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Fundie/Duggar Dreams MERGED


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  • 1 month later...

I dreamt that Kendra announced that she was pregnant again while still pregnant with baby #3, and she made front pages for getting pregnant again while already pregnant. Kendra said she wanted to speed things up so they could get more blessings.

(If anyone were to achieve that, it'd be Kendra. Or Courtney Rogers, perhaps.)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Had a combination fundie/pandemic dream (or nightmare). I dreamed that I was in a relationship (?) courting (?) one of the Helferich daughters. That's the family that Allison Bontrager married into, for those unfamiliar. This was some kind of weird mirror universe where fundies tolerated same-sex relationships but were still anti-maskers. So in my dream, I was sitting in the Helferich house with those red walls courting whichever sister, and yet no one but me was wearing a mask! My dream self wondered if I should get up and leave and lose the girl, or if I should suck it up, smile, be polite, and get covid. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

A new fundie dream!

The Rodrigues came into my town and I was a young fundie girl desperately looking for a future husband. I was interested in all the Rodrigues boys but Tim. Unfortunately Tim was the only one of them who was interested in me. So when we accidently met at the changing table at night things got really awkward.

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I had a dream last night that the Bates kids were all my step siblings, and I found out on Christmas Day that I was expected to give a gift to every single one of them. I had bought nothing. By the end of the dream I had decided on framed pictures for each individual family branch and was running around frantically trying to find an open store selling picture frames and glossy printer paper. I even ran into Jill Dillard and her kids at Walgreens!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I dreamt that both Jed and Jer were trying to court me. Jed was very aggressive and Jer was full of corny lines. I couldn't get away quick enough!

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I had a dream me and my mother were babysitting my nephew and nieces (I have 6 nieces and nephews) and for some reasons Jessa's kids were there too. And it was... sort of normal. Like they weren't out of place and no one was wondering who these children were. The dream in itself was bizarre but again, most dreams are. In the dream, our dogs got away and all the kids started to chase after them down the street, to the point where we were panicking because the kids were going down a very busy boulevard and we lost sight of them. All I was thinking was ''I have to find them all, or else their parents are gonna kill me''.

So yeah, it ended up being stressfull. And I was babysitting Ivy, Henry and Spurgeon. :confusion-shrug:

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I gotta make new bedtime routines. I dreamt bro Gary and Becky broke in saying they had to make us do religious rites... but he was going to let me go buy a ham first. I went and got the ham (makes no sense) but then drove to the police department and took them back to my house to deal with the Hawkins invasion 

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I dreamt that Jill (Dillard) was friends with all the girls from Teen Mom because they're all around the same age and had bonded over being exploited at a young age (then exploiting their own children) for reality TV.

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I dreamt that I was in the dessert with the Smortons and the younger ones came up with this demented game including battling poisonous snakes. One of the Campana boys got bit. 

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I don't know if this could be classified as a dream or a nightmare, but I was napping on the couch yesterday and somehow I knew all the Bates girl, we were discussing about Ether's family and dress code, I don't know how we ended up deciding a challenge, they had to dress as Amish or Mennonite for six months, a couple (Erin, Tori Esther) decided to stay put 

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A bunch of FJ’s (including mostly men !?) and I were in a house where The Serven Clan was known to stay, & the two youngest boys caught us snooping.

I tried to argue a theological / social point but some Serven had set out breakfast and the FJ’ers all chowed down. 

I was annoyed at the FJ’er sellouts. Then I found a breakfast plate for me and THEN Mother Cheryl Serven commenced to cut my hair.  She seemed to be doing a great job on texturizing the ends. 

But when I looked in the mirror, she had also added a huge nasty wiglet to make me “feminine.”

I tore off the fake hair and saw that her haircut wasn’t anything special. 

Awoke & thought: I’d give $5 for a Serven update! LOL

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  • 3 weeks later...

First fundie dream in a long time - I dreamt that the Duggars became polygamists! Both the boys and the girls. Jessa and John David were the quickest to pick up second spouses. Ben wasn't okay with it but went along with it because that's what Jessa wanted whereas Abby was okay with John David taking a second wife as long as he rotated between them equally.

I think all the reruns of "Sister Wives" on TLC are getting to me. ?‍♀️

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had a fundie dream! I lived in house with 2 other Free Jinger ladies (unspecified FJ members). We lived in this house in the Maxwell's neighborhood, where Steve and Teri lived.

They invited us for dinner and singing. We got there and ate with them. They asked us questions about our lives, but were polite. I kept trying to ask Gotcha! questions. 

It was Teri, Steve, Anna (their daughter), Mary and some of the sons. I don't remember if the wives and kids were there. Mostly it was just the grownups.

At one point I asked about Sarah. 

Steve told me he loved her and couldn't imagine his life without her. 

I said, "that Sarah had one said that if the girls married they would probably have to move out of state."

Steve said "yes they would. Several of our daughters in law moved here from out of state.

I said "If you can't imagine your life without her; how can she move out of state?"

Teri said "He means he can't imagine if we didn't have her. Obviously if God called her to move out of state, we would let her go, and keep in touch through computers."

Then the Maxwell kids performed a folk song that I might have made up. It wasn't religious in an obvious way.

The Maxwells were nice and kind to me despite the fact I was in jeans, shirt and my old teal bathrobe. I have never worn my bathrobe anywhere so I have no idea why I was wearing my bathrobe. 

Sarah was lying down with a headache. The dream seemed related to her news that she's had problems since her concussion last June. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh my word. Last night I dreamt that I stowed away in Josiah and Lauren's getaway car like a few of the Howlers did at their wedding. On the way out, we stopped to meet Tim Gunn, who gifted Josiah a new suit. He apologized because the suit was too big. I told him Josiah would make it work. Then we drove by a daycare or something where a bunch of kids were waving at us through the window and Lauren waved back. I think about these people way too much. ?

