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Gwen Shamblin 6: Billy Madison Is Smarter than Gwen Shamblin

Coconut Flan

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She's learned exactly nothing from, "naturally thin eaters". Those people can have dinner with their family and eat something other than just a diet drink.

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A weight loss book I once read referred to “thin normalweights who used to be normal normalweights who thought they were fat.” I once worked with a woman about 5’8” tall who talked about how she used to be HUGE: 120 lbs.

Gwen has major body dysmorphia.

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Gwod's devotional today again shows how out of touch she is. She really thinks there are only two options, spending all day waiting for the growl and then only eating tiny amounts or wearing stretch clothes while binging all day long. She has such a odd relationship with life in general. 


You can reverse that old relationship with the all-day-long food lust to an all-day-long dependence on God—where you are listening to God, you are dressing for Him, and you are going to Him for your relationships and your finances. You are going to Him for everything! God’s will and His laws are better than a binge. The Heavenly Father is the True Friend, the True God, be- cause you have your mind back, your time back, your energy back,your finances under control, your relationships returned, and on and on. To transfer means to figure out how much money you were spending and how much time you were spending on planning, lusting, preparing, eating, bingeing, dressing for the food, dreaming of the food, and reading the recipe book, and then to take all that focus, time, energy, love, and passion and turn it toward the ONE TRUE GOD AND HIS KINGDOM. This is the transfer away from the antagonist and back to the true friend. You will then be giving all to a True God who is rich and does not need nor take anything from you. God takes what you give Him, multiplies it, and then He gives it all back to you. The false god takes because it is not an actual resource. The True God needs nothing and owns all things so He does not take, rob, steal, fleece, or drain you, but rather gives to you, lavishes blessings, and fills you up.


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I just ate one of the Irish Luck cupcakes my son's girlfriend made for her home baking business (Guinness chocolate cake, espresso cream cheese filling and Bailey's buttercream) and it GAVE ME QUITE A LOT, TYVM.  As in - extreme pleasure and satisfaction. :dance:

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47 minutes ago, formergothardite said:

Gwod's devotional today again shows how out of touch she is. She really thinks there are only two options, spending all day waiting for the growl and then only eating tiny amounts or wearing stretch clothes while binging all day long. She has such a odd relationship with life in general. 


Gwod obviously has no idea what moderation is. Her hair, homes, makeup, and eating all show this to be true. 

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The True God needs nothing and owns all things so He does not take, rob, steal, fleece, or drain you, but rather gives to you, lavishes blessings, and fills you up.

The True Gwod, however...   :confusion-shrug:

In her yearbook photo, I see Elizabeth and Gwen's resemblance, at least in various photos from when they both were at a healthy weight.  I wonder if this is what started Gwen's spiral into weightloss fanaticism--she gained a pound or 15 after high school, someone mentioned it, and she's been obsessing about it ever since.  As for me, I'm going to try my hand at an Irish Luck cupcake (yes, Gwen, I'll be reading the recipe book)--sounds delicious!


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21 hours ago, SJWaterford said:

I found this on her website. Is 20 lbs all the overweight she really was? 

A 20 pound gain would put Gwen close to an ideal body weight. Body dysmorphia indeed.

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Prosperity Gospel from Gwod today. Reading between the lines she seems to be saying that if you don't follow her rules God will curse you. 


The Bible talks about the earthly nature versus the heavenly nature, the fleshly desires versus the heavenly desires, and pleasing God or self:
Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Galatians 6:7-8
We must live to please God, not ourselves—but the incredible, divinely designed paradox is… if you please God, you are blessed; if you please your flesh, you are ironically destroying yourself. Go figure! I am continually in bewilderment at His brilliance.

Today's picture is of her doing that ridiculous point up pose she constantly does. It seems so over the top fake. 




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On 3/6/2019 at 5:17 PM, SJWaterford said:


Has no one in this girl’s life ever showed her how to do her hair?! Yikes!

On 3/6/2019 at 5:24 PM, Hane said:

A weight loss book I once read referred to “thin normalweights who used to be normal normalweights who thought they were fat.” I once worked with a woman about 5’8” tall who talked about how she used to be HUGE: 120 lbs.

Gwen has major body dysmorphia.

I have often wondered if body dismorphia might be her root issue. How sad for her and for those who buy into her nonsense. 

