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:think: :confusion-scratchheadyellow: :confusion-shrug: Okay, I give up. Can you give me the answer based your parents interpretation of the Bible now Jocelyn?

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I think it means that she has no idea how venn diagrams work.

Ouch. That made my eyes (and head) hurt. She really has no idea how a Venn diagram works.

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I think it means that Judaism and Christianity teach very little of what YVHV (or whatever she said) meant to say. They teach lots of made up shit basically. At least, I think that's what she's saying.

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I think Kelsey has hit the nail on the head. She is explaining why she is faux Jew and yet munching on a roast beef and cheddar as she writes.

One thing the OT is clear on: the name of God is never to be written or spoken casually. I am always shocked at people that care to put a dash in God, which is not His name in Judaeochristian tradition, but will be so callous in throwing around the real deal. God is nowhere near as sacred as the term she uses.

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Total SODRT fail.

Venn diagrams are quite literally an elementary school skill. And it amazes me that people in the comments think her post is excellent.

It pains me.

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I think she chose a really poor example to explain her venn diagram mastercard ad. "Don't boil a kid in its mother's milk" is not hard to understand. I think the christian interpretation of that verse would also be a literal one, they just don't think it's relevant. And if jews interpret it to mean that you shouldn't mix meat and dairy, well...she's supposed to be a torah follower, right? Her conclusion doesn't support her own manufactured belief system.

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Someone asked her if it's a Venn diagram, and she says it's not meant to be one. Her posts seem to be getting increasingly senseless and I'm puzzled how many sycophants she has. Anyway the bottom line is the usual: both Christians and Jews have been doing it wrong for thousands of years, the Dixons are the only holders of the truth. I don't get how she applies the precept either-by not boiling young animals *literally* in their own mothers' milk? That's easy enough to avoid. It does come across like "I enjoy cheeseburgers way too much to bother."

I'm also wondering why she doesn't talk about her engagement more-after all, isn't marriage supposed to be the by- all and end-all of her life?

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It does look like a Venn diagram. When I looked at it I thought it was deliberate, only a tiny portion of each religion touches "YHVH's Truth". Which is what she's saying, right? I love how the poll is color coded so that you know the right answer to pick. :D

Though, ironically, I would have picked her favored answer even without the color coding. So does that make me *not* a clueless and unthinking Christian in her book?

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Someone asked her if it's a Venn diagram, and she says it's not meant to be one. Her posts seem to be getting increasingly senseless and I'm puzzled how many sycophants she has. Anyway the bottom line is the usual: both Christians and Jews have been doing it wrong for thousands of years, the Dixons are the only holders of the truth. I don't get how she applies the precept either-by not boiling young animals *literally* in their own mothers' milk? That's easy enough to avoid. It does come across like "I enjoy cheeseburgers way too much to bother."

I'm also wondering why she doesn't talk about her engagement more-after all, isn't marriage supposed to be the by- all and end-all of her life?

Yeah, I didn't get her response to that comment. Not a Venn diagram, overlapping circles are "fun." But it COULD be interpreted to mean something deeper! Based on that alone, I would not hire her to do web design for me.

Also, yeah when are she and Leandro (that's the one, right?) gonna get hitched?

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I think Kelsey has hit the nail on the head. She is explaining why she is faux Jew and yet munching on a roast beef and cheddar as she writes.

One thing the OT is clear on: the name of God is never to be written or spoken casually. I am always shocked at people that care to put a dash in God, which is not His name in Judaeochristian tradition, but will be so callous in throwing around the real deal. God is nowhere near as sacred as the term she uses.

This always gets me too. I don't understand why people put a dash in "God", because that's just an English word to describe the thing we are talking about; it is not God's name. I know some people do it out of tradition (and just how old and widespread is that tradition? Do Jews do it every language?); my Conservative Jewish friend does it and she is not particularly religious.

