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interesting article about babies, men, and self-control


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I found this article through the Slacktivist blog which linked to this blog:


Here's a good part:

When you’re raised in the movement, even the smallest children are taught to have self control and to not touch what is right in front of their eyes. In fact, it’s considered quite the accomplishment to be able to leave an expensive vase or dish of candy on a coffee table and know that even the child just learning to pull herself to standing won’t touch them. It’s a way of showcasing your children’s obedience and you’re success at child training.

For some reason, doing the same for adult men – i.e. placing a woman in a miniskirt or low-cut shirt in his line of vision and expecting him to not act on his desires – is unacceptable. Babies have to have self-control. Adult men can’t be expected to have self-control. Parents shouldn’t remove objects of temptation from babies’ line of vision. Women should cover up everything that might prove tempting from men’s line of vision.

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Wow, what an excellent point the author makes! Why do fundies think men are so deficient that they can't muster a degree of self-control equal to what they expect of an infant?

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That is a very interesting article. I also enjoyed reading the comments, this one in particular jumped out to me.

The Pearls point out that you can train a child the way you train a dog. The tragedy is not that a child’s mind is not like a dogs but that it very much is.

When training a dog and training a child you expect completely different outcomes but if you train them the same you will get the same outcome. A dog will be dependent on his master all of his life. You want a dog to have no mind of his own, you want only that he obeys.

If you use the same training method on a child, you will get the same outcome, someone who can’t think for themselves.

A dog likely won’t outlive his master but a child likely will and so will go looking for someone else to obey. Many a cult is recruited this way.

Thinking for myself and standing up for myself was something that I definitely had to learn the hard way when I left home and got out in the real world. Those habits of almost mindless obedience w/out thinking anything through for yourself are so much harder to break than anyone not raised that way can realize.

But I digress. I loved the points the original post made and have nothing more to add right now except I completely agree and that's a comparison I'm definitely going to file away for future use!

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I found this article through the Slacktivist blog which linked to this blog:


Here's a good part:

(Edited to break the link)

Libby Anne, author of Love Joy Feminism, is a brilliant writer. She grew up in evangelical-fundamentalist Christianity but left during college. Her writing is interesting because she understands where both sides are coming from. I recommend everyone follow the link and read her blog.

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great post it is so true. it won't change till people like gothard and his lik die off though. but there will always be people that will think it is all the woman's fault.

Now when will we see someone trying to pass a bill on woman's modesty?

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I found this article through the Slacktivist blog which linked to this blog:


Here's a good part:

(Edited to break the link)

Except I don't think it is about expecting not to act... I think the point is that they believe the very thought or desire is sinful and therefore someone must be blamed for that - obviously the woman for causing the thought :roll:

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Guest Anonymous
YES! I want the fundies to start blanket training their grown men! Put a blanket on the floor and tell the men to sit quietly. Put a bunch of Playboys just out of reach. If the men try to reach for the Playboys, whack them.

And then women can dress in whatever is comfortable, rather than in clothes that are man-proofed!

Yes...1000 times this!

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great post it is so true. it won't change till people like gothard and his lik die off though. but there will always be people that will think it is all the woman's fault.

Now when will we see someone trying to pass a bill on woman's modesty?

As crazy as that sounds, with recent bill attempts I would not be the least bit surprised if one damned no matter you wear bill showed up.

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