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Ok, what DOES Michelle do?


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I find it odd that that siblings can teach each other in homeschool.

I'm in Ohio, and our former babysitter was fundie of the pentecostal variety. She had an identical twin sister and her sister lived across the street. Both were SAHMs and would babysit and host party lite and pampered chef parties for money. The twin was a substitute teacher within the public school system before getting married, and it actually made more sense for her to be schooling her child and our babysitter's children because she was "the smart one" out of the two. Apparently early on in their homeschooling, they got in some sort of trouble for having the sister teach her niece & nephew instead of their mother or father (or legal guardian). I didn't ask much about it at the time, but once in a while the sister would come over and cover the babysitting and homeschooling so our babysitter could run errands, and she was always asking us to please not say anything about the sister being there (I work in social services, maybe she thought I had some sort of DOE connections? I don't)

That was about 5 years ago but I guess I've always been under the impression that only the parent/guardian can homeschool the child/ren. I wonder how that works... is it a state law thing? Has anyone else ever heard of that?

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I would think it depends on the state. Also I doubt officially Jinger is listed as teaching the children. My guess would be that Michelle signs all the paperwork and is officially the teacher. And if anything on the show would get the department of education investigating the family it would have happened years ago since every bit of homeschooling shown has seen pathetic.

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I end up behind in watching the episodes because I just don't care that much, but I watched the clean-up-the-trash-house episode last night. It sort of made me wonder what Michelle does all the time too. JB and the older kids went house cleaning and Jill stayed home with the 4 little girls, which I'm not sure we've ever seen Michelle manage. Jill was alone because Michelle had a "prior engagement". It was probably something as simple as a doctor's appt, but I thought it was weird that they were being so vague about it. We've seen this family put all sorts of personal business on TV.

Maybe doggie's right...she's already seeing the fertility specialist! :shhh:

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Maybe doggie's right...she's already seeing the fertility specialist! :shhh:

Since QF and reproductive technology don't really go together, I don't see her finding anyone who would treat her. Unless she goes to see Octomom's specialist, of course. :(

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Have babies, and then watch them take care of babies.

There are so many precious little ones in that family who probably have absolutely no idea what individual attention is like...I will be first in line for a tell all book from at least ONE of them. Somebody has to have a mind of their own!

I once wanted as many children as God would give me but after having two in a year, and thinking about in the future having these two literally take care of future siblings, it saddened me. We definitely want a few more, but want each of them to get the time, love and attention as the two I have now. They are only 16 and 6 months old and they literally get ALL of me lol, every child deserves that!

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Zzzzzzzz....... what? Huh? Oh, I'm sorry. Were the Duggars on television last night? I could only bring myself to watch the first 1/2 hour (the new part, I guess) with the snowstorm. That was seriously one of the most boring 1/2 hours of television I have ever watched.

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HAHAHAHAHA! I don't know if anyone checked out Amy's facebook yesterday but Rebekah (Anna's sister) wrote on her status. Amy updated her status, explaining how she and Caleb are no longer together and are better off as friends and Rebekah wrote:

Quit putting "God" in all this. You just love the attention. This guy wont last that long either.

So, Amy responded with this:

Rebekah if you believe that way- then I feel sorry for you. because beleiving in God is apart of me. and when the right guy comes along its definitely going to be a "God-thing!"

Looks like McDonald's family is tired of people using God as an "excuse" for everything they do in their life, which I completely agree. I understand for certain things, you might believe it was a "God thing" but it irks me when people use "God" for everything as a way for Him to dictate their own life. I found my other half on my way own--I didn't let God decide for me, my hot South African just came to me.

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I get confused by this family- Which one is Rebekah? Is she Anna's brother wife that left Gothard?

I get so confused by the Keller family

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Rebekah is Anna's sister. Her and her husband left Gothard. He has a Gothard recovery type of website but they are still conservative Christians.

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profiles.google.com/suzie.g2992#suzie.g2992/photos/5545375379674550481Rebekah is the one in the blue shirt in the family picture.

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Jill was alone because Michelle had a "prior engagement". It was probably something as simple as a doctor's appt, but I thought it was weird that they were being so vague about it. We've seen this family put all sorts of personal business on TV.

It was probably a paid personal appearance. I can see where they wouldn't want to mention something like that when 1. The family is out taking care of investment properties, which is their supposed source of income, so they won't mention getting paid for the show and appearances and 2. Getting paid to preach? Never admit that!

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I remember reading a post on one of the blogs from a girl who supposedly met the Duggar girls at an ATI conference. Of course, there's no way of knowing if it was authentic, but the girl said that the j'slaves told her that Michelle spent most of her time in her room, and that yes, she yelled, a lot, when the cameras weren't there. She also mentioned the girls talking about how they would like to listen to rock music.

