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I've discovered that posting articles, quotes and insights that I've found here at FJ have helped me weed out who I do and don't want to be friends with on FB.

Thanks everyone! :clap:

Oh man, I'm so tempted to do this sometimes.

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I can't believe you guys put up with some of this stuff. It makes me too irritated and gets the blood pressure going. For my own sanity, I go on defriending sprees every time this sort of stuff pops up. I mean, I have some conservative FB friends, and a few religious ones, but only the type that say standard types of stuff like, "He is Risen" on Easter or post bullshit articles about Saint Ron Paul. If they start to go gaga on that stuff, they are so de-friended. Although, sometimes they save me the trouble and de-friend me when I post about politics.

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I only have a couple fundie friends...I keep them hoping that what I post will someday get thru to them (wishful thinking probably) lol One of the fundies on my list is actually someone my mom helped turn mega-fundie >_> meh.

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wah! another one:

xxxx shared a link.

Glenn interviews star of the movie ‘Courageous’


A few years ago, Sherwood Baptist Church decided to spend $20,000 to make a movie about faith and life. The results have been nothing short of miraculous.

I cannot believe I am related to these people.

And a comment on one relative's posting of a photo of her new grandbaby:

"Another one to add to your quiver".


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It's way more than that actually. In IVF on average about one in four fertilized eggs will make it to blastocyst (five days), and of those only about half will implant and develop a heartbeat, and of those about 75% will make it to the second trimester. The bulk of these losses are attributed to chromosomal abnormality. (There is some attrition associated with the IVF process but technology has advanced pretty far so it's not very much.) It's a wonder any of us are here at all!

Yup, this is why I like to tell my family, when they natter on about ebil abortion-performing murderers -- God is the biggest abortionist of them all! One in four pregnancies ends in "SPONTANEOUS" abortion.

Mea culpa: I still have not gotten up the nerve to be able to tell them that I am one of the ebil abortionists.

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<über-fundy, part of a group of people I have no idea why I haven't unfriended ... except that I never unfriend anyone...>

‎:sigh: Reminded again that *I* can't do this. Def time to just sit before my Savior. #thatsagoodthing

With each passing day I become more convinced that whatever fruit and faithfulness I cross Jordan with, will all be of grace. ALL. #myJesuscarriesme #myGodisbiggerthanevenmyweaknesses :)

These are garden-variety, everyday typical statuses from this person (and about a dozen others). I think I just keep them friends for laughs.

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Ok, just came from my facebook. A post from a friend of mine just read:

"uh oh, just came from the planetarium and they were going into evolution! Gonna have some explaining to do on the way home".

Another friend replies: "that's why I am planning a trip with the kids to the creation museum".


God. No.

As an ex-YEC, anything that remotely smacks of that ideology instantly raises my blood-pressure to a stressed-out-at-work level.

Wow. Now I'm in a rotten mood. Good thing I'm just about to listen to some hypnobirth relaxation stuff with my wife....

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This is from a friend, he's not at all fundie, but apparently has gotten REALLY religious recently (very recently, I was the DD for his bachelor party, trust me, this is new):

"Twas the month before Christmas, When all through our land, Not a Christian was praying Nor taking a stand. See the PC Police had taken away, The reason for Christmas - no one could say. The children were told by their schools not to sing About Shepherds and Wise Men and Angels and things. It might hurt people's feelings, the teachers would say December 25th is just a ' Holiday '. Yet the shoppers......... were ready with cash, checks and credit Pushing folks down to the floor just to get it! CDs from Madonna, an X BOX, an I-Pod Something was changing, something quite odd! Retailers promoted Ramadan and Kwanzaa In hopes to sell books by Franken & Fonda. As Targets were hanging their trees upside down At Lowe's the word Christmas - was no where to be found. At K-Mart and Staples and Penny's and Sears You won't hear the word Christmas; it won't touch your ears. Inclusive, sensitive, Di-ver-si-ty Are words that were used to intimidate me. Now Daschle, Now Darden, Now Sharpton, Wolf Blitzen On Boxer, on Rather, on Kerry, on Clinton !At the top of the Senate, there arose such a clatter To eliminate Jesus, in all public matter. And we spoke not a word, as they took away our faith Forbidden to speak of salvation and grace The true Gift of Christmas was exchanged and discarded The reason for the season, stopped before it started. So as you celebrate 'Winter Break' under your 'Dream Tree' Sipping your Starbucks, listen to me. Choose your words carefully, choose what you say Shout MERRY CHRISTMAS , not Happy Holiday ! Please, all Christians join together and wish everyone you meet MERRY CHRISTMAS Christ is The Reason' for the Christ-mas Season!"

