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Carlin and Evan 13: Living on SM Income

Coconut Flan

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As usual, I didn't really want to do it, but I'm sitting here doing some work paperwork and of course their new video was up.

I can't even attempt to summarize properly.  It's like watching 16 year olds and it's disturbing to me that they have children and want more children. They are freakishly immature.

They provide a couple minute health update (with very few details) midway through the video that turned into a jesus pitch...which...just ew. 

But anyway - health update highlights: she had a good 5 months, drs were talking to them about "next steps", and now the past month (?) she's having episodes "or whatever" and/or "migraines" and they're looking at changing the meds around. It was interesting to me that they sort of changed the wording of what they're saying is happening to her. Is she still having "seizures" or did that stop and she's having something different "episodes/migraines" or is she still having seizures but is having other issues? Wasn't super clear but it seems the 6 months no seizures so she can drive is off the table again. Although they seem to be avoiding the word seizure. 

Carlin actually said things are hard because they don't even have "an initial diagnosis."

Why is that? hmm? Because you haven't followed through on getting the tests done. Geez.

They talked about whether layla would go to not-homeschool school. They stated they're going to homeschool pre-k because "they have all these dr appts and 5 day hospital [test, I forget the letters, eeg?]" and all these health issues....soooo according to them it'd be easier to homeschool Layla for pre-k

Um dude! I'm pretty sure 1 hospital test for a week does not in any way impede Layla's ability to go to pre-k. And in fact. considering Carlin has major health issues - going to pre-k might really take a load off both of you.

They asked Layla if she wanted to go to school and she very enthusiastically said yes. Then carlin was like don't you want to stay home and play. And Layla was like SCHOOL!!!

Poor child. ignorance begins at home. It sounds to me like "homeschool pre-k" will be a workbook and no further attention needed to the topic. So yeah. in that way I guess it's easier. 

Carlin was whiny like a 16 year old who got a honda for their birthday buy wanted a sportscar about having more kids. I was preparing myself to see a Willy Wonka level  Veruca Salt "I want it now!" tantrum.

There were so many red flags to me through the whole video. They both sound like they need therapy. As I was thinking that, Evan said "you guys (youtube audience) are like our therapists!"  

No. Evan, get a real therapist.


They spent the last 5 minutes or so of the video hitting each other in the face with tortillas.

I am not making that up. 


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They did say at least that they have very good schools in their area so at least they are considering it. I think pre-k is slapping in an Abeka dvd. I think Layla would LOVE school! She is such a social child. 

I think they looked vulnerable and honest during the medical/more kids segment. Carlin saId she isn't ready for another but the doctor isn't opposed to it. It sounds like they are wondering if the migraine is triggering seizures. I think they are afraid to say the word seizure. They BOTH desperately need real therapy. I cannot imagine they don't have trauma from her episodes. 

 ETA The tortilla challenge is ridiculous and stupid but funny. 

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If I remember correct, they have used the term “episode” from the start. Not exclusively, seizure has also occurred earlier, but I’d say episodes is what they have used the most from start.

For them to even consider a third child at this point is reckless. 

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I think they've started to say migraine and episode a lot more and seem to be avoiding saying seizure. But they're avoiding talking about it more and more overall, which is a little strange on a youtube channel all about your private life.  I'm very curious if a Dr. has told them it's not really seizures, it might be something else. And that's why they've changed wording or if Carlin's getting upset about "seizures" because seizures are a big deal that stop her from driving etc. But migraines are "just bad headaches." 

Carlin didn't really say she wasn't ready for kids. She asked Evan several times if *he* was ready and he said "whenever she was, he's ready" over and over, which seemed to frustrate her. I think she wanted him to say YES!  Carlin seems to have defaulted back to "Ta Dah! it's magically gone away/cured" thinking (for the several good months) and when things got worse again she's becoming despondent. 

