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Homosexuality is detrimental and ultimately destructive


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The original sin was acting out their homosexual desires. Because they did not stop and acknowledge God, He gave them over to a debased mind. A debased mind causes a lifestyle of horrible behavior including gossip, hautiness, lying, etc. Homosexuality is not interchangeable with behavior from a debased mind. It is the root cause.

I read the verses that you quoted a few pages ago, and to me it sounded like the overwhelming lust was the sin, not the homosexual behavior. I would say that anyone who has a sexual addiction so profound that it keeps them from working, family life, etc, then they have a problem and need help. I don't think someone who is homosexual has a problem and needs help. Certainly the bible admonishes both gay and straight sex acts depending on the circumstances.

Of course, that still has nothing to do with the laws of a secular nation.

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At the wedding my mother was so moved by the obvious love the two women had for each other that she went forward to give the two women her blessing (a big deal in my family). Afterwards my mother told me that she realized that she had been wrong about same sex marriage. As for me, I am just proud of my mom.

You should be proud of her. It's tough to admit you were wrong. Glad your mom was able to give her blessing to the couple.

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I want to make two things clear to you: my mother is not your business and did nothing wrong. I have never commented on a transgendered child.

The internetz never forget C3. Your mother was married three times and divorced twice by your own admission. And according to your rules she is an adulteress. According to your holy book she must die, and she is already dead spiritually. Its time for the folks sitting in the pews to gather some stones ala Shirley Jackson and do the deed, and put an end to her sinfulness.

Or you could just admit to being a cafeteria christian. :lol:

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I agree, Florapaste. I am so sick of the "oh I have nothing against gay people personally, I think they're swell with their cute clothes and the Broadway and all. I just think that they shouldn't be allowed to marry, and that after death they will burn eternally in hell. But you know, nothing personal."

From what I can tell of his writings, Paul didn't just dislike homosexuals. He disliked women - and sex period. He says "Tis better to marry than to burn". Not exactly a ringing endorsement for matrimony there. More like, if you have to have the disgusting animal sex, please put a ring on first. He also thinks men should be above women and that women should submit to their spouses. Do you believe this too? If so, I have to ask again, why the hell are you here?

And why should we trust so much in someone who MURDERED Christians before having a sudden epiphany of "oops, my bad"? I think Paul was like a lot of Fundies. His life was cold and dull, so he wanted to suck the joy and happy out of everyone's elses'.

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The internetz never forget C3. Your mother was married three times and divorced twice by your own admission. And according to your rules she is an adulteress. According to your holy book she must die, and she is already dead spiritually. Its time for the folks sitting in the pews to gather some stones ala Shirley Jackson and do the deed, and put an end to her sinfulness.

Or you could just admit to being a cafeteria christian. :lol:

why do you care?

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why do you care?

I care because you talk the talk and don't walk the walk, and you want to impose your religious values on me and mine while not following them yourself.

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I want to make two things clear to you: my mother is not your business and did nothing wrong. I have never commented on a transgendered child.

But you can actively fuck around with gay people and their lives? And we're supposed to keep mum about the gaping holes in your theology? Oh - you're not actually the spawn of Old McSpreads at all - you were hatched on Planet Entitlement! :lol:

Keeps serving the shit to LGBT families, keeps insisting they call it ice-cream or it cries. Troll.

Yeah, the hypocrite label was accurate, you reek of it.

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I care because you talk the talk and don't walk the walk, and you want to impose your religious values on me and mine while not following them yourself.

Snap. Snap. So... I think we need to get married, as I have just given you a piece of my heart in response to that quote. :dance:

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Snap. Snap. So... I think we need to get married, as I have just given you a piece of my heart in response to that quote. :dance:

What if I just adopt you? I kinda get squeed out marrying a woman who is young enough to be my daughter :D

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Guest Anonymous

What if I just adopt you? I kinda get squeed out marrying a woman who is young enough to be my daughter :D

If you want more daughters I want to put in an application, too. My mother doesn't like me. :(

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If you want more daughters I want to put in an application, too. My mother doesn't like me. :(

My tent is a big one Lissar, and my village is welcoming and loves unconditionally.

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What if I just adopt you? I kinda get squeed out marrying a woman who is young enough to be my daughter :D

That's fair! My mom's a narcissistic alcoholic, so I could totz use a mom that doesn't steal from me! I'm already getting married next month, anyway, so I gueeeeess my fiance would prefer it this way. :lol:

Also, I'm sorry Lissar! I've always wanted a sibling that isn't schizophrenic, so I'm totz excited to be sisters. Whee!

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She has yet to say what she would lose, should gays be allowed to marry. C3 sits on her pity pot bemoaning her life after gay marriage and time after time when queried, she cannot give one example of what would be 'lost' when all love becomes equal.