I know it's just a copy and paste thing, but he's always posting crap like this now and it irked me so I blocked him from my news feed.

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I've been seeing a LOT of God crap lately. I think it's time for another cull.

Problem is, I don't really talk to anyone from my hometown anymore...

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AARGH! I would never use FB at all if I had to put up with some of these, especially the dire Xmas thing.

I defriend very rarely but I df'd someone for a vigorous defence of North Korea, someone for praising dissident republicans in Northern Ireland (that shit is risky) and two people for praising Scottish fascist organisations.

I do have one fundy on my facebook but she doesn't post anything like that drivel, just stuff about her canning fruits, or having a nice weekend. She has a mixed group of pals and does not want to offend anyone.

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I only have a bunch of fundie-lites, and one kook who derails all of my statuses to go on about how all women, upon turning 16, should leave school and immediately have 5-7 kids, and how society now isn't conducive to that, and how he thinks public schools should be run (ie, they're completely fucking useless and should be done away with).

It should be noted that he dropped out of college, so fuck him and his possibly drug-addled nonsense.

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Unfortunately I don't have any fun fundies on my FB page :( . I had a guy from high school who is a massive super-republican king of the world type, and he was making me crazy with his rants and nasty jokes about Obama, and was constantly posting those cartoons with Obama in a headscarf, ect, then he and his he-man friends would all laugh about it. My blood pressure couldn't take it so I de-friended him.

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The person who posted this is always posting religious things that border on the cray-cray.

Feel free to share your own lolFacebook fundie madness.

Why is she taking chemistry? That seems like a useless subject to someone who is spending 2 free hours with Jesus.

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Anyway, I don't have any fundie friends. I have a few friends and family members who are Christian Conservatives, and very patriotic. So I'll see the reposts advocating for have a "God-led country" and saying "One nation, under God" in the pledge of allegiance (along with Obama hate posts). At this point, I stay away from people reposting stuff on their statuses, though. I wouldn't consider these people crazies, though.

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OMG!!1! Cute kitty!!1! :shock: :happy-smileyflower::music-deathmetal::romance-heartbeating::romance-hearteyes::romance-heartsfade::romance-heartsthree::romance-heartstiny:


umm.. I'm ok now. Sometimes my squee gets control of me. :oops:

Yes, that is my favorite kitty video, I posted it on my FB a few weeks ago. I love my cats but don't you wish sometimes they could stay kitties forever?

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Why is she taking chemistry? That seems like a useless subject to someone who is spending 2 free hours with Jesus.

She is a science major, I think biochemistry. She is one of those ultra-conservative homeschoolers who shined when they hit college. There are a lot of those at my community college! Her sense of superiority (and that of all the straight A homeschoolers in my classes) is quite stunning. At one point she hinted that she was getting better grades than K and I because of prayer. I called her out a little ("you think I don't pray? I guess you did not learn about Judaism in your homeschool") and she got all flustered and said I was not praying to the right person because all requests must be put through Jesus.

K and I both have large families and jobs; I prefer to think that is the cause of a lower test score. Oh, and the Christian girl bought a packet of the professor's former tests on the college black market and refused to share with anyone; this prof only minimally changes the tests, so that could have something to do with it. And really, a 2-4% difference is small enough that she can take her religion and put it where the sun don't shine.

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K and I both have large families and jobs; I prefer to think that is the cause of a lower test score. Oh, and the Christian girl bought a packet of the professor's former tests on the college black market and refused to share with anyone; this prof only minimally changes the tests, so that could have something to do with it. And really, a 2-4% difference is small enough that she can take her religion and put it where the sun don't shine.