Considering the state of the world of anti-vaxxers, science deniers, etc, when they're saying their doctors are saying she's fine to have kids....I am skeptical. We have no idea which if any Drs truly said that or if the Drs said something like "if it's epilepsy, and your medication is working, then it's fine." or if they've got fundie adjacent Drs. OR 3 Drs said "nope, you better get this all figured out before even thinking about it" but 1 said "it's migraines, migraines won't hurt you." At the end of the day, they don't even have a diagnosis, so why would a Dr say more kids is fine? Seems like most Drs would say "let's wait and see" for a diagnosis, prognosis, and what medication will be necessary long term.

I hope Carlin isn't thinking Zade's pregnancy started this so another pregnancy will stop it. The old bonk them on the head to start/stop amnesia gag from sit-coms.

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I cannot imagine any doctor giving the go ahead on a pregnancy with a mother who has unresolved "episodes." Combined with her not getting tests they wanted done (non-compliance or confusion?) and migraines and she can't even drive herself around? I'm no Marcus Welby but I'd be like HELL NO, get your health figured out, then maybe like five years from now re-visit the idea. 

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19 minutes ago, fluffernutter said:

I cannot imagine any doctor giving the go ahead on a pregnancy with a mother who has unresolved "episodes." Combined with her not getting tests they wanted done (non-compliance or confusion?) and migraines and she can't even drive herself around? I'm no Marcus Welby but I'd be like HELL NO, get your health figured out, then maybe like five years from now re-visit the idea. 

Yeah, I'm guessing it's more like the doctor's saying they don't recommend having more without at least going through the more intense testing but that they won't directly tell them "no, don't get pregnant" like the doctors probably did with Alyssa so they're taking that as a yes. 

Their refusal to do the multi-day test infuriates me! I'd love to know their real reason for not pursuing it further. 

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3 hours ago, fluffernutter said:

I cannot imagine any doctor giving the go ahead on a pregnancy with a mother who has unresolved "episodes." Combined with her not getting tests they wanted done (non-compliance or confusion?) and migraines and she can't even drive herself around? I'm no Marcus Welby but I'd be like HELL NO, get your health figured out, then maybe like five years from now re-visit the idea. 

The 5 day EEG has been on the table for about a year now. Now that she seems to be getting worse, maybe she might reconsider. Nothing they've done to this point has given her any answers. Why not try the EEG? 

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They're doing a lot of the same 'stuff' other influencer's are doing in their videos, albeit, weeks or months later, with most of it being ridiculous, weird or childish whenever it's done.

With her health, I kind of get it. They've talked about how she had some emotional issues as a teen and was told to pray it away. God takes care of everything.

Same with her episodes. I'm sure they prayed for god to take care of the problem, while also visiting doctors. That should work, as that's how they were raised. Not working? Pray harder.

Plus, it started around the birth of Zade, perhaps the hormones triggered something in the background, so maybe another pregnancy will fix it, or conversely make it worse? They have no clue, so I think she's afraid to get pregnant. The unknown can be scary and she is by no means the first person to not necessarily to want to know more, just function in the status quo, which was working, though it seems now her meds are not as effective.

They probably do (did) want one or two more kids. I watched one of her videos when Katie gave birth or just after. Said she had baby fever, but, did not want another kid yet. So, likely an internal battle, not giving Evan what he expects or what she wants? She was raised the more the better, have kids for god, yet, life is somewhat good with 2 ie. $$, travel, convenience, etc. and of course her health issues.

LOL TLDR, rambling and not sure I expressed it too well. All to say, health problems even when educated can be scary, especially the unknown. Throw in religion, especially extremism without proper education or worldly knowledge I imagine it's an absolute mind fuck.

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17 hours ago, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

They asked Layla if she wanted to go to school and she very enthusiastically said yes. Then carlin was like don't you want to stay home and play. And Layla was like SCHOOL!!!

Lots of kids of that age are eager to go to school. They want to be with other kids and to learn. The whole thing about school being boring and a lot of work comes later.

Real school would be nothing but good for Layla. She’s smart and outgoing and would do well in an environment that prioritized learning. The socialization would also tone down her loudness to acceptable levels. I hope they will consider even a private Christian school for her. I can’t see these two idiots taking the time to homeschool properly.

Both of them 100% need real therapy. 

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It’s like Carlin isn’t even aware of the concept of protecting her children’s skin from the sun.




