 16 to get away from her sister's household... THey weren't wearing fancy clothes or traveling on luxury cruises!!!! There's something elegant about a cruise where people socialize and hang out and have elegant dances and dinners. I'm so turned off by the tacky all you can eat buffet/gambling/low end entertainment cruises that I've heard about. Just not my cup of tea :-)

Anyhoo, I love the idea of recreating the past and I get why the VF people enjoy it. There is so little they have access to in terms of amusement that they can put a religious bent on. I'm sure after wearing jumpers and modern modest it must be nice to dress up. Heck, even if you're secular its nice to have a good reason to dress up!!! ANd I think its a creative outlet for some of these women. Some of those costumes show some real talent!!! I'd love to hire one of them to sew me an Edwardian style wedding dress :-)

Anyhoo, my desires might be tasteless but I'm honest about them at least :-) I don't think that the VF people are honoring the victims in any way. They might even be mocking them imho. But, I see why its so enjoyable for them.

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I noticed that they have also done Colonial costumes at Colonial Williamsburg as well as what looks like some sort of Spanish Renaissance (Don Quixote meets the Conquistadors?) theme as well. IT seems like Mrs. Turley also didn't go for the usual frumpy short sleeved dress for her wedding. I suspect these folks are the kind who I would like at first b/c they seem creative and sorta fun... but then I'd want to hit them when they'd talk too much about being saved.

At least they seem to have some hobbies.... something that the Duggars seem to lack. I do think that it was not at all classy of them to arrive uncostumed. Honestly, they could have put suits on the boys and found some dresses at a costume shop for the girls. GOodness knows they have the money.

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Gosh I love snarking on the Turleys. All the time and money put into their period costumes and she's living with cinder block bookshelves. :lol:

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As distasteful as I find the whole thing, I do have to say those kids do look flippin' adorable in their costumes.

Edit: These folks are seriously ringing some bells. I'm almost positive the wedding was discussed on yuku back in the day :think: And I definitely remember snarking on the husbands red leather vest back in 2011, which was part of a Civil War re-enactment that also sparked some argument here.

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They don't have real furniture? I'm still catching up on the snark but that seems awfully college dormy for a family with two children (not to mention unsafe). I'd say that they really enjoy the costume thing so I give them props for having a real hobby. Mrs. Turley seems VERY concerned with her clothing, in the photos at least she shows that she really thinks about what she's wearing and her hair/makeup. I suspect that she's snarking on Mrs. Duggar's blue/green shirt choices :-) That being said I know quite a few people who dress impeccably and then when I see their homes I am shocked at the lack of decent furniture or upkeep. One woman, the mother of an acquintance, spends 1000s on her clothes but has a home with a dingy rug and tattered furniture. Its somewhat "neat" but everything is so old and decrepit that no one would even take this stuff for free. If she went to just one or two weddings without buying a new 1k dress she could have her home looking quite nice with a little help from a carpet shampooing service and a trip to Ikea but she continues letting her house rot while she dresses up. She's also a horrible person so we snark on her every time we walk by her house and its unkempt yard :-)

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They don't have real furniture? I'm still catching up on the snark but that seems awfully college dormy for a family with two children (not to mention unsafe). I'd say that they really enjoy the costume thing so I give them props for having a real hobby. Mrs. Turley seems VERY concerned with her clothing, in the photos at least she shows that she really thinks about what she's wearing and her hair/makeup. I suspect that she's snarking on Mrs. Duggar's blue/green shirt choices :-) That being said I know quite a few people who dress impeccably and then when I see their homes I am shocked at the lack of decent furniture or upkeep. One woman, the mother of an acquintance, spends 1000s on her clothes but has a home with a dingy rug and tattered furniture. Its somewhat "neat" but everything is so old and decrepit that no one would even take this stuff for free. If she went to just one or two weddings without buying a new 1k dress she could have her home looking quite nice with a little help from a carpet shampooing service and a trip to Ikea but she continues letting her house rot while she dresses up. She's also a horrible person so we snark on her every time we walk by her house and its unkempt yard :-)

They have real furniture now, but after their marriage they had cinder block bookshelves, there is an old post about him making real bookshelves. Shit these folks spend literally thousands of dollars on the hymen gifting celebration and she goes home to cinder block bookshelves.

