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Political Memes, Comics, and other Shenanigans, Part 37


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"Fauci Pummels Paul"


You would think something like an international pandemic would be the sort of thing that unites us across political lines. And it has…in every country on the planet except this one. Here in the United States, it’s been politicized by the Right to attack the people who are working to save us, and cast them as villains.

The Right has made medical professionals, teachers, scientists, and most of all, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the bad guys throughout all of this. Dr. Anthony Fauci is the chief medical adviser on the coronavirus and director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Republicans have accused him of everything from creating mandates to shutting down businesses to murdering Beagles to creating the virus. No one has been more vile and despicable with this than Rand Paul. Every time Dr. Fauci has to testify before the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee.

In yesterday’s installment of Rand Paul’s lies and gaslighting, he accused Dr. Fauci of orchestrating a smear campaign against right-wing “academics” who opposed shutdown measures in 2020. This would be like Rand Paul laughing at Bozo the Clown’s hair. As it turns out, the emails Rand Paul was using to make his case only showed that Dr. Fauci sent colleagues a link to a Wired article debunking claims about reaching “herd immunity.”

Then, Dr. Fauci exposed Rand Paul for his attacks and raising campaign money off the pandemic.

Dr. Fauci said Rand Paul’s lies and attacks on him have endangered the lives of him and his family. Fauci pointed out the arrest of a California man in Iowa last month who police said was traveling to Washington with an AR-15 rifle and multiple magazines of ammunition. The man allegedly had a “hit list” including Fauci and several others, mostly Democratic politicians. Where do you think these people get this hatred?

A few months ago, I was in a bar on a late afternoon getting some street tacos when Dr. Fauci came on the television. The man sitting next to me started ranting about Dr. Fauci and told me the doctor was responsible for killing people and was a murderer. Yes, I called the man out, but more to the point, this gaslighting and villainization is dangerous. Most goons will be like that bar idiot, talking stupid shit he doesn’t even know anything about. But then there are the guys like the would-be assassin caught in Iowa. It’s not the first time someone was inspired by conspiracy theories to go to Washington, D.C. with a hit list. Hello? Remember Pizzagate? Do we not learn anything or do we just not care? Probably both.

Rand Paul doesn’t care if he endangers anybody’s life. This jerk roamed around the Capitol complex while waiting for the results of a COVID test. He risked infecting hundreds if not thousands of people.

Dr. Fauci brought photocopies of Rand Paul’s website and pointed out he was making money from his attacks on Fauci. The website contains a graphic saying “Fire Dr. Fauci” and Dr. Fauci pointed it, “a little box that says contribute here.”

Pointing out the details on the website, Fauci said to Rand Paul, “You can do $5, $10, $20, $100. So you are making a catastrophic epidemic for your political gain.”

Every time Fauci has to testify before this committee, Rand Paul uses it to raise his political profile with the MAGAt base. Most news outlets’ headlines on yesterday’s hearing focused on the real story, Fauci fighting back against Rand Paul. But Fox News’ headline says, “Rand Paul Rips Fauci.” Everything that goon in the taco bar knows about the coronavirus and Dr. Fauci that’s not GOP and Fox News bullshit, he learned from me.

Rand Paul responded saying it’s “disappointing for you to suggest that people who dare to question you are responsible somehow for violent threats.” Then, I’m not making this up, Rand Paul sent out another mass fundraising email with the headline, “Fauci is hysterical.”

Rand Paul said in a statement after the hearing that he was one of the lawmakers at the baseball practice in which Republican congressman Steve Scalise and others were shot in 2017. Reports showed the shooter was a Bernie fan, and Paul said, “I never once accused Senator Sanders of being responsible for the attack and I resent Fauci avoiding the question by ginning up the idea that his opponents are the cause of threats.” Except, Bernie Sanders never gaslighted or lied about Steve Scalise…if he’s ever said his name. Bernie Sanders never sent out mass fundraising emails containing debunked conspiracy theories accusing people of creating and weaponizing viruses. The Waterboy’s mama ginned up for more hate against a sport than Bernie Sanders ever has when she said, “Foosball is the devil.”

Also, the only person who said stuff that incited Rand Paul’s neighbor to kick his ass (true story) was Rand Paul. To be fair, if you lived next door to Rand Paul, you’d probably wanna kick his ass too.

Later in the hearing, Fauci was caught on his mic calling another Republican senator a “moron.”

Roger Marshall, a Republican senator from Kansas, cited a Forbes story reporting that Fauci is the highest-paid federal employee, earning $434,312 in 2020. Marshall told Dr. Fauci that he needed to disclose his personal finances to the public.

Fauci said, “I don’t understand why you’re asking me that question. “My financial disclosure is public knowledge and has been so for the last 37 years or so.”

Marshall claimed the “big tech giants” won’t let anyone see Fauci’s salary…even though the Forbes article is literally on the internet and came up on the first page of a Google search. There’s also an article in The Week, and another in the New York Post, and another on Yahoo, and another in the Daily Mail, and another in The Independent, etc, etc… Each of those articles were on the first page of my Google search. Despite all these articles, Senator Marshall said, “We’ll continue to look for it. Where would we find it?” Kansas has the internet, right?

Dr. Fauci told the Senator, “”All you have to do is ask for it. You’re so misinformed, it’s extraordinary.” And then, Dr. Fauci muttered, “What a moron. Jesus Christ.”