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On 7/28/2023 at 10:22 PM, mango_fandango said:

Oops, I don't wash brand-new clothing... I didn't realise you're supposed to! My mother doesn't either. I have sensitive/eczema-prone skin but haven't had any issues. Maybe I'll start washing new stuff in the future. I just worry about it shrinking!

But wouldn’t you wash it eventually and I am sure you buy stuff with the intention to wear it more than once or twice (or for a week depending on the item and when it needs to be washed). I think I most definitely would be as annoyed with it shrinking after its first wash no matter if I wore it before or not.

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Interesting when Layla last week sang Happy Birthday.......I wonder if after that they said they should've asked Layla "whose birthday is it?" To see if she would see if it's anyone who's watching. Of course they can't do a re-do with kids, lol.

  We'll see what they come up with next. Not sure how long they have to wait for that EKG test; I had a client who had to do that about 4-5 years ago, but I don't know when they started having their seizures. They were in hospital for just over a week before the in-hospital seizure happened. But Layla is 3 now; 2 more years before they have to make the "school" decision. Hopefully the EKG test can happen before that.

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@WatchingTheTireFireBurn sending you a virtual tequila shot for taking one for the team and watching that drivel

My heart hurts for Layla even at such a young age she is eager for learning and social engagement (is she fully aware of what she would be getting into?) no but she wants to jump and her parents wont even entertain the idea of letting her. 

Most parents would love to have a kid excited to go to school....

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On 7/28/2023 at 4:42 AM, Vivi_music said:

But enjoying pink and feminine stuff is not necessarily a BAD thing. I think the release of the movie, with the promo being super pink and girly has help a lot of women embrace their femininity. If it isn't your thing, okay. That is fine too. But loving and enjoying stuff that are traditionally considered feminine (because let's face, feminine and masculine colors or interests are just a damn construct), well it isn't ''diva'' or ''princessy''. I doesn't mean you are a superficial dumb blonde. At one point growing-up in the late 90's/early 2000s, I pretended to hate pink, purple or similar colors, because pink, or liking dresses, or being into make-up, or nail polish was perceived as lesser. It's so dumb that I had to hide that part of me.

Anyhow, I know the conversation started about being a ''diva'' and I agree that being entitled and spoiled is not a good character trait for anyone (either in woman nor man). But I respectfully disagree with associating a feminine movie with those traits.


As a kid I didn't want to like pink because we were told it was for princesses and divas. Since I hated those negative associations I gravitated to other colors. As a teen, I was best friends with guys and didn't care about make up.

It took me way into adulthood to get over the shame associated with pink and to admit to myself that this color in all the different hues is my favorite. I also love glitter (on nails!) and make up and nice dresses. But I travel with only the necessary and functional clothes and no make up. I love to get my hands dirty.

My personality is a mix of so called feminine and masculine character traits and I'd argue most people are like that. It took me a long time to realize it doesn't matter. Just be a good person.

Oh, I just now realized @Vivi_music wrote almost the same.

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3 hours ago, Smash! said:


As a kid I didn't want to like pink because we were told it was for princesses and divas. Since I hated those negative associations I gravitated to other colors. As a teen, I was best friends with guys and didn't care about make up.

It took me way into adulthood to get over the shame associated with pink and to admit to myself that this color in all the different hues is my favorite. I also love glitter (on nails!) and make up and nice dresses. But I travel with only the necessary and functional clothes and no make up. I love to get my hands dirty.

My personality is a mix of so called feminine and masculine character traits and I'd argue most people are like that. It took me a long time to realize it doesn't matter. Just be a good person.

Oh, I just now realized @Vivi_music wrote almost the same.

Same for me! In high school I refused to wear pink, pastels, make up, or dresses and really leaned into being “not like other girls.” But I think the culture has been waking up to that being a kind of internalized misogyny. I’m excited to see the Barbie movie cause it’s really putting this kind of thinking to rest. 

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Something that stood out to me was that Evan was shilling some sort of supplement to help him sleep. Carlin claimed to use it too. I hope that Carlin is actually telling her doctor(s) what she is taking.

I also wonder if her doctor is at the point of saying this is idiopathic and is at the patch-the-symptoms stage rather than diagnostic. 

