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Easter fundie style


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I'm thinking more of a Diet Cherry Dr. Pepper in the hollow bunny. Anyone want to join me?

I, uh, may have done bailey's in mine before. :oops:

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Also interestingly, I found a reference from England in the 1480s calling Easter 'Pasche', so I wonder exactly when Easter was the uniform name.

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Also interestingly, I found a reference from England in the 1480s calling Easter 'Pasche', so I wonder exactly when Easter was the uniform name.

It isn't, except in English. All other languages tie it to passover.

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Here in Holland Easter is called "Pasen" which seems to me to be a derivative of pesach/passover. And it's celebrated with CHOCOLATE

Especially 70 different kinds of mini chocolate eggs with all the fillings....



Ooh mama, I think I'll have to run to the store again..

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Okay, I get Tabby is a fake Jew. But, why not at least try if you're going to be this holier than thou Faux Jew. In Communist Ukraine, surrounded by anti-Semites, my family managed to at least make their own friggin' matzah. Ya, it wasn't necessarily kosher for passover but when you can't go to the store and buy something you make do. Its just water and flour for heaven's sake! Is Tabby so lazy that she can't either go down the Passover aisle in her grocery store (I used to live in the middle of the "heartland' where there were maybe 100 Jews in the area and they still had a Passover section that was about 2 feet wide but had matzah and kosher grape juice) and if that's not available (which I'm sure it is, but whatever) then to mix some water with some flour and bake it. There are tons of directions online on how to make your own matzah. Miss Tabby definitely has an internet connection so she can google it.

But then again this is just evidence of her laziness. She is too lazy to be intellectually curious beyond the topic of how everyone is wrong about religion and she is right. She believes any word she reads from crazy websites about the evils of the outside world, and is too lazy to see if any of its true. She's too lazy to properly educate herself or her child. Too lazy to even use spell and grammar check on her blog.

Her blog should be called Tabby The Just Plain Lazy Torah Keeper.

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The FDA has banned all forms of nonfood items in food. They are afraid that it would pose a chocking hazard. My friend tried to bring a few Kinder balls back for her kids from Canada. The person at the border took them from her and said that they are not allowed in the US.

I would love to find a chocolate Jesus that was filled with wine. I could shock the fundies by drinking the blood of christ.

They don't have/ allow Kinder Surprise in the US? Those things are amazing! And it's not like the tiny toys are directly in the chocolate eggs, there is a container. I love those things, and they're still a treat even though I'm not a kid. Though the toys are pretty tiny, so very easy to choke on...just not so much while they're in the egg. Aren't fortune cookies a non food item inside a food?

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Tabby also said that she celebrated her "seder" on a completely different night than actual Jews because she follows something called the "barley calendar" and gave a link for a Karaite website. I guess that proves that a lot of Fake Jews really don't care about Judaism at all, if they are following the rules of a completely different sect.

She's also not the first fundie I've seen to celebrate Passover through feet-washing and other acts symbolic of servitude. This is where it stops being unintentionally hilarious and starts getting offensive for me. The whole point of Passover is to celebrate our freedom from slavery, and in traditional Jewish seders (can't believe I have to add the qualifier to that), the symbolism is all about luxury--dipping food, reclining while we eat and drink, sitting with pillows on our chairs. I've even been to seders where we spent the entire time before the meal lounging over cushions on the floor. By continuing to assert that they are servants, Tabby and her ilk are perverting the whole concept behind the holiday.

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Here in Holland Easter is called "Pasen" which seems to me to be a derivative of pesach/passover. And it's celebrated with CHOCOLATE

Especially 70 different kinds of mini chocolate eggs with all the fillings....Ooh mama, I think I'll have to run to the store again..

OH MY. I love that photo so much. All those happy colors, together like that! And it's chocolate... :D I wish I had such a place near me!

In Italy all the signs said "Buona Pasqua" which clearly is sharing origins with "pesach" too. Even in English there's the Paschal Lamb, right?

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Completely aside from Easter candy though, in Canada I was able to buy some chocolates that had actual alcoholic liqueur in them - to the point that you bite in, it spills out into your mouth, burns your throat even, and yes, you get drunk off them!

We quite enjoyed those, and brought some back to the US (it was in the car with the rest of our camping stuff, no one checked). We had them at a Xmas party, had to be sure to keep them on the adults table, as there is no point wasting such a good thing on a kid who will think it's horrible anyway!

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Ohhhh yes, that's horrible! I remember quie a few times when I picked the wrong egg/sweet and that nasty, burning stuff spilled all over me! Waaaah!

And all grown-ups thought it was hilarious, of course. Oh my, I'm getting old.

(They are quite common here.)

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Your examples of fundie Easter are just plain making me sad. I've encountered it among some of my acquaintances here too. It's as if they are in a contest to see how grim and watered down they can make the day. I felt the need to combat this by exposing my kids to a full blown Episcopalian Holy Week, culminating in dying eggs yesterday, and awaking to awesome Easter bags, (no baskets, I swear that Easter grass is the Devil's work) and Easter service with Easter egg hunt at the church. Seriously, my kids are excited to go to church, and not just because of the hunt. They got to help strip the altar on Thursday, so they are looking forward to seeing the new coverings, and candle. So, color me doing the superiority dance! Sadly, the ole' Easter bunny left me a bunch o' stomach flu in my basket, so I'm lounging in bed with tea and a laptop, trying not to puke at the thought of making scalloped potatoes. Perhaps an Easter mimosa might help...Cheers.

