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Political Memes, Comics, and other Shenanigans, Part 28


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During the Trump presidency, people like me were always asked about how easy or hard it was to create satire about Donald Trump. I just saw there’s a podcast of an interview with Andy Borowitz on that same subject. The thing is, it’s hard to satirize satire. Now that Trump’s gone, supposedly, dammit…I still have to satirize satire. There’s very little satire in this cartoon.

The only thing that’s really satirical about this cartoon is that I have Marjorie Taylor Green wearing the Qanon Shaman’s headdress or whatever the fuck that horny thing was. But the rest of it’s true to life. She is a Qanon fucknut and she believes and promotes everything listed here. She’s also a bully. Oh yeah…the worst part is, she’s a freshman member of the United States Congress. Wait. Is that the worst part or is the worst part the fact the Republican Party has incorporated and endorsed her positions? Is there still such a thing as a lunatic fringe?

Marjorie Taylor Greene isn’t just a stupid person hoodwinked by conspiracy theories. She’s a horrible person. She’s a Trump troglodyte. She bullies children.

A video has emerged of MTG stalking David Hogg, a survivor of the Parkland school shooting, as he’s walking down a street in Washington, D.C. on his way to speak to Congress. The recording made two years ago shows MTG is screaming at him about how she has a gun and calling him a coward. She wasn’t caught on a video…she made the video. She’s proud of being a bully of children.

Now, it’s come to light that she’s clicked “like” on a lot of Facebook posts about killing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and FBI agents who “turned” on Donald Trump. This is a horrible vile person being championed by Republicans.

Yesterday, MTG conducted a townhall in Dalton, Georgia when a reporter from a local TV station attempted to ask her about her beliefs and promotion of conspiracy theories and assassinations. MTG refused to answer saying, “I’m talking to my constituents.”

Then, staffers of MTG told the reporter she had caused a “disturbance” and was told to leave with her crew. It gets worse. A Sheriff’s deputy threatened to arrest the reporter for “trespassing.” It was a public townhall the reporter had been invited to attend. Someone fire that deputy. Law enforcement needs to understand and respect freedom of the press. For a bunch of constitutionalists, they sure are ignorant of the Constitution. Read it, fuckers.

So, we have a fucknut in Congress. What to do, what to do? Should she be tossed out for endorsing stupid conspiracy shit and murder? I don’t know because she won her district with over 70% of the vote and it’s not like they didn’t vote her while being ignorant of her beliefs. She campaigned on them.

Maybe, the Republican leadership can make sure she doesn’t sit on any committees. They stripped racist Steve King of all his committee assignments for stuff like questioning why white nationalism is considered a bad thing. Has MTG said anything bigoted? Yes. She believes Muslims should be barred from serving in Congress. She believes there’s a Muslim invasion happening. She believes George Soros is a Nazi. Yes, they have justification not to assign her to any committees.

What? They just put her on a committee? The EDUCATION Committee? Did Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy get confused and believe he needed to put people on the Education Committee who need an education? When asked about MTG’s crazy and dangerous views, McCarthy said he’ll “have a talk with her.” I’d like to have a talk with him.

But then again, McCarthy is fine with people who spread lies and conspiracy theories. He’s going down to Florida today to kiss Donald Trump’s ass. It was just a few weeks ago that Donald Trump sent terrorists to stage a bloody coup attempt.

Man, it truly does suck to have a Qanon follower in Congress. What? There are two of them?

Lauren Boebert is another freshman member of Congress representing a Colorado district. She’s a big fan of the Q. In an interview on a Qanon-supporting web show, she said, “Everything I’ve heard of Q, I hope that this is real because it only means America is getting stronger and better.” Later, she said she wasn’t a follower and that she was being “vague.” How was she “vague” about “hoping” the conspiracy that the government is run by a deep state of Satanic pedophiles is real? During the storming of the U.S. Capitol, Boebert tweeted locations of House members and that Pelosi had left the chamber, apparently trying to help the terrorists locate their targets. Maybe she was being “vague.”

Let’s get something straight here. Qanon is not cute. It’s not even a fringe thing anymore. It’s widespread and it’s been classified as a terror threat by the FBI. Qanon is also racist. Qanon followers consist of terrorists. The lie that Donald Trump won the election and it was stolen from him only helps support terrorists in their beliefs. Today, there are warnings from our intelligence agencies that Trump terrorists are planning more attacks. These terrorists are supported by people like Marjorie Taylor Green and Lauren Boebert. These terrorists are supported by the Republican Party and the former president (SIC!) of the United States.

Kevin McCarthy and the entire Republican Party shouldn’t “have a talk” with Marjorie Taylor Green or Lauren Boebert. They should be removed from all committee assignments and expunged from the Republican Party. For aiding terrorists, Boebert should be removed from Congress. Perhaps she should be in prison. They don’t need to be talked to. Just get rid of them.

Marjorie Taylor Green is unfortunately supported by her constituents. They don’t care she’s a nutjob, fucknut troglodyte shitweasel who believes in conspiracy theories. They don’t care she’s part of a following that supports terrorists. And even though the information that she’s a bully of children is new, I’m sure her Georgia district won’t have a problem with that either. Why not? Because they’re Republicans. This is the party supportive of Donald Trump’s baby jails.

But, perhaps Marjorie Taylor Green can be removed from Congress for endorsing murdering the Speaker. But then again, today’s Republican Party doesn’t care about sedition, insurrection, or terrorism, even when it’s aimed at them. I’m shocked they haven’t put MTG and Boebert on any intelligence committees.

These people shouldn’t be in Congress. They should be on a street corner holding a sign saying, “The end is near,” or in a relative’s attic. Or better yet, perhaps a padded room.

Every Republican should stand up and demand the removal of Qanon fucks from Congress. But then again, they should have done that with Donald Trump four years ago.


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5 minutes ago, GreyhoundFan said:

When asked about MTG’s crazy and dangerous views, McCarthy said he’ll “have a talk with her.” I’d like to have a talk with him.

I can see him getting his talking points from Susan Collins. He will tell MTG that he is "deeply disappointed" with her, then say that he talked to her. It worked so well with Donald Trump, didn't it Susan?

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9 hours ago, fraurosena said:

I'm probably a little cross-eyed after a long day of zoom-meetings at work and I first read that as Farty of Trump. :pb_lol:

So did I. It took me a minute! 

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