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On 7/26/2023 at 9:31 PM, JermajestyDuggar said:

That’s because Ben Shapiro hates it and told all his humpers to hate it too. It’s so embarrassing to watch one idiot right winger tell millions of people exactly what to think and they go right along with it. 

Ah, Ben Shapiro and his never-WAP wife.

On a serious note, for those of you who mentioned eczema in regards to washing new clothes, I saw a pretty interesting study on eczema and how to shower a while back. I can't find the article atm, but the gist was that eczema patients who rinsed off with water in the shower, reserving soap only for armpits and private bits, experienced greatly reduced symptoms. Sorry if this is an overshare, but I tried this approach, and ALL my eczema spots were gone within maybe 3 months. It honestly feels miraculous. No idea if it would work for everyone, but it changed my life.

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On 7/28/2023 at 1:22 PM, mango_fandango said:

Oops, I don't wash brand-new clothing... I didn't realise you're supposed to! My mother doesn't either. I have sensitive/eczema-prone skin but haven't had any issues. Maybe I'll start washing new stuff in the future. I just worry about it shrinking!

I don't wash anything before use and I'm not about to start. I usually wear new clothes a few times before getting them dry cleaned if I can.  Washing in a machine ruins clothes, why would I ruin things I like? 

On 7/26/2023 at 2:32 PM, watchdog said:

I saw the trailer for the new "Barbie" movie & the target audience seems to be adolescent girls, the "diva" and "princess" types.  Now, I wouldn't be caught dead walking into a theater to see it, and I wouldn't pay to see it, but if it's ever streamed online it looks like something I might enjoy hate-watching at home, that is unless I was struck blind 5 minutes in by all the PINK!

Judgemental much? Wtf. 

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On 7/29/2023 at 9:46 PM, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

They asked Layla if she wanted to go to school and she very enthusiastically said yes. Then carlin was like don't you want to stay home and play. And Layla was like SCHOOL!!!

Poor child. ignorance begins at home. It sounds to me like "homeschool pre-k" will be a workbook and no further attention needed to the topic. So yeah. in that way I guess it's easier. 

The educational neglect starts early on for fundie children. And yes, not putting your child in school just because it’s more convenient for you is educational neglect in my view. 

I feel so sorry for fundie kids. They do learn to read and write and do basic math at some point, but there’s a reason you need to go to university to become a teacher. They are deprived of an education, and they are deprived of an opportunity to learn about different world views and make up their own mind (I know, from a fundie parent perspective that’s not a but, but a feature).

It is so sad and it’s a shame that in the US, a child’s right to a proper education is worth less than a fundie parent’s right religiously indoctrinate and isolate their child.


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1 hour ago, Kiki03910 said:

Ah, Ben Shapiro and his never-WAP wife.

On a serious note, for those of you who mentioned eczema in regards to washing new clothes, I saw a pretty interesting study on eczema and how to shower a while back. I can't find the article atm, but the gist was that eczema patients who rinsed off with water in the shower, reserving soap only for armpits and private bits, experienced greatly reduced symptoms. Sorry if this is an overshare, but I tried this approach, and ALL my eczema spots were gone within maybe 3 months. It honestly feels miraculous. No idea if it would work for everyone, but it changed my life.

I only use soap on parts that get sweaty/or similar.  I quit using soap on my face loooong ago and it helped with acne type issues. I do like to scrub/exfoliate with a small loofah circle. I feel like getting the old skin off is an important step when not using soap. Soap seems to help sort of break down the skin, when you don't use it, it seems like skin doesn't come off as easily.

I also have had very long hair and quit using shampoo on it. For a long time I did a baking soda then a diluted vinegar rinse. And eventually I quit doing that. Just rinsing it with water and occasionally with vinegar rinse only if I feel like there's build up. But I don't use hair products. When I first started I had incredibly oily hair and *had* to wash it every day. Now I forget to wash it and have to schedule to wash it each sunday because you can't tell it hasn't been rinsed recently - the oil doesn't build up much. The cycle of stripping the oils with shampoo does eventually seem to even out - at least for me. Makes me very skeptical of all the "oh in olden times people had yucky hair." 

