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Unmarried Fundies 12: They Should Set Up Fundie Mingle

Coconut Flan

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17 minutes ago, justmy2cents said:

I can relate. I enjoy a good pair of shoes too!! 🤣

I bet his are tennis shoes. I admit, I’m not a shoe collector. So I sometimes roll my eyes at both men and women who have hundreds of pairs of shoes. When men collect shoes, it’s usually very expensive since tennis shoes. But women can collect all kinds. 

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Going by apparent comfort levels with each other, I would have guessed 2 brides and a male attendant 😂 

(Not implying same-sex attraction in the slightest, but that in typical fundie tradition, the couple has clearly followed the “don’t think about sex or be alone with anyone of the opposite sex that you could do it with” to such a degree that they look awkward together, no matter how much they might actually be attracted to their new spouse)

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Their engagement photo showed them 2 feet apart. She looked very smitten, so did he.

He has his arm around her in one of the wedding photos and she is really squeezed up close to him at the wedding breakfast.

It was a large wedding with at least 6 bridesmaids. The bride wore a headcovering,  but none of the bridesmaids. 

Are the Parfitts  Brethern or a kind of Mennonite?

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I hate no touch courtships so much. People who are getting married are meant to touch each other. It’s natural. Forcing them not to us completely unnatural. 

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55 minutes ago, raayx01 said:

Danielle seewald is engaged to lawson Howard

She’s the oldest Seewald to get married at the ripe old age of 24 🫠

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5 hours ago, JermajestyDuggar said:

She’s the oldest Seewald to get married at the ripe old age of 24 🫠

How old was Jessica when she remarried? 

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Posted (edited)
1 minute ago, marmalade said:

How old was Jessica when she remarried? 

I think she was around 22. Ben had just turned 20. And their other 2 married siblings were teens. The parents were 19 and 20 when they got married. 

Edited by JermajestyDuggar
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Just now, JermajestyDuggar said:

I think she was around 22.

For the SECOND wedding? 

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Just now, marmalade said:

For the SECOND wedding? 

Oh no that was the 1st. She must’ve been around 24 with her second marriage. 

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Just now, JermajestyDuggar said:

Oh no that was the 1st. She must’ve been around 24 with her second marriage. 

Okay, that sounds about right. She's now what, 27?

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Just now, marmalade said:

Okay, that sounds about right. She's now what, 27?

I think so. They marry young in that family. I’m sure there will be another divorce in that family in the next 5-10 years. Teens getting married have higher rates of divorce. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kendra Tierney of Catholic All Year is engaged, per her Instagram. For those who've never heard of her, she's in her mid 40's with 10 kids and she's a raging Catholic. Her husband Jim died a couple years ago from cancer. I guess it's good she's found someone else. Her kids range from about 22 to 4 and it must be hard to do that by yourself. She brings in some income but I'm also sure it would be nice to have a husband for that too. And of course it must be very lonely and sad to lose your spouse.

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8 minutes ago, Corntree said:

Kendra Tierney of Catholic All Year is engaged, per her Instagram. For those who've never heard of her, she's in her mid 40's with 10 kids and she's a raging Catholic. Her husband Jim died a couple years ago from cancer. I guess it's good she's found someone else. Her kids range from about 22 to 4 and it must be hard to do that by yourself. She brings in some income but I'm also sure it would be nice to have a husband for that too. And of course it must be very lonely and sad to lose your spouse.

I always worry about these men eho are willing to marry a woman with a ton of kids. I think of the freckled fox’s second husband Richard. I hope this guy knows what he’s in for and doesn’t expect to be her most important person in her life. Because that’s just not possible when you have 10 kids. And let’s hope he’s nice to the kids and not overly strict. Because that could go very bad. 

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Posted (edited)

So off-topic, but  US Speaker of the House Mike Johnson has the same kind of legal Covenant marriages as Jill and Derick. They're only legal in three states Arkansas, Louisiana, and Arizona. Johnson is from Louisiana.

Edited by Bluebirdbluebell
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On 5/16/2024 at 5:17 PM, Corntree said:

Kendra Tierney of Catholic All Year is engaged, per her Instagram.

Kendra's husband made mucho mucho bank and they were never hurting for money. He left her very very well provided for.  She had/has a housekeeper and nanny for the 10 kids.  She homeschooled them through grade school and as they hit middle school off they when to expensive Catholic school.

She and the hubby bought a 10 bedroom mansion in LA (Gramblewood) and extensively gutted and renovated the whole thing.  10 bedrooms turned into 4  bedrooms -- master bedroom, 1 for boys (with 3 tier bunk beds), 1 for girls (rows of beds like hospital ward) and 1 guest room. There was a communal bathroom for girls and one for boys, no privacy at all. For boys -- open locker room shower, long urial and a commode, 1 giant long sink. For girls --open locker room shower,  a commode, 1 giant long sink.  Kendra has always said she doesn't believe in  privacy for children (because... well... you know.... uh......  think fundie reasons), although her bedroom door has always had a lock.

Like Braggie H (MisforMama) she has a child she openly intensely dislikes/ hates. She has always called him Cranky Frankie since he was a baby.  This stems from the fact he cried as a baby,  She's into sleep and blanket training, although she doesn't call it that. 

She is a super shiny sparkly Catholic-er than thou, Tierneys are better than other Catholics (and everyone else) uber uber trad Catholic.  The family is Opus Dei/ Latin Mass only

She once wrote Pope Francis, and encouraged her readers to do the same, because she said he was doing something/ said something wrong, and she wanted him know it was wrong and to stop it. She actually posted the letter in her blog.

She is a hate read for me because she assumes she's a so much better perfect Catholic than the rest of us because we're doing it wrong wrong wrong (i.e., not like her). And she doing it perfectly right.