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Perhaps this was mentioned but the bunnies and eggs represent new life. Jeez fundies can make anything bad

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Candy's got a particularly good one up today:

Ashtoreth is known under many different names in different cultures. A few are Ashtoreth/Astarte/Ishtar, and in English, her name is EASTER.

To celebrate Ishtar Sunday, they would have a sunrise service. During this service, they would impregnate virgins on the altar. Meanwhile, they would take the 3-month old babies from the previous year's impregnations, and murder them on the altar as a sacrifice. They would then take an egg - a strong symbol of fertility, and dip it in the dead infant's blood, which would color the egg.

Ashtoreth/Semiramis' son/husband supposedly died from being killed by a wild boar. Now we know where the tradition of Easter Ham came from.

They believe also that when Semiramis/Ashtoreth/Astarte/Ishtar/Easter died, she was cast back out of the heavens in a giant egg. When she broke forth from that egg, she supposedly saw a bird, and turned it into an egg-laying rabbit.


It's almost as lulzy as the "halal Butterball turkeys have been sacrificed to false gods!!!" post from Thanksgiving.

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They don't have/ allow Kinder Surprise in the US? Those things are amazing! And it's not like the tiny toys are directly in the chocolate eggs, there is a container. I love those things, and they're still a treat even though I'm not a kid. Though the toys are pretty tiny, so very easy to choke on...just not so much while they're in the egg. Aren't fortune cookies a non food item inside a food?

There are definitely Kinder eggs at European delis around here. I occasionally get them from the local Russian store.

If a border patrol agent tried to confiscate my candy, I think I would have a psychotic episode. Not because I love candy, but because SERIOUSLY???????

ETA: "Around here" = Northeastern United States.

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Candy's got a particularly good one up today:


It's almost as lulzy as the "halal Butterball turkeys have been sacrificed to false gods!!!" post from Thanksgiving.

That was a good one. Look what the comments led me to:


I am still in the process of learning myself. We "celebrate" Christmas with a tree and gifts but only as a pleasant and decorative occasion like decorating with pumpkins and cornstalks in the fall. We don't symbolize the tree, presents, etc. And I'd give it all up in a heartbeat if my husband wanted to. But I am not his boss. It is better to have a happy home and accomodate our husbands in love than make a stink and cause derision.

Ladies, please don't read this and then start nagging your man. It is not our job to lead our husbands. That is strictly Jesus Christ's business and I suggest you don't mess in it other than in prayer and petition.

I have done both and prayer is BY FAR the most effective approach! :) I've prayed and given God my concerns and then watched God work in our lives. A man's life is holy ground. It is God's territory and a reverant woman is wise to leave it up to God. (And pray, pray, pray!)

So, if your man wants to do Easter up big (though I have noticed that it is mainly women who make a big tadoo over it) then honor his wishes. You will be following the Apostle Paul's advice in Romans 14 and God's command in 1 Corinthians 11:3. Your children will not care either way. All they know is they either have a happy home or a troubled one. Make yours happy.

If he cares not one way or the other, then it is your heart that needs the change. If you have been enlightened to the heart and desire of God through His word, then it may be you who has layed aside the commands of God to follow the traditions of man. I would encourage you to put away the bunnies and eggs. My prayer is that this year God would move through my husband to put away the xmas tree and tinsel.

But either way, our hearts are what God is looking at. He knows when a woman is really into it, or just following her husband for the sake of peace. I choose to serve the Lord. There is no day above another. THIS day is the one that matters because it's the only one we have. Serve the Lord heartily this day!

:D Happy Easter! :lol:

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Perhaps this was mentioned but the bunnies and eggs represent new life. Jeez fundies can make anything bad

You'd think they'd be all about fertility!

As far as the "human sacrifice" story, I'm extremely wary of all such stories, especially about people who are in no position to defend themselves. As far as I'm concerned, "They wantonly kill babies" is a lie unless proven - PROVEN! - otherwise. The Romans claimed that Carthage performed child sacrifice, but then, Rome and Carthage were enemies for a long time. Claiming your enemies are evil people who do evil things isn't very unusual, is it?

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I always loved the idea that the Christian holidays had some pagan roots and traditions. I like the feeling that we're all connected even if our beliefs (or non-beliefs) seem very different.

I also like the idea that Passover and Easter are often celebrated near each other. There's nothing frightening about the fact that we're more alike than we are different. Why is it such an issue with fundies?

Christian religions have Pagan traditions because many areas were taken over by Christianity and the easiest way to force people to follow Christianity was to slap a Jesus label on the holidays they were already celebrating. It's less about some cosmic connection and more about the Christian religion taking over many areas, often by force.

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Completely aside from Easter candy though, in Canada I was able to buy some chocolates that had actual alcoholic liqueur in them - to the point that you bite in, it spills out into your mouth, burns your throat even, and yes, you get drunk off them!

We quite enjoyed those, and brought some back to the US (it was in the car with the rest of our camping stuff, no one checked). We had them at a Xmas party, had to be sure to keep them on the adults table, as there is no point wasting such a good thing on a kid who will think it's horrible anyway!

:o Kinder surprise and chocolate liquers are illegal in the US? What kind of hell is t


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