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Wow....that looks like so much fun. I bought patterns to make Titanic era costumes after the movie came out but never got around to it. Planning a HAlloween party, so maybe it's time to dust off the old sewing machine and make them. If I can remember how to thread the danged bobbin....

They look great, and their pictures are adorable. Not all family pics turn out that cute.

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They have real furniture now, but after their marriage they had cinder block bookshelves, there is an old post about him making real bookshelves. Shit these folks spend literally thousands of dollars on the hymen gifting celebration and she goes home to cinder block bookshelves.

LOL on the Hymen gifting ceremony!!!!

Sadly, I don't think that's atypical these days. I've been to blow out weddings with hundreds of guests that must have cost 50k or more and been shocked because the bride and groom end up living with cast off junk as furniture in some hovel. My cousins who just had their first kid live in a third floor walkup that, while quaint, is not kid friendly. Meanwhile their parents spent at least 40k (some family members say over 60K) on a wedding. I don't get why they just didn't take the 10s of thousands of dollars and put a downpayment on a house with it... then again I'm a big weirdo (as mentioned before). I get weird looks b/c I'm planning a small less than 100 person wedding with thrift store dishes and partial self catering at what used to be a brake factory (and is now home to a local arts organization). Hopefully it will cost us less than 10k... I first thought 5k was our budget.... Boy, was I wrong. Then again we do have real furniture (our stuff is mid century craigslist) and a real house and real school debt. It seems like the wedding industrial complex has somehow convinced otherwise normal people that a party is more important than taking care of your day to day needs.

But, that's a rant for another blog :-)

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Sadly, I don't think that's atypical these days. I've been to blow out weddings with hundreds of guests that must have cost 50k or more and been shocked because the bride and groom end up living with cast off junk as furniture in some hovel. My cousins who just had their first kid live in a third floor walkup that, while quaint, is not kid friendly. Meanwhile their parents spent at least 40k (some family members say over 60K) on a wedding. I don't get why they just didn't take the 10s of thousands of dollars and put a downpayment on a house with it... then again I'm a big weirdo (as mentioned before). I get weird looks b/c I'm planning a small less than 100 person wedding with thrift store dishes and partial self catering at what used to be a brake factory (and is now home to a local arts organization). Hopefully it will cost us less than 10k... I first thought 5k was our budget.... Boy, was I wrong. Then again we do have real furniture (our stuff is mid century craigslist) and a real house and real school debt. It seems like the wedding industrial complex has somehow convinced otherwise normal people that a party is more important than taking care of your day to day needs.

But, that's a rant for another blog :-)

The replacement shelves came after pages of her faux regency gowns and their reenactments of various historical events. I would love someone to truly critique her abilities as a dressmaker. My mom was a superb seamstress and although I don't sew, puckers around darts and mismatched stripes are unacceptable to me.

Just out of meanness I would like to note Mr. Turley is an affected little poseur and I suspect the object of Douggies lustful dreams.

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Just out of meanness I would like to note Mr. Turley is an affected little poseur and I suspect the object of Douggies lustful dreams.

OH YESSSSS.... I definitely agree! Turdley is too full of himself by half. And, he's JUST Dougie's type. All medieval and renaissance looking with his bad manly self. He's a wide-stancer for sure. Seriously, the royalty factor at their wedding extravaganza/Hymen Gifting Ceremony was wondrous to behold.