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I had a dream that I was a pregnant Duggar (immaculate conception so it was cool with the fam) and my medical team was dead-set on inducing me. I really wanted to go into labor on my own, but the doctors wanted me to go to the hospital and spend all day in the birthing suite just in case. The entire family was there with me, minus Joy who went on a trip to London with Austin. I finally kicked out everyone except for Jill, and then found out Michelle couldn't come because she had tested positive for COVID.

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Y’all so I’ve had Duggar dreams before, but I woke up laughing from this one and had to share. My dream was I was scrolling through Instagram and clicked on Jana’s profile to watch her stories and it was her pregnant, announcing a second kid and we didn’t even know she had gotten married and had a first kid! She looked really bashful and said she was announcing a new “baby Welk” complete with a little calligraphied sign saying “Baby Welk, coming this Fall.” I immediately thought “Oh my god this is going to crash FJ” and woke up before I could check to see if it had! I also woke up and looked to see if we knew any Welk families to see if I had some amazing premonition but alas, there’s no fundie Welk family that I could find. 

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I dreamt this week I was at a fundie wedding, don't recall who it was.

For some reason, my 30 YO ass was seated near the kiddos. I don't know who they were exactly but I think they were Rod girls. Not sure. Anyways, some of the girls were talking about how they'd want to get married too someday, and how they were so impatient to grow up so it could happen to them too. Yet in the lot, one little girl didn't seem excited and all her peers were telling her she had to get married, it was her role as a woman to get a husband and have kids. And in the dream, I nudge the little girl and whispered to her that I went to college and got two degrees, and that I turned out fine. I told her that if she wanted, she could do that instead. The little girl looked at me and smiled. It was quite a satisfying dream.

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I had a horrifically vivid dream that I was visiting Maxhell. I was in their attached garage and saw their dog, a little dark gray terrier, unleashed and trying to get out, so I took it in and closed the garage door, in the process setting off a sprinkler system briefly. It turned out they also had a little red mutt, and these two dogs, both rescues, had a litter of four. I told Stevehovah, who strangely wasn’t nattering on about Jesus, that I’d been considering getting another dog, and he talked up the fact that his were mixed-breed rescues. I told him I was still deliberating, since “you can take a child everywhere but you can’t take a dog everywhere.” I was wearing a tank top and shorts (which I never wear IRL), and he asked me to show him the mechanism that set off the sprinkler.
(I volunteered the info that I’d set off the sprinkler because I figured Steve would be a douchebag if I didn’t.) As I did, he stood with his arm around me and his hand on my bare shoulder and I felt squicked out. I said I hadn’t seen Teri yet, and he replied (with a hint of disdain towards her), “Good.” I asked where she was, and the girls said she was in her room working on her book. They had a plastic sheet on the floor with some of the book’s text written on it in black Sharpie, and I pointed out and corrected a grammatical error, which they thanked me for.

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On 1/5/2021 at 3:46 PM, Vivi_music said:

I had a dream me and my mother were babysitting my nephew and nieces (I have 6 nieces and nephews) and for some reasons Jessa's kids were there too. And it was... sort of normal. Like they weren't out of place and no one was wondering who these children were. The dream in itself was bizarre but again, most dreams are. In the dream, our dogs got away and all the kids started to chase after them down the street, to the point where we were panicking because the kids were going down a very busy boulevard and we lost sight of them. All I was thinking was ''I have to find them all, or else their parents are gonna kill me''.

So yeah, it ended up being stressfull. And I was babysitting Ivy, Henry and Spurgeon. :confusion-shrug:

LOL...I also had a dream about babysitting Spurge and Henry (this was before Ivy was born). I somehow lost Henry and I was freaking out that Jessa was going to kill me. ?

Edited by Snarkasarus Rex
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A couple of weeks ago, the Arndts came up on another thread (may have been Jill R) and someone linked to the trailer for Vine Valley, which I made the mistake of watching. At the same time, I’d been researching skincare/wellness subscription boxes as a way to give myself a treat for surviving the COVID winter. Somehow, the two topics combined that night into a dream involving the Arndts (including scenes from Vine Valley) and Korean sheet masks. All with that syrupy theme song from the trailer blaring away nonstop. Unfortunately, I have no memory of details. 

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3 hours ago, postscript said:

A couple of weeks ago, the Arndts came up on another thread (may have been Jill R) and someone linked to the trailer for Vine Valley, which I made the mistake of watching. 

I think I'm the one who posted the link to the trailer. Sorry if it disturbed your sleep! 

The other night, I dreamed I was pregnant, but it wasn't exactly a fundie dream. Just really weird because I'm 50 and I had my tubes tied 10 years ago! :pb_lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had a dream last night that I answered a "Help Wanted" ad for a receptionist, only to discover it was a ploy by Jill and David Rodrigues to lure women to their home and see if any would make suitable brides for Tim ? It's still skeeving me out hours later so I thought I would share it here.

Edited by TheLastFundiecorn
Added a word
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  • 3 weeks later...

I had a dream that Jill and co. were in my house and I had to hide from them in a basement and sneak through tunnels in order to avoid them.

I don't even read the Rodrigues threads, I have no idea why Jill keeps popping up in my nightmares...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I dreamed I was pregnant and went to the TTH to have an ultrasound scan.

Joy did the scan and I asked her for my estimated due date. She said she had no idea. Then she complimented me on my "youthful" looking teeth.

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