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And given you don't need penetration to get pregnant it doesn't hold water with me either. Yes, I have a friend who got pregnant without penetration, her first time. Very traumatic, as she did not want sex. Her OB/GYN said he sees this situation of no penetration pregnancy a few times/year. She gave the baby up for adoption.

Well, but Christopher had the "don't touch your penis" guilt put upon him for thirty years. Many (and dare I say most) fundie boys marry much younger than that so have fewer years of guilt on their brains. It honestly wouldn't surprise me if he ended up with ED due to guilt -- Stevie has all his kids amazingly brainwashed. And yes, ED does happen to men younger than 50.

And yes, I knew a girl in high school who got pregnant without penetration. Hey, it only takes one sperm cell to get close and swim with determination.

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If he can over his supposed guilt enough to hit a home run at least once I would think it will only get easier from here on out.How old is Anna? given her apparent ease being pregnant,She'll probably get pregnant on a regular basis now.

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If he can over his supposed guilt enough to hit a home run at least once I would think it will only get easier from here on out.How old is Anna? given her apparent ease being pregnant,She'll probably get pregnant on a regular basis now.

I think she was 24 when they got married? So maybe 26 now. Another good 15 years of popping them out left in her.

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I think she was 24 when they got married? So maybe 26 now. Another good 15 years of popping them out left in her.

She might, probably will, out breed Melanie by quite a bit. I hope that doesn't cause depression in Melanie. I can see NR-Anna having between 10 and 15 or more.

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If we speculate she menopauses out at 45 and he or she no significant issues, a child every 2 years will give her maybe 8 kids not counting twins.8 to 10 kids with 2 years for BF is normal for these families.

But Mel having 3 or 4 more is not out of the realm of possibility-each subsequent pregnancy has got easier and this one has been rather uneventful.

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If we speculate she menopauses out at 45 and he or she no significant issues, a child every 2 years will give her maybe 8 kids not counting twins.8 to 10 kids with 2 years for BF is normal for these families.

But Mel having 3 or 4 more is not out of the realm of possibility-each subsequent pregnancy has got easier and this one has been rather uneventful.

Do the Maxwells do breastfeeding past one? I don't see the original (Stevo's) family being into co sleeping, which is essential to delaying pregnancy through lactation. And it's not foolproof. My second child is proof of that.

I suspect that now they have a fertile daughter in law who has had a straightforward pregnancy the pressure will be on to fill that quiver. Teri and Steve have expressed regret that the vasectomy limited the blessings god could send, and they would have loved more reversal babies. I suspect that that mentality has been strongly pushed on Christopher and Nathan and that they would see preventing conception through extended breastfeeding as sinful and possibly indulging both the mother and the baby unnecessarily.

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I wonder if Christopher will be allowed in the room when Anna is feeding the baby? Or will she have to wear one of those god awful shelf tent things that the Duggars use?

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I wonder if Christopher will be allowed in the room when Anna is feeding the baby? Or will she have to wear one of those god awful shelf tent things that the Duggars use?

He's probably never seen her naked, so nursing in front of him would be completely defrauding.

I wonder if she made herself some nursing frumpers?

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I very very very much doubt a Maxwell would indulge in mutual masturbation or any other non intercourse way of getting semen into a vagina. Sex within marriage is sanctified (as long as you don't have too much fun, of course) , but they have been told since childhood that masturbation is of the devil.

Congratulations to NR Anna, and I hope Melanie has a boy too so the cousins will be allowed to grow up playing together.

I wasn't speaking of mutual masturbation. Sometimes a man can't get it in, but ejaculates in the general area. If a woman is scared or is resisting, or has vaginismus, penetration isn't going to happen.

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He's probably never seen her naked, so nursing in front of him would be completely defrauding.

I wonder if she made herself some nursing frumpers?

She seems a dab hand with the sewing machine, and if she couldn't do it, I'm sure Teri knows how. I have some breastfeeding tops and dresses, and you can get away with feeding in them without showing much skin.

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I wonder if Christopher will be allowed in the room when Anna is feeding the baby? Or will she have to wear one of those god awful shelf tent things that the Duggars use?

Oh, my Breast Friend.... GAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Oh, my Breast Friend.... GAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:laughing-rolling:Michelle on the float with the little disembodied feet dangling below the cape. :laughing-rolling:

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...no chance at a childhood, I suppose.

:( This makes me so sad.

Childhood nothing. Not much of anything...

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Childhood nothing. Not much of anything...

In the larger scheme of things, little Joshua is better off than many other babies. He is a wanted child, born to two parents who love him. His family can provide for his needs. Their home is in a safe place and in a free country-- the U.S. government isn't going to throw him in prison or execute him if he one day denounces his family's faith. Joshua also has a second chance of getting an education at an alternative high school or a community college should the SOTDRT prove to be an epic fail. And who knows? One day, Christopher might get the urge to take the little guy to the park and teach him how to throw a baseball. But shhhh! Don't tell Steve!