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From their site:

The Titanic 100

16 April, 2012

"We worked hard and had a grand time this weekend at the Titanic 100 event hosted by the Christian Boys’ and Men’s Titanic Society. We heard speeches, soaked up Titanic history and donned our period attire, all to commemorate the valor of the men of the Titanic who lived out the biblical doctrine of Women & Children First." (Emphasis mine).

I'm so sick of this. What they really mean is "We celebrate the fact that some wealthy White (and Christian) men died and we only lost one wealthy White child and a few wealthy White women. That way we can proclaim their chivalry, Godliness, and romanticism (and play dress-up in some very pretty clothes) without having to actually think about the scope of the tragedy and feel guilty about playing tragic hero/survivor." Really, pick up and read any one of the bajillions of books written about the Titanic and then come back and talk to me about how effective that "biblical doctrine" actually was. Because while we can argue all day about Edwardian social mores, culpability, class structure, etc., the simple fact is a very similar percentage (Yes I'm a nerd and actually made lists and figured out percentages from Lord's ANTR list when I first read it at age twelve or so.) of third class children and first class men died. So have your pretty party, but don't use this tired platitude to rationalize your insensitivity.

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I noticed that they have also done Colonial costumes at Colonial Williamsburg as well as what looks like some sort of Spanish Renaissance (Don Quixote meets the Conquistadors?) theme as well. IT seems like Mrs. Turley also didn't go for the usual frumpy short sleeved dress for her wedding.

Her sewing skills are pretty impressive. Sewing these types of period costumes involves some pretty advanced sewing. No doubt, her skills also came into play with her wedding gown. Definitely not the typical short sleeved dress and there are some features on that dress that are interesting, especially the shoulder detail plus the sleeves reminded me of ones I had seen on a "lord of the rings" type dress / costume pattern.

I do appreciate that he gives kudos to his wife re: the costumes but but wow, what a Dougie worshipper.

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And 19 flower girls !!!!!!!!!!!!!!eleventy11!!!!!!!!!!!! Why does anyone need 19 flower girls? :o That is ridiculous.

And is that Jennie Chancey I see as one of the bridesmaids (or bridesmatron, as she would no doubt prefer to be called)?

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His October 5, 2008 post is...well...did you know Lincoln was a heavy-handed tyrant? I didn't, but then, I'm a Northerner. :lol:

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Oh wow... its like a dougie fan club and a "stay the fuck in your place, woman" meeting rolled into one!

Um, and you cant tout large family books when you have 2, douche!

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Mrs. Turley is the former Melissa Keen, one of the young women featured in the Botkinettes' "Return of the Daughters" DVD:

The Marriage of Melissa Keen

Posted April 8, 2008

One of the featured daughters in our documentary, The Return of the Daughters, has made the transition from a daughter in her father’s house to a bride in her husband’s house.

Melissa Keen’s example of devotion to her family and service to the church inspired girls around the world.


Now we’re excited to see how she will transfer her passion for the biblical home and family life into her new role as a wife, and we’re excited about seeing generations of kingdom advancement arising from her union with Justin Turley.


Their wedding alone was a time of great celebration, vision-casting, and victory. God bless Justin and Melissa Turley!
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Vision Casting!!! Sounds all new agey and crystal-y. Multi-generational faithfulness. Bloviation, vision forum style. Doug Phillips is a tool.

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His October 5, 2008 post is...well...did you know Lincoln was a heavy-handed tyrant? I didn't, but then, I'm a Northerner. :lol:

And it wasn't the Civil War, it was the War of Northern Aggression. Give me a fucking break. And somewhere he has photos and a post about visiting a site dedicated to that Rebel leader the Bates family has a portrait of in their home. Sorry, I'm only a Yankee, don't remember the name. And another glowing post about Robert E. Lee. Although I think most military historians agree Lee was a good leader. I remember the first time I was going through the Orange County, NY census and there was Robert E. Lee, a plebe at West Point. Kind of cool.

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Vision Casting!!! Sounds all new agey and crystal-y.

Or like it has something to do with bass fishing.