Yes, having a family and going to school is not easy, I give you a lot of credit, don't think I could do it. And a 2-4% difference isn't worth mentioning. And isn't it a form of cheating to buy old tests? WWJD? :think:

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I would classify buying tests as a moral gray area. It does not give more of an advantage than, say, Kaplan courses for the SAT or MCAT. I certainly have asked people in the early morning class what was on the test, etc. So many people do these things and most profs grade on a curve, so you are putting yourself at a disadvantage if you refuse any information that might give you an edge.

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I know we considered our sorority's test bank "cheating" and as a teacher myself, I don't see how it could be considered otherwise. Tests are meant to assess and evaluate what is being taught, not only what can be included in one test.

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Is this not Dougie's new movie?

Teabagger 1 (referring to a local group of Tea Party homeschoolers) : A group of women dedicated to the FREEDOM and LIBERTY of our children and our children's children. We will not be content , while our BEAUTIFUL REPUBLIC is stripped of freedom daily. WE WILL PRAY, We will do our research! We will get involved!

Teabagger 2: I have a DVD, IndoctriNation about our kids and the educational system in the U.S. You may borrow it to show to your group if you wish.

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Ok, just came from my facebook. A post from a friend of mine just read:

"uh oh, just came from the planetarium and they were going into evolution! Gonna have some explaining to do on the way home".

Another friend replies: "that's why I am planning a trip with the kids to the creation museum".


The creation museum in Glen Rose, Tx was great fun! Though we did try to keep an eye on the exits and refrain from making eye contact with the staff. If any of y'all live close enough for a day trip, give it a go. A stroll in Dinosaur Park afterwards helps the lingering creepy vibes wear off.

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I've got one uberfundie on mine, with the liking the KJV and Vision Forum. Most of the time, she's pretty benign, but once she posted a video of a muslim street singer in France who was *awful*, and another man got up and whacked him with a chair. She commented how she thought the French were so tolerant. I had to chime in (having lived there after all) that the man who did the whacking, from what he looked like, was also likely Muslim from N. Africa and how there are laws on who can sing in the streets, etc. (not that he was right, he was clearly a con). She ended up somehow tying it to all the silly French women who didn't want to stay home and have BABEEZ and how that was the downfall of French culture. That kicked off a long discussion. Despite the fact that she's deluded, she is fairly intelligent so usually she doesn't blather on long about things, just states her case and leaves it there. She is also polite enough not to tell me I'm wrong and thanked me for my perspective. I did not inform her that France is barely a nominally Christian nation--it's more likely 99% secular. The french scoff at the deluded Christians in the US. Being Catholic is OK, though, as long as you don't evangelize. They are all about personal rights.

I also have a former student who is a very conservative Catholic now, though she grew up Lutheran. She posts links to articles all the time about how evil birth control is, abortion, etc. but she is very intelligent and can discuss without berating. We won't ever agree, but she is always respectful. I don't agree with her choices, but they are hers to have. I know I won't change her mind on some political issues, so I don't argue them. When she steps on my turf and begins arguing my issues, I politely tell her I disagree. Then my friends tear her a new one as is their right. :)

I have a friend who works for Focus on the Family. Occasionally, he gets irked with something political I write, but he is always respectful to me as well. He has even said things like "if you are friends with Clarinetpower, you must be a cool person." We won't agree, but he still respects me, and I him. And he's a hell of a trumpet player. Still plays weekly in a jazz band at a bar in CO. Good looking guy, too. Too bad he's nearly 40 and never had a girlfriend. Ah, conservative Christianity.

Have a few other fundie-light friends, but for the most part they are all respectful of my very different views.

All except for one great aunt who told me my muslim friends would come into my house with machetes and kill me just for being an infidel. Yeah, she's a piece of work. But then again, according to her, everything I do is wrong, from choosing paint colors in my kitchen to how I make my meatballs. She's a lot like my grandma (they are sisters.) I wish I could unfriend her, or could go back in time and not accept it in the first place, like my cousins did.

*edited because I always forget that FJ uses the brackets instead of the little pointy jobs in their html.

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On a discussion started by someone complaining about the pornography and gory images Facebook is now "allowing"...never mind that the article that was linked to was talking about HACKERS hacking user's accounts (which they do due to weak passwords). I contended it's the user's fault for not having stronger passwords or common sense.


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