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Religion at Work, Part Deux

Doomed Harlottt

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I just wanted to follow up on a couple of threads I started regarding discussions I have been having with a conservative Catholic work colleague whom I respect and admire enormously. When he gave me an anti-atheist book that seemed to imply that atheists are essentially monsters who are unable to form deep family connections, I became a bit disturbed about having these discussions with him.

Anyway, we had lunch yesterday to talk about it. He said it had been a long time since he had read the book, and he felt the author was attacking the "new atheists," i.e. writers like Hitchens and Dawkins, not atheists in general. I think he may be misreading the author a bit, but I really think that he means well. I also think he is a very able and articulate defender of his faith. I don't think that he meant to express any disrespect for me and he even said that he would love to have his daughter turn out to be like me. So I think we're good.

Still, it strikes me that we are in very tricky territory here. If I could go back, I am not sure I would go along with opening this can of worms. He and I do disagree strongly about fundamental issues that go to the heart of his identity as a Christian and my identity as a woman. We've sort of made a pact to be honest and to assume good faith and mutual respect, but I am a little nervous.

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I'm glad it worked out for you and your friend. As long as you maintain tolerance and respect first, I don't think you will have any more tension between the two of you. I personally have been harassed about my Christian faith by a previous employer and make a point of not talking about faith or religion or God in the workplace.

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I think you are doing a great job being tolerant and respectful, and it sounds like he is at least trying to do the same.

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We have a protestant in my current work place. He found out i was Catholic and made a few comments about being from a superior church, Church of Scotland.


I thought i would end the conversation with the thought that, "I am Catholic, and Russian Mennoite... I am only one jewish ancestor away from the trifecta of religious persecution... "

Turns out he doesnt talk to me about religion anymore.


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I think some Christians mean well, but they just come off as arrogant and judgey because they're not used to dealing with people of other faiths or no faith. They have bad manners due to lack of practice, not lack of decency. Evangelical types are constantly goaded into god-bothering, which is inherently rude and disrespectful. If left to their own devices I'm sure they would just leave people alone.

I think its good that DH has a friendship like this. It makes it hard for this particular Christian to be automatically hateful.

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I think keeping the lines of communication open, especially in the increasingly divisive society we live in now, is overall a good thing.

Sometimes though, there is a deal breaker. I was friendly acquaintances for several years with a Mormon lady who worked across the hall from my office. We would walk at lunch time, occasionally go out to lunch, and connected based on both being moms and figuring out how to raise our boys as best we could. It was a cordial relationship.

Then Prop 8 got on the ballot in California (where we live) and she supported it and I was against it. For me, that was the dealbreaker. I couldn't forgive her belief that she and her church should be able to discriminate against others. I haven't spoken to her since, and fortunately my office moved to a new location, as it was rather awkward at times :)

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I think its good that DH has a friendship like this. It makes it hard for this particular Christian to be automatically hateful.

I think he's doing a damn good job of being automatically hateful in this "friendship".

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