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1 hour ago, formergothardite said:

Prosperity Gospel from Gwod today. Reading between the lines she seems to be saying that if you don't follow her rules God will curse you.


I mean, Gwen directly told me that if I don’t listen to God’s teaching he will curse me by taking away everything I value and love and by sending me to hell. She may not write it down in her devotionals, but she does believe that God will curse you for disobedience.

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4 hours ago, RFsurvivor said:

I mean, Gwen directly told me that if I don’t listen to God’s teaching he will curse me by taking away everything I value and love and by sending me to hell. She may not write it down in her devotionals, but she does believe that God will curse you for disobedience.

Well I'm that person who'd tell her.........I'll take my chances. God doesn't have time to curse me, her peeps have left him no time for anyone else. 


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the incredible, divinely designed paradox is… if you please God, you are blessed; if you please your flesh, you are ironically destroying yourself. Go figure! I am continually in bewilderment at His brilliance.

God is so smart!  He made sure that if you eat a great dinner and liked it you will DESTROY YOURSELF! all hail God!

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If you worship The Growl God will give you happies. That is today's message from Gwod. This whole "hoarding more than you need is bad" only seems to apply to food, not stuff. Gwen can hoard all her clothing and material things and it is fine, but if you eat that extra cookie God will curse you. God only cares about excess food, he does not care if the rest of your life is nothing but excess like Gwen's is. 


And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. Hebrews 11:6

God rewards you when you wait on Him and depend on Him for everything. It is all about depending on and waiting on God to supply your need. Isaiah 40:31 says, “but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”
If you will wait on and obey God and not overindulge yourself— which means you do not intentionally eat beyond full, you do not gorge yourself or hoard the food—there will be a reward for you. We call these rewards “happies” or jewels. God is that personal, and you will know that it is from a personal God because only He knows your individual and specific wishes. Again, recompense will always be awaiting you if you are laying down an idol (stopping when you are full). One of the most important assignments is to connect obedience and rewards—and then record. Wait for the Reward and then Record!


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4 hours ago, formergothardite said:

God is that personal, and you will know that it is from a personal God because only He knows your individual and specific wishes.

He's not a genie in a bottle. He doesn't grant wishes Gwen. 

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One of the most important assignments is to connect obedience and rewards—and then record. Wait for the Reward and then Record!

I'm trying to follow this devotional.  Assignments?  Reward and Record?  Is there some sort of points system when successfully starving at Remnant Fellowship?  We call these rewards “happies” or jewels. 

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7 hours ago, formergothardite said:

...you do not intentionally eat beyond full, you do not gorge yourself or hoard the food—there will be a reward for you. We call these rewards “happies” or jewels.

Here is an untapped marketing idea. Gwen should make her own grown-up sticker chart. Every time you ignore your body's signals you get a sticker or better yet, call them "happies". 

7 hours ago, formergothardite said:

One of the most important assignments is to connect obedience and rewards—and then record. Wait for the Reward and then Record!

After recording your weekly "happies", tally them up and start waiting for your reward!

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I find it so very very bizarre that the people in RF manage to think they’re in a mainstream Christian denomination.
Happies? Rewards? Jewels? God rewards you if you’re skinny?

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2 hours ago, bea said:

I find it so very very bizarre that the people in RF manage to think they’re in a mainstream Christian denomination.

They don't whatsoever.  They literally and constantly mock mainstream Christianity.  They even call it 'mainstream Christianity" when they mock it and distance themselves from it.

Rather, they are a 'remnant' who is much different from mainstream Christianity.  The dietitian somehow became 'the' theological powerhouse of our time and her religion is the one true religion and Remnant is the one true church.  All others are counterfeit.  Everyone else got it wrong.  Gwen got it right.

So people in RF don't think they are a mainstream Christian denomination.  They think they're special.

And Gwen thinks she's very, very special.

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3 hours ago, bea said:

I find it so very very bizarre that the people in RF manage to think they’re in a mainstream Christian denomination.
Happies? Rewards? Jewels? God rewards you if you’re skinny?

I’m not sure they think they are mainstream. I think they believe they set apart and better than mainstream denominations. Sorry just realized that worsethan1thinks already said this. And much better than me. Apologies

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22 minutes ago, WorseThan1Thinks said:

The dietitian somehow became 'the' theological powerhouse of our time and her religion is the one true religion and Remnant is the one true church.  All others are counterfeit.  Everyone else got it wrong.  Gwen got it right.


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