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In the larger scheme of things, little Joshua is better off than many other babies. He is a wanted child, born to two parents who love him. His family can provide for his needs. Their home is in a safe place and in a free country-- the U.S. government isn't going to throw him in prison or execute him if he one day denounces his family's faith. Joshua also has a second chance of getting an education at an alternative high school or a community college should the SOTDRT prove to be an epic fail. And who knows? One day, Christopher might get the urge to take the little guy to the park and teach him how to throw a baseball. But shhhh! Don't tell Steve!

I suppose that depends a lot on your definition of a safe place. If they practice blanket training, or they follow the Pearls at all, then it's not what I'd call safe.

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What is with all the commenters leaving comments about the Joshuas in their lives?

"why what a lovely name. My husbands third cousin called her 14th Joshua, and he was born in June too!!! Praise God!!"

It's weird.

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Congratulations to NR Anna, and I hope Melanie has a boy too so the cousins will be allowed to grow up playing together.

What some would call playing, anyway. Actually, he will probably get to fellowship with his close cousin.

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What some would call playing, anyway. Actually, he will probably get to fellowship with his close cousin.

:lol: :lol:

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Life for an adult female in Maxwell-land without children is fairly pointless. Just look at Sarah and Anna. I'm glad NR-Anna has a baby now, so she has something to do other than clean, cook, sew and memorise the bible.

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I suppose that depends a lot on your definition of a safe place. If they practice blanket training, or they follow the Pearls at all, then it's not what I'd call safe.

I was thinking of children who cannot even play in front of their own homes because people around them are shooting each other or blowing things up. Look at what's happening right now in Syria. I don't even have to go that far-- I live in metro Detroit, where almost every day some poor kid gets killed because the gangstas targeted the wrong house during a drive-by, or else the kid's parents are fighting with their dope dealer over a $40 radio and somebody decides to start shooting. Joshua will never have to live in that kind of environment. If the crackheads and the drug gangs start moving into the Maxwells' neighborhood, the Maxwells will surely move out.

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I was thinking of children who cannot even play in front of their own homes because people around them are shooting each other or blowing things up. Look at what's happening right now in Syria. I don't even have to go that far-- I live in metro Detroit, where almost every day some poor kid gets killed because the gangstas targeted the wrong house during a drive-by, or else the kid's parents are fighting with their dope dealer over a $40 radio and somebody decides to start shooting. Joshua will never have to live in that kind of environment. If the crackheads and the drug gangs start moving into the Maxwells' neighborhood, the Maxwells will surely move out.

Yes. Simply by being born into middle class America he is luckier than many, I agree.

Yet he will never have a context in which to appreciate that luck. He will be told he is lucky because he was born into a Christian, godly family, and because Jesus died so he could be saved. Not that he is lucky that he was born with more economic and social security than most of the world will ever know.

He will be told that those without his privileges are in that position because they and their parents are unsaved. And that because they have free agency to become saved, they deserve their situation.

He will never see that the mother whose child is killed by crack dealers loves and mourns her child as much as his parents would mourn him. Probably more, because his parents would take solace in the idea that he was with Jesus now, a solace that other mother may not have.

He will not be allowed to interact with and understand the world around him, or make his own religious decisions or walk his own religious path, a choice that most of the world, no matter how underprivileged, enjoys to a greater or lesser extent. He will not be allowed to fall in love with and choose his own partner, he will not be able to delight in the joys of his own body, he will probably not have the opportunity to become a crackhead, but he probably won't have the chance to become a doctor or an artist or a journalist either. The kid will probably never even get to have a pepsi, let alone a stronger drink.

He has been born into an incredibly restricted world, and that is a tragedy, at the same time as the fact hewill always be fed and sheltered (unless he turns out to be gay, or unable to believe the brand of religion his grandfather pushes) is a blessing to be thankful for.

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My point has been missed.

I probably sucked at making it, though.

Back to your regularly scheduled thread.

I got your point. Or I think I did.

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It took me hours to push out my biggest baby. I had bruising around my eyes from burst blood vessels. Even with the smallest ones, I looked exhausted and anemic. Lots of things are natural and still leave most women looking like a hot mess. Is there something wrong with acknowledging most of us don't hop off the bed ready for a marathon?

I had a very easy labor and delivery after a just horrible time getting pregnant and having not dead babies. So I didn't look tired or bruised, but I had cried a lot. A lot. So I didn't look glowing or relieved, which is what everyone demanded of me. I was relieved and so happy to finally have a not dead baby. But it was still emotional and difficult for me.

And you know, that is ok. Of course I had people comment on how great I looked weight wise after I had Thomas. Even though I basically starved for 9 months and looked skeletal. The pressure on women is stupid.

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