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The Nathan Bedford Forrest Tour

21 November, 2010

This past weekend we enjoyed learning more about the exciting history of a very controversial character, Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest. The tour began at his boyhood home about an hour away from where we live and concluded at the Brice’s Crossroads battlefield down near Baldwyn, Mississippi. Below are a few of the photographic highlights from the weekend.

Use the archives tab and go to the above referenced date to see these exciting photos. :lol:

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I've been browsing through some of their blogposts. Blegghhh!

I particularly liked her wedding vows posted on 4/27/08 (the notations are for biblical quotes - but I'm not copying those). I've taken out their names and I've bolded my "favorite" parts. Words fail me.

Bride’s Vows

I, (bride), do covenant before God and man, to thee, (groom),o be thy faithful and loyal wife, loving thee and serving thee as a helpmeet suitable for thee [13], for the man was not created for the woman, but the woman for the man [14]. I vow to honour and obey thee, placing myself in submission and subjection unto thee in all things, with respect and reverence, as befits the honour due thee as my earthly lord and head [15], [16]. I shall be thy discreet, chaste keeper at home, obedient unto thee, that the Word of God be not blasphemed [17]. I vow to diligently, industriously, and faithfully care for the affairs of thine household so that thy heart may always safely trust in me [18]. I vow to thee patience and kindness, gentleness [19] and tenderness, and all my love and affection, delighting only in thee, my beloved husband, mindful that it is thou who hast authority over my body, and not I [20]. Should the Lord so choose to bless us [21], it will be my delight to be thy fruitful vine [22], raising our children with thee, as thy helpmeet, in the nurture and admonition of the LORD [23]. I shall be faithfully thine whether we be abounding or abased [24], laughing or mourning, in good health or poor, and nothing but death shall part me from thee.

I don't know if I'm more sad or angry at how devalued these young women. Truly they are not valued as people.

I think they make a handsome couple and their pictures are lovely until you read the captions. I don't know how to post a picture here, but this is the caption under a picture of them in an embrace:

“Thou hast ravished my heart, my sister, my spouse...â€

There we go. Fundies take this book so damned literally that this verse alone could be why they are so weirded out by immodesty!!!111!1!!! and the idea of siblings defrauding each other!!!1!!11!

I'm going now because my head hurts and my heart is sad.

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I've been browsing through some of their blogposts. Blegghhh!

I particularly liked her wedding vows posted on 4/27/08 (the notations are for biblical quotes - but I'm not copying those). I've taken out their names and I've bolded my "favorite" parts. Words fail me.

Bride’s Vows

I, (bride), do covenant before God and man, to thee, (groom),o be thy faithful and loyal wife, loving thee and serving thee as a helpmeet suitable for thee [13], for the man was not created for the woman, but the woman for the man [14]. I vow to honour and obey thee, placing myself in submission and subjection unto thee in all things, with respect and reverence, as befits the honour due thee as my earthly lord and head [15], [16]. I shall be thy discreet, chaste keeper at home, obedient unto thee, that the Word of God be not blasphemed [17]. I vow to diligently, industriously, and faithfully care for the affairs of thine household so that thy heart may always safely trust in me [18]. I vow to thee patience and kindness, gentleness [19] and tenderness, and all my love and affection, delighting only in thee, my beloved husband, mindful that it is thou who hast authority over my body, and not I [20]. Should the Lord so choose to bless us [21], it will be my delight to be thy fruitful vine [22], raising our children with thee, as thy helpmeet, in the nurture and admonition of the LORD [23]. I shall be faithfully thine whether we be abounding or abased [24], laughing or mourning, in good health or poor, and nothing but death shall part me from thee.

I don't know if I'm more sad or angry at how devalued these young women. Truly they are not valued as people..

was just going through some of the posts also and was just reading the vows. The "authority over my body" really got me....holy crap.

I mentioned it to Mr. Nokidsmom and he was, like, WTF???

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