Marshall released a statement that calling him a “moron” didn’t change the facts about Fauci funding “gain-of-function.”
Yeah, calling Senator Roger Marshall a “moron” doesn’t change the fact that he is a moron.

If Senator Roger Marshall wants to get to the bottom of a public servant’s finances that were truly hidden, then he should have looked down the bench and questioned Rand Paul about his wife’s investment, $15,000, into the company that makes remdesivir, a drug made to treat COVID, and that they failed to report for a year and a half.
Marshall will probably never read that story because it’s on the internet.

And, they wonder why so many people want to assault them.


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3 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:


A picket line at the deepest level? You mean they're on strike in hell?

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"Give Us The Ballot"


Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell lives in an alternate reality where principles, hypocrisy, irony, and lying your ass off only apply to Democrats. If a Republican changes his mind and does the exact thing he railed on and on against previously, then you’re not supposed to remember that. In fact, they laugh about it. Gotcha!

Currently, the Senate is split between Republicans and Democrats, 50/50. Democrats control the chamber with the vote of the vice-president, Kamala Harris. But to pass anything, you need more than 51 votes. To pass any legislation, like Build Back Better or the Voting Rights Act, you need 60 votes. President Biden and Majority Leader Chuck Schumer want to change this. McConnell warns that changing this will destroy the Senate or some shit like that. The guy is adamantly against a 51 vote for anything…except for giving someone a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court.

McConnell is against changing Senate rules except when he’s for it. He changed the rules from a 60-votes-requirement to confirm a Supreme Court justice to a mere 51. Do you know how many of Trump’s three justices got 60 votes? None, because it’s really hard for lunatics, religious zealots, and rapists to get 60 votes for a lifetime appointment to the highest court in the land. If a person can’t get 60 votes, then that person doesn’t belong on the highest court in the nation. The judges of Top Chef are stricter with their voting requirements than Republicans are for lifetime appointments.

Donald Trump had three opportunities to nominate someone who was not a maniac, and three times he failed. Donald Trump shouldn’t be allowed to make his own selection from McDonald’s kids’ menu less enough three Supreme Court appointments. Call me a radical, but I believe every appointment Donald Trump made that’s still in office should be removed. Vladimir Putin shouldn’t have any influence on our government. At the very least, those three fuckers Trump and McConnell put on the Supreme Court will forever have asterisks by their names.

Also, the majority of this nation was not in favor of these three appointments. A minority of voters put Trump in the White House and Republicans in charge of the Senate. Now, three people have lifetime appointments on the Supreme Court courtesy of the whims of the most ignorant, dumbest, and racist people in this nation. This is like when you and your spouse have to eat Burger King because your kid in the backseat won’t stop screaming for nuggies.

McConnell pretends that Senate rules are sacred…until he needs to change one. In 2016, he refused to give President Barack Obama’s last Supreme Court pick a hearing based on the bullshit argument that Supreme Court justices can’t be confirmed during an election year. Then in less than two months before election day in 2020, he rammed through the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett, a true religious cultist onto the Supreme Court.

People like Joe Manchin warn that if Democrats change the filibuster rule now, then Republicans will change rules too if they resume control. But you don’t even have to be a good student of history to know they’re going to do that anyway. Duh. Democrats have got to stop letting Republicans fuck them. Look what they did with the Supreme Court.

During President Biden’s speech on voting rights, he compared those who oppose election reform to believers in racial segregation and rebels in the Civil War. He compared Republicans to Jefferson Davis, Bull Connor, and George Wallace. Despite it being a very accurate portrayal, or because of that, McConnell got his Depends into a twist and referred to President Biden’s speech as a “rant” that was “incoherent, incorrect, and beneath his office”.

Then McConnell accused President Biden of being “unpresidential” which is very interesting coming from the guy who slobbered all over the shoes of Mr. Grab-Them-By-The-Pussy for four years.

Yesterday, I saw a cartoon from a conservative using Dr. Martin Luther King Jr to make an argument for voter suppression. I always find it interesting when racists quote or use MLK for their racism as if they actually support what Dr. King stood for. But then again, they call themselves Christians while supporting throwing immigrant babies into cages.

The thing is, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr never supported voter suppression. This seems like a dumb thing to have to point out, but when racists co-opt a civil rights leader for their racist policies, I’m gonna have to point it out. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr spent his entire life fighting for voting rights and equality. There was this whole big thing about it in the 1950s and 1960s. I swear. But, Republicans, you don’t have to take it from me. Take it from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

In his speech, “Give us the Ballot,” Dr. King said, “The denial of this sacred right is a tragic betrayal of the highest mandates of our democratic tradition. And so our most urgent request to the president of the United States and every member of Congress is to give us the right to vote.”

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr argued for the ballot, not for ballots being taken away. He didn’t want laws that banned people from handing out water to voters in line. He didn’t want a law where legislatures can overrule election boards. He didn’t want laws that allowed legislatures to overturn an election if they don’t like the results. He didn’t campaign for new laws that made it harder for non-white voters to vote. Not even once. He never said, “I have a dream where all ballot boxes are removed from black-majority voting precincts and all dropoffs are banned on Sundays. And he never said we need “voting integrity” based on a bunch of bullshit lies spread by Rudy Giuliani.

I believe every Republican in the Senate should read Dr. King’s speech again. Wait? Again? I mean, for the first time.


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