I'm not pretending to answer for C3 (heck no!) but if she does her reply would most likely be that she'll probably lose her smug feelings of superiority of her "having the best lifestyle"...Fundies think that the one Mom-one Dad-4 kids is the perfect life model, so if gays can now partake she'd loose her "lifestyle superiority" in her head.

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Guest Anonymous
My tent is a big one Lissar, and my village is welcoming and loves unconditionally.

Also, I'm sorry Lissar! I've always wanted a sibling that isn't schizophrenic, so I'm totz excited to be sisters. Whee!

Woo! Yay for my new internetz family! :romance-grouphug:

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Do I need to quote my question for you again CC3 or should we just accept that you aren't going to answer any sort of tough questions about your very wishy-washy beliefs?

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Do I need to quote my question for you again CC3 or should we just accept that you aren't going to answer any sort of tough questions about your very wishy-washy beliefs?

Bumping in case nap time is over :roll:

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I know someone else said this, but the real question here is not whether the Bible is against homosexuality. It's interesting to see the holes in fundie logic, but if the Bible, even the Torah, said unambiguously gay marriage must be stopped at all costs, it would not mean a damn thing in terms of law. CC3 and her friends have no right to impose their religion on others. No more right than I have to make bacon illegal.

I mean, bacon taunts me with its oily salty goodness and it CLEARLY says in the Bible that eating pig is wrong. It affects me when I see other people having a luscious BLT while I nibble at my knishes. It places me in such intense temptation that I occasionally succumb and have a bite of the forbidden bacon sandwich. You bacon-eaters are causing me to sin and it is all your fault, I accept no responsibility for this. :) Nonetheless, I have no right to outlaw bacon. The same way CC3 has no right to advocate against gay marriage.

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CC3 has already said she doesn't want divorce laws to be based on the Bible, so she doesn't even want a country run by what the Bible says. Most fundies I don't think would like a country run as the Bible commands, and even if she did, she has no more right to do that than people of other religions. Our laws shouldn't be based on religious beliefs.

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I know someone else said this, but the real question here is not whether the Bible is against homosexuality. It's interesting to see the holes in fundie logic, but if the Bible, even the Torah, said unambiguously gay marriage must be stopped at all costs, it would not mean a damn thing in terms of law. CC3 and her friends have no right to impose their religion on others. No more right than I have to make bacon illegal.

I mean, bacon taunts me with its oily salty goodness and it CLEARLY says in the Bible that eating pig is wrong. It affects me when I see other people having a luscious BLT while I nibble at my knishes. It places me in such intense temptation that I occasionally succumb and have a bite of the forbidden bacon sandwich. You bacon-eaters are causing me to sin and it is all your fault, I accept no responsibility for this. :) Nonetheless, I have no right to outlaw bacon. The same way CC3 has no right to advocate against gay marriage.

Obviously she can advocate against it. She can say it's wrong to have gay sex and gay marriage all she wants. It's weird she doesn't want to talk as much about not hoarding wealth and instead giving to the poor and all the other stuff that Jesus talked about A LOT but, hey, it's her right.

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Just admit it CC3, you are afraid of the gays! But we are EVERYWHERE! I am PTA president in a conservative white-faced suburb. Suck it!

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Guest Anonymous

This thread needs a chart.


After glancing back through CC3's posting history, I think we can situate her right in the middle.

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Damn, I wish you were our PTA president.

The VP of the PTA at my daughter's last school was Islamic, and it was a total non-issue. (I loved that school, but this one has a special program for gifted children.) Our kids were close friends and she was very "live and let live" for a religious person. So, open-minded religious people do exist! (CC3 is not among them.)

It would be more of an issue in the suburb I live in now if any of the other officers had a clue that I have the gay. They just see mom and that = straight in their books. They are like my grandparents, who can be in a room full of glittery gays and they would have no clue. ("Oh, those men are so fashionable and charming!") :doh:

In some ways it's annoying, but it's not like I keep my life a secret. I'm just currently single and not close friends with any of the other members. All my mom friends know. *shrug* I'm sure some of them would be clutching their pearls if they realized, but (again being optimistic) maybe by the time they get a clue they will have known me for a number of years and realize I am a real person. *gasp*

I will say they did postpone our February meeting because of the Republican primary, which my friend and I got a kick out of. (WTF?)

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:roll: <---- That is me rolling my eyes at your BS interpretation of my sentence, "I do hold out hope that we will win out in the long run."

I am not talking about this discussion, or anything on FJ. I mean that we will win equal rights for all people. So, the only "losers" in this scenario are bigots.

And even then, what would they lose?

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