5 minutes ago, GreenBeans said:

The educational neglect starts early on for fundie children. And yes, not putting your child in school just because it’s more convenient for you is educational neglect in my view. 

I feel so sorry for fundie kids. They do learn to read and write and do basic math at some point, but there’s a reason you need to go to university to become a teacher. They are deprived of an education, and they are deprived of an opportunity to learn about different world views and make up their own mind (I know, from a fundie parent perspective that’s not a but, but a feature).

It is so sad and it’s a shame that in the US, a child’s right to a proper education is worth less than a fundie parent’s right religiously indoctrinate and isolate their child.


Agreed. Although, I would have homeschooled if I possibly could have, if I had had children. Because I would have wanted to do ALL THE THINGS with them and just go crazy living life. I think traditional school would have slowed us down.

I think the US's "freedom" BS goes way too far. There should be some consistent and logical regulation of what kids learn. A lot of places it's really just a show that you have to register or turn in workbooks or whatever. But in the US, ignorant voters are valued by the power holders, so there's zero incentive to change. It's a sad thing to me. 

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2 hours ago, rebeccawriter01 said:

Something that stood out to me was that Evan was shilling some sort of supplement to help him sleep. Carlin claimed to use it too. I hope that Carlin is actually telling her doctor(s) what she is taking.

I also wonder if her doctor is at the point of saying this is idiopathic and is at the patch-the-symptoms stage rather than diagnostic. 

I have doubts they really regularly use that stuff. I think they're just doing it for endorsements. At least, I hope so. They just don't seem like supplement mix in shakes type people to me for some reason. (Too much organization/planning for people who seems to mostly eat out for their meals, drinks, and snacks.)

I guess JROD should call them up and get them hooked up with plexus. {{{shudder}}} 

I feel increasingly concerned that Carlin is the next JROD in spirit. She may not go crazy with the make up. But Carlin doesn't seem to be growing as a person - is she going to get stuck at perpetual teenager too??

Katie used to bother me but I got sucked into Katie new baby videos and she doesn't irritate me any more. Despite her husband looking like he's 12 years old, he acts like a guy in his 20s. They both seem very young, but they don't seem foolish the way Carlin and Evan do to me.

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9 hours ago, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

I have doubts they really regularly use that stuff. I think they're just doing it for endorsements. At least, I hope so. They just don't seem like supplement mix in shakes type people to me for some reason. (Too much organization/planning for people who seems to mostly eat out for their meals, drinks, and snacks.)

I guess JROD should call them up and get them hooked up with plexus. {{{shudder}}} 

I feel increasingly concerned that Carlin is the next JROD in spirit. She may not go crazy with the make up. But Carlin doesn't seem to be growing as a person - is she going to get stuck at perpetual teenager too??

Katie used to bother me but I got sucked into Katie new baby videos and she doesn't irritate me any more. Despite her husband looking like he's 12 years old, he acts like a guy in his 20s. They both seem very young, but they don't seem foolish the way Carlin and Evan do to me.

I'm sure it is 99% endorsement. It is just concerning and starts falling into the self-medication category. When trying to get diagnosed I had to do full on food diaries too, realizing that caffeine was a trigger. 

Carlin reminds me a bit of my great-aunt who was diagnosed as diabetic at 92 years old. My great aunt was told she needed to change her diet. She said she cut back to 2% milk instead of whole milk so that should do it.

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I notice that the Bates Boutique is running Google Ads. I wonder if the competition from Amazon is hurting them, plus the loss of the free publicity when the show ended.

Google Ads can be pretty pricey so I'm not sure they'd do it if business was booming.

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Carlin is getting a lot of criticism on her current insta reel for having Zade in a forward facing carseat. Also, it seems like a waste of money to pay for a professional haircut for a 1 year old.

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10 minutes ago, HereticHick said:

Carlin is getting a lot of criticism on her current insta reel for having Zade in a forward facing carseat. Also, it seems like a waste of money to pay for a professional haircut for a 1 year old.

I wonder if she gets a free kid cut if she posts about the hairstylist.. a trade of haircut for advertising?

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