On the other hand, I also don't think that "YHVH" is the real deal either -- it's just an approximation written in the Roman alphabet. But geez, I hope no one happily throws around "YHVH" while simultaneously putting a dash in "God". That's just silly. Edited to add: and it's certainly closer to sacred than the word "god"!

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When writing lately, I like to clarify just WHICH god I mean. I always thought it was stupid to put a dash in 'god' when it's not his/her real name! (if there is a god!)

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This always gets me too. I don't understand why people put a dash in "God", because that's just an English word to describe the thing we are talking about; it is not God's name. I know some people do it out of tradition (and just how old and widespread is that tradition? Do Jews do it every language?); my Conservative Jewish friend does it and she is not particularly religious.

On the other hand, I also don't think that "YHVH" is the real deal either -- it's just an approximation written in the Roman alphabet. But geez, I hope no one happily throws around "YHVH" while simultaneously putting a dash in "God". That's just silly. Edited to add: and it's certainly closer to sacred than the word "god"!

My mom does it but for her it's symbolic. She says it's because we cannot ever comprehend God and she doesn't want to reduce him to just a word on paper. I guess it's just a reminder to herself - it's not the traditional reason. Nobody else in our family adds the dash.

Aish.com does not do it, and they are a very orthodox website. So yeah, opinions differ on this one, especially if the word is simply written online and not on paper (because if God' name is written on paper and then thrown in the trash or something, that would be disrespectful).

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Jocelyn isn't giving us all the juicy details of her courtship because there are no juicy details. It's a proper courtship. They aren't in love. They haven't even met yet if I'm not mistaken, and probably don't chat too much unsupervised. I really can't imagine :(

But these two things combined make me wonder how the Dixons regard Leviticus 15 i.e. how they do the "family purity" thing. Since they don't just do things the Jewish way, but follow the Torah the way YHVH meant without any of those complicated traditions of man...

Anything a menstruating Dixon (correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't see anything about this applying only to married women) sits on is unclean, her bed is unclean, her clothes are unclean, and anyone (it does not appear to say "man", so this may mean other women too, but since women aren't always counted as people it's hard to tell) who touches these things is unclean until they wash their clothes, bathe, and the sun sets. Interestingly enough, it appears she may not have to count seven days after the bleeding stops, and no need for a mikvah or a bath either. However, should she for some unfortunate reason bleed for several days at a time and it isn't her period, then she must count seven days after the discharge stops, and bring Daddy Dixon either two pigeons or two doves to sacrifice as atonement.


(I'm guessing in reality they kind of ignore this, except for the prohibition on sex, because "ceremonially unclean" probably doesn't have much meaning in DIY religion with no temple)

ed. to rephrase something

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well, i was unaware that True Jews could do the part about sacrificing doves or whatnot also, as well- there is no temple.. I mean theres alot of rules that Jews simply cant do at this current juncture so anything else thats in its place is at best a temporary thing?

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well, i was unaware that True Jews could do the part about sacrificing doves or whatnot also, as well- there is no temple.. I mean theres alot of rules that Jews simply cant do at this current juncture so anything else thats in its place is at best a temporary thing?

You're right about that. I don't know a lot of the intricacies, but modern Jews don't do sacrifices because there is no Temple, and maybe there are other reasons I don't know. The Dixons aren't trying to be Jewish though, or Christian. They are trying to do what "YHVH says", regardless of religion. That is, they interpret the Bible however they please. I am a huge Torah fan and in fact I do the same thing. I use the Bible for some of my spiritual practice and I interpret it the way I want to. It's even fluid to me. I am, in the fact, the Queen of religion mixing, whoo boy, you guys don't even know.

The difference is, I don't think I'm doing it the One Right Way and everyone should follow me -- when it comes to religion, I don't think there is a One Right Way.

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I have no idea and it simply doesn't apply to me. I am free from the law. Jesus boiled the kid in the milk for me.

The way this is worded, it brought to my mind images of Jesus boiling a small child in milk.

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