On the one hand, I find it hard to believe that the girls would rat on Michelle, but if they were to confess to anyone, wouldn't it make sense that it would be a fellow ATIer, who probably has the very same issues in her life? You have to wonder how many of the ATI teens really hate their lives, but are essentially powerless to change things. Very sad.

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I would think it depends on the state. Also I doubt officially Jinger is listed as teaching the children. My guess would be that Michelle signs all the paperwork and is officially the teacher. And if anything on the show would get the department of education investigating the family it would have happened years ago since every bit of homeschooling shown has seen pathetic.

I don't think the DOE can investigate. That would be infringing on the rights of states who make their own rules when it comes to education which I am sure in Arkansas are very home school friendly.

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Rebekah is Anna's sister. Her and her husband left Gothard. He has a Gothard recovery type of website but they are still conservative Christians.

She is still close to her family though, right? She's been on the show?

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...she invents new ways to put tater-tots in a casserole. Possibly creating an all tater-tot casserole, the first of it's kind.

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She is still close to her family though, right? She's been on the show?

She's been on the show. She was in the episode when they had a special on Anna giving birth to Mackynzie. She was the one in the pink dress, blonde hair, and glasses, complimenting how Josh is driving a limo. She is pretty close to her family but it looks like she's not really fond of Amy, especially from that post on Amy's status.

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I don't think the DOE can investigate. That would be infringing on the rights of states who make their own rules when it comes to education which I am sure in Arkansas are very home school friendly.

Someone on TWOP did some sleuthing and came up with Arkansas' homeschooling regulations that COULD be investigated:

Per the Arkansas Department of Education, "A "home school" is a school provided by a parent or legal guardian for his or her own child."

and a Notice of Intent must be filed which includes "The education qualifications of the parent/guardian/teacher(s)."

Would someone residing in the state of Arkansas send them a copy of the Duggars' new book, and refer them to both last night's episode as well as the one where Jessa is overseeing the testing of the older kids (who are basically self-educated on the computer as it is)? Because it's highly likely Jessa fills out the paperwork and Michelle merely signs off on it (a making her workload that much lighter). Whoever oversees homeschooler's testing and whatnot needs to check the handwriting on the forms to make sure a teenager who still dots her "i's" with little hearts isn't doing the bulk of the work *cough* Jessa *cough*. Raise your hand if you believe Jessa actually VOLUNTEERED to "teach" her siblings. Riiiight.....

She and Jinger are so NOT mother material that it's hilarious to watch them even try to interact with the young 'uns (and probably the reason Jana got stuck with Josie, rather than Jinger, whose turn it was to get a "new" one). Look at the way Jessa's youngest "buddy" Jordyn is being neglected for proof.


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It was probably a paid personal appearance. I can see where they wouldn't want to mention something like that when 1. The family is out taking care of investment properties, which is their supposed source of income, so they won't mention getting paid for the show and appearances and 2. Getting paid to preach? Never admit that!

Also a possiblity, but we've seen them do a lot of paid appearances on the show. Usually TLC is involved in them. Plus Michelle is a lot less interesting without her prop collection children to accompany her.

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Jessa's been doing the younger kids' homeschool for a long time now, I think. They've showed her doing that on episodes before, but until this one I think we've only ever seen her monitoring the grades they were getting on their computer work, which might be considered different from actually instructing them. (I also thought this episode was boring, though, and I can't remember how much they actually showed of her teaching the kids). I just remember that the last time they talked about Jessa doing the school for the 'little ones', Michelle laughed about the fact that Jessa is much stricter about what grades she'll accept from them. Michelle commented that Jessa makes them retake quizzes and workbooks until they get the higher grade she expects from them, when Michelle would have let them move on. It's sad when the sister cares more about the children's education than the mother does.

In regard to Michelle's 'prior engagement', I kind of assumed she was going to see her doctor. I feel like she's really hoping to get pregnant again (though I personally hope her uterus is closed for business) but since it's been so long since they've been pregnant, and since they had so much trouble with Josie, they probably don't want to give any hints of that unless they know for certain whether they're pregnant or able to get pregnant again. It seemed to me like they were unusually cryptic about where she was, and I assumed she is maybe late for her period or something and is getting it checked out.

PS omg my first post~ I have been lurking for awhile.

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Lays awake at night worried she's losing the "biggest family" title to the Bates.

Had to clean the screen--spewed ice tea all over it.

Here's my take on what Michelle does:

TV Interviews--esp the part of adoring listener to Jim-Bob.

Other duties as required when the cameras are on.

Otherwise......probably hangs out in HER room with a tv or a phone. Or drives around in a Tahoe by herself.

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