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Disobedient Women


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Has anyone here read Sarah Stankorb's Disobedient Women yet? The author is the same journalist who wrote the Vice article about Doug Wilson's cult that made him pitch a fit. Her book traces the usual Evangelical scandals (Gothard, Phillips and VF, the SBC, CJ Mahaney and SGM) but she leans especially heavily on Wilson and Moscow. 

A few familiar faces make an appearance:

Geoff Botkin and his weird YouTube videos (I would give a great deal to read that letter)






The ever popular question about where did all VF's money go?




There's a lot of emphasis on how unsafe the Kirkers make themselves to outsiders, or those who leave. She also gets interviews with whoever is running the "Exposing Doug Wilson" Facebook and Twitter pages. She goes by the pseudonym "Priscilla and Aquilla."









I think it's a well researched book. She spends a lot of time discussing the community of bloggers who have been following church abuse scandals for decades (Wartburg Watch, Spiritual Sounding Board, etc.) I doubt it will affect anyone it needs to affect, but it's good to have continued documentation of, especially, Wilson's shady indiscretions.

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Bought the kindle version & am reading it now. 

I was very impressed by her article on the Wilson Cult in Vice so I'd been waiting for her book to come out.

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Finished reading it the very day I heard a pastor preach on how we must re-learn the loving ways we act when we’re very young.  Wonderful sermon - and the Gospel was Matthew 18, where the lead character says, among other things, “If your eye causes you to sin, pluck your eye out.”  Not “condemn a woman wearing a sundress for ‘causing’ you to think lustful thoughts.”

And who was that speaker? Jesus of Nazareth, His very own self!

I have a sliver of hope for my religion in America. We may be able to “take it back” from the other guys, after all. 

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