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On 4/15/2024 at 12:32 PM, dawn9476 said:

Norma, who is 30 and divorced, is engaged to a 21-year-old Grey Smith on Fundie wiki. Do we know the story there? And why is a 30-year-old divorced woman marrying a 21-year-old?

I was curious and so I snooped on her public instagram. One of the comments mentioned that their relationship began in the gym. Maybe she is marrying her trainer? 

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On 5/17/2024 at 8:04 PM, Red Hair, Black Dress said:

Kendra's husband made mucho mucho bank and they were never hurting for money. He left her very very well provided for.  She had/has a housekeeper and nanny for the 10 kids.  She homeschooled them through grade school and as they hit middle school off they when to expensive Catholic school.

She and the hubby bought a 10 bedroom mansion in LA (Gramblewood) and extensively gutted and renovated the whole thing.  10 bedrooms turned into 4  bedrooms -- master bedroom, 1 for boys (with 3 tier bunk beds), 1 for girls (rows of beds like hospital ward) and 1 guest room. There was a communal bathroom for girls and one for boys, no privacy at all. For boys -- open locker room shower, long urial and a commode, 1 giant long sink. For girls --open locker room shower,  a commode, 1 giant long sink.  Kendra has always said she doesn't believe in  privacy for children (because... well... you know.... uh......  think fundie reasons), although her bedroom door has always had a lock.

Like Braggie H (MisforMama) she has a child she openly intensely dislikes/ hates. She has always called him Cranky Frankie since he was a baby.  This stems from the fact he cried as a baby,  She's into sleep and blanket training, although she doesn't call it that. 

She is a super shiny sparkly Catholic-er than thou, Tierneys are better than other Catholics (and everyone else) uber uber trad Catholic.  The family is Opus Dei/ Latin Mass only

She once wrote Pope Francis, and encouraged her readers to do the same, because she said he was doing something/ said something wrong, and she wanted him know it was wrong and to stop it. She actually posted the letter in her blog.

She is a hate read for me because she assumes she's a so much better perfect Catholic than the rest of us because we're doing it wrong wrong wrong (i.e., not like her). And she doing it perfectly right.

I didn't know all of that, but yeah, except for her husband dying, Kendra had the "perfect" Catholic life. Actually, even her husband dying gives her brownie points b/c Catholics love suffering and she seems to be handling it super well. And the family believes Jim bypassed purgatory b/c right before he died he had confession and the Eucharist.

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On 5/16/2024 at 4:17 PM, Corntree said:

Kendra Tierney of Catholic All Year is engaged, per her Instagram. For those who've never heard of her, she's in her mid 40's with 10 kids and she's a raging Catholic. Her husband Jim died a couple years ago from cancer. I guess it's good she's found someone else. Her kids range from about 22 to 4 and it must be hard to do that by yourself. She brings in some income but I'm also sure it would be nice to have a husband for that too. And of course it must be very lonely and sad to lose your spouse.

I was thinking the fiancé would be a widower, but no, he’s DIVORCED! But don’t worry, his marriage that produced four kids was annulled, so it never really happened.

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5 minutes ago, JDuggs said:

I was thinking the fiancé would be a widower, but no, he’s DIVORCED! But don’t worry, his marriage that produced four kids was annulled, so it never really happened.

So if it was annulled, are his children considered bastards?

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56 minutes ago, JermajestyDuggar said:

So if it was annulled, are his children considered bastards?

Apparently not.



...an annulment has no effect whatsoever on the legitimacy or illegitimacy of the children born from a particular union. Children either are or are not illegitimate, regardless of whether an annulment is granted or not.

Most of the time, even when an annulment is granted, the children are still legitimate. This is because canon law specifies that “Children conceived or born of a valid or putative marriage are legitimate” (CIC 1137). “An invalid marriage is called putative if it has been celebrated in good faith by at least one of the parties, until both parties become certain of its nullity” (CIC 1061 §3). This means that as long as oneof the parties thought they were being married, all of the children born of that union will be legitimate.


OTOH, the technical term for a divorced adult who then annuls their previous legal marriage is ASSHOLE.

Considering he's marrying Kendra you could say that it takes one to know one.

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5 minutes ago, hoipolloi said:

Apparently not.

OTOH, the technical term for a divorced adult who then annuls their previous legal marriage is ASSHOLE.

Considering he's marrying Kendra you could say that it takes one to know one.

I would just love to know what his kids think of Kendra. 

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Posted (edited)

My questions are:

1) Does he have custody of the 4 kids?

2) Where are they going to put the 4 extra ones?

Two of Kendra's are in college but home for the summer.  There aren't extra bedrooms to house the 4 extras.

I guess that's what happens when you turn 10 bedrooms into 4.  

Oh and even though Kendra is mid-40s she doesn't use NFP or anything else. Never. Ever. Never. Not even the last year when Jim was very ill. She's always said it's just too much trouble to track cycles and days. Plus (TMI warning) she said she liked being able to jump Jim's sexy bones whenever she wanted.

So technically she could have #11 with the new hubby. 

Edited to add -- I'm surprised she's engaged less than 2 years after Jim's death (July 2022). Seems rather quick to me to begin dating and get serious enough to marry again.

Edited to add again-- Cheese n' rice is she tone deaf!!!!!!  The wedding is in July, literally the anniversary month of Jim's death. What  -- she couldn't wait until Aug or Sept??!!??

Edited by Red Hair, Black Dress
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44 minutes ago, JermajestyDuggar said:

I would just love to know what his kids think of Kendra. 

And of getting 10 new siblings. Four kids is normal... Ten is big even for people from populations that have large families. 14 I wouldn't call a mega family, but one more blessing and it will be.

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